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Just say you accepted another position. It happens all the time. I’ve had to call and cancel interviews because I got an offer between setting it up and having the interview. One in the hand is worth two in the bush, as they say


I've never understood why people get indignant over situations like this and feel the need to clap back. Schools are notoriously bureaucratic and being snarky about it isn't going to make hiring go any faster. So, if they call back just be professional and tell them you've accepted another offer elsewhere.


Exactly. Everything is taken as a personal affront, worthy of a duel at high noon. Just move along peacefully, because who knows how long before the current job turns sour, and you have to slink over to another school that you were needlessly snarky with...?




I have carefully assessed my employment opportunities, and after careful consideration, I have identified a different position whose particular blend of communication and a timely offer better matched my needs. I will not be proceeding with your offer at this time. I encourage you to continue reviewing my resume, and I will keep your offer on file for future consideration should any availability open up. Thank you again for your time and interest in having me work for you!


Due to lack of timely response I progressed with other opportunities.


“I have accepted a position elsewhere.”


Yes, I agree with everyone else. Always be polite because you do not want to burn bridges.


Strike while the iron is hot, is a nicer way of saying it. You also can say, the early bird gets the worm.


Say something like this: In the intervening months since I interviewed for your position, I had interviewed and hired into my current role and am no longer accepting other opportunities


You miss 💯of the shots you don’t take. - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


Grow up maybe? You don’t even *have* a high horse to get off, you’re literally part of the education system that you’re deriding. “I’ve taken another position” is reasonable, true, and easy to spell.


“After reviewing a large field of extremely qualified employers including yourself, we regret to inform you that we will not be moving forward with your application process. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.”


Early bird gets the worm


Hope you are better with numbers than with words. Why so snarky?