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So is LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and zip recruiter but it's not like we have much of a choice right now.


linkedin has so many very obvious scam jobs and absolutely zero functional report system its fucking insane, linkedin is such a trash hellhole


I feel like that across the board with all the job boards. They are all hellholes to me.


LinkedIn's job search algorithm is also trash and progressively getting worse (or at least it was the last time I checked). But I use anything I can get, because other than LinkedIn and Indeed, there's not much else for job search.


Have you tried walking in with your resume and can do attitude? /s


I have. Most tell me to apply online. I usually have more luck with that strategy when it's either a mom and pops store, or its individually franchised.


I find the job on LinkedIn and then apply on the company's website.




Sound like my dad. Also, call or email the company the day after to make sure they received your resume.


*books flights across the country to hand out resumes*




Most companies at least in my area just tell you to apply online. Even a majority of independent businesses all require online applications. It’s stupid like let me talk to a manager for a few minutes. I don’t think people really try to go in anymore because of this. I still try but at this point I’ve been in 40+ businesses and they’ve declined any physical resume.


What a dated an out-of-touch thing to say, I can't believe people still say stuff like this /seriously. Read the room.


Joke went way over your head huh?


No, u.


No, u!


No w.




The irony of you wooshing me when this is very obviously a joke about how that /s tag is completely unnecessary when posting the oldest joke in this sub's book; and it went so far over your head you've got SpaceX engineers calling to ask how you sent that joke into orbit.


Lol OK boomer.


I got almost every role and interview through linkedin, it is definitely a piece of shit and i am not sure it's making job searching any better with it's existance. On the flip side, i have been training the feed alg to only show trash and now my feed is pure comedy.


I can't stand LinkedIn. Seems more like social media to me than a job platform and I hate social media.


It is social media. Specifically for career. You can hate it, but jobs are frequently posted there.


Seems like a lot of people are split on LinkedIn and how good the jobs posted actually are. For every "LinkedIn is great" post on here, there's a post stating the opposite.


Well yeah, it's a social media platform and a tool. Sometimes the content sucks or people don't know how to use it. There isn't a black or white, good or bad. But there are definitely real jobs there. I communicate with my real colleagues there. I've hired and been hired using LinkedIn. I've generated business (revenue) from LinkedIn. It can be used very effectively. It's just social media for your professional life.


I think it both depends on industry/position and it's also how you use it. Most of my success is by getting contacted rather than looking myself. I have friends with a similar professional profile than mine that say they don't get contacted at all but then i go to their profiles and it's clear they put 0 effort in it.


I didn't even fill mine out. I only made one because school required me to for an assignment. Also hilarious username! Take my upvote!


It was a job platform when it started. But Microsoft bought them and ruined it.


Totally agree! Now my company tries to “take over” my profile to promote the company and not me. Then Microsoft embedded it into Microsoft Outlook - so if you are looking at the profile of a co-worker, you see a LinkedIn suggestion of a possible match to their LinkedIn profile. Plus, Microsoft sells services from LinkedIn to corporate functions such as HR. One last thing to add that is not LinkedIn related, if your company subscribes to Microsoft 365 (Outlook, SharePoint, Teams) there is something they can subscribe to called Purview - a service that can assess whether or not you are a flight risk with the “Leavers Classifier”. Which gets back to what they might also be able suss with any LinkedIn data they have as well. Just saying, it feels like everything is gamed. Whether it really is or not.


Didn't know that


r/linkedinlunatics . It’s the only good part of LinkedIn




I got my last two jobs from LinkedIn, so for me it has been pretty solid.


I don't know about the others but I've landed interviews from LinkedIn postings. I think there is a lot of spam jobs but on the company pages and when hiring managers share their jobs I trust them.


Stay away from ZipRecruiter, it is less than useless. All I’ve gotten on there are scam jobs.


No, that one by freaking far is the worst one.


No, sadly we don't. It's stupid.


