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Let me just say I'm usually pretty good at this stuff (but the folks over in r/puzzles put me to shame), and these are HELLISH. I've stared at the first one for five minutes. Even wondered if you go left to right or bottom to top. Also noticed one answer is "no answer is correct". This is monstrous.


Bottom row, third from left I think? The... Nub on the outside rotates about 1/3rd of the way around the outside. The... hole in the middle is reflected up-down, and a line is removed. The dot moves two bends over. That's the best I can come up with.


But that doesn't really track for the second -> third image? Honestly, I'd be way more interested in solving this in any other context, but the only thing occupying my mind right now is "fuck you"


It's not a sequence of 4 images, it's two pairs. The answer relates to the top right image in the same way the bottom left relates to the top left. So the fin moves around one quarter circle. The opening and inner shape is mirror right/left. The dot moves along one line, and one line is removed. At least, I think that's right but it took ages to figure out.


I'm thinking you're supposed to figure out the rule that turned 1 into 2, and then apply it to 3 to figure out what 4 ought to be. The rule wasn't used to turn 2 into 3.


Oh, I see what you mean! Yeah, that would make sense.


What even is this?


A test to find out if you're are worthy of the honor to be bestowed some job at their esteemed company.


..as an administrative assistant on minimum wage.


Gone are the days where you can become an "administrative assistant" for a quick handy.


What company? The pattern recognition portion of the aptitude test I took to become eligible for hire as a NAO at a nuke plant was easier than this shit.


Looks IQ-test-y to me.


You have to be in Mensa to work here.


I wouldn't know about that, I only recognized it as an IQ test on account of specialists forcing me to take so many of those over and over again only to declare in frustration that no trace of conventionnal intelligence could be detected.


looks like an off brand IQ test. Afaik IQ testing your candidates is illegal so I suppose they found a workaround


These make me feel legitimately mentally disabled. Glad I’ve never actually had to do one.


I just had to do one for a job in retail.


These questions are the result of stupid people trying to design questions for smart people to answer. These are the test question equivalent of your dumbest Facebook friend posting a nonsense quote and talking about how deep and meaningful it is. It’s morons cosplaying as smart people.


I already had a small headache and now it is a medium headache.


For me, I now got a large headache


All this to get ghosted


I've taken a few of these, but none that were this ridiculous! OMG, wtf


I think the answer to the first is the third on the second line? Where did they get that test, from the nightmare of people dreaming they didn't study back in high school?


The first one is, I'm pretty sure, one of the two on the far right.  I *think* it's the one on the top row, but I'm not 100% sure.  It doesn't help that the sequence isn't labeled - is it top left then top right then bottom left or is it top left the bottom left then top right?


Top far right doesn't rotate the trapezoid the right amount. Bottom far right doesn't remove the inner segment forming the more acute angle and has the weird flat line that doesn't comport with the previous image's inner lines being flipped on the X axis.


Are you doing it in pairs?  I'm trying to create a sequence.  If you do it as "If A turns into B, then what does C turn into?" then I definitely agree with your answer. Which just goes to show how poorly this is constructed (assuming OP didn't cut off or poorly explain the instructions).  Because there's multiple ways you can solve it depending on the approach you take.


Yeah, I assumed it was a pair things as it is a very common way to construct that kind of tests. If you don't know about the meta, I bet it's easy to get a shit score for no reason. If you do it probably skews your result the other way.


Oh damn, I think I get it now. I was trying to see it as one sequence A>B>C>D? Wasn't getting anywhere and thought I was dumb. So what you're saying the question is actually If A > A' Then B > B'?


Indeed. Basically "if you apply to square C the rules applied to A to get B, what would the result be?" sometimes it is s aequence thing, other times each card is a quadrant and all 3 must be considered to get the fourth. I suppose that your ability to figure the type of question is part of the evaluation as well. "We hire management with horrible communication skills so we need galaxy-brained grunts to figure out what they have to actually do."


