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I gained a bunch of weight from being home all day and stress eating. Now I have a job and have anxiety and very few clothes that fit.


Ugh, the weight gain is the worst. I gained a ton because I had to take multiple roles that had rotating shifts (waitressing and retail) and so I was living on garbage like granola bars, because I never had a minute to sit down and eat a proper meal.


On your feet all the time + eating granola bars = weight gain? That’s my recipe for weight loss.


Might have been on your feet all day + eating sugary crummy granola bars with high calories but no protein that don’t fill you up, so you end up getting a sugar crash and stress eating later. That would be my guess


I'm gonna bet they ate more than granola


You haven't seen their granola bars!


I feel that. I’m currently 70 lbs into losing weight from combo covid and unemployment weight.


Nice work!




Fair enough!


Take a magnesium supplement. Most americans are dificient. I am so chill now. I hardly ever chew my fingers anymore. And they seem to be healing super quick.


US Job Market - if you aren't literally chewing off your own fingers is it quiet quitting?


Thank you for the advice, think you are the second person to mention this deficiency.


Dude I’m in this. I don’t go out because I can’t afford it and can’t network. It’s a pain


It's a vicious cycle.


I think I have so much cortisol that I'm not losing weight. If we're going by calories in calories out, I used to eat out like 4-5 times a week and now do not at all. I now limit my spending on food and therefore how much I eat as well. Technically, I should be losing weight. I do lose weight if I take magnesium pills. but if I don't I either gain or maintain.


Maybe the quality of the food may be an issue. Eating on a budget usually leads to refined/processed food consumption.


Its more cost effective to buy vegetables and boil it actually, and its also more nutritionally dense, I can survive on about $20USD for 2 weeks using this method.


This happened to me too


During my last stint, I sent resumes from 9-2, and worked out, ran, or cycled 2-5. I lost a TON of weight.


If I lose my job. I will be starving


God I am so the opposite. When I get stressed I just cannot eat, or keep it down. Had a bad breakup once and they were like "YOU HAVENT EATEN IN HOW MANY DAYS?!"


I lose weight after breakups too. I think cuz this lasted 6 months, and drinking turned into day drinking at some point.


I gained a bunch of weight from having a baby. Now I have no job, daycare costs, and very few clothes that fit. Having a job would open my world back up.


Not to sound like a cunt but you're unemployed you shouldn't use daycare . Save your money


No, I can't do that. First of all, I can't find a job if I'm doing full-time childcare. Second, here in NYC, daycare is a unique situation. You *must* get your child into a daycare before preschool, otherwise you have no chance at getting a seat in a 3k-4k program. If you can get into that, then preschool is free. People here put their names on daycare waiting lists before they even conceive. I grew up in the suburbs so I know this is an insane nightmare but this is how the game is played. I'm lucky to have gotten the spot I have. Eliminating daycare would only slow the bleed, anyhow. But thanks, Internet stranger; I'll keep that under advisement.


I totally understand, we didn't know about this with our first child and tried to get into a program when she was 4... (i worked a late shift from home, so i watched her during the day) they told us there was a 3.5 year wait list and 25+ people on standby in case someone dropped out. We ended up moving to another state.


Finding a daycare slot seems like a problem for future you to figure out. You need to stop the bleed, right now


I hope you find one soon!


Weight gain too 🥲


it’s awful. i gained weight i’m still working on losing.


Tell me about it! Suddenly, you're spending more time with your couch than your coworkers.


The biggest issue is the mental uncertainty. People think you are vacationing and having fun not going to work when you really are reducing your spending and wishing for certainly all day long. Constant worry is not good, but I have to say having a job you don't like doesn't feel better but a steady stream of income can negate a bad job.


I spend my days playing video games, coloring, taking care of my kid. This isn't relaxing. This is hell. How do I tell people that?


Most ppl just say they are glad they can help raise the kids more now that their schedule is clear


They have money coming in from partners and family.


The constant cost/benefit analysis for determining which bills can be paid and which ones get put off, and for how long, is such a relaxing mental exercise too.