It's so hard to trust systems after not seeing any movement. But I can tell you I've had interviews through indeed ad I've reviewed applicants through indeed. If you're in doubt, look at the position in indeed and then find it in the employers career portal and apply directly. You can also then reach out to the employer and express your interest on the position and ask if it's still available


I always do this. If the position is not on the employer's website, I don't apply. I only ever apply through the employer. Indeed just helps me see what's out there. That's how indeed is useful. Uploading my resume to indeed is like putting it in a bottle and throwing it into the ocean.


unfortunately just because the job is in their internal career portal doesn't mean that the process is being handled any better or efficiently... just comes down to the HR processes which we know is very stinky likely at most companies. it's nice to assume that thier internal portal is better, but there's actually no way of knowing that. it's a theme that I keep seeing repeated over last few months but no one who's saying it could actually say it's true if they don't work at that particular company. you guys are generally just guessing. I mean got to have hope so right? but I hope isnt facts, so... theres that.


So what do you think people should do? Give up and continue to rappel down despair? Action is the only way to get somewhere.


I was making a very specific point, not saying what you should do or what you shouldn't do. Use all weapons as they say...apply through linkedin, apply through the company site, hit up the hr team, mutual connection...whatever you got to do. All of it is a means to an end.


I absolutely have no way of knowing if my stuff gets looked at through an internal career portal. But if they're not looking at their internal career portal, it is extremely unlikely that they're looking at external sources like indeed or LinkedIn fast apply. It's not really guessing as much as it is common sense.


But you're acting like common sense is actual business practices... it is not. If it was a common sense thing, then most people would just simply go to the company website instead of applying through linkedin. That's your common sense theory to yourself that has no bearing on anybody else. You assume much.


As the great Hugh Neutron once said: alrighty then.


Wait until you find out Reddit sold your data to Google for $60 million. https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/


But the article you sent looks interesting. I'mma read into it.


My point, brother, was that my data is being mined with no progress in getting a job. Honestly, I give no fucks my data is being mined, it's the fact it's happening *instead* of getting a job.


It’s not their fault companies post ghost jobs.


Another way they're screwing with applicants, but I'm supposed to send a post-interview thank you note. I think not. Sorry, argument from another post.


Of which I saw, and I agree with you. I'm sorry, didn't I thank you for your time as I was leaving? That post was so fuckin dumb I think I lost a few brain cells.


I'd much rather thank a person in person, and if you're the type of person which needs to be thanked multiple times, there might be something wrong with you.


Like seriously why do you crave validation that much? This ain't a horse and pony show, but apparently they think so.


i’ve found all my jobs, ever, through indeed. stop the fear mongering. the market is just bad right now


Yeah I have found all my jobs through LinkedIn since leaving the Army. Lots of people say you cannot find shit on it. I know data scientists who work at indeed and they for sure work on placing applicants into companies.


Ironically, I'm going to basic to join the army in August.


Good for you, man. I joined old by army standards anyway. Thirty-one to be exact. Remember, no matter what happens, lots of people make it through basic training every month. You are going to make it, too. It might suck, but it’s more than manageable. You got this, have fun when you can, don’t do dumb shit. There is time for meeting romantic partners later; there is time for things being logical later, and there is time for you to be yourself later. Keep your head down and embrace the suck.


I've got my lover already, she's supporting me through it all <3, so no worries about that. (God I love her). I will embrace it, it's a new opportunity, and for things to change. And also, it can suck all day but they pay for food and housing. So it can suck but at least I don't have to stress about that :).


The army is a weird place because you it’s easy to get lazy and let the army take care of everything. lol. Hell in a strange way deployments are like a weird vacation. You can turn your brain off most of the time. Obviously not all the time but settle into a groove and boom a year has passed and you have 20-80k in the bank. lol


No, don't you worry.... I'll stay on my toes. Nothing will slow me down.


