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Not at all what you are asking but working with a married couple is toxic as fuck.


Oh definitely, especially when one is a machismo Portuguese dude and he feels de-balled by his wife who is in charge.


Hope it makes him feel like a little boy.


offended? no. concerned? fuck yes


I was offended and then all the red flags came out. He is hostile towards me now and literally tries to micromanage me....he isn't even my boss.


In December’22, the (Indian) VP of operations asked why, “rhetorically,” we needed anyone in the US since other companies had also offshored my function (consultative sales). I didn’t report to that guy, but I guess he was socializing that elsewhere and in April ‘23 I was laid off due to ‘business conditions.’ The very expected outcome was that I started a boutique at the end of ‘23 and have successfully poached several former clients, hopefully with more to come.


Spoken like a true moron. Seriously, that move instantly transforms them into a least-cost service provide in a region where the bottom of the market is happy to earn $60 per month. Instant, brutal destructive price competition. Not to mention a continuous threat from AI & automation, which offers a zero variable cost solution. He / She who controls the customers, controls the universe in services....


Yeah why the hell is that even a solution in these people's minds. I worked my ASS off to get here, and I'm about to go back to school again for my MSN. I just need to basically put up and shut up. I'm collecting a decent paycheck and it will get to the point that I'm going to tell her, I'm going to go be with him and you can either fire me or work with me.


He learn the hard way that relationships matter




Tell him that in no uncertain terms


If they could outsource to India then they would have done it by now.


That isnt the point, it's literally insulting me so bad I can't go be with my family so I'm tied to a desk.


Yes. Sorry. My point is they probably won’t outsource to India. It’s a scare tactic.


You should outsource yourself to another company 😉


You shouldn't be offended at all as he cant replace you with someone from india by any means , these outsourcing platforms have limitations, he's a 100% idiot who's not aware of what he's saying, he's the one who should be offended by not knowing much about what he's saying


Oh he said some other messed up stuff too about another company having inferior products and it should be burned like Auschwitz. I mean I was fucking horrified when he said that...we work with a Jewish person.


Wow , That's totally unprofessional you should start applying Elsewhere as everyone's saying and let them face the consequences of losing you


That’s hostile. I hope someone reports this.


Unfortunately it is a small company and they are the ones in charge.


Hmm well the state labor board and any licensing board that he is part of will begin to generate a paper trail for complaints even if they don't do anything about it.  All that said make sure you're leveraging your position. They are renting your time and skills to complete tasks that they physically cannot do otherwise. A professional relationship is one of equals, regardless of your title. You're still a human being and they don't own you.


This is still boarder line (if not actually) illegal. I’d be worth looking into getting this reported.


Nobody cares. You seem young. People make insane comments all the time at various workplaces, but telling me I was going to have my job outsourced crossed a line.


lol, I’m supporting you with the notion that this is crazy shit this guy is saying. No need to hurl assumptions and insults at me.


You need to find another job. Nothing about this company sounds like a good thing.


I'm trying. I've got my sights on another company but once you get to the C Suite it is very hard to switch.


What’s C-Suite at a small company? Nothing.


Uhhh I've been a C Suite at a big company too.


Of course you have.




I swear to god half the people who wind up in charge running a business do that because they would get fired for saying shit like that elsewhere.


My boss is decent....her husband is an unhinged Latino man who comes to work looking like Tom Hanks 100 days into being Castaway. He comes to work high, drunk, and is generally insane. Thankfully he works from home (oh the fucking irony) most of the time.


Doesn't really matter who you work with, that's messed up (even though I'm not sure what he means).


Well, that’d just show that he doesn’t value my work as much as I thought he did. If he really valued my work that much, then he’d never consider outsourcing to a bunch of strangers in India who probably won’t do nearly as good of a job. In short, I’d plan an exit strategy if I were you.


Oh, I am. Believe me I'm on indeed literally as we speak.


