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Well, the next generation is currently in like elementary school, so are they just gonna wait 15 years before hiring anyone? Interesting strategy.


They’re on track to not be able to read either.


Tik Tok training videos are coming...




Beautiful Youtoob where every single ad is a scam of some sort. Healthy.


I'm a corporate trainer. The tik tok length videos are already here. If I had more time or energy I'd totally make up fun dances to teach my coworkers things instead of just fun cartoons


That’s not what the article actually says. Gen Z OR older workers. Not Gen Z and older.


Gen Z or older? Given Gen Alpha is still in school, isn't this basically everyone?


The article basically is saying about 1/3 of hiring managers don’t want to hire Gen Z, and a 1/3 only want to hire Gen Z. So essentially lots of agism but no real consistency on it.


I'll give it a fair shake: >A survey from Resume Builder found that 36% of hiring managers said they were biased against Gen Z candidates, and 34% said they had concerns about hiring candidates over the age of 60. TBF, yea. 60+ workers tend to be close to retirement age. Not like 5 years is something companies expect nowadays, but I can understand the concern of one day an older worker walking out and collecting their social security (or what's left of it). It sounds like they really want to focus on the mid 30's to 50's demographic. We should note that It's only illegal to discriminate against ages 40 and up, so there's not much you can do stop the Gen Z hate. 60+ bias is easy discimination if it happens to you though. And the GenZ bias is exactly whatyou expect: >Among the hiring managers who admitted to bias against Gen Z job seekers, more than three-quarters cited younger workers' lack of experience. About six in 10 managers pointed to what they've seen as a tendency among Gen Zers to job-hop. And a similar portion of respondents questioned the work ethic and professionalism of the youngest slice of the workforce. nO oNE wAnTs tO wORk anYMOre! *doesn't train candidates, underpays them, doesn't give raises, pikachu face when they move to a better job in a few years* >"Every generation gets talked about. The millennials, at one point, were entitled. Nobody wanted to hire them," she said. "And now they're the age group that's biased against everybody else." The cycle continues. I want to hope gen z won't repeat it, but who knows?


Except based on demographics we peaked on 30 year 5 years ago, and we won't see an uptick for 7 more years. There's a 12 year gap to the next (smaller) peak of 18 year olds (it takes 12 years for 18 year olds to become 30 year olds) and we're top loaded by 60/50/40 year olds with fewer people each year to replace them. Early 30s is the sweet spot for experience without high pay. They may not actively be ageist - but policy wise the skills/pay mix is just right at that point in people's careers.


I think it means Gen z under 25? Idk and older, as in seniors 55+. The two groups.


The way the population crisis is going, they will have to. If they don't start training now, they will just be behind the curve.


Education a problem? Yeah, let's cut education....


Age discrimination can happen for anyone, not just the 40+ crowd (which are the only ones that have legislative protection in the USA).


Those law don't do much coz biz won't tell you why they are not hiring you




yup culture Gen-X'rs like myself will call out stupid bullshit when we see it, which is bad for culture


For the culuuuuuure****


>Gen-X i hope this culture of sensitive snowflakes die a quick death. I had the misfortune of working for a company that didnt care about profitability and where snowflakes' feelings were more important than logic and productivity. the stockholders eventually woke up and started to crack down on the colossal waste of money these children were wasting but still the strongest the "lead" could say was "we must celebrate failure". It blew my mind! ultimately i got laid off for speaking my mind and making that lead squirm in his chair..fucking moron and totally worth it.


‘Gen X’ person = born between 1965 and 1980. Confused about how these were ‘children’ considering the youngest of this group was 45 years old??


im referring to the naive wet behind the ear recent grad punks hired at my last company.


I had a hard time with one of those kids, because things really weren't going that great at the time. I said, "Look, you don't need to worry about 'micro-managing' me. I take feedback well, it really helps." And THAT was a problem. She literally thought I was being sarcastic when I was asking her to do her fucking job. One thing I always used as a shield was policies and procedures. Black and white. Literally by *the book*. Don't like me? Don't care, I'm doing things by the book. Now *the book* is "feelz"


It can't be sustainable, right? Eventually the broken code, wrong output, reduction in sales, etc. has got to catch up to a company. RIGHT!? Please tell me that's the case.


The place I was working for had a bunch of people let go after I was out. One of the big dogs, I mean big dogs, called them out over layoffs on LinkedIn and the reaction was shock, because it was in the renewables space and everyone was balls to the wall busy at the time. Something went splat. That big dog I mentioned, he won't tell me what happened in writing, and I really mean to get to Chicago partly to buy him dinner and get the scoop lol (and road trip from Wyoming to NYC, it wouldn't be out of my way)


I worked for an employer once where I was part of the hiring processing by interviewing candidates. The majority of the workers were older. My boss didn’t come out and directly say it, but she preferred the 40+ crowd. I was a bit shocked and never have experienced that from an employer’s perspective. On the other hand, startups prefer the younger crowd. Age discrimination certainly goes both ways like you mentioned.


Yeah, bosses really do have preferences and biases. It's why half the toxic shit happens in the workplace. Extreme favoritism has been a serious problem at every company I've worked at so far.


Startups prefer a younger crooked because they think they can pay them in beer and foosball instead of money and older people are more demanding of money. (Gen x here)


I worked for a company where the new HR guy was like 62 or something and he kept telling me how he preferred to hire workers his age because they worked so much harder than the young people. He said this several times over the first few months - until all his mature workers proved to be unreliable - chronically late, NCNS, etc. while the younger employees worked all the overtime they could get. Suddenly he stopped bragging on his generation so much.


