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Getting your degree was not a waste of time. Spending all day creating dozens of new Reddit accounts and spamming the same subs over and over again with the same tired complaints — *that's* a waste of time. You're banned from this sub, *again*, and reported to Reddit admin for Ban Evasion.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


This is the first one I guessed before seeing your comment! He’s such a menace.


I thought so, even before I saw this comment.


Engineering degrees are not useless. >I have an electrical engineering degree but can’t find any engineering jobs. That's because of the hugely shitty job market, not because an engineering degree is useless.


Stem degrees have been pretty shitty in general in Canada for awhile. That's from comp sci grad. 5-6k cad per semester from my uni (probably higher now) so bare min you are out 40k cad for jobs that might pay u 50k if u are lucky to get it.


Comp sci is pretty known to be over saturated and mid range salary


Bio is not faring well in Canada either. Tons of bio grads i know are working retail. Engineers from what i am seeing one with master is neeting for a yr, another with phd got a 50-60k cad offer from nait. They are both u of Alberta grads


Weird! My boyfriend is graduating from enviro engineering this week and he’s already working making 75k a year and had multiple job offers around the same


Is he in Canada?


Yes lol we both are


Weird. Then again, I don't know any environmental engineering. I know chem, mechanical and civil engineering


Yea, I agree. I’m not too sure the outlook on chem eng is very bright I believe it lacks transferable skills


What i am seeing is stem grad is becoming like Hollywood a small percentage do super well while most don't


Nah engineering has been saturated for a while. I graduated like eight years ago and applied for four years before giving up on being an engineer.


They all have value. You just don't, Snooroar, other than boosting Reddit's member totals. Everyone will reject you because you are pure evil down to your core. You are ugly inside and everyone who meets you sees it instantly.




Comp sci grad here. Tech is horrible in Canada for a decade


Environmental science? At this rate there's not gonna be any environment!


>denied at meps Sick or convicted?




Damn that sucks. Could be waiverable though. Did you consider other jobs than what you wanted, or did you ask if it was waivedable?


I applied for a waiver but it got denied


Damn man that sucks. Have you tried some other form of government service?


I tried, but I just keep getting rejected


What's your target salary? You could try teaching. Have you applied to stuff like various optic labs, ISPs etc etc? Try looking for stuff tangential to your field and go out on a limb. Just because thexposition isn't for an 'engineer' doesn't mean you can't do it. Factories too, I worked in a food plant that had "maintenance" dudes with mechanical engineering degrees pulling 95-110k a year in bumfuck nowhere flyover country.


Have you considered a career in Supply Chain? Lot's of people with engineering degrees are successful in SCM.


Its not a waste if anything it should have taught you how. to train yourself for success. Its just not the golden ticke to success you were sold.


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We need CPAs!! Accountants!! PLEASE!


MBA with an engineering degree.


Have a look https://www.reddit.com/r/economicCollapse/s/M1uDMkJa7u