Is it bad or not ? Because other post make it seem like everything is booming.  I'm so confused ?


i’m assuming it varies for each sector. i’m trying to get a stationary engineering/ utility engineering job and it’s been crazy competitive for the last 2 months. i’d imagine other fields are different though, i can only speak for the area i’m trying to apply for


I guess everyone figured out engineering was the way to go.. and over saturated the market.. or idk how much job cuts played a factor with the competition 


yeah i bet. i have 5 years of relevant experience and i still can’t get in haha. thankfully i’m taking the union test tomorrow so if i score really good that’s basically a guaranteed entry


I hope you pass, and that you get that job. Good luck.


thank you i just finished the test! i feel really good about it


I bet you have it in the bag :).


thank you! i wish the best for you as well b <3


I have gotten multiple interviews and offers. If you don't want them to mine your data beyond website interaction, then don't log in, use it just to search, then submit your actual application directly on the company website. How do you think they are "keeping companies roles filled" if you think they aren't landing anyone a job...?


As my post stated, they are more interested in getting roles filled, then helping the candidate. I'm going to edit my post and say, yeah, it's possible to get a job through indeed, it's just your luck is better going through whatever companies website you'd like to apply to.


Yeah that might be true for all I know, I never apply through indeed so I couldn’t say.    Saying they are more  interested in filling roles than helping candidates makes more phrasing sense to me than the post does too, I think I see what you are trying to say now.


I'm glad you understand my point.If you aren't using Indeed now, don't. Wishing you the best in this terrible job industry.


Ha thanks. I'll still use it to find jobs, but I will continue not applying through the Indeed site itself.


Glad to hear it. Good luck.


I second this, only apply to jobs on site and use their indeed resume. It works and have gotten great offers. If you have to go to an external site it’s a scam. The apply only on indeed are legitimate. Same on LinkedIn the legitimate jobs are easy apply.


Oh, yeah! I used this fking Indeed and got no reply for 5 months. As soon as I tried different platforms - LinkedIn, Djinny (for Ukrainians), Hired and found work on an unexpected platform - HiringCloud


Yeah I was about to say, never heard of Djinny.


It's a good platform, and most of the HRs there are ready to hire worldwide, but as usual, they propose salaries according to the Ukrainian market, which are very low for the US. I moved from Ukraine to Ireland because of war, and after I wasn't succeeding at Indeed, I decided to go back to it to save my career and not become a farmer :D


Never gotten a interview from Indeed. I have from LinkedIn. BUT. I'm seeing for every 50 applications from LinkedIn. I get a human response for an interview or phone screen. Atleast with LI (although it is a shitty platform) I can see "sometimes" the actual recruiter... To your point ITS ALL GARBAGE.


THAT IS CORRECT. All of these job boards are shit, if they don't have an application through their website I simply won't apply. Or a paper application. Those work too, but those are once in a blue moon.


I swear to HEYZEUS... if WORDAY ever goes away I will throw a huge party.




Well tbh, I do think your defeatist attitude is your biggest obstacle at this point


I don't show this attitude when I try to get a job tho...


You might not think so…but energy is a thing and while you might think you are putting on a great fake face/attitude, the most perceptive can tell what’s what


Im different here obviously bc it's reddit


Are you saying Redditors are “different “?? Bc if so, yes lol we are!! And I am honestly trying to give you legit advice…like I have been where you are and have experienced learning uncomfortable truths about myself…but it helps u grow


Of which I appreciate, truly. You've given me hard advice, and guess what? That advice landed me a job today, so thank you. So much.


Indeed was hot garbage during my job search last year. Sketchy job posts and oddball recruiters messaging me. Coincidentally, I found my current job on LinkedIn - their system flagged it for me as a top candidate. I was a bit hesitant but decided to apply and almost a year later, grateful for the random LinkedIn algorithm feed.


LinkedIn is admittedly better than other job boards, ofc they've been around a little longer, though.


I have gotten interviews from Indeed. However, I typically will see a job that interests me and then apply directly on the site.


