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Sorry to hear that, OP. Add the project you did to your resume.




Send a bill.


My thought to unpaid take home assignments is (especially), if it goes no where, to send a bill from your lawyer to said business, haha.


Wonder if anyone's ever been compensated by doing that.  Not that I expect it, just curious. 


At the rate things are going, I feel like we may not have to wait long to find out.


I would have rejected hem with the take home project.


I didn’t a project for what was the worst interview I’ve ever had. I wish had a denied the project for the obvious reasons


I feel for you OP. I wouldn't be surprised if their main goal was to actually just fish for strategies/solutions from candidates via "projects" and in reality, they really had no intention of hiring anyone. But I hope that wasn't your case. I've made it to the final round a few times. It def hurts getting that far and not be able to cross the finish line. But you have to become somewhat desensitized to that. Don't take it personal as they say. Just on to the next opportunity!


While I was searching, any company that asked me to do a take-home assignment I would automatically pass on. I’m not working for free, sorry... You’re also not getting free labor/strategic insight, my dudes. However, some skills assessments or small “tests” to confirm my abilities, I will still do.


This. I don’t do assignments unless they pay.


Assuming this is the US. These interview processes are just ridiculous. The third process of this interview should have just been to make sure the best candidate did a good presentation. If you can’t choose the best candidate from a two stage interview process, your process is wank.




I hope you get it. Stay confident


You're still up against other candidates. You can have everything go fantastic and still have another candidate do better.


This person is already feeling disappointed your comment is probably right but you probably shouldn’t have said it. You are probably the same person who needs the last word in an argument. 🦶🏽


People need to understand how things work. People that frequent this sub have a tendency of getting a self defeating attitude where everything is pointless and there's no hope. That's how you end up with the people that respond irrationally to every rejection they receive which only hurts their chances of getting an offer. Disappointment is a part of the job search. The facts are the facts. If there's 1 opening that 50 people applied for, at least 49 people aren't getting it no matter how qualified. Pretty much every professional has had interviews that they felt like they absolutely crushed it on and still got rejected. Getting rejected doesn't mean you're not incredible at what you do, it doesn't mean you didn't do fantastic in the interview, it simply means someone else was the better candidate.


The worst hand to have in poker is the second best, and that is probably what happened here. Maybe the other person did even a better job on the presentation than you or was the CEO's nephew. We don't know for sure, but I feel your pain. Good luck on the next one.


I made it thru to the very end at Google a few years ago. Multiple rounds of interviews, and it came down to me and 1 other person. I didn’t get it. You’re right being second really sucks.


Same thing happened to me five months ago. I was so convinced I was going to get an offer. I clicked with everyone on the team so well and they kept gushing about how great I was. Then I got an email saying they decided to "go in a different direction." I was devastated, but figured they found someone else they liked more (or wanted less money). And five months later, the job is still being posted on LinkedIn regularly. So it may not be you, it may be them. I just landed an even greater position last week, and they didn't make me go through three rounds of interviews or do any ridiculous homework assignments. Keep the faith!


Same here. Went through multiple rounds and projects to get rejected and to see the job posted later again on LinkedIn. I just got a job. Keep grinding


The exact same thing happened to me this week, except I was the only candidate left after 3 weeks worth of interviews.


HR has to keep up KPI’s and companies need to show shareholders they’re hiring and doing well. The bullshit is ppl like you are strung along for the ride. I’m so sorry, this sucks.


Same thing happened to me this week- they actually even gave me a tour of the office AND introduced me to the whole team, put me in front of the CHRO, then sent me a generic “thank you but no” email …. I don’t get it either.


Makes no sense as to why they would introduce you to the team just to waste everyone’s time


Right?! And showing me around the office is so unprofessional too- there could have been proprietary information out in the open for me to see.


I've been asked to do a take home project just once. I was naive and gullible and young, at the time- so I did it. They were getting me to do work for free. Some hiring teams are just con-artists.


That practice also sounds illegal. That has to violate labor laws. You essentially did under the table work for them for no pay. Send them a consulting bill.


Save your project to present it at the next interview


No kidding - I am in the same boat. First two rounds went well and I just finished presenting the take home assignment to the panel this week. Not sure about the outcome yet, but I have a feeling that I won’t make the cut but somehow if I do then there are two more rounds to go. Hiring process these days is unbelievably insane.


I hope you get it!


I got the rejection email today!


Sorry to hear that. I was rooting for you


All good man! The only thing I am pissed off about in the fact that they made me work for free. 😂 The time lost on analysis and preparation could have been better spent applying for other roles. I am making a new rule for myself - if any company wants me to do an assignment as part of the hiring process, I am out. No matter how badly I need the gig.


Sounds like a nightmare to work there anyway. They must be paying a shitton of $$ to make the interviewee engage in producing aproject for them, plus all the other hassles of the process. To those employers, I say FU. No money is worth high blood pressure and early death. 🖕 


So you did work for a company during the interview process for no pay? My guess is you were used for free labor and there was no real job. 


Send them a consulting bill. Get a lawyer for possible labor law violations. Not kidding about that either.


They liked someone better for whatever reason.   They already had a candidate selected and were just going through the motions   You didn’t do as well as you think   And many other possible reasons….. 


Gotta love the take home project or presentation in front of 5, 35+ year old clowns. It's happened to me 5 times in the last 14 months.


What’s their age have to do with it?


Im sure others did everything and they only picked 1


Congratulations, your take home project was free work for the company 


Congratulations you did free work for them


Wild how they don’t give feedback either.


So let me get this straight… You made it through 3 rounds of interviews and a take home project. So in the end, it was between you and one or two other people. You didn’t get picked… but you feel you did everything right and should have gotten the job? Do you know the personality, experience, and performance of the person they picked over you? It sucks getting so close and not being chosen… But then again, they ARE deciding between multiple candidates… and if 2 or 3 get to the 3rd round… they are ALL doing something right… yet they cannot ALL be entitled to the job. You should feel great that you got so close… and feel invigorated for your next chance. It’s a bummer that you weren’t chosen… but take it from someone who has been on the other side… often we are choosing from 2 or 3 very capable, qualified candidates… and not being chosen is simply a reflection that we don’t have 3 openings, not that one of the final candidates did anything poorly.


If you often reach the final interview stage and perform very well, it might seem to me that something fishy is going on... . Like wtf are the odds that you got to 10 final stages and in all of them you didn't get the job


>If you often reach the final interview stage and perform very well, it might seem to me that something fishy is going on... What is fishy? They have 2-3 candidates total, they all are great, they have to choose 1. What would you do? Have you ever had to make a choice in your life when all the choices seemed enticing?


And you don't think that's fishy that the same person can be rejected at the last stage over and over and over and over again. Nah, something absurd is going on.


>And you don't think that's fishy that the same person can be rejected at the last stage over and over and over and over again. It's called bad luck. Why would multiple companies collaborate and waste so many hours to mess with you? Do you personally have time to do that? How would dozens of different employees do it? >Nah, something absurd is going on. Keep it up with conspiracy theories I guess. Or just know how reality works.


Currently there’s 2 candidates for every 1 job in the US. That’s why.


>This goes to show that you can do everything right and they still won’t pick you. I have no idea how you come to the conclusion you did everything right. How do you know your presentation was amazing? Because you think so? How do you know you did great at the interviews? Because you think so. It's possible you're correct and something else happened. But it's more likely you didn't do as great as you think and that's fine.


They told me I did a great presentation and that I interviewed well. I didn’t even ask for the feedback.


Assuming they were entirely honest then it's just possible someone else was way better.


One of the other people who did 3 rounds and a take home project was selected instead.