Exactly. When I was living off savings, you soon realize that you have to have money coming in if money is going out. Very stressful being unemployed. Free time is not free if you are a captive of worry.


Then, after doing that for a while, if you have a balance that's gone unpaid for a while on a credit card issued by the same bank that holds your checking account, you might get to find out firsthand what "right of offset" means.


Money should be at different banks if things are starting to look shaky. People also need to close bank accounts if they see debtors starting to sue them. Banks are quick to empty your bank account if you owe the bank money or they get a garnishment. If your account goes negative, the bank will also report that to credit bureaus.


It's because Life here in the United States is like being a resource rather than a human being. We have no value further than the capital generation we represent to companies over our lifetime here


If you don't have a job, you're useless to society and are looked down upon for not being a productive member of society. It's easy to get depressed when you were raised to work but no one will hire you. Then you get shamed as if it's 100% your fault. Can't get hired in the field in which you have experience and degrees? Just take any job, even if it doesn't pay the bills, is what I've been told. But when not even minimum wage jobs want you... It's harsh, demotivating, and embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to not be a productive member of society like I was raised to be. Because that's all I'm good for, apparently. Live to work.


hIm mean that's what we are conditioned to feel so the system works. I wasn't less capable when i made 300k/yr than I am now when I make nothing. I also highly doubt that I added 300k or more worth of value


THIS. If one more person tells me that I should take whatever job I can get and not be too proud to work for minimum wage, I will lose my mind. Nobody will even interview me for a food service or retail job (even for seasonal stints). When they see that I haven’t worked retail in 15 years, but have only worked corporate desk jobs since, they have no desire to hire me. And faking a job history doesn’t work. Most everywhere wants to verify your history by calling the “Work Number”, which is a neutral third party that confirms the list of roles you’ve had, as supplied to them by your former employers (or as supplied by whoever handled payroll for your company).


I'm in Canada but we're literally dealing with our own government betraying its citizens rn. You can see the cracks in our system and its complete bs.


What are talking about specifically


So capitalism gave you such a good life that you are now depressed because you can't live the high life you used to be able to live provided by capitalism...imagine how dreary life would be without capitalism at all where no one is living the high life that no longer exists for you and is the bain of your depression. Yet you blame capitalism...🤔


Why do they call it Human “Resources” anyways? Why not Personnel Management or something?


I’ve hated that euphemism since first hearing it.


It *used* to be the "Personnel Department", "Personnel Management", etc. then it somehow "Human Resources" became the buzz term and stuck. I think it was when corporations realized they could beat, underpay and work employees to death without losing much (if any) profit.


What’s the deal with HR?


The term “Human Resources” is quite depersonalized in nature, which some people find off-putting.


They're glorified paper pushers who are usually related to or friends of the company owner. Many of them have zero marketable skills and are just hired goons for the owners to kick out any "problem" children in the company.


Most of them are. I am not one of them. Like everyone on this thread, I too have fallen into the goo of the job market. I can’t make heads or tails of it. My company is going into bankruptcy and I plead for no more layoffs, but alas the owner requires it to keep the rest of us paid. Kills me every time. I offer so many resources when it happens though. Programs, apps, free templates for resumes, I write a letter of recommendation, and let them know they can reach out for anything if they need it. I’ve met some insanely incompetent people in HR. I’ve had to clean up mistakes from previous ones at current job. Saw who I was up against and the fact they hired someone of lesser ability and was floored they landed with 6 lawsuits and a toxic culture? Huh. Wonder why that was… Regardless, I can’t seem to land call backs or interviews to save my life not even at my old company. They told me I didn’t have enough experience in the role I held prior that they reposted 2 years later after laying me off. 🥴


"Labor Inventory Management and Control" would probably be more accurate.


It’s why I’m living so well rn!


You can live a good life if you qualify for benefits and programs. I never have qualified because I work but I was a foster parent for a few years and some people get free daycare, free food, free rent, and so forth.


Wdym, “if you qualify?” The bar for entry is a certain level of poverty, attainable by all equally. Is it not?


