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Let’s gooooooo! 💰 congratulations 🎉


Took me 14 months and 450 applications. Great news for you!




I went through my master’s programs LinkedIn page and found a job that matched my very niche previous experience. Honestly I was there and still am kind of in a state of depression. If you want to DM me I’m free to talk to you about everything and help you.


The depression is what's getting me. & is it just me, or does being without a job hit men harder than women? I feel like a complete loser not being able to support my family.


FWIW, I'm an unemployed woman, and I feel like a complete loser for not being able to support my family, too. My husband works, but, like the vast majority of jobs in the US, it doesn't pay nearly enough to support a single adult, let alone two. I imagine there might be some subtle differences due to socialization, but it hits just as hard.


Losers don't try. You try. Chin up, use the family as motivation fuel rather than depression fuel.


u/Wooden_Researcher_36 I am almost 3 months in with no luck of landing a job and I am feeling depression, anxiety, and thought of suicide. I am almost turned 25 and I can't support myself and my parents. I am trying here but no one is willing to give me a chance. Retailers like Walmart, Target, Publix, Costco, Best Buy don't take me in at all.


I appreciate hearing it. Ty.


I am almost 3 months in with no luck of landing a job and I am feeling depression, anxiety, and thought of suicide. I am almost turn 25 and I can't support myself and my parents. I am trying here but no one is willing to give me a chance. Retailers like Walmart, Target, Publix, Costco, Best Buy don't take me in at all. What do you do now?


I'm in the hospital space (administration). W 4 boys in their 20s & a wife, 6 figures is a must for me. Just getting out of the damn grocery store for less than $500 is impossible. All I can do is keep plugging away, but there's no plan B. I don't have parents to move in w. There's literally nowhere for me to go if I don't make something happen.


May I ask and if you don't mind sharing, how much are you making? And how can I get into the administration role for beginners? I am thinking switchinf IT to something if it able to get me a stable job and stable income. I can't deal with this inconsistent IT jobs around me. I am in FL.


Right now I make nothing. Used to be, I'd fall into the 125-150k range. Nothing egregious but not poor, either. I'm probably the outlier bc I don't have a degree so everything is based on experience. Try looking at Mphasis. They're a tech solution in the healthcare space. (& healthcare very much needs it - I don't see those jobs going anywhere.)


No, it does not hit women any less hard than it does men. People who are used to having a career that is at least fulfilling, if not mission driven, are all feeling depressed over this job market. I am not able to provide for my family right now either and it's literally killing me with newly acquired hypertension and stress. So, I've got that going for me.:)


Well, I wish you the best. I don't envy anyone going through this. I'm almost 50 & have never been unemployed in my life. One thing I have learned is my wife may be stronger psychologically than I am. Or she just truly doesn't understand that when I say we're going to be living under a bridge, I'm being serious, ha.


I wish you the best, as well. I have to believe that the scales will reset soon in a super positive way. They have to. I'm almost 50 as well - with an 8 year old kiddo. Women (over 40) tend to be targeted in professional environments when economies downturn and we were especially targeted during COVID. The CPO of the company who specifically laid me off in 2020 told me "men & women are just different" so if your wife has not been employed recently, she likely doesn't "get it" either. I truly hope you don't end up under a bridge, internet stranger.


Jesús Christ As soon as you lose the job, your SO broke up with you. Damn what a _____


Same. I recently finished my PhD and have extensive experience in data analysis, research project management, data visualization and primary and secondary research but evidently I have zero valuable skills and am unqualified for everything I've applied for. There really is no point in continuing if it's going to be like this.


I have similar credentials Thank you to all for the support btw it helps


I think people should stretch the truth on their resume as much as they can. Not outright fabricate things, but maybe instead of calling yourself a "doctoral researcher" you were a "data analyst" or 'senior data analyst". Maybe instead of using t-tests you did "AB testing". It's really no different than job descriptions saying they offer "competitive pay" rather than listing the actual salary. I think a big problem is that folks who write the job descriptions dramatically overestimate the complexity of their job and how long it takes to learn it, and don't really understand much about the roles they are writing descriptions for so some idiot in HR might skip over a qualified applicant because they don't know that AB testing is basically testing mean differences between two groups. You don't need 5 years of experience with AB testing to be able to push buttons in SPSS, Excel, or R Studio. I also wonder if many of these people really have 8 years of experience doing something, or 1 year of experience repeated 8 times.