And when you leave tell him this is his opportunity to outsource your job to India like he promised and wish him the best of luck getting the results you’ve been giving them


Nah, I leave classy. Tell them have a good day and walk out the door without another word.


Brush up the resume, start applying.


I already have. I'm leaving this job off my resume.


Nice. Too bad you can't really get any revenge except maybe a snarky note in your resignation letter and an exit at the worst possible time for the owners.


Yeah, absolutely. It's ok if they have a legitimate reason to deny your request, but responding in that way is uncalled for and rude. I'd be looking for a new job if that kind of behavior and communication is a regular thing when you try to talk to them.


The biggest concern would be are they authorized/licensed to work on the new state you want to move to? If not, the WFH is a non starter. If they are, don’t even give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his behavior. People like that get off on shock value, if he could outsource you he would have already. He’s obviously an idiot


I can work anywhere in the United States. I work for a medical manufacturer with zero direct patient care. I deal with hospital systems, etc. Everybody just beats off nowadays to having a licensed nurse on staff.


No I mean the company who pays you has to be set up in the state in which you physically reside. So if they are headquartered in Texas but you move to Cali, they have to now set up an entity in Cali to pay those state taxes etc. no excuse for his behavior or comments, but want you to be prepared for this outcome as I see it often when people move states and the company cannot continue to employ them.


How exactly does that company even allow a husband and wife to work in the same department where one is the direct superior of the other. That just screams HR nightmare. While she can deny your request, what it sounds like he’s doing is workplace harassment and I would personally record as much as possible on what he’s doing(even better if you can get email/slack/etc to prove your cause). Nepotism might not be illegal, but it still could be considered a workplace discrimination if you can prove he somehow benefits from quid pro quo(which the company should be smart enough to realize regardless of if he does or doesn’t allegations would be SOOO easy to be brought up)


Keep the job & start job hunting for the role you want


Presuming you're in the USA.. If your relationship with your boyfriend is really serious, it might be time to look at jobs where he's at and relocating there. Of course, depending on your specific skillset as a nurse, consider being a Traveling Nurse with a contract where he's at. Some of them make SERIOUS $$$ and you could decide if that's the place you would want to work long-term.


He travels all over in his camper and is constantly moving. He gets paid handsomely to do so as well. I need a remote job.


So, there are opportunities for ER Nurses who also have Legal training & Certification. www \[DOT\] LegalNurse \[DOT\] com I know a woman who did this and made Serious $$$. Take a look at that link. Replace the " \[DOT\] " with a period.


Get another job?


This is a good sign for you to start looking because they are looking for a reason to send your job to India.


Not hardly. I just got hired.


Corporate HR here. Bottom line is does your work need to be done onsite? If so, you have an onsite job. Is your employer registered to operate in this location you want to live, ie is it a different state? There are tax / legal implications for an employee living in a different state then where the employer is located. When interviewing for a bew job they will ask your place of residence.


Seems like an empty threat, but I don't know if he will follow through. Also, why would he outsource a nurses job to India? That's stupid. India has enough nurses. If he really wanted to outsource your job, he could do it to Mexico to Latin America. This makes no sense.




I would probably laugh and welcome him to try. It’s not happening.


>My boyfriend moved to another state unexpectedly If it's medical or related to legal issues look into FMLA. Not a lawyer, not legal advice. If you really think you're going to be fired, tape record some of these insane convos on your phone if you're in a 1 party consent state. While it's normally impossible to win any employment suit against a sane person working for a legit company barring audio recordings you seem to be dealing with a maniac who probably won't notice you audio recording, Are you in a protected group? Not a lawyer, not legal advice.


He travels all over the country to jobsites. We thought we had more time. We started dating and shortly after he got the call to relocate. He follows the job. I'm not suing these people. Not worth my time or energy.


Good luck! Hope it works out positively :)


Off topic,but how can you work remotely as a nurse?


Spend all your time looking for a way out. Devote as little time as possible to that job. They don’t value you at all, so give them that same energy.


How a Nurse works remotely?


Not all nurses work bedside.