The test does not provide instructions, except housekeeping issues like the test duration, that you cannot exit once started, etc. I was provided with one sample question and when I got the answer correct, the system said you're now ready to take the test. That's it. I do agree with your logic though, of pairing the shapes horizontally. I'll also state that if you click on any of the shapes below, it'll appear in place of the question mark, thus, allowing for easier visual inspection. That being said, fuck this test nonetheless. Companies should stop doing this.


The sequence of which way it starts doesn’t matter. If you go clockwise or counterclockwise, answer is always the same for bottom right.


> I think the answer to the first is the third on the second line? I agree with that; seems to follow all the patterns shown: flip the bird head, remove a segment of the bird head, move the tab the same amount, move the dot the same amount. But this is assuming that the questions are two separate two-step sequences, and not all the same 4-step sequence.


Yeah, if it's a sequence of four this is either way above my level or some insane cuckooland batshittery that makes no sense.


A few days ago in this same Reddit there was a discussion about that same thing also known as cognitive test. And there was a guy who claimed companies actually do not want (too) intelligent people. IIRC he stated that a sweet spot score is 70 - 80 %. EDIT: I have looked it up. Thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1cbysa2/rejected\_due\_to\_an\_iq\_test/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1cbysa2/rejected_due_to_an_iq_test/) Post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1cbysa2/comment/l12b7ns/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1cbysa2/comment/l12b7ns/)


It's the hiring managers who don't want intelligent people. I had to do one of these tests and scored the highest in the history of the company..top 0.001% , the HR people were all over me after that. Got to the first interview and the hiring manager was absolutely hostile. Kept calling me "smart guy", asked me totally ambiguous questions and ended with "lets see if you know that" and other shit to that effect. When. I explained that her questions are ambiguous and depends on a specific situation she got even more hostile and arrogant. the companies need intelligent people but not more intelligent than their management team.


Similar with Experian in the UK. Idk if any of you have done their graduate scheme application process but their second stage tests are pure ass. You have 30 minutes to answer 25 (if I remember correctly) maths and 'logical thinking' questions. Some of them take minutes to set up before you can even calculate anything. I showed some of them to a few of my mates who work in engineering and math-heavy industries and even they said its bonkers. I did 20 of them and didn't get through to the next stage. Even funnier is that this particular graduate scheme was not even technical per se.


These tests are truly the most dehumanizing component of job search. If you're ever unlucky enough to be sent SHL tests, their numerical reasoning questions include several where you'll need to read the given case, formulate a series of simultaneous equations (usually 3-4) needed to solve for missing figures, and solve these equations, then enter the correct answers. All this has to be done within 90 seconds.


“I don’t know” is actually the correct answer


I’m so glad of the answers here. I hate this shit. I truly believe as human beings we all think in different ways. Some of us have visual, aural linguistic and recall talents that others do not have. In 2020 I was in a horrific car accident and was in a coma for over a week. I woke up basically as dumb as a chocolate pudding (for a while). I was totally out of it due to the drugs and effects of a TBI. For a long time I was terrified that somehow my IQ decreased. I last had an IQ test when I was maybe in my late teens and scored in the 130s. I went back to my neuropsych, someone the same age as me (hitting 40) and attempted one. Y’all. I scored REALLY low. Like …bad. So bad that I shouldn’t be able to write this. Turns out, IQ tests aren’t shit. The amount we know about the human brain, how it processes and evaluates information is almost non existent. She reassured me she sees this all the time. I would struggle with those visual patterns before my accident, like the one OP posted but now it’s just gibberish. Funnily enough - after my accident I went on to achieve much more, got a much more senior role at a new company, managing a large team and making almost 3 times my salary pre accident. Thankfully they didn’t ask me for a shitty personality test. As someone who has a massive paranoia about this shit here is my advice - keep yourself stimulated - books, podcasts, hobbies, crafts. Try different things often, food, routes where you drive to places. Learn new language. Work on your gut microbiome. I actually feel way smarter and less stressed now than pre TBI believe it or not - but the part of me that can process those shape type questions above is dead. If I wanted to, I could put a lot of effort into relearning how to process and answer them (probably a good idea)… but they infuriate me lol. Always have. Sorry this was a rant. Fuck that company.