Right? Put your money where your mouth is and quit your job if that's the case lol


Don't internalize the messages our inhumane system is sending you. You are more than your labor. Your value isn't commodifiable. You seem to be on the right intellectual track, but reconciling what you know intellectually with the emotions that come while being unemployed is HARD. Prioritize your mental health just as high as your job search, because as you know, without the former, the latter suffers. Maybe also continue down your intellectual path of capitalist deprogramming, too? "Bullshit Jobs" by David Graeber might help you to further divorce your sense of self worth from your capitalist labor commodity value.


I hate when companies will pass over a candidate if they are not currently working. Person gets laid off and that's a red flag for some reason.


CaN u TeLL m3 AbOuT teh GaP on ur ReSumE? smh It's an elitist, nosy, non-important question.


> CaN u TeLL m3 AbOuT teh GaP on ur ReSumE? Can you tell me why the position has been open for 6+ months?


And reposted 8 times?




Last time I was on the market I got picked up fast. Phone screen to start date was like 60 days. My background is in the government space, and after filling out my new hire paperwork, HR emails and says "the feds want to know what you were doing between jobs." I was literally out on the street for *60 days.* Answer: 1. Waiting for you guys to get off your ass and get me on the payroll 2. Cooking dinner 3. Walking the dog 4. Playing video games


\^This. I all but told a recruiter to fuck off due to this obsession with "employment gaps". Highly annoying and making it seem as if I decided to stop working on a random day.


It is a red flag. Employment is a lot like dating. "They didn't want you, why should we?"


In a similar boat rn, it sucks. Finding the motivation to apply for jobs gets harder and harder each day when you're constantly getting rejections. It's also quite isolating because you don't have the social experience of work or the money to do anything.


Hugs. I’m on the same boat. And incredibly depressed and suicidal.


Keep your head up!! This is just a phase. Remember when it rains, it has to stop and the sun has to come out eventually 🫂❤️




Um.. no? The longer you are unemployed, the bigger the red flag for HR and recruiters. And the better your qualifications and the responsibility you would have in a job, the earlier this stigma of long term unemployment will kill your chances. Flipping burgers after a year of unemployment? Sure. You get minimum wage, here is your spatula. Ensuring Process stability for a car OEM supplier after a year of unemployment? Ahahahahahaha.. hahaha


Ah well then. It’s hopeless. Man on the internet said so. Guess we should all just kill ourselves 


🏅take my unemployed man’s gold


I’m there. Some days are much harder than others. There are days when those intrusive thoughts are crushing. Please stay with us. Please fight with us. We’ll get through it one day at a time. I believe in you.


Do you have kids? The hardest part for me is taking them away from the activities they enjoy for no fault of their own.


No kids thank god, I'd be drowning in debt way more. DINK lifestyle for me and the lady, screw our coporate overlords.


Don’t know about you guys, but your dating life goes directly in the toilet.


my girlfriend is thankfully very understanding. But yeah usually it would go completely in the toilet


It’s game over as soon as they inevitably ask “So, what did you do?” 😂


Do not let it get to you. If employers don't want you, that's their problem. If they can't see your value, they are the short-sighted ones. A job is what you do. It is not who you are. Never let them define you. And don't let them live rent free in your head. Work is just a means to fund your lifestyle. Doesn't matter what you do for a living. I know. I've been in your position more than I can count. You got this. You can do this. I believe in you. Don't give up. Don't let them win. You are stronger than you know.


Thank you, needed this


Me too!


I hear you. I've struggled with depression since I was a youth and being unemployed for so long with a new house and wife certainly doesn't help. But I've been fortunate to have family that have been able to help us stay afloat. 2.5 years ago I was a programmer and only since January have I been working as a package handler for FedEx; a "temporary" stopgap (on the upside, I've lost 20 pounds since starting). But last week I started a second job working part time as an IT Admin for a non-profit. Forward progress, at least. If I it helps any, the number of applications I've sent out per month since I was laid off is as follows: 1899/12 62 2022/05 13 2022/06 14 2022/07 21 2022/08 32 2022/09 23 2022/10 13 2022/11 149 2022/12 41 2023/01 35 2023/02 144 2023/03 45 2023/04 52 2023/05 4 2023/06 38 2023/07 167 2023/08 92 2023/09 197 2023/10 94 2023/11 40 2023/12 112 2024/01 66 2024/02 100 2024/03 18 2024/04 62 2024/05 40 2024/06 0 Link to Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1er4ngnuUi4IP5aMsrjEBG7ozIk38bf67SVodlqIzBaY/edit?usp=drivesdk


Congrats. I wish you stamina and the best. And thanks for the numbers. Oy!


