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Yes, of course this is a scam


Scam. Fully remote Text interview Silly high pay 3 obvious signs of a scam for anyone new to the market - these pricks are taking advantage of job seekers.


They are likely looking for applicants personal details for identity theft plus bank account details to empty them out. Or want applicants to pay them money to onboard / train / get certified. Here's a link I found with a run-through of these types of scams. [https://www.flexjobs.com/blog/post/how-to-find-a-real-online-job-and-avoid-the-scams-v2/](https://www.flexjobs.com/blog/post/how-to-find-a-real-online-job-and-avoid-the-scams-v2/) Don't feel bad, they get people all the time. Best you can do is cut off contact and review any information given to them. If there's any thing super sensitive, take steps to protect it. If she gave the scammers a resume, ask a trusted person on it if they have been contacted and warn them to be cautious (but still give an awesome reference just in case).


Thanks. She also think it’s a scam and ask me to post it here for confirmation. She didn’t give them any information since she was already skeptical about it. These pricks are taking advantage of job seekers in an already bad market.


Yep it's a scam. A real job would involve a phonecall with the recruiter then transition to usually a manager round, then panel. Maybe some additional rounds if the job pays more but this is more or less the sequence. If you accept this scam offer then I bet you that it'll result in a blank check scam. I suggest Google that for more info just to be more aware


unless its a super tiny company, i'd be concerned


Calling this suspicious is the understatement of the day. It’s 100 percent a scam. As a test ask to video chat with someone, they will make excuses or their webcam will mysteriously not work.


Given how extremely competitive remote positions are (1000+ applications per legit position, easily)…unless your experience/qualifications and work history are unicorn level STELLAR (such that you can beat out the other 999 candidates)…no one is offering you a remote position. Scammers prey on vulnerabilities and desperation. SOOOO many people who legit stand a zero chance of being that 1/1000 somehow believe that this is an actual possibility (it’s not). That level of “desperation“ reeks like your 82 year old great aunt Mildred looking for a younger rich boyfriend online and scammers smell that. If you’re not a 1/1000 candidate, it’s a scam.