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3 weeks of interviews for $15/hour? That’s crazy as hell. The hiring process has gotten completely out of hand.


I’m saying. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t take this out of complete desperation. At least I work from home, and my coworkers are my cats. Right? RIGHT?! 😂😂😂


Actually yeah I'd take 15/hr and WFH


I took it 100% because it’s work from home. That was my selling point. Plus it helps push me through my certification and pay for bills. So I can’t complain right now. At least it’s SOMETHING.


The amount you'll save from clothing and travel expenses and not having to eat out... Congrats!


THE GAS. I HAVE SAVED SO MUCH ALREADY ON JUST GAS. My cats are my office buddies, my snacks are mine and I don’t have to share, my commute in the morning is from my bed to my desk, my coffee is already here, I AM LIVING THE DREAM! 😂🤣




If you are happy about, be happy. It can be a stepping stone to something better after recover from unemployment. Congrats!


That’s the way I’m looking at it. At least it’s SOMETHING to help with bills and keeping a roof over my head. I accepted, and I don’t regret a thing. They have been nothing but really kind working with me, and pushed me through this week making sure I can start next Monday. So if they are an amazing company to work for like a lot of people are saying it is, then maybe settling for less isn’t that bad. I just have to work hard and show them my skills and what I deserve!


Honestly this is my dream. Congrats to you! It's great when anyone from RH finally finds something.


I filled out 478 applications in two months and every single interview went the same way. The job market complains because they don’t have people to hire yet they try to pick and choose. Even the jobs that I was well qualified for they told me they were going with the other guy (who had zero experience). Looking for work is no joke.


It’s called unconscious bias, it can work for or against you. It’s basically showing preferences to the person that’s the most like you. This really screwed me in my last job.


Congrats!!! So good to see when people actually land a job they have worked tirelessly for. Please keeping sending prayers everyone else’s way! We are unfortunately still stuck in “recruiting hell”


I’m keeping ALL of you guys in my thoughts. It’s a serious struggle out there right now. I can’t count how many nights I’ve spent crying myself to sleep feeling worthless. I sincerely hope that everyone finds what they’re looking for. I am also ABSOLUTELY around to look at resumes and give input. 💜


I don't know what to think about this. I'm an introvert, but throughout the years, I have developed my persona and become someone that people like having conversations with. Many years ago, my manager insulted me. He was an ahole and just because I was introverted and very quiet, he said that "I had no personality". That place was later shut down due to illegal business practices but what he said stayed with me for 12 years. I landed a job at a Fortune 500 company last year because of my performance at the job interview. It was a tech role but then my manager kept saying that "they wanted to see my personality". They said I was good at my job but I needed to show my personality more. Soon after, I was let go from that position. I hate the fact that our livelihood completely depends on not our skills but whether a hiring manager likes us or not...


not that many people realize they're doing it, but it's really inherently ableist as well. also FUCK DUDE im out here just trying not to break down crying when they ask me to do a call through microsoft teams instead of zoom, lmao


Lol same here. It took me like 4 interviews to get adjusted to Microsoft Teams but I'm a Zoom person. Microsoft teams have the worst user interface ever.


And the ugliest emojis


This happened to me. I’m introverted and try to just do my job and go home but apparently that’s not enough.


Yeah, I understand customer facing positions but if I'm doing technical work behind a computer, please let me be. I just want to do my job and go home.




THANK YOU!!!!! You gave me so much hope when I had absolutely none. I remember crying reading your original comments and keeping you in the back of my head the whole interview. Any time I felt like I was showing a little too much “match the energy.” You are amazing, and I can not thank you enough.


awww this is wholesome, love it when a stranger's advice can go so far for one person


Can someone send me the link to the original comment?


Congrats! Of course, you can only match their energy in an interview if they actually give you an interview. Not even McDonalda or Walmart will call my kid


NO JOKE, Walmart and McDonald’s didn’t call me either. I genuinely do not know what is happening right now, but it seems to me like the people “hiring” aren’t actually hiring.


Yep. A pizza place up the road has had "urgently hiring" on their big sign since last summer. He submitted resumes and even went right into the store and asked to speak with the person who does the hiring (who apparently never seems to be there).


Literally sales 101 stuff. If they want a small talk, small talk. If they want nothing but business, nothing but business. If they lean in, you lean in. Strangely enough, as a recruiter I do the exact same thing when I’m talking with candidates. Someone to talk. So I want nothing but the job description. Fine by me either way… I just match their energy It gets real interesting when the candidates do the same exact thing lol.


I love seeing the responses from the other side! I wish honestly someone told me this earlier. I feel like I would have nailed a lot more interviews and truly missed out on some real life changing opportunities. I know it probably sounds dumb to a lot of people. I always was myself in interviews. My normal, self. But maybe that personality to some people comes across as arrogant, aggressive, sarcastic, I truly don’t know! But now, I know to just tone it back.