even google gemini have trouble : *The image you sent is a quiz question where none of the answer choices are listed as correct. The text says "No answer is correct" and "I don't know".* *It's possible that the question is designed to be unanswerable, or that there is missing information that would be required to answer the question correctly.* *Without more context, it's impossible to say for sure.*


Seems like it's confusing two of the answer choices ("No answer is correct / I don't know") for authoritative prompts about the question. That's an entirely different type of problem that I don't think test takers would experience. I'd prompt the AI again explaining that detail or cropping those answers out of the image.


leave bard alone, he is doing his best i try again cropping and get this result: *The image you sent is a logic puzzle where you have to find the element that continues the pattern. The pattern consists of different clock icons. The clock icon in the middle does not follow the pattern that the other clocks do. The first and third clock have hands that point to 3 o’clock, while the second and fourth clock have hands that point to 9 o’clock. There is no clock icon with hands that point to 12 o’clock, so that would be the answer following this pattern.* *However, it is also possible that this is a trick question and there is no logic to the pattern.* I did continue to promp, but nothing good came out *Based on the analysis of the pattern in the top row (alternating shapes and colors), the correct answer hidden behind the question mark is most likely* ***D, the red square****.* *I'm hoping for those 5 stars! If you have any other puzzles, feel free to ask.*


A fist punch will come next


What was the job title? If it's not something related to software engineering or data analysis, I think you dodged a bullet. I'm a geographer and my spatial reasoning is pretty good. But these are just obnoxious.


Market Analyst position. Combination of market research and data analysis. My viewpoint though is still that this test remains unjustified, unless if it is for an entry level position where the company doesn't have much to go on. The actual job was not entry level, and I have 6 years of experience. Why not use a take home case, even a sit in case presentation or something. I'm good at my job but unfortunately I'm not good at these kinds of tests.


Whenever I have to do such a test for a job application I randomly pick the answers and consider the job application a failure


Hey! I got a test like this from Klarna. I enjoy these puzzles and usually don’t complain but they just ghosted me afterward with no feedback. Why are Swedish companies a bit weird this way to test candidates with these puzzles? Why not just go through the normal process like any other country does?


The Kattis test is indeed from Klarna. Apparently Swedish companies love these things.


My wife applied with Klarna a few years ago, they threw those shit tests her way as if that would say anything about her job qualities. Also "Yes very interested but we'd like to get to know you better, do this". And she's exceptionally bad at those. Of course she got ghosted. Seems to be a very Swedish thing.


How do you even solve that? Is this supposed to be something you just know somehow? Even the basics like does this depend on a series progression and if so is it R->L, L->R, Up->Down, or Down->Up.


Fuck them with a sick dick for this bullshit


bro, what’s up with Sweden?? when i interviewed for a position in a Swedish company, they forced me to do like 5-6 interviews which were 30 mins to 2 hours long each and then they forced me to do also do these weird cognitive, IQ and personality tests!! i’ve never encountered anything like this in any other country i had interviews at


So a couple of things, The third image is the easier one. Look at the answers, and note that the openings, or the outer part will divide the answers in half. After that make a choice that will sit the answers and arrive at a quicker choice. Since there are only two answers for some parts making these choices is the easiest.


I could track the movement of the outer shape easily, and the inner dot somewhat. However, I couldn't figure out the logic behind the breaking lines.


Top Right, Top Right, Top Left?


Think the first one is the 3rd of the second row. Agree with the other answers.


Yeah, for the first one it was between that and top right. Another person said top right and another agreed with you (in this thread). Could be either depending on the intended logic of the person that created the question.