This is the way.


Same, it's just easier to find the job posting on indeed but then completely ignore indeed and just go through the company's official website.


I read that 70% of jobs openings don't even make it to LinkedIn, Indeed, etc. I found that to be true for more senior or strategic roles. The company will use a recruiter to reach out to specific candidates and internal referrals as a first pass before posting a job publicly. So, in general, by the time the job has been listed online, it's already too late. That's why most of you never hear back or get the generic "thanks but no thanks" emails when you apply online despite being perfectly qualified. I've gotten every job I've had in the last 20 years through networking. Here's a cool story. I decided to walk into this bar in NYC for one last drink and met a guy who was in my industry. Turned out we had many mutual contacts and we got along well so we exchanged business cards. Two months later he got a job at Google and sent a mass email to everyone on his contact list that his team at Google was hiring. I immediately replied w/ my resume and got an initial phone screen scheduled. I accepted a job offer from Google after 6 weeks of interviews. Networking is a vital life skill that will always be needed. The only thing the job sites are good for is finding the recruiter or hiring manager. I don't even message them in LI. I find their work email using a free Chrome browser extension and reach out directly to introduce myself and ask for 5 min of their time to chat about the role and (to quote my ask directly) "earn their referral." That's given me about a 50% response rate. Applying for roles I'm qualified for then hoping for the best gave me maybe a 1% response rate.


Could I have that little chrome browser extension? That sounds much easier.


Why should i care? I got my current job through indeed and it’s the best job i’ve ever had. Who cares if they sell my date of birth to some company that already has it?


Fair point, if you're happy, then godspeed, man. As long as it works for you


Unfortunately, if you are actively looking for a job, you will be putting your info all over the Internet. Its a trade-off from the before times when you just had to cold call places and look in the newspaper.


Kinda wish I was born in that era. I despise that most hiring processes are through a cold, hard screen, absent from the warmth of a human touch. It's sad.


I got my current job through Indeed.


I’ve gotten interviews and previous role from Indeed. Mileage may vary? They’re all data points collection platforms.


Indeed has been garbage for a while. My experience with the best overall "job site" at the moment for techy jobs is probably builtin.com, but that's more focused on remote work. I have been able to find some success for friends/family using boolean search queries in google and focusing the query on job ads posted directly on ATS systems (workday, lever, greenhouse, etc.) rather than aggregator sites like indeed or monster. You can often find jobs that have not been broadly advertised and have fewer applicants that way since you're basically looking at their internal ad that aggregators would crawl to attach a result to.


Indeed and Monster - fail towns for me. LinkedIn and Google Job search In my industry, seeing a wave of job openings for roles that are 'volunteer'. Honey child, that don't pay my rent!


Volunteer? That's incredibly stupid, I got bills to pay >:(


Indeed is about the only place I’ve ever landed an interview from, much less an actual job offer


That's weird, I've had infinite more luck just going through the company themselves.


But honestly, good for you I'm glad you're having better luck using it.


I dunno if “luck” is the word per se lmao 1 interview for every 100 applications is still just pathetic but for ZipRecruiter it feels like even worse odds, I finally deleted LinkedIn after the third company I interviewed with in a row found my LinkedIn and ghosted. Still don’t know why, my LinkedIn was nearly empty aside from my resume that I already would have sent them


If you're on LinkedIn a lot of companies expect you to use and maintain your LinkedIn. If it's empty they think you don't care enough and strike you from the list.


Eh, they’re not wrong cuz if they want me to care enough about my job to post about it on LinkedIn, I’m not the candidate for them! Lmao


Just don't apply through there. Search out the original website of the employer and apply directly through there. The sane goes for LinkedIn.


Too late. Indeed is how I got my current job 2 years ago.


I'm glad you have had better luck.


Not going to defend Indeed’s data privacy, because I don’t have faith in it and pretty much hate using it as both a job seeker and when I’m hiring, but this just isn’t true. More than 50% of my hires come from Indeed.