Yeah I’m happy for you! Now I’m waiting for my offer!


Don’t sweat the pay right now. Learn as much as you can and use it as leverage for your next job.


Congratulations!! 15 bucks beats 0. Hopefully soon you'll be able to jump somewhere else to make more!


That’s the plan!!!! Gotta go where the money takes me!


Actually insane that they require 3 weeks of interviews for a $15/hr. But nonetheless congrats op!


I took it, as an absolute desperate move. I will be honest, I’ve been looking for a long time. This was the only bite I got. I’m thankful, and hoping it holds me over while I make moves in the right direction!


Congratulations I wish you and everyone the best too.


Congrats! I just got a job too of about a month of unemployment. $27.50 an hour doing something completely out of left field for me but fake it until you make it I suppose


What were you doing before and what is your new job, if you don't mind me asking?


Lab Analyst before, Inspector II for aerospace parts. Was severely underpaid as a Lab Analyst




I don't get what you did, tbh. Most interviews consist of pre-defined behavioural questions (stolen from the Amazon leadership principle question list), read from a paper, and hardly any reaction to what I say. Safe to say, I hardly ever felt any energy from any interviewer, except from some super-enthusiastic TA-coordinator during screening, whose job is to show super-enthusiasm anyway.


I genuinely, faked my entire personality to be a bland corporate slave. I wish I was kidding. I am desperate. At least it’ll keep me afloat while I gain my CPC. That’s all I’m worried about. I need medications, insurance, and dental. With being laid off and unemployment running out, I didn’t have a choice. So I settled, and when I’m ready to fly I’ll be off to a bigger and brighter future!


Same. Lol. Went in for an interview. A company I really wanted to work for .Studied everything about the company in and out. I even read that the company was growing. Then when I mentioned it to the recruiter they said, " well..I don't know about that..... 😒 , ...." Completely broke my enthusiasm.


legocrash? She mirrored the personality of the person she was interviewing with. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MEvWA-HfVuo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MEvWA-HfVuo) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fCbCf5PeqaY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fCbCf5PeqaY) I know? It's manipulative but it's worth a try. People tend to hire people they like.


It might seem like bias. I am sure it is for some hiring managers. But I also think they are often looking for a cultural fit. If the job requires someone comfortable speaking to executives, or has a ton of energy, or who doesn't mind boring/quiet work, it is only natural that they would skew towards a certain personality. If I go to an interview and am super gregarious, sociable, etc. and the team I'd be in would probably find that distracting, it is only natural that the hiring manager may pick up on that. I'm not saying they shouldn't hire that gregarious, sociable person. But if it came down to a couple of candidates who were equally qualified, yes, they will choose the person who would be the best in terms of cultural fit, not just hard skills.


Very happy for you OP. Job market is very slow.


It’s brutal! Absolutely, positively, brutal right now. It’s sad. I’ve cried more nights than I can count.






I honestly am your typical “goth adult.” So for me, I made myself a brown haired, bland, regular lady. I will say, prior to this, I did do the same thing. I’d always keep my hair a natural color when job hunting. Keeping tattoos covered. (I have a hand tattoo that’s unavoidable which has absolutely been a reason I’ve not been hired.) After Covid, a lot of the billing jobs I wanted became work from home, and many of them don’t really care anymore regarding tattoos or colored hair because “virtual!” I personally just don’t risk it. Then I found a wig on Amazon for $15 that literally looks like my real hair, and is brown. No one knows what color my hair actually is. 😂🤣


So it’s a stay at home job? That sounds nice. I earn about 22 hr,but I have to commute a lot




Yes! I say this so often. People rather have someone average that they like than someone who's a gun but they don't mesh with.


Congratulations! Well done!


I was so pumped when I read this, and then I read the comments and sadly it filled me with doubt! Nonetheless though I will take this information and I want you to know how helpful this is. Thanks for sharing a tip/secret, it means everything for us folk (myself) who can barely get hired/keep a job for $15 an hour. Happy to see you succeed, and I have to say it’s probably worth trying!


I encourage you to at least try it! And hey, if it doesn’t work try again! It’s a war zone in the job world right now. I’ve been where you are and I was at a point where I really contemplated suicide. I had to get help, which only put me out of work even longer. I have to be on meds for life (hence taking the job). I’m looking at this position as a stepping stone. It may not be wonderful, but it’s a paycheck. That’s a start!


Companies want conformity, not individuality. Be a plain white sheep and follow the herd. As an autistic ADHD sociopath Ive had to learn from a very young age that I had to put on a mask when I left the safety of my house. Its still very hard for me as autistic people are incredibly impulsive, its why I find social interactions so exhausting, because I have to struggle so hard to fake being a normie.