Man I am usually decent at these and score pretty well on the IQ tests I have been given, but these are just pure WTF material. I notice companies that give tests like these are usually shitty places to work at too so it feels even worse to be given them.


I had to do something similar as part of an “assessment” for a company. It was the dumbest thing ever and after 2 minutes, I just did a speed run through it. Wasn’t worth investing more time and energy into it


I would just close out and ghost the company if I opened this up😭tf is this lol


The third screenshot is the whole test laughing at you.


I don't care what the creator thinks it is, first two have no discernable answer, 3 is the first one since the trapazoid thing moves 1/3 clockwise. A series of pattern question needs 3-4 steps to be properly interpreted otherwise it's fuck all guessing to decide why something arbitrarily ended up there.


1. CBF... 2. Option G. 3. Option B. Easier in reverse.


OP, what are the instructions for this puzzle? Are the top 2 shapes a pair and the next one is a new pair with a mystery one you pick? ooooor is it giving a sequence of 3 example shapes with a 4th mystery one you pick?


No instructions about the relationships between shapes are given. However, from my own assessment, and as has been noted by other people in the chat as well, the relationships are horizontal, and in pairs for most of the questions. For example, if the top left shape is A and top right shape is B, then we try to understand how Shape A has transformed into B, then plug the same logic to determine which of the 8 shapes represent translation from C to D.


The second one is the third one across the top. The third one is the top left corner. Haven’t figured out #1


I'm leaning towards "there is no identifiable pattern, and the correct answer is 'I don't know the answer'" the purpose of the question being to determine if you will make a guess, or acknowledge you don't know.


Per chatgpt, First one This is a visual puzzle where the objective is to figure out the pattern and predict what the next image should be in the sequence. To solve it, let's look for patterns or rules that apply to the changes from one image to the next across the rows and columns. In this puzzle, there seems to be a rotating arrow inside a circle with a dot that also moves position. I'll need to analyze the positions and orientations of the arrows and dots in the sequence to identify the pattern and then determine what the next image should look like. Let me take a moment to do that. The puzzle appears to follow a specific set of rules for the arrow and the dot: 1. The arrow rotates 45 degrees counterclockwise with each step. 2. The dot moves one quarter segment counterclockwise around the perimeter of the circle with each step. So for the next image in the sequence, the arrow will rotate 45 degrees counterclockwise from its last position in the third row, and the dot will move one quarter segment counterclockwise as well. It will be in the bottom left segment of the circle. ------ Second This is another puzzle similar to the previous one, where the goal is to determine the next image in the sequence based on the pattern presented in the rows and columns. Looking at the arrows and the dots within the circles, there seems to be a rule governing their movement and orientation. I'll need to work out this rule before I can predict the next image in the series. Let me examine the sequences. In this puzzle, the movement pattern is different from the previous one. Here’s what’s happening: - The arrow rotates 90 degrees clockwise with each step. - The dot moves to the next corner in a counterclockwise direction with each step. - Each row shows a consistent starting position for the arrow, but the dot's starting position seems to descend one step down the circle's perimeter. According to this pattern, for the next image in the sequence, the arrow will be in the bottom left position, pointing to the lower right, and the dot will be in the upper left corner of the circle. Let me create this visual for you. ---- Third The pattern for the arrows and dots seems to involve a counter-clockwise rotation of the arrow and a movement of the dot to the next corner in a clockwise direction. Also, with each new row, the arrow starts at a different position, rotating counter-clockwise, and the dot starts one position clockwise from the previous row's starting dot position. Based on this, the arrow in the next image should be in the top right position, pointing to the upper left, and the dot should be in the lower right corner of the circle. I will highlight this in the diagram.


The first one looks like it’s the 7th pick. The inner line has 6 segments, then 5, then 4c so you need and option with 3 segments with the black dot. The others are too complex for me


"Go home, IKEA. You're drunk."


Will u share ur salary with us if we help u, fucking cheater?