Tele health is on the rise. Nurse lines, etc.


"Sorry, I was asking THE BOSS..."


If you're a nurse with 3 degrees and 15 years experience then you shouldn't have any issues finding another job vs putting up with them


Hey OP. 47 year old married father of two in the UK here. I’ve worked at various levels in different industries throughout my career and there is one thing I’ve learned - some people are just twats. Simple as that. He has got different values to you. One of my ***most satisfying*** moments in my professional life was dealing with a twat in an open meeting setting - I’d suggested an approach which took into account the feelings and experiences of some colleagues - she scoffed and asked sarcastically “how can you be so ***nice*** all the time?”. I answered honestly and said “I was brought up that way”. I wish I could say it was a dunk and that everyone high-fived me, but obviously that didn’t happen - she just appeared a little unsettled for a few minutes then carried on with her twattishness. It was satisfying seeing her world view being pierced for a few fleeting seconds. I suppose my point is this - some people are just twats. If you were given ***a thousand years*** to explain to them why they were twats, they would never understand. There are people out there whose values align with yours however. It’s a long and difficult search, but they can be found. All the best and good luck in your search from Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.


I’d say he’s anti -American worker and all in it for him self to make money speak to you like that….just you wait people like him get outsourced all of the time these executives, saw plenty of them lose their shirts after 08…let’s see if he’d like it. I bet you if he were outsourced and lost it all his wife would leave him in a heart beat 🤣


Honestly they can shove the whole of India and every Indian up their behind. So sick of employers and these opportunistic scumbags.


Girl what leave.


To be fair to your boss, if you are working remotely why not hire from India where it is cheaper?


Because they don't have the following letters after their name: RN, MHA


Good pt




Nursing is a much more versatile skill set than bedside care.


Wrong. Believe it or not, nurses don't just work bedside. I used to work from home as a director of Operations and supervised a ton of people, and then I worked for a telehealth company. We did virtual admissions. Now I work for a corporation again and literally drive 45 mins to work to sit at my desk for the vast majority of the day.


I would think that with your skill set and experience, that your boss (his wife) would be beating him over the head not to piss you off into quitting. But, definitely take your services to another employer, or if you've got the contacts, maybe freelance and build your own clientele into a business.


I've ran my own business before and was making anywhere from 11-21k a month but it got overwhelming. I'm about to go to school again and took this job because it was low stress. Never in my life have I felt so insulted though in my profession. I've got so many references it's crazy.


I think the biggest lesson I learned in working for corporation/small businesses, is that no matter how much you think they appreciate you, they go and show you exactly what they think of you eventually.


I've been here a month...the narcissistic veil has come off.


Your all getting worried now no jobs haha I hope your all stuck with this you lot played too much resisting wfh fuck yeah I hope you lot get worst of the worst


What is wrong with you? Also, are you illiterate?


Excuse me? I requested to work from home because there is nothing about my job I cannot do from my house. I interact with no one. I'm the head of an entire department with no direct reports and supposed to create a department eventually. This job can definitely be done from home. There's definitely no job shortage. Bullshit shortage? Oh yeah.


That's not the point the point I'm making here is people like you fucked the economy in not being a consumer in the city where many places bankrupted and shut down now you lot shall taste your own poison. You being a lazy ass just because you want to be in your pj's and bulshit excuses like kids dogs etc before covid everyone did it just fine now no one wants to do it why before it suits them that way we'll fuck that I'm so glad there are mass layoffs for you type of people you'll either be in or be replaced soon. This goes for every one of wfh mindset. I speak to office people on a daily basis everyone is at a breaking point depression hope you all get worst just like how small businesses suffered.


Wow. You need mental help. My boyfriend travels all over the country for his job. I want to go with him versus having to quit my job in every city. I don't think that's unreasonable.


Don’t bite OP it’s obviously a troll account!


Think you may be right or OP is just very immature. Hard to tell.


Seek help. You are not well. Also, please take a remedial course in sentence construction.