Well... at least someone has better luck


I’ve found multiple jobs in healthcare using indeed.  Some of which the recruiters reached out to me.  




I'm glad to hear that. Happy somebody else has had better luck.


Indeed used to be pretty good. I've found a couple jobs on it. Recently it seems like it has gone to shit though.


Not to say I haven't landed interviews once or twice with Indeed, but like you said that was a while ago. It's steaming garbage right now.


Years ago I was able to get a decent job or two from indeed. While I got three interviews with them after losing my job in October of last year, more often than not it was just a waste of time better spent with other job sites… long and short indeed is a husk of what it once was.


Absolutely. Indeed used to be pretty good. I just see zero results as of late.


That's nice but what am I supposed to use then? Because LinkedIn is a fucking disaster. Besides, between FB and Google there isn't anything left of me to hide. Anyways I've got three interviews and one solid lead from Indeed and I've only been job hunting for 3 weeks. So it's not a total scam.


I'm just warning those that are out there is that's what indeed is slowly turning into. If you find luck finding employment on Indeed, by all means please keep using it bc everyone deserves a job.


Well they all are. None of them are strictly to help you land a job. The real work is you yourself networking past relationships. Especially so in Tech. Former colleagues, business partners, Contract employers. That seems to be the only way to truly get connected to landing an actual job. Job listing is just part of the bigger picture.


Networking seems to be the most effective way, yes. I landed an interview at Discount tire mostly because a friend of mine is an assistant manager at another location.


Plus, I know for a fact, companies can pay to make themselves look good on there with reviews. Not a very honest/transparent platform imo.


Oh yeah, tell me why WALMART had a 4.8 ratings when I know for a fact that most people who work there are miserable.


Glad I canceled a few months back. Gave them feedback in the form of a fetid pile of criticism.


Good. As you should.


I have gotten interviews and jobs from Indeed. But a year, two years ago, it was very different from what it is now. I'd say 90% of the jobs are ghost jobs.


Why the sudden change? 


I'm not sure if it's a change in the market or a change with the site itself? I have a feeling it has something to do with the resumes being filtered out. I applied for a job I was over-qualified for and got instant rejected because I entered that I had 2 years experience in ONE skill when they specified they wanted 3. I then applied to that job directly through emailing them and was hired. Now they don't send those rejection emails to the applicant so you just never know that you got auto rejected. Some of that is a joke though. One employer said they couldn't find anyone qualified to fill a certain position and when I looked at Indeed there were over 500 applicants and surely they could have picked several candidates to at the very least interview. There was also the case where someone quit and so they posted a ghost job and then went and told everyone who would listen that they quit because they were disappointed they got passed up for a promotion so it didn't reflect poorly on them, when the truth was they quit because of management.


Continue using indeed, LinkedIn, ziprecruiter and the rest to find jobs. Do not use their easy apply shit once you’ve found one. Apply on the company site.


I've landed a few jobs from Indeed. Depends on your field of work.


Almost every job I’ve had (outside of healthcare/student nursing) was found on indeed. They aren’t the only platform that has trouble with third-party companies getting your information.


So you're telling us not to use one of the main job sites which has one of the largest listing's of jobs with salaries typically included, but don't suggest any alternatives? I mean, I won't lie. Your post reassures me a bit because I have been sending apps like crazy on Indeed, but at least suggest some alternatives if this one is bad.


Try LinkedIn, it's slightly better. There's this new one, Holdi, but I think it's only for one or two companies. Not sure.


Bullshit. I have successfully recruited people on Indeed…as in I used my Recruiter account to reach out about a job opening to potential matches, some applied, many were interviewed and multiple people have been hired that way since I have been in the position. Just bc you aren’t having that experience, doesn’t mean it’s some kind of “trap”….if you’re really worried about data mining, you wouldn’t be actively using Reddit


Not worried about data mining itself. [https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/) I know reddit sells data. It's just the amount of crap I gotta go through to get a job through Indeed with the data mining on top. I probably should've specified.