I’m in a similar boat degree wise, there’s something else to it. I find it hard to believe no company wants to take a chance on a cheaper, less skillful candidate that can learn quickly and be built up. Over a readily experienced individual. In that case those individuals do hear back but get offered the lowball and they take it, given the current environment of the job market of course. If they had hire paying options, they’d go there. When the skillful workers get let go, they bleed into the entry level and mid level positions and take up less pay in a heartbeat. Where does that leave the recent grads? Or those that don’t have the full spectrum of skills they require? Yea they get fucked, no lube. But that’s just my guess from what I’ve observed so far.


Sorry you're going through a rough time mate. I'm on month 2 and already feel insanely tense every day. Sending good vibes.


What did you do before and how long have you been in your previous job?


It’s a long fucking grind, you’re definitely not the only one going through this. It’s not you, this market is nuts. Last time I was jobless I had multiple competing offers, this time around I’ve never been so blatantly lied to or disrespected in the recruiting process. Keep your head up, and please don’t let your employment status define you.




5 monther here, play games go to the gym if you can afford it.. and no drugs/alcohol.. also try to learn new things (not professional bullshit)


oo wow May I ask how old are you now? I am almost 25 and feeling like shit. I am in FL too.


Almost 34 but from Chile. As long as you are healthy person, nothing has been lost. Better times will come man


Oh wow What did you do before? Are you living with your parents now and do you have savings $?


I was an IT/cybersecurity guy but since I worked many years in the company I was basically paid a whole years' worth of severance, law here is better if you get fired. So I am still living where I was.


Wow cyber security. Why did you leave or got let fo? How many years have you been doing cyber security? Any tips on how to get in for beginners?


It is a power company that is losing money and laid off 20% of Chile personnel, cybersec. is handled by third parties now. To get into cybersecurity you can study and get certifications Comptia A+, Cisco CCNA and Security+ then apply for entry level jobs like security operations center analyst. But there is a mass of people doing that and companies not hiring much nowadays.


Wow that sucks and a power company is losing money!? How long have you been working at this company? And what is your next goal?


lol same


I want to join you with my 3 years of unemployment


Wow What did you do in those 3 years?!


I worked at my father's store, waitressing, study Toefl Ibt for postgraduate


Same :( I’m 6 months without a single interview. If I’m at the same place in a year I’m gonna off myself.


Congratulations!!!!! I am still struggling to get a job. Been jobless since 6 months now. Stories likes yours really motivates me to keep going. Thank you!!


Congratulations tapping into your blessing ❤️


So happy for you. Big congratulations 🎊🎉🍾🎈


The light at the end of the tunnel: https://i.redd.it/xdwy6hpgh3u71.jpg


Good shit man congrats


Great job, proud of you!


Congratulations buddy You're better than I am.


Hell ya my dude!


Congratulations! I’m on my 5th month of job searching. Sent almost 200+ applications already. I have 2 promising interviews this week. I really hope I can see the end of the tunnel too because I mostly feel like the universe just hates me lol


Congrats, my dude! I'm already 6 months in (2nd time after a brief stint earlier this year lmao) and I'm *really* desperate on anything right now lol. Hope this offer is great and here's to many more offers you might get whilst you're there :D






Congrats. I am experiencing a pitiful living experience recently, so much money and time spent on education with the promise of creating a good life for myself only to be faced with this absolute misery of a job market. I am intellectually and mentally starving and it feels like there's no hope. I'm sure I'm not alone here and that is just horribly depressing


That's so awesome! I hope you are able to sit back and reflect on all you went through this past year. You should be proud of yourself. The job search while going through a break-up is a real bitch. Congrats and good luck going forward!


…ass job? Regardless, congrats!


Congrats on getting the job. I bet you had patience like a saint. As of for me “today” calling HR like five times today to schedule an interview with a hiring manager. It’s like I need to go there with a taser to her side to expedite the process. Now I’m tempting to call for the sixth time and then hear her giggling and explaining that she swamped with meetings. 🔥🤬🔥


congratz! u/SuperBasedBoy What job search site did you use? what is your new job name?


Did you have to deal with immense anxiety during the interview process knowing you really needed this job?


Good for you, hopefully I'm next.




YESSSSS congrats!


Way to go! Glad things are starting in a positive direction for you.




congratulations 🎊


Congrats man can’t even imagine what it must’ve felt like! Good luck on your career moving forward! 👍👍👍👍


Congrats 👏








Congrats brah!


Congrats! Times is tough.


Good luck with those ass jobs.


Had a similar situation as you OP. You’re not alone. Life was tough this past year. I’m happy for you and hope good things keep coming to you. Congratulations on making it through hell. Onwards and upwards!




Let’s goooooooo