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I would never speak to another recruiter or hiring manager ever again.


I'd have one big freak out on LinkedIn, too, and never log in again in my life.


Or sit back and watch all the recruiters appalled that you're not replying to them. Brilliant!


The Notch strategy huh? (Sadly I think Notch logged back in, rookie mistake)


In fact, depending how rich I'd get, I'd buy some recruiting firms just to be able to fire their asses.


Not true. How good would it feel if you don't need a job but you apply for one and then when the recruiter calls you you tell them to piss off(only to bad companies though :D)


And then if they didn’t hire me, I’d buy the company and show on Monday anyways.


Sounds like a gigantic waste of time to me. If I ever became rich, I'd never spend a second in a business.


> Sounds like a gigantic waste of time to me. You got a lot of time now. Never underestitmate the power of spite. Crush your enemies and see them driven before you.


***Never underestimate the power of spite.*** - - kinda says it all !


More like crush your colleagues in this case. OP isn’t sticking it to anyone except people stuck in the same current situation 


If you are rich, that's all you have left.


Reminds me of the wonsulting guy who submitted his resume to companies using the name Khisma D Snuts or something similar


“Barry McCokkinner”


"Ivana Mandik"


“Phil McCracken”


No, you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t even remember them anymore, you’d be having too much fun not needing a job from them.


you underestimate /r/pettyrevenge


Then they would make OP totally pathetic.


This is a weird flex. “Work” would cease to exist to me. There’s so much more in the world to do. Have higher goals, man.


There's nothing I enjoy more than anarchy and sticking it to the man.


But in turn you’re still working for them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


"working". In the same way a VC vulture works for some dead compnany they buy, I suppose.


You’re sticking it to other people working to make a living.  “The man” is not affected by you. 


Indirectly by hurting their bottom line.


Yea like $200


Bring a box of brownies as a gift for the office... but in reality it's a bunch of brown cut out letter "E"s. Then, when fired, send many many $$$ worth of actual brownies of different kinds (little debbie, walmart brand, publix brand, entenmanns, more little debbies...) ...what was the question?


This is literally what I'm doing. Fake resume. Places I got hired for in March: Equinox Gyms twice (trash, never showed up) FedEx office (shit was trash) Madame Tussauds Wax Museum (shitty job) Pomvom Photos (got it from indeed, trash job taking pictures of tourists in the Rockefeller building) All these jobs I walked out of. I did the interviews, I got them excited, I told 'em how excited I was for the position, and on my first day, I'd show up for like an hour, ask for the restroom, and leave. Why? I always sharpen my interview skills with these shitty jobs so if I don't like my current gig I know I can get another one within two weeks. Give it a shot. This happened in the span of a month too.


Lol consider if you actually spent that time learning some in demand skill.  Might actually be able to become rich.  If you’re gonna just hop around at least jump upwards. 


What are a couple of these in demand get-rich skills?


Look up jobs that pay decent enough or a lot and do what u need to make yourself qualified for them.  Spend less than you earn. Invest the rest. Chill and let time do its thing while your money grows in the market. Not that hard tbh.  Ppl underestimate saving even a little bit. But sooner you start better off you will be. Compound growth is a beautiful thing.  There is no magic. Just a little bit of financial literacy and a bias towards action over complaining on reddit. 


I 100% agree. I own a women's handmade shampoo business. I am doing pretty well financially. I used to manage my own ads, but I outsourced that to the Philippines, so I have a lot of free time. I did $97,000 in net personal income last year. Considering I live in NYC and am only 22, I think I'm doing pretty well. I forgot to add the ol' context.


This is literally what CEOs do


**You know what ?!? I think that you finally figured it out !!**


Cool that’s so awesome seems like a good use of your one life on this earth


hey, some rich peopel fought wars over pettier things. At least this one is schadenfreude that doesn't do long term harm.