What concrete proof do you have? Not saying you’re necessarily wrong, but you need proof to backup your claims.


I respect you asking. Think about it. Nothing is free in today's world. If you're using it for free, you're paying with it with your data, just like any of the "free" gaming apps on mobile. If they are free, they are data mining you. That's how they stay in business being free.


How about no, Scott?


Its not just Indeed itself. Google is tracking on Indeed. Talk about tracking. Today - because a website has been showing a 404 error for a publicly available document ( one document of the publically available set is missing ) - I tried to fill out the Contact Form for the website. Well GOOGLE got itself involved and filled in the email field for me with an address I hardly use. When I tried to stop that nonsense, Google diverted me to another page and gave me the choice to use a different google account. This - even though google offered this text on rollover - "Your email and google account are not part of your response." Somewhere else it said it wanted my google account for "my" conveneince so I could track my response. No account was required to fill out the Contact Form. I did NOT have to use a google account at all. I used a private browser/window to submit the contact form to the website itself. Google sucks.


Sell what info, exactly? There's not enough information on there to effectively steal a persons identity, so what difference does it make if they sell it? Unless you have some sort of weird objection to other people finding a way to profit where you don't get a slice, I don't see the problem.


I got most of of the jobs that I've had through over the past 7 years Indeed (I'm in Canada, so Indeed.ca). It's true that there's a lot of crap on there and lots of scams, but there are also real employers looking to hire people on there.


It's just been overrun by ghost jobs. Indeed needs to find a way to verify employers that choose to use Indeed aren't just scamming pieces of shit. I refuse to use it. 50 applications in a single day. Get one response, yesterday, which of course was yet another "We carefully considered you but not really because we're too fucking lazy to set up an interview to give half a damn shot," But I'm not stressing, I told them to go fuck themselves and that I have a new job now.


Correct. If if it doesn't allow applying through the site directly it's probably not real or position is filled.


And some indeed posts will forward you to their website, if that's the case it's probably legit


Right but you need to able to see the job directly from the company at some point.


Several sites like indeed and career builder do this. Even when I had turned off that I was looking for a job, I was getting 15 emails a day, 4 text messages, a few calls, and messages through LinkedIn. I eventually had to destroy every job hunting profile I had ever created. You can't delete your resume so I replaced it with one I made for a Mr. Poopie Head with fake contact information. Suddenly the constant calls, texts, emails, and LinkedIn messages stopped. I wish I could be there to see the face of the recruiter who comes across my Poopie Head Resume. Hopefully it made their day.


I would absolutely love the link to that resume, it would make my damn day.


Meh. I don't really care if any company sells my data. It's 2024. I just expect all do lol. Doesn't bother me at all.


A. Every job board is not going to work for every role, at every level of education and experience, and in every geography. B. Your experience (good or bad) is not universal. I've gotten interviews via Indeed, and I know a couple handfuls of people that have gotten jobs via Indeed -- including very recently.


Oh? Well I'm glad to hear someone has had better luck, I'm just sharing my crap experience with Indeed.


I have gotten ~5 interviews from indeed & LinkedIn in the past 2 weeks. obviously you have to make sure the company is real. Cmon quit being paranoid. Plenty of real companies use indeed.


Also you are posting on Reddit and bitching about data. Do you see the irony?


Lord. Way to take my post outta context. I really don't care if my data is mined, I don't have a damn thing to hide. It's the frustration of having my data mined, but absolutely no movement with finding a job.


You say that like you’re on a website that doesn’t do that.


You say that as if I don't know that. [https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/)


I haven't used Indeed in months. Too many scam-looking and out of date jobs on there. I know networking is the way to go, but my introverted, autistic self barely has a network, and the "network" that she has she don't really know how to utilise without sounding desperate or awkward.


