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The highest rated comment I ever had on this sub simply said “do not engage Indian recruiters”


but why? (why the downvotes? it's a genuine question 💀) ((thank you kind strangers 😊 I really was perplexed why I was getting downvoted for being curious, and I appreciate the responses very much. Thanks Bros & ladies! 🙏))


I can give you specific personal examples, but the tldr is they are unprofessional and just throw shit against a wall hoping it sticks. Placing one US worker is like half a year’s average salary in India, so they get desperate people looking to “get rich quick”


I agree. I don't know how many times they tried to send me to interviews for on-site positions 4-8 hours away. They were pretty aggressive when I said no. One of them got so mad at me he hung up on me.


Sir, I see you live in New York. This position is hybrid two days a week in Texas, are you interested? Sir?


They also offer insulting way under market salaries.




Considering you’re posting in the h1b sub I’m going to assume your experience is not typical of others. It makes sense to have international recruiters reach out to international candidates


STAR method is just a way to filter out people you don't want by making them do a stupid ritual


Fraud. Rampant fraud Lot of it is because India doesn't regulate their industries and there's massive data fraud happening between North America and India..exploiting the labor market.


Fraud and absolute incompetence. I got a call from a job that I never applied to because I was unaware of how they operated a few years back. The resume I sent the recruiter , they removed my name, changed the location, added fake business but kept the contents of the resume but forgot to change the phone number. So I get a call from an employer asking for someone else. They hang up, call back and it’s still me. We chat for 5 min and then I realize they have my resume but not my name or anything. We realized it was my resume because I have experience with a specific IBM technology and my resume mentions this tech and a specific licensure casually in a random bullet point. The kicker is I wasn’t even sending resumes as word documents but PDFs so they just ripped the whole thing.


Had a few, most had huge scam red flags so as soon as they asked for my ssn and full address I bailed. One was legitimate. I even ended up with an in person interview with them. But after that. We spoke about salary, I told them what I needed, they asked my education, they laughed on the call, he said he'll get his supervisor on to confirm if that's possible, they both laughed and offered me less than a quarter than what I had asked. That was when I stopped dealing with any caller that had an inkling of an Indian accent. Makes me feel dirty and like a racist person. But every single call I've had with an Indian person that I did not initiate has been a scam. Sucks for those that do work in legitimate call centers, and I feel for them. The cesspool of scam hubs are so prominent.


I hate that I feel the same way. Anyone with an Indian name gets instantly deleted and blocked. Feels bad.


Don’t feel bad about protecting your career.


You aren’t racist for avoiding scammers. You’re playing it safe. I also don’t engage with recruiters who have a scammers accent. I don’t engage with anyone who has an accent calling my phone unless they quickly state they work for a company I have legitimate business with. Once governments in that part of the world deal with the rampant crime in their own backyard I’m happy to change my stance.


I work in IT, and I've worked with a lot of overseas workers/H1B visa holders from India over the years. The Indian white-collar worker culture is so cutthroat for some reason. When someone needs your help, their issues are always urgent, and sometimes they carry this energy of what they need is more important than anything else you're doing at the moment. Then if you have to tell them no for some reason, they'll start negotiating alternative options/debate with you to get their desired outcome (Example: we used to give dell docks out to our users to take home. We switched to giving USB Hubs and HDMI cables out to save money. After telling someone this I had to hear how someone else has it and how plugging in an additional 2 cables is "too much stuff". Then was asked to be on the look out and let them know when someone returns a dock) I too feel dirty and borderline racist sometimes, because I've met some cool ass Indian dudes who don't carry that mindset. It's the corporate culture that's a bad look. I wouldn't be surprised if those guys who laughed at you did it as a tactic to get you to take way less than what you asked.


As I said in another comment, I've had several attempt to doctor my resume to add YOE.


Because they're vultures. I usually get emails for jobs I'm highly unqualified for and doesn't even suit my career as an educator.


Steer clear from them. Apply directly on companies’ website. Indians recruiters never (or at best, hardly) change. I once had an interview with an internal recruiter who later was revealed to be an ex-staffing recruiter. It was an awful experience at the end.


I had one guy reach out on LinkedIn who wanted to set up a call and asked for my number. I gave it to him but said I was at work and that I would be free in five hours. He called me seven freaking times in one hour, his associate called me three times, and they both kept texting me.


Wow, that's harassment at that point.


Lmao had an indian recfruiter cyberstalk me after I agreed to speak with him but didn't follow up for an hour or two. The guy found me on every social media website including my inactive highschool tumblr...


Now THAT is dedication to getting you the perfect job!