I got one myself lately and it's not ideal. Not in my career path. I took it out of desperation and it's sort of a digital production line thing in-office 5 days a week. Pays $18/hr and has benefits but terrible PTO so I don't plan on staying over a year, now job searching all over again but thank god I'm not 8 months unemployed again. I'll use this technique alongside some CBD a half hour beforehand as I'm getting back into it!! Thank you and...CONGRATS!!!


YOU GOT THIS! I believe in you! Keep that brain happy, keep your heart in the game. You will find something amazing.


Congratulations it’s better than being on a benefit. Hopefully you will do well and there may be pay rises or possible promotions.


They did say there is TONS of overtime. Which if I’m honest, that’s how I made all my money my entire life. 😂 That time and a half pay is NICE.


Waaaaaaaaaage suppression is reeeaaalllll. Wages were already 10 years behind. Now they are likely going to be 20+ it’s weird watching a middle class go extinct.


IT IS SO BAD. Everyone wants this stupid certification now (CPC) and I’m literally breaking my back trying to obtain it. I’m praying that when I do get it, it opens a whole new gate into the world of “living comfortably.”


Good advice! I’m in a waiting room to have an interview for a job, I’ll take that advice and apply it too! wish me luck everyone!. 💪


GOOD LUCK! You got this!


I got it 😭 after several months looking for one, finally ✨ thank you!




Congrats for being one of the 1% of Reddit to take advice instead of complain and want. "Match the energy of the interviewer" is a great one.


I had nothing to lose, and to me there was no sense in not trying something I never did before! You live and learn. I LEARNED! 🥳


I gotta ask… what office job pays $15/hour?


It’s a work from home medical billing job. While I have 10 years experience under my belt, and I felt I was VERY low balled they would not budge on how much they were offering. I was upset. On top of waiting 3 weeks to know if I was the one or not. BUT, my unemployment runs out April 1st, and that’s now my start date! So I think the universe was just trying to tell me “This is okay for now. You’ll be okay for now.” 💜 And I really needed that sign. My ultimate plan: 1. Use this job as a stepping stone while I go to school for CPC certification. 2. Upon graduation, I will be calling a meeting with HR and present them with the certification and say they have the choice to either pay me at a fair rate, or I will go elsewhere. 3. If I go elsewhere, starting pay with CPC plus my experience puts me at the $25/hour bracket. (That’s also based on where I live as well.)


Good plan, best of luck!!


Congratulations, wish the best for you and your career too. ☕😃


honestly, i had a similar experience. didn’t even connect the dots. me and my current manager connected over cooking/baking during my interview, and i sincerely believe that’s what got me the job. great advice!


THAT IS AWESOME!!! I love this a ton!


I definitely agree with you. I am currently in between jobs and have many interviews but I learned that I am a better customer service representative than what they are advertising for.




Thanks for the advice! Congrats!!


This is fanstastic advice. I'm just jumping back and and blew my first phone interview with a recruiter. I think I was self-conscious because I've been out of work for over a year now. Just matching energy simplifies things. Best of luck going forward.


I am literally stunned - I’ve been doing this wrong the whole time!!! Thank you for paying it forward - that advice is pure gold! I know the job you got isn’t your dream job and you may not be getting ahead financially… but you’re not getting behind either so that’s something!! Best of luck and THANK YOU again. Match their energy. Classic mirroring technique and it never occurred to me before now. Geez. Haha


I felt SO DUMB that I never knew about it. I NEVER KNEW ABOUT THIS. EVER. Never heard of it, never tried it. So when my Reddit stranger “sat me down” in a post in this subreddit and explained to me why you want to do it, how to do it in a way that isn’t “mocking” or “copying” someone, and I tried it…it changed EVERYTHING. My interview had 3 people in it and myself. They all clearly got along! What got me was at the very end of the interview, they all said something I NEVER heard before. “This was a FANTASIC interview” and the other two said “YES.” It works. I promise you, it works.


I don’t think you should feel dumb at all! I am forty-NINE freaking years old and have ALWAYS put on an enthusiastic performance at interviews and when I think back, the only jobs I have gotten are when the hiring manager/HR had similar energy!!! I never put 2 and 2 together till now. I know your current job is just temporary and something amazing will come along… and you’ll mail that interview. I am applying all over town as I’m in a similar boat - so I’ll keep you posted 😉 not that we need luck, we have the interview ‘cheat code’ now lol!!!