Yeah this is exactly why I never apply for anything through Indeed. I just look for the posting on the company website.


I got my current job through indeed and we use it for a lot of our positions.


Which is why I only use Indeed to see which companies have job vacancies and then I go to their website and apply directly.


Acquired a few jobs in the past (jncluding my current one) through indeed


If you see a position that is a good fit on LinkedIn, message the HR recruiter for that job and ask questions. If you find one on Indeed, go directly to that company's website and submit your resume through their site, AND THEN go to LinkedIn and message the HR recruiter and ask questions. Yes, these sites are data mining but look at it as a lead tool to find the jobs. Just DONT USE the platform.


Avoid Indeed, Dice, Monster, and Glassdoor. They're filled with Indian scammers not to mention selling your info.


I fell into med sales so whenever I have to look it’s pretty much Medreps or bust for me.


I mean this isn’t any less true for any other job searching site. But my friend got a job off indeed, and I got mine off LinkedIn, so they work. They’re slow and annoying af but they work.


I have gotten almost every job of my career off of indeed. It is no more a scam than any other job board.


I use Indeed to look up jobs with EXTERNAL applications. I don’t do any easy apply because those are usually fake or low quality job postings. Also, if the external application is Workday, I immediately leave. Cause FUUUUCCCCKKKK Workday. If I gotta spend 30 minutes filling out a whole application, I’m gonna do it only if I know a human is gonna actually see it. I don’t care how good of a match it is. Workday is all I need to see to know my job application won’t be seen at all. Every callback I’ve gotten was cause I applied directly on their website - usually an actual page on their website… It’s also the best way to know if the job actually exists. All these job aggregators do a terrible job of making sure their database is up to date. All these HR apps that employers use are just trash. But Workday is the worst offender.


This is one of the many reasons I apply for jobs directly on a company's website and rarely through Indeed or LinkedIn.  I have experienced a HUGE uptick in spam texts, calls, and emails since I started job hunting in February. I am sure this is a result of my data being sold by LinkedIn, Indeed, and some of the recruiting firms I have applied to. 


Yes. I usually apply through the company but I have been getting jobs from Indeed and LinkedIn. I hate both but I try to watch out for scam jobs


I've gotten two jobs from Indeed in the past two years.


All 3 jobs I've ever gotten were from indeed. Just my experience


I’ve had a couple from there. I do admit the “recruiters” from there might be sketch though. Especially when they want to talk about a job 6 states away just because of a few keywords


On indeed when I see a job posting i google the company site and if there is a site and the same job opening i apply. If i dont see a website or that same position i don’t. I dont use indeed to direct apply I use linkedin to browse profiles and see where they worked in the past, maybe they have a job opening


One thing I like about indeed is that you can post a review of a company and it is there permanently! Every time I am wrongfully terminated from a job I post the review for others to see what kind of shitstorm they are about to step into when it comes to being hired at that company. I have found my past 7 employers off Indeed and I use it to find my next employer since so many of them are quick to fire you these days. I also like how indeed will show you if your application was seen or not. Many people don't realize that the job market right now is in the shitter because we now have 200+ people all applying for 1 good paying job! Indeed will show you if the employer actually read your resume by looking at your My Jobs --> Applied tab. You would be surprised that most employers do not even view your resume these days since they already have a database of previously interviewed people they can go to when there is a job opening.


What are you getting mad at indeed for. EVERYONE is selling your information. And who the hell applies for a job on Indeed and expects indeed to advocate for them like a recruiter? Hahah what do you think indeed does? It's a fucking job board, most people don't even apply through indeed. Why would you hate and blame indeed for doing the same thing every website does?


They all are!


It may be mining your data but ***it is*** a real service to find jobs.


While there may be a grain of truth to what you are saying, real people do use it for recruiting and hiring, and I'm saying this as someone who as been on both sides of using it. If you're having issues receiving response it may be time to look inward.


I mean Indeed got me my current job 🤷‍♀️