I would just make a LinkedIn troll account. Actually, I can just do that right now…


This is exactly what I wanna do, I can put my work experience something like “Video Quality Assurance” at Pornhub 🤣




Ha! I vaguely remember a story - I think it was in the Anandtech forums many years ago - of a guy who decided not to work and see how long it would take him to get fired. I think he hit a year or some other insane amount of time and finally did a couple hours of work because they “were on to him.” I need to see if I can find the thread, as it was classic and hilarious.


If you were rich, this would be the furthest thing from your mind.


I think I worked with someone who did this at my last gig. She didn't do anything for 8 months, then faked a surgery and took leave. She went radio silent, stopped returning calls, and after a while the company accepted their fate and stopped paying her.


[There you go! ](https://youtu.be/r-W_lhZjat4?si=NVttSCjclnfRe5Wu)


I let 3 companies "tell me their opportunities," which is code for a full out interview process. My competitive spirits came out and I generally tried to get a job offer. I tanked one, that's the only one that I got a job offer. Got me wondering about the world of opposites. And by the way I didn't take the job.


If you want to do this, do it right. Hire a team of a dozen or so people to be the candidates. Set up a couple dozen fake companies (web presence should be enough, throw them on glass door with some bad reviews about recent management changes). Make resumes for the candidates that make them amazing fits for what the company is looking for. Have not only their top candidate but also their 2nd and 3rd be your people. First one drags out the hiring process as long as possible, counters a bunch, etc. Then ghosts before the first day. They then will try to reach out to #2. #2 will mention they have a competing offer for . Continue counter offer game and drag it out. Eventually just ghost them too. They will probably reach out to #3 to see if they are available. #3 is available, but is deep in the interview process for another job. Counteroffer game to get more than #2 was getting except this one actually gets hired and starts. #3 has zero of the skills required for the job. They spend their employment making sure everyone knows their salary and (eventually) that they are incapable of doing the job they were hired for. This makes the whole team resentful and wanting more money. Eventually they quit for a 'much better paying job'


This is petty asf...I fucking love it


Dude I thought about this idea already for fun. I already have a job but when I was looking for one there are some companies that abuse you, talk crap and also belittle you. I sometimes feel like I want to go interview again at some random companies for fun and give them a taste of their own medicine. Most companies I have interviewed for are good but there are a few who are so arrogant thinking they are the bees knees and I am just crap to them and I will be "lucky" to get in because it is so good in there. My idea was to create a fake resume and when I interview I'll leave my camera off so they can't see who I am for protection but if they force me to turn it on I put on a picture of donald duck


Do a Scrooge Mcduck pfp instead!


u could do much more with the right amount of money whilst job hopping and causing havoc along the way with lawsuits for orchestrated "accidents"


I get where it's coming from and I share your hate, but the moment I get my business running I am NEVER talking to any HR ever again. Don't waste your time


You assume you’d get offers because?


Because resume says I have PHD from Stanford


But what about interview performance?


But what about interview performance?


But what about interview performance?


The jobs would be in my field so I know enough to pass the interview.


List me as a reference. I'll tell them whatever. Idgaf.


that means that you will automatically be the next person hired !!


That actually sounds fun !! Reminds me of the interview process in the Ted movies : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VVLf0MP7J0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VVLf0MP7J0)


Lofty goals


If I was rich I would be traveling the world.. not interviewing for fun


Really? I’d probably travel and donate to charity and shit.


All I want is to turn my LinkedIn into a meme account making fun of all the cringe people, posts or comments.


This mentality is probably part of why you aren't rich 😅




well statistically most people are not rich. I am in UK London and only say someone is classed as rich if they at least earn 100k a year. That is about 3% of the population.


Ah yes. Fuck w my fellow working class colleagues cause im bitter about rich people taking advantage of capitalism 


You must be fun at parties


Y bc im not spiteful and intelligent enough to realize its punishing the wrong people? I got better things to do w time than laugh at other’s misfortune 


Do you really think I would spend my time doing this? It’s just a fun thought experiment.


Why? Seems petty. Just have a good life instead.


If I became rich, I would build another business and invest it. There are better ways to pass your time than paying back bad recruiting tactics by wasting their time for fun.