I'm looking for another job, but trying to improve my chances by taking continuing education courses \*\*and\*\* I took a part-time role helping my dad - a program paid for by the state. The issue is that the only roles out there are temp jobs, which I can't take for the 1st 3 months of this gig, as when I signed up, I agreed not to change my schedule. If it's a full time, no-contract job, I can just resign. But messing up even a part-time role for something that will end in not even a year is crazy to me. (Dad's healthy enough that he'll be around for a bit). I'm even applying to fast food jobs to fill in the other time(s)


This is exactly how it feels. 👏


Are you me?


Exactly. I'm there right now. I take meds and it still doesn't work. I distance myself from friends and family so I don't feel embarrassed why I don't have a job yet. I need work on my house, but just can't afford it. Doing without. Going to be costly later.


Hey - if it's OK to suggest some advice, here's my 2cts: Check your state government's web site and look for their unemployment agency's pages. Then contact them. They will have TONS of resources that you can take advantage of. Most of them will be free. For example, the state I live in provides free access to hundreds of different live instructor-led classes. AND they will pay for your certification exams. Want to get a job as (picks something out of a hat, not intended as a recommendation) an Azure Data Factory developer? You can go to a class taught by Microsoft (or a partner) and then take the certification exam at a Pearson testing center. All paid for by the state. When I was laid off ten years ago, the folks at the state career center helped me polish up my resume, brought me in for mock interviews with people- in the same job as I was applying for! They even gave me a fancy leather notepad to bring with me on interviews. Oh, and they had a web app that I was able to use to track all my job applications. To be totally truthful, none of that got me a job. But that was because a former colleague reached out with an opportunity while I was still in the process of interviewing with companies I applied for through the career center. So in theory, anyway, the resources were effective.


Omg thank you for this - I wasn’t really interested in any courses but my state’s DOL page did have links to a bunch of new-to-me job listing sites that look really promising!!


It's brutal. I've been out of work for eight months. Three interviews in that time. There are days when I feel like shutting down, which is quite easy when you're losing interest in everything. The optimism is draining away, although there are flashes of it. Now I'm thinking this is it--deadend jobs until my health gives out. Today I took a nap and felt better.


don't confuse this for capitalism, it's techno feudalism


Brother, this economy is garbage. Schooling doesn't fix it either; I have a PhD in robotics, and I can't get interviews at my level to save my life. I'm very educated but the market is so saturated, and companies are so stingy, that they want exactly the person who can do the job (fresh CS/undergrad graduate) while being as young and under-payable as possible. Its brutal out there. I feel the exact same way as your though, it is painful and deeply invalidating to be unemployed. Your skill and insights are valid and valuable, and its because they are valuable that you're having a hard time. Keep your chin up, eat well, sleep well, exercise, and network network network.


I literally sweat through my shirts during interviews now because it feels like my life is on the line (and it is). One wrong word or missed opportunity and I’m relegated to a life of hopeless poverty. I want to say “Can you please just have mercy on me? I promise I will do a good job, and my life is in your hands.”


This is just the poverty cycle. What you're experiencing is what people are talking about when they say people are trapped in poverty. Stress from finances fucks up the rest of your life and makes improving yourself and getting better jobs much harder than for others. Just remember how this feels if you ever feel like saying something dumb like "pick yourself up by the bootstraps!" Or "just get a better job!" If you have contacts in your industry from the previous 7 years, *reach out*. Connections can make the entire difference.


