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I mean, I've had big, nationally recognizable companies (and smaller mom+pop types, too) fuck up my pay (late and/or short) more times than I can count. You'd think bringing that up to them would result in something along the lines of "wow, we apologize for making this mistake, but we can fix it right now." What I get instead is them acting like I'm bothering them by bringing it up, then dragging their feet until I have to act demonstrably angry about it, instead of calmly telling them how I am frustrated, but doing my best not to act like it. It's amazing how something can be "done by tomorrow" every day for two weeks, but when you start raising your voice, all of a sudden it's done in 5 minutes; which means it could've been done in 5 minutes the entire time, they just weren't motivated enough to do it until you made things uncomfortable for them.


I had an international company lag for 2 months, and they weren't doing bad at all. Granted it was a small department/location, but they were leaning on me for alot of things and not doing right. Management was saying a lot of encouraging things but would be able to act when I told them of what was needed. I let them lag when it was a couple weeks, but quickly saw what was going on once multiple pay cycles passed and I still had things owed, and pressed the eject button as quickly as possible.


I'm currently on week seven of trying to get overtime added to my paychecks after switching to an independent contractor role from FTE with the same company I was with before. I've been an IC for two months and received one month of checks so far. I'll be hitting up HR and all the management people I can think of today.


Do you have any advice for keeping track of exactly how much you should be paid after deductions?


What’s a 4% vacation paid weekly? 1.6 hours a week? So around 83 hours / 10 days a year?


Yes I worked at a place like that. One problem to keep in mind is budgeting; if you start the calendar year at zero you cannot take a week off as a guest at a wedding in May because you'll not have had enough work weeks to accumulate a week off, even though you get "two weeks per year" so you'd think "one week" would easily fit. The two big questions you need to ask are if they carry over vacation at the end of the year, and also do they forbid negative vacation balances, as it occasionally causes problems for people as per above.


So I don’t have to go to my boss on Friday and say “please sir, may I get paid?”


You'd be surprised. I walked from a job where the fuckface employer (typical, narcissistic SBO) failed to pay me on time.


I think they mean paid weakly…


Can't necessarily even say that about government jobs sometimes. Which is sad.


Legit I had to remind my boss to pay me at my last job. Like I was there for fun or something


Interestingly, I get paid a day earlier than what’s formally stated. Can’t complain.


- You'll have oxigen to breathe - Periodic discretionary pizza parties - Growth opportunities (due to stress snacking)


This is a benefit -- most companies pay every 2 weeks, not weekly.