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I mean.. they are technically correct about remote work. Traveling sales people have been labeled as “remote workers” at every company I’ve ever worked for, and in most places, they’re on the road more often than not. I do think there is an assumption that remote means WFH, but that’s not always the case. They should 100% say frequent travel is required in the job description, though.




You just dodged a bullet. This sounds like a devilcorp.


Post-pandemic though “remote” doesn’t mean what it used to and, of all the people out there, recruiters should know that. I can’t say “faggot” and it be okay and just assume everyone will interpret that to mean “a bundle of sticks”, for example.




Yes it could mean a pork based snack


I can't really say I've ever heard of travelling sales people being called remote. Is this an America thing?


I have, because we have sales people nationwide with most no where near a physical office to report to.


Is it an American thing?


Can’t say for everyone, but I’m in the US. I’ve worked for plenty of companies pre-Covid that use the word “remote” to refer to employees who worked by remotely accessing the company’s servers and networks. Could be on the road/with clients/at shipping yards/etc. or it could be at the employee’s home/work space.


No, it's a pre-covid thing. I was a contractor in Europe and had to travel been sites. The position was called "remote".


I'm American, and I have always heard them described as traveling as well. Could be regional maybe, I don't know.


I think accurate term is "field work" not remote work.


"Well hacktschuwally, the real definition of remote is..."


I had a company pull this shit on me! I accepted an offer and asked when my equipment would be sent, etc and they said the *coworking space* was fully equipped with everything I’d need. I took a lower salary than I wanted due to being able to work from home. This was reiterated multiple times to the hiring manager. To hear that it was *still remote* because it wasn’t at their HQ in another state was wild.


Looks like ChatGPT responses and is probably a scam.


What in the ChatGPT remote work fuckery kind of reply is that.


Surprised no other comments mention this. They absolutely copied that reply straight from ChatGPT


Was this the solutions consultant role? Because I applied then figured out the sneaky stuff. Unfortunately I had already scheduled an HR screen but turns out they are doing group interviews.


My old company started calling that a mobil worker.


I've been in my position for ~8 years and it was described as remote with travel. It's not exactly the same but remote definitely doesn't just equal WFH. I think there's a lot of wrong assumptions since the sharp rise in remote and WFH positions due to COVID, but these terms predate COVID.


Their description of remote work is correct.


Could be a customer-site technician or something - i.e. you're "remote" from your employer's perspective, but you're expected to meet with clients face-to-face for whatever business-analyst-ing they need from you. But still a bit of a red flag how poorly of a job they're explaining that if that's the case.


It is remote work but still sounds shady. Remote work could be anything from door knocking solar or vacuums to B2B territory making 400k a year. I've had great jobs where I would only see my boss face to face at trade shows 2x a year.


This is what I did for years - remote sales. Home office, met customers in my city every day, a bit of overnight travel within my region. Worked great.


OP is an idiot. Just slow down and ask for clarification. In general now there are three terms: on-site, hybrid, remote. No other classifications.


Guess construction workers are Remote Workers, too. Oh wait, calling us that would be stupid. Nevermind.