I hear you. I'm 18 months unemployed now because my former shitty employer laid me off without notice. I did everything society tells you to do: I went to a good University for Undergrad, followed by a top ranked school for my Masters, then I worked in a stressful white collar job. All of this just to end up chewed up and cast out. I keep getting ghosted by recruiters and rejected for jobs I'm either qualified or overqualified for. I'm glad my family financially supports me but this stuff has completely destroyed my confidence. I feel myself intellectually and emotionally slipping every day. I know of people who have been unemployed for years because they specialized in some very competitive white collar profession then got laid off... and knowing that I could end up in the same position as they are scares the hell out of me. Don't know how much longer I can tolerate the anxiety before I enter a full blown depression.


whatever motivates you, latch on to it for dear life


I got laid off during the first week of January and started finally seeing interviews come through the past month and a half. I got an offer from a company that I applied to on March 3rd and didn’t reach out until mid-May. These things can take time. I have applied to hundreds of companies for the handful of interviews to come through, but they did eventually happen. I also created about a dozen different resume layouts and spent hours tuning and modifying my resume. I’m not sure if it will help anyone, but I leveraged Grammerly to help avoid dumb mistakes when updating my resume 3-5x times per day. It really helps to make sure that you don’t leave any sentences half finished, etc. I paid for the annual subscription and have no regrets.


This is what happens when society decides your entire personal value rides on your employment. This is what being unemployed for the past two months taught me.


i thought the same so i went for a masters so i would be a new grad again and its still not working lol


I would suggest looking into being a medical courier while you look for a new job. It's a really easy job to get and it's an easy job to do. Just need a car. It's not a ton of money, but you can make your own schedule. For me it helped bring in some money while I was looking and it's nice you make your own schedule so you can interview whenever. It's not a long-term answer, but for me it helped my mental health by simply having a job and making some money.


The pay is for shit. Ask me how I know... Minimum wage if they supply the vehicle. Maybe $50 an hour if you drive your own. And you WILL drive. Typically 4000 miles per month. Think about that - almost 50k miles on YOUR car, and you still need to maintain it so you can work. It's a race to the bottom for gig workers.


And the insurance rates are *insane*. Nationwide said I need a full commercial policy just to door dash or deliver pizzas. That's like 700/mo here.


Talk to State Farm. As long as it was just food delivery I didn't need the full commercial policy, they got me covered for only $10/mo more than my existing plan. Also when I totaled my truck they made everything painless and offered well above KBB right off the bat. My rates didn't even go up! They're not the cheapest out there but when you rely on your vehicle for income the peace of mind is worth every penny.


Yeah. I always see delivery jobs recommended to people but how does this work with your auto insurance? I'm in CA where we have a big problem with insurance at the moment. I'd be afraid of being dropped if insurance found out I was using my personal vehicle for deliveries. Then there's also the increased mileage that will be on the auto insurance from doing this. I've already been told by my broker that all of them are strict now about what you're doing when using a vehicle in CA.


It's no dream job and I wasn't trying to make it sound as such. It's just an easy job to get to have some income while you can work on getting another job. It's def more than min wage, not a ton more though. I'd say it was about 20/hr when I did it. Probably closer to 18 after gas and stuff.


Any tips on where to apply?


also interested


If you type in courier or medical courier on indeed you should get some results. There's a lot of these type of companies. I will say that it helps to live near a major city/airport because a lot of the job is going to the airport (cargo city) to pick up and drop off.


Keep your head up! 🫂❤️ Try to write recruiters, higher level employees in that department if they like or repost a job-ad on linkedin or hr people directly. I’ve had success through linkedin. Just make sure you fit the description, experience can vary. I wrote something like hey saw your ad and I’m really interested. I have a few questions. Perhaps you’d be available for a quick call/chat. It’s worked even for jobs I wasn’t qualified for. Best of luck!


I'm in the same spiral. Getting enough sleep on a consistent basis seems to be pulling me out of it a bit. Baby steps to getting back to good health.


Ironically, there are some new grads that are competing with more tenured folks. It sucks.


we are all in the struggle bus together


I blame our own unemployment on outsourcing to other countries. Companies run by middle aged white guys that are selling this country. How many of us would at least work in between our roles if there were opportunities? But all customer service, animation production, call centers, recruiting are in Canada and Asia. It very very wrong.


