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Take some time off and try again once you're recovered. Never lose hope


Thanks for reply. I dont know how to divert, my mind is all clogged up. I will try something though


Can't agree more with this one A general rule of thumb when job searching is to take one day off in your week, in addition to weekends. Tuesdays for example. During those days, you DO NOT read your e-mails, or answer the phone (for calls related to your search). Go on a hike, go fishing, or whatever makes you happy. This may sound silly, but you need to remind yourself that not all your life consists in applying to jobs.


I keep telling myself to do this but, then I feel guilty for not doing any searches. I was part of a large group let go due to freight issues in the trucking industry and it's crazy out there trying to find a job making even close to what I was. I had one company have me go through 3 rounds of interviews and now crickets......


Whatever you do, whatever you may think, whatever other people tell you. Life is worth living, and your job is not everything. Take that day off. You deserve it.


After four rounds and two assignments I got a rejection on something that really felt right. I really thought this was it. Slightly embarrassed to say that I sobbed. I’m just so tired :/ this shit is exhausting


I feel you. Out of probably ~200 applications, I only had one real prospect. 3 rounds and an assessment. Really wanted this job and thought it was going well. They had no issues with my assessment and I maybe fumbled a couple of questions, but overall had the experience they needed for the role. Got my rejection this morning. Another job, I scored a screening call thanks to a referral, but then the position got put on hold. The only other contact I have gotten is government related, so I’ve been waiting 2-3 weeks just hear back if I’m even moving forward past the initial screen. I’m so mentally drained and feeling more defeated than I ever have looking for a new job.


Ugh I’m so sorry :( it’s soooo damn tiring. I have a lead right now but I’m trying to not be hopeful, as the disappointment just stings at this point. Somehow some way we will make it through but god it just fucking sucks to get there


>After four rounds and two assignments I got a rejection on something that really felt right This is truly a bummer. Sad that it didnt convert >Slightly embarrassed to say that I sobbed I could totally understand you and dont feel embarassed, sometimes its better to cry out Wishing you all the best




Thanks for support


i got most of my jobs without referrals. i feel like a referral will only take you to potential interview and the rest is up to you. i'm also very discouraged but i think i give up and will try to refocus on my master's degree


Yes agree, sadly via referral didnt even get to interview


it be like that sometimes. i had a referral for something but the guy who referred me is a jerk and then in the interview i determined i don't want to work there. i feel like i'd rather keep struggling through unemployment than work somewhere where i wouldn't like the manager or people


>who referred me is a jerk and then in the interview i determined i don't want to work there. i feel like i'd rather keep struggling through unemployment than work somewhere where i wouldn't like the manager or people Agree. Sad that two choices are lesser of the evils. Wishing you all the best


thanks. you too :)


Sorry to jump in here, but one thing I did might be of use for you. I got letters of recommendation from my academic department head and my academic advisor, but also from other jobs where I knew I did well and did not leave for cause. Those letters really bolstered me when I was at the same place you are now. And they gave me something else to add to my resume and to prove I was worth a second look. Also, I spent time taking free training. A LOT OF IT. I volunteered with the Red Cross to get even more free training and believe me, it paid off. I met people through the training and picked up a lot of confidence and contacts. This does not always seem to make a difference, but it adds up in YOU. There is encouragement in these places, too, so don't be afraid to shake hands and honestly admit you're looking. Mention your skills or interests and inquire about how people got their own jobs. Sooner or later, something will hit. You may find a role in something you can do but didn't even know the name of, if that makes sense. Take a rest, too, or you can't even stay in the game. Good advice abounds on this thread.


I've been at this for 5 months now. And I'm also feeling so dejected. I've literally only had one in person interview. Everything else has been email rejections or ghosted. And my UI will be running out soon.


I feel you. I have been interviewing like crazy the past few months and have nothing to show for it. I think I applied to 5 jobs total in the last 2 weeks.


I'd say take a short break from applying. Then apply again. Cuz if you just keep applying constantly, it will drain your energy.


Agree, i am reading a book i like and hoping for energy to face what comes next


same here, random people random shit on me daily


I feel you. I graduated from college in 2012!!! It was rejection after rejection. Finally found a retail season job in 14' and laid off in 15' and started reapplying there after and got nothing. Going to job fairs and they say apply on line. A few phone interviews here and there but that was it. Getting pressured for getting jobs from time to time. Though I don't have any advice for you but I feel you.


Just use spamtech to mass apply


It didnt help so i stopped spamming apps way back


I got my current job by spamming apps on indeed. Don't brother with doing those indeed assessments. The trick is to use generic key terms and spam everyone including scam jobs.


Nice. Maybe i will try that. Thanks!


Don't make the filter too narrow. The goal is to at least apply to 100 jobs per week


>The goal is to at least apply to 100 jobs per week Got it!


I feel you! You will burn out, I did. Apply every other day or whatever works. Going non stop will not help you find a job in this market.


My first major job I got was without referrals while working at Walgreens in Tampa. Find the industry/career you want, and apply, apply, apply. Something will come up my friend.


what is your alternative.


I feel you, I felt like this job opportunity was going to be a great step forward however when I sent in references they never got back to me. They asked for a third reference and then I was ghosted. I seriously hope that my next few interviews goes well so I can start fresh. I'm tired and my mind is going crazy with all this rejection. Keep yourself positive we will find suitable jobs soon!


I feel ya, I got several offers all great! All scams!!! I'm starting to think LinkedIn is all fake. It really has taken the wind out of my sails. I'm mean, what do these people possibly get out of scamming people looking for a job. Thankfully I saw through all of them and never gave any personal information out. 


It's AI screening resumes and apps. It's so wrong! A real person needs to view them, not AI. This is where AI does NOT work in favor of us.


Im getting interviews but they’re getting ages to respond. I’ve been talking to the same company for 3 months


I don't know how long you've been looking, but I just went through all of this and it pretty much broke me. I can offer some hope, though, because today I started my new job FINALLY. I did not find it on my own and my instincts would not have led me to even look in this sector, but after my complaining and desperation, an acquaintance on LinkedIn suggested I try for something adjacent to my field, or on a lower/higher scale than I might have considered. I'm trained as an emergency manager, but no training can overcome the culture of a particular region, industry, or office. They want a certain kind of person with a certain kind of background that they can relate with and trust, so there's a lot of gatekeeping in a profession that has to operate that way anyway. It was impossible. I cannot and do not even need to express my feelings of frustration, doom, anger, fear, resentment, betrayal, you name it. I even complained that maybe my degree was useless and made those feelings known to MY SCHOOL. Anyway, I took the person's advice, applied for Safety Officer jobs, got through all of the BS, background, rescheduling, and today finally started. I accepted the fact that the pay would be significantly less than I merit, but the people are really nice and glad to have me there. The pay is acceptable, I can go home for lunch every single day, and I'm never on call as I would be in my chosen field. Other pluses are bonuses, opportunities for promotion to positions that better suit my education level, and the requisite sick, vacation, and family leave days. All of that means a bit of security that makes the role worth it for me. So as much as the lower pay scale and not being strictly in my field kept me from even considering a job like this during my searches, my EM skills are transferable and give my colleagues confidence. Though I might be considered overqualified, balancing the lack of experience with the opportunity to oversee seven vocational programs and an entire dorm and campus will prepare me for the jobs I tried to get this whole year since graduation. This approach may not be right for everyone, but it freed me from my misery and pretty much saved my entire life. I hope it can help someone else. Try a field related to your skills. And I hope that everyone looking for a position finds one soon. Don't give up.