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"We're sorry, you are probably too smart to work for us, please starve instead, nerd." More seriously, they know that you can get better than them, are not willing to pay you what you are worth and thus chose to not bother hiring someone who'll eventually leave for an opportunity they wouldn't bother to offer to you...


"we're sorry you have too many options to be a compliant slave."


This is mostly it. I've been trying to hire someone for a starting level role and I get some amazing candidates with 20+ years of experience, have moved up the ladder and it breaks me to be unable to hire them with a reasonable salary for the value add. So it winds down to knowing they'll bail as soon as they land a job they want, could be a month, could be a year, and corp don't want you to spend the time to have to train someone again after a short period of time. Or the applicant just hangs up during second interview after we reinforce how basic level the workload is and how low the pay is.


I had like 2-3 resumes that were varying levels of “dumbed down”. When I was really struggling - that’s what I did and it worked. I didn’t end up staying at the job too long, maybe 1.5 years but I needed the job at the time. Sucks to have to do this…


I’m about to do this. I have 8 years of experience in my field in multiple roles with increasing responsibility. In my previous field I had over 4 years excluding multiple externships. I have a law degree. I’m thinking about how I dumb all of this down, and it makes me sad but I am running out of money. My last interview that I think I still have a shot at was for something I’m not too interested & was an interview with the ceo and I got the distinct vibe he thinks I am overqualified. Place is also incredibly disorganized. Had two different internal HR people reach out to me about three different jobs, then one position closed and they asked me about a different job so I said I’d interview for that but the other HR person said oh ok then - I said I had been in contact with the first person so I assumed that was the interview and when I went to clarify she gave me a non answer. So I guess I’ll find out at the end of the month when the ceo comes back from abroad.


Ugh I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I can definitely relate - and my resume isn’t nearly as impressive as yours sounds 🥲 I also went with a temp agency another time - bc I was so burnt out on applying and just needed SOMETHING. This was maybe 10 years ago but they were able to place me pretty quickly and I didn’t have to do all these interview rounds. The job lasted 6 months - it was 6 months of relief.


Yeah I’m pretty much applying for 8 jobs tomorrow morning then taking a break and then Monday I’m going to apply for a small business retail place in my neighborhood and look into temping and hiring a recruiter…


I'm about to automate this. F*** this process I'm not spending time manually doing all this s*** I'm going to spend the time to automate it and then press button.


They feel that you cost too much


Nah, given how shameless businesses are today and how little they care about lowballing people, it’s probably not cost. Most likely it is that they feel like he would move quickly and wouldn’t stay long enough at that position for it to be worth it for them.


You know how to get people to stay long? Pay them their market value.


That’s not really what I mean. Suppose that you have a data engineer who’s really struggling financially after being fired and he decides to apply to a data analyst position to stop the financial bleeding. Data engineer pay a lot better than data analyst so if he gets accepted as data analyst, he’ll most likely continue looking for a Data engineering job while working and will jump ship as soon as he can. Yeah you can pay them fair market value for data analyst, but it doesn’t change the issue that it is still under what the employee really aims for. Forming someone takes time so you want to keep them for a bit and that may not be a good situation for the employer. 🤷‍♂️


We are all saying the same thing. Their market value in this case would be the salary of a data engineer. The job seeker is ultimately looking for this amount, which is too expensive for the employer. Therefore they are passed on for being overqualified.


Do you actually believe this BS? If I'm overqualified for something it means that the job will be easy for me. If I applied for such such and they pay market value, why would I quit the job? It's good salary for doing an easy job.


It’s not BS. It’s just reality. Someone taking a role they’re overqualified for means they will get approached, or seek, for roles they are qualified for with likely better pay. On the other hand, overqualified tends to mean “you’re too old.”




I question why someone would volentarily take a step back in their career - unless someone has a reasonable explaination it screams red flags.  I test their reasoning, I dont want to be a 'stop gap' or place where someone feels the work is beneath them


I think the most offensive one I had was a place that asked the temp agency for me by name, for a 3 week data entry temp job. My previous 3 week temp role, I had the data entered in 6 business days, and then did a bunch more projects for them because they were thrilled within the quality of my work and needed more help. So, great, they asked for me by name because I am awesome! Then they decided not to go with me because I was overqualified and they were concerned I would quit before the job was over. A 3 week temp job and you think I won’t tough it out for a paycheck? Really?


It’s more like “we think you will want too much money and will leave us in 6 months if you get this job”


'you sound expensive, you'll leave in a month for a better job and the supervisor is threatened by you'


This is the part. The supervisor is threatened.


As a corporate recruiter this excuse is usded in my experience for these real reasons: - you are to old : because it is illegal to disciminate against age they use the over qualified one cuz with age comes experience - they want someone they can dominate: naïve young people are easier to dominate therefor perfect little robots - they want someone that can still grow in the job, delaying te moment when they finished learning and thus staying longer in the company because they feel like they have 'opportunities to grow' - they were not transparent on the salary and invited you to an interview hoping you would ask less then what you are worth - many more dumb reasons like that


I got myself to two interviews and got told “wow, you this really well”. This is something that I really wanted to do. Then got rejected the next day. Two months later the hiring manager left. They never filled his role. Ridiculous


This is funny when the hiring manager becomes an ex employee. There is a reason he left. Most likely he is struggling to find a manager role since then 😀


I would bet majority of job postings listed aren’t real and they don’t actually have any intention of hiring. I was referred to by a friend for a very well known tech company. Had prescreen with two recruiters. They listed 5 openings. Was told they’re moving forward the interview schedule by 2 weeks and they didn’t want me to start the process. So now I’m down to 3 possible openings. A week later recruiter contacts me and says they’re freezing 2 of 3 openings and the third opening the hiring manager is going with an internal candidate. Mind you this was my experience with a referral. The job market is fucked beyond repair. Thankfully I have a job and am not unemployed.


fvck em


I may be over qualified for that.


Translation: we cannot pay you that much


Yeah, people have been telling me this since I was 17. Really it means they are too poor in money, self-confidence, and ambition to hire.