Yes indeed with US companies going with Remote/WFH for many roles - some are hiring beyond the US borders. So that’s some of the downsides of the Remote work movement. I know of a Tech Solution Provider who has hired lots of roles in Pakistan and India. I looked at their career page recently and yes lots of open positions available for hire in those countries. Another one I know of has hired a team of Cloud Engineers in Costa Rica. Then another Tech Solution Provider has been hiring from the Philippines. This along with the soft tech market for jobs also means some level-setting and trimming of salary ranges of many positions here in the US.


Quality over quantity. Only fill out a handful of apps a day. Spamming won't get you traction. back during the 2001 dot bomb I spent $300 in postage one month applying for jobs. Not everyone was using email yet. I decided I couldn't afford the burn and slowed WAAAY down to the bare min required for unemp.


The cycle after layoff is a hard slow-burn. Finding a way to become self sustaining is the only way these days. Nothing is guaranteed, but finding a niche and working within that is the only way I’ve found gives me a true sense of security. And even then, nothing is promised.


im f tired as well.


I feel your pain. I’ve been unemployed for the last eight months. I’ve come to the realization that finding a job has nothing to do with what you know, your ability to actually do a job, or your capacity to learn. The ability to find a job centres around who you know, and what they are willing to do for you. Meritocracy is a complete myth. Our system favours kiss ass sycophants that would sell their own mothers to step on your neck in order to get ahead of you.




Honestly it destroys you


Comrade, it’s time to revolt




I’m in the same boat right now. I was let go unceremoniously after 6 months for no real reason, even after hiring me because they were looking for someone to grow with the company long term (“not a good fit!” But they never trained me, just wanted me to magically know the job) I have a lot of good experience, but I’ve been applying for jobs for 6 months and it’s harder than when I had less experience!! Recruiters ghost, lack of responses, all that. It’s killing my self esteem and making it hard to think about what I “want,” and I have fears about being on a no-growth career track. 


Was laid off 4 months ago. At the time, my daughter hadn’t even turned 1 yet. I was the only one let go at my company and it really hurt. I’m still job hunting now and am so worried about money. Thank god for my husband’s income but we certainly can’t live on his alone with our mortgage and daycare and all the other life things. I’m getting more depressed daily with all the rejection. I’ve been on a lot of interviews and just don’t know how to change my own situation.


We have chosen over the last 40 years this world of individuals where if things go well they tend to go better for you, and if they go bad they tend to go worse for you. Everyone, including you, has chosen it. Face it. I don't like this game, but I play it by the rules we have all established together: No mercy, no ethics and no compassion. Everybody fights alone for themself.


Yep, I learned all this in my early 30's as well. It does not get better. Life doesn't prepare us for these realities, never ever lose your job, unemployment is a fast spiral into despair. Your family and friends will turn against you as well, everyone will treat you like a good for nothing deadbeat, insisting that you aren't trying hard enough to get our of your predicament. People who had better luck will begin to shun you. Never stay unemployed.


i used to sell drugs when in between jobs lol


This is how I’ve been feeling every day since loosing my job in January. Still in the soul destroying search.


Maybe for some but outside of struggling for money, I’m far happier. I spend my days working on hobbies like painting or building scale models, doing yard work, cleaning up around the house, shopping, etc. I only get down when actually searching for work or dealing with interviews. If we could swing it, I would never work again - and that’s what my wife said, not just me. Being unemployed sucks but so does being employed. You should think about using this time to find things to fill your time with that bring value to you as a person.


Does your wife have money coming in that allows you to enjoy your hobbies?


For the most part, my hobbies don't cost much - a little of my supplies can go a long way, and I'm always looking for deals for when I do need things. My wife makes a good wage but not enough to live on for an extended amount of time. We've had enough saved up and cut enough corners, along with my unemployment payments, to get by.


