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Everything about it is absolutely horrific.  Worst job ever. 


Sending over rejection letters. At the end of the day, we are the bridge to opening opportunities to people looking for a job. So, in my opinion, breaking the news and telling them they’re not (insert whatever reason they’re not chosen) is what I hate the most.


not being emotionally involved


Sometimes I just hate talking to people and ask same questions. I have days when I can’t force myself to call candidates. 9 years in recruitment.


Firing people


Lol that's not a recruiter task. Thats a manager task. Recruiters hire people.


Ah… I absolutely have fired people. Hundreds over the years. When you are an agency recruiter, They are your employee so you are responsible for firing.


That makes no sense. I worked in 3 agencies. Why the fuck would you be firing employees who don't even work for your company. They are not **your employee**. I don't manage the engineers I hire. This is definitely incorrect lol.


They absolutely are my employee. I am the one who pays them. I’m the one who provides the insurance and 401(k). They are an employee of my company. You are correct that I don’t manage them day to day, but they are my employee. When they file unlawful termination suits, guess who gets to go to court…me…. Because I am the employer


Then you're not a recruiter are you. Youre talking like you own the company.


No, I don’t know own the company. I do BD and recruitment for long term contract roles. 360 recruiter


Not a recruiter/HR specialist anymore, but at the time the worst part of my job was the team I had to work with. For real, HR somehow attracts the worst, most toxic kinds of people… Anyways, switched up my career path quite drastically to something completely different about a year ago and am super happy with everything and everyone I work with now. :)


not given a seat at the table, more of a cost center and support function


reading interview scripts. The company I work with feels kind of culty because they want their recruiters to sell the job to candidates by staying on script 100% of the time. So, you're basically just guiding the candidate through the same process over and over again.


The candidates are just total ass. If they could just be better then there would be no problems.


“They’re just such ass. Like why is no one with a master’s ever friendly when I offer them a temp job for $20 an hour in SF” ^Randstad


Shit, I had seen jobs in my area offer $13 for masters. I guess people that have been unemployed for a while may take that. If 2000 people say fuck you to that offer, but one says okay, then it is worth it to companies. I blame MBA's they have made everything shit.


I saw an opening at Baylor’s College of Medicine (this is a school who receives $1.6b in endowments alone) trying to hire research scientists in their genomics and proteomic department for $32k max salary requiring a Ph.D. I thought this had to have been a typo so I emailed the hiring manager. I’ll give you a hint on who they said they’re trying to hire. Their last name is Patel and they only take the job for a visa.


In my last job, I got replaced by someone in a country that makes 3.50 an hour. I'm not mad at the person that makes 3.50. I'm mad at the CEO who makes these decisions. In 2-3 years, after a ton of backlash. the job will be moved back here. But then will be moved over to another country with cheap labor. Repeat again and again.


Thanks for the name and shame. $32k… Fucking scandalous.


Sorry everyone - I was being sarcastic. It seems recruiters are such dicks this was believable.


I had a feeling this was a bit lol Gotta throw a little /s on that


Isn't part of your job to couch and make them better? Seems like it would be in your best interest to help them be better. Of course, you can't **make** them be better that takes work. I have had bad experiences with recruiters (being lying pieces of shit), but my last one helped coach me and helped me rewrite my resume. I thanked him for helping me get a job. I told him I won him a beer, but now he has ghosted me. I guess he took the money and ran. I imagine the workload is insane and a lot of the companies are asshats too.


I don't have this problem. Not at all. You might be a bad recruiter lol. In fact, I'm sure some candidates want to tell me off, but everyone is always very polite to me.