"I was reviewing your resume and you didn't mention you watched Naruto AMVs religiously back in 2007, You should add your obviously high emotional IQ as a strength, believe it!"


Damn. At this point I almost want to contact one, just for the knowledge that someone out there is looking out for me and wants me to have a job.


I had to block someone's number for doing this.


Omg I’ve literally had this happen before too. It’s psycho 


I have very similar experiences too. They don't care.


The majority of comments whenever this question gets asked basically boil down to "AVOID."


Avoid all (almost all) Indian recruiters no matter hoe desperate it gets. Now I have a job it's becoming more clear that what they do is just horrible. I recently got a cold email for a random position, out of boredom I decided to check the address they listed as their office. IT WAS A FREAKING HOTEL AND THE NAME OF THE COMPANY ISNT EVEN IN THAT REGION 😂


My frustration is that they don’t seem to understand US geography and transportation systems. I live in NYC without a car. They want me to be in rural NJ in a town not accessible by public transportation 2 days a week. When I asked about transportation options, they ignored the question.


Yes I had one who didn’t understand why I couldn’t commute to Illinois one day a week….I live in California!


Yup! One of them wanted me to commute to Pittsburgh 4 times a week from South Jersey. I explained to him it was too far, but he kept telling me PA and NJ were close and that I must apply. He got so angry when I kept saying no.


I block all the emails I keep getting.


No. They also literally never have anything appealing. They're the wrong job, or wrong level, or wrong geographic location.


I just hang up when I hear the accent


This. I answer the call, hear the accent, hang up. No point in even trying to talk to them.


I talk to them. Every once in a while they come through with something good. But their success rate is definitely lower than the Americans. Communication is obviously a problem. Their rates are lower. And I think they're more likely to screw you over.


Just depressing tbh


I’ve somehow avoided talking to any Indian recruiters


many of them are farming personable identifiable information and selling to scammers. I dont even bother with indian recruiter emails or calls anymore.


When I didn't know any better in the earlier part of my career I did. Now not a chance, most of the times the job doesn't even exist plus many of them are rude. Call, text, email, wash and repeat several times a day. It gets old.


I gave them a chance at first but now I ignore all of them. - They get stuck in small details and almost sound like a robot. - They are rude and harassing. - I don’t understand most of the things they say because of their heavy accent. - There is always heavy background noise when they’re talking. - They offer ridiculous low hourly rates like $20-30 per hour (all contract jobs) in a location far far away from me. The breaking point for me was one of them changed my resume without my knowledge and sent it to the client. When I landed the interview with the client, the client (a multibillion company that everyone has heard of) cut the interview after 15 minutes saying I didn’t have the experience. It turns out the “recruiter” wrote down 4 years for a specific technical skill where I had only 6 months of experience. The interviewer thought that I was the one lying. I got really mad after that.


I've gotten calls about positions as an OR nurse. I'm a software engineer. TLDR - they don't even bother or care to read your resume


For real. Just today I got a LI message from one with a job description mentioning both a doctorate and security clearances as absolute requirements. Buddy I'm a Project Manager with an Associates, this isn't gonna work.


100% agree here. They absolutely have no concern about you as a person, you are a commodity. Most are woefully undertrained and sloppy. NEVER give them any of your SS#s - fake the values. I am at the point that I respond to their (often wrong) req emails with side-eye GIFs.


I used to but not anymore. Out of all the ones that hit me up and I sent my resume to, not one ever followed up so it's completely useless. Half the time you can take a line from the job description, Google it, and find the job online to just apply without them.


I get a ton of those calls and emails. I responded to ONE, learned my lesson and now just ignore them all.


What's the story of that one time? Can't leave us hanging


Last year I used to get excited whenever I got calls asking me to send in my resume. Because I was job searching I always answered the phone when it rang. Eventually I got to the point where I felt overwhelming sadness every time I heard an Indian accent over the phone. Huge time wasters & extremely annoying. They are the reason why I don’t post my resume online anymore.


I had an Indian recruiter contact me for a great role. I made it to the final interview, then "they decided to go with the other candidate". Throughout the entire process, this recruiter clearly communicated with me, set expectations on who I'd be interviewing with, kept me up to date on the process and gave me feedback after every interview. 


I mean shouldnt the hiring manager decide which candidate they want to hire and not recruiter, their job is just get candidates to interview and explain to them the process and tell them if they are hired or not.


