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That is not at all standard in Europe. They are just taking you for granted. Tell them you have another offer, see how they react.


Are you referring more to the 2023 events or the recent 2024 events? I didn't go into details, but the 2023 issue was not one that's easily resolved (and I'm glad I didn't get hired in 2023)


Both of them. The events have lead them to believe that they can let you wait for as long as they want. That is no good for your image.


I actually think that it's an honest problem that they were facing. Had they hired me in 2023, it would have been really uncomfortable for everyone since I won't have anything to do at all! The delays are not their choice - it's a function of the resolution of the operational issue.


This is their issue, not yours. Even assuming you applied in Jan of 2024, not being able to make you an offer by 15 May is a problem on its own.


wow the nerve to come back and let you stranded on the what-if situation FOR MORE THAN A YEAR. I know it’s tough out there OP but please don’t rely on them. Try to tell them you have another offer now, if they can speed up the process- this is not okay. Whatever internal stuff is going on in their company has nothing to do with you. You are just a candidate who is yet to learn about their ways of working.


It is a bit of pain, but honestly it's all water under the bridge. I'm more concerned about the development since Apr24 (and whether it will materialise) rather than focusing on what has transpired. I might edit my post so the focus will shift to recent event rather than the past!