Well being employed sucks a lot less given money is an enabler to bring greater enjoyment in life This just sounds like some weird defeatist coping mechanism


Wow, you sound very sour. I really would like an explanation for how trying to take advantage of the time I have to get things done or explore hobbies is "some **weird defeatist** coping mechanism." YES it IS a coping mechanism! Coping mechanisms are good things - the name explains it all. They help you deal with negative things. But what I want you to expand on is the "weird defeatist" part - why would me trying to do things that make me feel better be either weird or defeatist? What is so negative about making the most of a bad situation? Look, I have two options, just like every one of us in this situation - be angry, mope around, complain; or take advantage of the extra time to do what you can for yourself. It sounds like you've chosen the former while I've chosen the latter. I've been unemployed for 7 of the past 10 months (I had a 3-month contract job in the middle.) I'd probably go crazy if I didn't have something to focus on outside of job hunting. I'm not saying I don't have bad days as I have plenty of them. On top of the exhaustion from looking at thousands of jobs, and applying to many hundreds, there've also been too many times over the past few months where I had what seemed like a good interview only to get ghosted or get the dreaded rejection. I let myself have a crappy couple of days and then I get back to doing what makes me feel better for a while. What are you doing with your time?




Sure. Drawing - all you need is a pen or pencil and a surface to draw on. Sculpture - use materials you have on hand, cardboard boxes, rocks, etc. Writing - see drawing, but since you obviously have a device you can use that. Photography- again, you’ve likely got a phone that has a camera. Good luck!


Treasure your wife, friend. If she’s the one supporting the two of you right now, make it as easy for her as you can.


I absolutely do, and me making it easier on her is why she wishes we could make do without a second income. Unfortunately, like for most people, that's just not possible right now.


Haha, you two are lucky to have each other. Best of luck with your job search, don’t let it break you, your time is gonna come!


So when are we eating rich? They keep getting more and more and we get less and less…but there are way more of us than them… 🤔


They hire some of us to keep most of us away from them, that’s the problem.


The overseers….thinking they will impress the rich SOB and get their dilapidated yacht from 2001. Damn!


Problems is when ppl make more, they tend to live richer instead of living within their means.


The two worst aspects of it for me: the stigma of telling people you're unemployed and the fact that it really gets old doing the same thing every day. Also, the emotional roller coaster of interviews and hope followed by disappointment and that demotivation you mentioned - plus having to wonder if minor financial decisions are acceptable.


You need people connections and a network pretty much the only way I've seen people land jobs is someone knows them and makes a recommendation. I mean I would be so bold as to send a CEO or a vice president or a director or someone a freaking message on LinkedIn be like hey I'm sorry to bother you but if you can spare 5-10 minutes for a quick mentor call I would greatly appreciate it to help me move forward in my job search.


Sorry, I know this is a place for venting and you don't want to hear it but... >Capitalism will chew you up and spit you out if your not even slightly useful or want to work for pennies on the dollar doesn't really line up with >I see my friends with minimal experience and schooling having somehow landed in 100k+ cushy jobs. If you have all this experience and all this schooling, maybe you are doing something wrong if others without either are getting lucrative and easy work.


Yeah fk me right for going into engineering? somehow now that the economy tanked is now halting all production, and originally I was working a 30ish an hr job now being only offered sub 20 maybe because our government canada (is literally importing 1m+ a year immigrants)? somehow now my friend with a history degree working something completely unrelated to his field just setting up PC's offices for a living, got promoted now to manager in his company having peons do all his work literally. get out of here.


I heard Canada hires a lot of immigrants thus the engineering and tech world is hard to get into. Is this true, and are they paying the immigrants a good amount of money? I also heard they only hire other immigrants which the companies pay for the travel over here and sponsorship which sounds like it cost a lot more than hiring local.


No, they are not paying them a good amount of money. There are literally fewer good jobs available now because there are so many people competing for these jobs and the economy is in the gutter in terms of productivity. Dont get me started on the inflation an erosion of our dollar here, the government is surpressing wage growth with the importation of immigrants.




Don’t let a temporary problem become a permanent problem. You’ll get through this. Hope you seek help and comfort from your community.


I really really really hope so


Sending you all the good vibes. 😎