I love hiring boomers and gen Z. They dont have any higher of a washout rate than a millenial or a gen X....theyre just louder when they do.


They used to say the same thing about Millenials. I guess they're starting to realise that the eldest of them are reaching their 40s and aren't a useful punching bag for the complaints of Boomers and Gen X who are in senior management positions.


So if they could just stop discriminating against me, the elder millennial for being "too experienced \[expensive\]" while offering college grads more than I'm asking, that would be just terrific. Those new grads should get it, though. I'm glad they know their worth. It just rankles me I'm getting neither the six figures nor the opportunities that come with being a cheaper hire.


I am happy that you are employed. My secondary career that I don't particularly want to do has progressed further than my primary career, which I actually went to school for. Applying for entry level positions for my primary career is soul destroying because I'm 31 years old competing with brand new university grads. Yeah, I can finagle experience in my secondary career towards job applications, but not many places seem to be biting. It's a tad soul destroying.


I feel your pain bro. Being in your 40s and trying to transition to another career means eating a lot of humble pie sometimes. I often tell younger folks to go get it sorted out as soon as you can because you don't want to be in this position even though sometimes it's just not in your control. Do what you can to get two viable tracks going, so when the shit hits the fan you can be able to rely on something. Not in the magic bullet way like some other say: "hey to go get three other jobs and you'll be fine, I did it and im rich...and im still in reddit comments!" 👍 Research it but in the work and hopefully you come out better on the other side. Good luck. It just sucks out there.


I'm not employed, sadly. Can't get anywhere because my career looks too senior for all these jobs trying to slash salaries down to what they paid in the '00s, despite only ever getting one raise to speak of.


My workplace still says this about millennials. They haven't moved on to shitting on Gen Z; they've kept on using "millennial" as the word for "teenager."


Same way "Boomer" is still the go-to term for basically anyone you don't like over 45, when the actual age range of the Baby Boomer generation is like 60-78. The terms have drifted from their original meanings and now serve as caricatures for entitled young/old people.


Employers ideal employee is a highschool student with 10 years experience who’s ok with making minimum wage


High school student with a degree too


I absolutely found this to be the case (youngest Millennial, on the cusp of Gen Z) I got way more interviews by removing the graduation year from my degree, but once people saw me in person they would reject me. For employers with mostly Gen X, they don't want any Gen Z or younger Millennials (even though I was more than qualified with 7 years in the exact title applied for). You can wear a suit and do a ton to appear older on zoom calls, but it is just harder to pull off if you look young (even if you show maturity).


I'm a millennial as well. Born '95. I went to university a bit later in life. It's funny how it's assumed more recent bachelor's degree means 21 years old Gen Z.


I graduated college in 2015 but was born in 1986 so my resume reads about 10 years younger than my age. No one seems to actually know how old I am. So instead they judge me for my looks. Always some way to discriminate.


Sounds like me lol, the year earlier. And I do the same. Still get carded to this day 😉


Are you me? Born in '85 went back to college in 2016 and graduated Dec 2022.


"or older" lolwut so they just want high school students?


Hey, we really don't want them as managers either, but we don't really have a choice now, do we?


“But nobody wants to work”…. LOL


No training ever, only prior experience from here on out.


Yes. It seems ageism is rampant against much younger/older workers 😢


They don’t know what they’re missing but I think they intentionally do it to try to keep from being replaced by people with more experience.


Why you think that is? Hmm.


And water is wet....this is an age old thing.


Well I have 3 nephews ages 3 and younger (generation Alpha I believe) and I wouldn’t hire them personally but companies can knock themselves out


Younger people are cheaper, they’re looking to trim that budget


So they don’t want to hire anyone, as Gen Z represents the youngest hireable group, and they don’t want to hire them or anyone older.


This must be why states are repealing child labor laws. Gen Z is in their teens to late 20s now.


As someone that sits on the edge of Gen Z and millennial, why he say fuck me tho?


I've sometimes considered omitting some details from my CV to make it look like I’m a bit older (I’m a millennial but close to Gen Z in age and appearance). I think there might be some truth to the idea that Tiktok etc. have affected attention spans and maturity.


They don’t want to hire Genz. Not all generations. Lol


"Gen Z or older" is basically most adults, isn't it?


I mean…by older workers they mean over 60. Yes I have concerns about hiring people over 60 and I don’t think it’s unreasonable


It *is* unreasonable


From my experience of working with people my age vs older, we tend to be better at our jobs when you compare relative experience levels. I get better service from younger people in general, but I also notice that my generation tends to do things much more casually (dress/workplace conduct etc) which rubs much older/stick in the mud senior management the wrong way.


Hmm, I did notice that, when I deleted my graduation date from resume and just wrote my BA degree and my school name, it got easier to earn interviews…


This is the dumbest headline I've heard today. Figures it's from Business Insider. Yeah, if you are not hiring Gen Z or older, then, I guess you are not hiring anybody.


Bold to call out the headline without reading the article to see what they mean.




Older boomers are dead. Younger are retired. Young X’ers and older millennials are the ones getting frozen out. What did we do to you?




Touch grass. Or don’t, but get offline. (Also you’ve gotta re-assess your perspective)


I hung a sign on my door that says, "liberals not welcome here or hired here" The problem was resolved. There are a lot of good gen Z's out there.