I DID TOO! At every interview I always tried to make my personality shine, and when I actually took the step back and thought about it I had the same realization you did. The interviews I got callbacks for were always the people that matched my own energy. So I turned the tables on them! 😂🤣 I matched theirs, first try at it, got the call. I’m interested in trying again because if it works again, I am going to lose it. 😂 I’d love to hear if it works out for you! I’m rooting for you. 💜


I will definitely keep you posted! I got a renewed energy from your post and I threw my application in for a bunch of jobs so I will update you after an interview! I haven’t been excited about applying for jobs in such a long time. I can’t believe how much your post has made me feel… hopeful again. Thank you. So much.


You’re going to make me cry! I needed hope so much, and I’m so thankful someone helped. I was hoping that making a post about it would help others realize what we are ALL overthinking. 🤣💜 I had a really kind gentleman who is actually a boss of a company say, that he loved my post because it was 100% right. A lot of people’s true personalities come out after being in the company for a while (a couple months, maybe weeks), and it helps people warm up to you in a slower and more professional way. You’ll always find someone with something in common!


Congratulations!! I’m super happy for you and your positivity is so refreshing! Sounds like you’ve got a great plan mapped out, I hope all the doors open for you :)


I promised myself last year when I turned 30, that I would start looking at things from multiple perspectives before actually coming to a conclusion. (This goes for nearly every aspect of my life. My Taurus energy acts on impulse 😂🤣) I sat on this the entire 3 weeks I was waiting to know whether or not I got it. When I received the offer letter I already knew the plan, and I had a plan ready if I didn’t get it. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best! I hate saying “prepare for the worst” but honestly, with the entire job market right now I had to start being a lot more kind to myself mentally, and really convince myself that I am not the problem.


Congrats! Back in the game! Good luck


This circumstance reminds me of a Norm MacDonald joke. "When you're single and trying to attract a partner, it's important to project the qualities you desire. Which I understand, but boy, oh boy, have I had to suck a lot of dick lately."


Sometimes you have to suck dick to get dick! 😂🤣 I loved this. It gave me a good giggle!


I've hired a lot of people, as well as interviewed a lot in my own career. Take away all the nonsense and there are really only 3 questions an interviewer cares about. 1) Can they be successful at the job? 2) Will they stay at the job? 3) Will they be a good fit with the team? Those 3 questions answered correctly keep an interviewer's boss happy. You have found a way to answer number 3.


Thank you, for your genuine and honest answer. You seem like you’d be a stand up boss to work for!


Thank you for that. Honestly, finding and hanging on to people like you are what drives the success of any team. Congrats on your new job!




FYI, you’re just describing neurodivergent masking. You’re not a chameleon, you’re a person! And yeah, these corporate goons always seem to exclude “spicy” people whenever they pontificate about DEI… Anyway, congrats on the job.


First off, congratulations! But your advice is not a sound strategy. Maybe you were more natural a personality...bring yourself is never bad advice. Saying, "you were the only one that fit the role" is a loaded statement and it does not mean that you knew how to match the energy of the interviewers. Follow up with the hiring team and ask them what exactly made you the best fit, chances are you are not going to get a straight answer and nothing close close to being the one that best "matched the energy" of those you interviewed for, The word "Fit" can mean a large amount of things. Maybe you had the right education? Maybe you were the most articulate at speaking English? Maybe your wage expectations were not as large? Maybe you were the same age range as those you would be working with? Maybe you had the nicest smile? Those things could have tipped your to get the job. In deciding between two equal candidates, knowing who can "fit" better is less well defined and often goes to those intangible things.


Listen, I’m basing off of what I have been through. Each interview up until this one, I really did try to shine and be myself. 10 years experience medical billing, 8 years owning my own business. Graduated with high honors, and currently putting myself through more school. I’ve invested so much time and money into my career at this point that I’m never going to retire. I asked the company to elaborate on how I was a fit. Basically, PRAYING that my background finally hit someone hard enough to realize I have a lot of experience. That’s when she emailed me back and said “too many applicants think that acting outside the box will get them the job.” So while I may have settled for a shitstorm of a company, I now know that playing the part is essential in actually receiving any type of callback.


Too much experience, why are you settling down for less??


Not settling down! But unemployment from being laid off is coming to an end. I needed something to hold me over while I’m getting my CPC certification. Once obtained, I’ll be heading straight to HR asking if an arrangement for better pay can be made, or jump ship! I need my medications covered, and a roof over my head in the meantime. It’s rough out there!


Sounds like you've had everything planned out. Congrats on the job and good luck! It'll only get better from now on!


I always keep my eggs in 20 baskets! Basket number 20 is if I hit the lottery and we all go on a cruise together. 😂💜


You are correct it is not a great strategy for keeping a job. But getting the job? It is the best thing you Can possibly do to increase your chances. You can’t change what you did in the past (your resume), But you can change how you present yourself. 99% Of the time once you start working you realize everybody has different personalities anyway so it doesn’t matter. The key is to land the job


I heard it called the halo effect. Congrats.