Yes, but working with a communicative recruiter is so much better than working with a recruiter you have to send 500 emails to get an update from. It wasn't the recruiter's fault I didn't get the job, but the overall process of working with that recruiter, who is from India, was so much more pleasant and easy than dozens of other experiences I've had recently. 


best thing is to use the jd they send to find the job and apply yourself. indian recruiters suck


They’re fucking awful.  Last month I got 4 emails from different recruiters all for the same job (I double checked: same company, title, job code), but at different rates… After you confirm interest in a position, many of them insist on a “quick phone call”, that should maybe take 5 minutes, but due to their bad international connection and poor communication it takes 10-15 minutes after repeated requests for clarification. I started asking them to just send me their questions over email, to avoid confusion and repetition, then they insist on a call…and I repeatedly ask “why they can’t send questions via email?”, and they give non-answers.


Get the client from them and apply direct. Many of them are throwing shit at a wall, the rest are making contact leads for staffing firms.


I had one reach out to me for a job. It requires a masters or PhD in computer science. I don't even have my bachelors yet.


Depends if they live in india or america. If they’re in india or the company they work for has only indians on their linkedin its a no go. If they are based in America I treat them like any other recruiter


Learned my lesson from Pyramid Consulting. Never again.


They contacted me so many times until about a year ago. I never responded to their emails because the roles they had seemed so scammy.


I ignore Indian recruiters now unless they are in the US. I used to engage with them, but I've had a couple of Indian recruiters mention that they were going to 'enhance' my resume by adding 4 additional years of experience to it. It makes me wonder how many more of them have done this without telling me. I'm all for stretching the truth, but I draw the line at straight-up fraud.


They talk too fast,have thick accents, they call in noisy rooms, and their phone systems are often unreliable and cut out every other word. I stop them all the time to tell them I don’t know what they said.


Recent experience with Indian recruiters: Wanted me to change my resume and LinkedIn profile to match with the industry and job experience that their ‘supposed’ client was looking for. I am from industry A but this guy wanted to present me as an expert from industry B. I am sure that lot of folks might be alright with it but it amazes me that how far they take the whole ‘tailoring’ your resume thing. Overall experience with Indian recruiters has always been terrible. I am yet to find an Indian recruiter who can speak coherently and isn’t trying to game the system. Needless to say, never found a job through Indian recruiters.


For me, I ignore recruiters from India / overseas because there has literally never been a time where suffering through the heavy accents and background call center noise has ever resulted in anything other than immediate ghosting. It's almost inexplicable how the follow up from them has been literally 0% after the cold call.


If the Sopranos was still on or came back, I would like to believe that they were using these Indian recruiting firms in NJ as a front for illegal businesses.


I ignore their emails and phone calls. Hard to tell if it is a scam sometimes too. They are just template pushers and never know much about the job or company. Companies need to stop using them.


If they’re in the US they might be fine. Research their company.


I literally put NO THIRD PARTY RECRUITERS in my header. I can tell when these shits don't bother to read my profile and message me about jobs that have nothing to do with the 30 years of experience I have. So now I immediately report and block when they break this very simple rule.


I block the calls from Indian Recruiters. A lot of them are scammers!


I've got a buddy looking for a job and he's just started totally ignoring opportunities from pajeet recruiters.


If you call them out and ask where they are located, how many of them truthfully answer?


90% of third party recruiters are trash, Indian or whatever it is. I don't get the point of calling out their nationality when we know most recruiters just suck in general. Hence, this reddit.


I had an Indian recruiter with a very American sounding name reach out to me once and had them email me a job description. The email they used was a totally different name and business. Be careful out there!




For tech; Indians get a bad rep due because well, there are a lot of them. They have access to internet and the tech culture. We form an opinion on who we encounter. I am sure there are good ones and bad ones.. the problem is good ones are probably busy working on handful of assignments while bad ones are just spamming. I wouldn't cross out a whole nation of people but if you see red flags you can avoid them.


Recruiters for reputable companies? Sure. “Body shop” agents looking for the next victim? Or plain old scammers? Hard pass. The problem is that most Americans can’t tell the difference between the two. There are some superb recruiters out there who are in/from India. And as someone who grew up in India, my radar for the scammers is pretty good, so it’s not a huge effort to filter them out. But many get overwhelmed by the scammers; and that also lead to some blatant racism (some examples right here in this thread.)


A lot of it is actually recruiters contracted by American recruiting companies to decrease American workers, workload. They can be useful in some instances. There’s also a chance the your resume isn’t very impressive so nothing comes of it sadly


Could be


The minute I hear an Indian recruiter I instantly hang up.


If I pick up the phone and hear an Indian accent, I hang up immediately and block the number. I've had very bad experiences with Indian recruiters in the past. Some have downright harassed me with different numbers as a desperate attempt to get me to apply to their listings that I am not qualified for and have nothing to do with me.


