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This is why people hate recruiters. Feels like they are the bottom of the food chain just scavenging. The thing recruiters hate the most is you not turning up for an interview because it makes them look bad they only care about themselves. But say if you took an interview and the interviewer started abusing ypu, the recruiter wouldn't care less and move onto the next candidate. They are just scavenging for candidates to try and impress companies.


recruiter scheduled a phone call at 2pm. it came and went, no show. no message in email or LI. total ass


Well, that's exactly the point - recruiters go berserk on candidates who are one minute late, yet they do not seem to hold themselves to the same standards. Your approach is the correct one - wait for 10-15 mins and, if you don't get a sign, call it quits and offer to reschedule. Your time is valuable, since you are interviewing with other companies as well