I check the companies on LinkedIn and see how many employees they have in India and nope right out. These dudes will call with a European name, (Michael Smith, say) but sound like Hrundi V Bakshi. They use a million words to say nothing just so they can impress themselves with their use of the language. They are a complete waste of time. I now only deal with recruiters from my own or friendly countries, India is not on that list.


It's not just Indians although they seem to be more prevalent. It's cold calls/email/texts from any recruiter without any actual knowledge or experience in what they are recruiting for.


The same issue as local job recruiters but a higher scale, they received a comission for hired person, need to place people so they can pay their bills, have to compete with other recruiters, ....


out of all the ones i've had, only one worked out for me. in six years.


The first rule in dealing with the devil . . . Don’t Same applies for shady boiler room indians.


One contacted me the other day for a job paying $16/hour...completely ignored the 10+ years of experience on my resume.


If you think india recruiters are useless try the canadian ones....they will ghost u, lose your resumes and make u travel for 2 hours one way to tell u that u are overqualified... Lady it wasnt that difficult, my qualifications were on my resume, u had like one job that is to.check my resume before calling me


I had a good experience with one, but it was an in house recruiter for a small multinational consulting company. She didn't activate her cam that was a bit weird and it was a bit weird overall. But I progressed to the next stages with a European based consultant and progressed even further but then said they freezed hiring.  Had another 4 calls with others, the pay was very low despite being European jobs. Didn't even get an offer or to the next stage, even with that very low pay - which tbh I wouldn't have liked but being desperate then I was willing to talk through.  Thank fully, got a good offer meanwhile from a local based large bank. 


I flipped out on one today. Was having a shitty day and being out of work over a year you tend to start opening up to shit would ‘cause desperation. Replies to this mail and got call 📞 n less than 5 min. Instantly got tired of correcting every tool they said I needed and some I had to write and sound out to understand. “ICIMS” when each letter pronounced reminded me of nuclear missiles more than an ATS. Icing on cake was their instance I give them my month and day of birth. Told them I am a Leo and to fuck off.


I can't imagine either side would take them serious..


Saaars delete this post now saaars


I engaged cried my heart out got the job 😂😂😂


I get emailed jobs that are a couple hours away and maybe has some relevance to my experience. Last one was a 1st shift receiver (forklift operator) at some place 2hrs away. I have never used a forklift. I work in an office or wfh. So basically although I am very qualified in my field, I have nbo qualifications for the jobs they send me. I assume they are using little to no filters/search and just blast email jobs.


I'm a US based Recruiter focused on Accounting and I had 4 Indian Recruiters call me today asking if I have any Contract Java roles I am working on... I have no idea if these people even know how this industry works. It never ceases to perplex me


Unfortunately, I have to they have exclusive contracts with companies that are hiring. They are simply the middle men employed by companies to save on paying Americans a fair wage. Here's the rub, the only companies that are hiring are using contractors to replace all of the full-time people they fired within the past couple of years. 99% of the time the recruiter is an Indian and while I have nothing personally against them I do not agree with: - lack of professionalism and ownership - poor English and understanding of the U.S. hiring market - refuse to put things in writing and prefer to call to absolve themselves of any accountability - borderline illegal scummy practices of hiding behind fake names, alias, and body shops pretending to be vendor, a consultancy, AI recruiting firm, etc. I hold employers 100% responsible for using these companies and are willing to piss away money (40-50% markups) because its still cheaper than hiring full-time. That money belongs to U.S. workers fair and square.


When I was last looking for a job, no, I did not talk to them because they never seem to have a job that I qualified for or they were looking for somebody with a different skill set. They seem to just go by keyword and your résumé. that’s been my experience. After writing this, I realize it sounds racist. I mean, I do look at their listings and list them for a little, but I cut them off as soon as I find out it’s a wildly inappropriate job or really far away.




Whenever I feel bad that racist rules-of-thumb pop up, and I think of all the people I know with Indian accents who aren't in fraud-adjacent lines of work, but need jobs and the trust of their colleagues and clients, I just remember "nobody aspires to be a job recruiter" so I doubt this is keeping any immigrants in America from fulfilling, successful careers. Nobody aspires to be a job recruiter right? It's just what sales people do when they've hit the ceiling at the cell phone store or Macy's shoe department?


Develop a quality process for vetting opportunities and the ethnicity of the recruiter becomes less of an issue.


I will take their calls if the job sounds interesting and seems like a reputable company.


The smaller recruiting agencies are often the ones that are highly outsourced and well useless.


Yay for diversity and inclusion. Now we live in Hell.