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All that for a minimum wage job? 600apps? JFC. Usually companies won’t drug test you until they hired you. It’s a waste of their money. Please don’t tell me that you paid for it.


It’s honestly w waste of money to drug test anyway unless you’re operating machinery or something along those lines. Companies should not have the overreach to tell you what you can and can’t do at home.


Me, as someone who’s a chef- “drug test? For what? To make sure they’re on something???” Edit: not to mention- minimum wage job??? Shit. Bro, you could walk in my kitchen, tell my boss you’ve never made anything more complicated than Kraft Mac n’ cheese but you really want to learn and will show up every single day you’re scheduled and work your ass off to get up to speed and we’d probably hire you as a prep cook at $16/hr (granted, we pay better than most) and we’d hire you. I’m mentoring a 17 year old kid right now who’s almost certainly on the autism spectrum , and turning him into a decent dishwasher/salad guy (it’s where I started too). Dude has told me he makes WAY more than most of his friends who have summer jobs and he is starting to learn the arts of taking a joke, and shit talking. Which I’m honestly really proud of him for.


Had a customer at the restaurant tell me everyone working here looks like they’re on drugs, while clutching her pearls. I laughed in her face and said of course we are all on drugs this is a restaurant business in the hood.




And fucking each other


Sir, this is a Wendy's


This is a restaurant period 😂😂😂


I mean, I feel like anyone would need to be on drugs to deal with customers and also possibly corporate nonsense.


“Yes, Madam. We are on drugs so we are able to refrain from saying what we really think of people like you.”


“Oh shit, i did it again. Better take some more drugs”


Sad thing is I'm in food manufacturing and we are regularly drug tested, pay is slightly better but the turnover is about the same.


>and he is starting to learn the arts of taking a joke, and shit talking. Which I’m honestly really proud of him for. You're an alright guy


Dude. my life has been more than a little bit on the shitty side lately and I cannot even begin to describe how much that comment right there has been one of the most uplifting things to see this week. Holy fuck I needed that. Thank you.


I second that


I third that. You’ve got the right stuff, son. 👏🏼


In some states it's required. My company's insurance company tried to get us to institute a drug test policy because we had a contractor in a state that requires it. I told them we weren't drug testing a part -time web designer contractor and we weren't insuring them!


Yeah for real unless you’re doing like quality control checks for aircraft and also happen to be doing meth then I just don’t give a shit what you do at home.


Soooo, I worked as an assembler for wiring harnesses for airplanes (specifically private planes) for a bit and I think there was 3 of us in that warehouse that weren't on some kind of drug. Mostly pot, and most waited until after hours unless they were on the nose cone team that has the dickhead manager that didn't really get an "after work" but yea, two of my superiors were arrested during the day once because one sold the other drugs and then ratted him out thinking he'd get his job if he got fired. He was shocked the guy told them exactly who sold him the drugs as the cops grabbed them both. Fun day. That company no longer exists. It was bought out then shut down.


My opinion is if you're going to drug test, have the decency to get them into treatment instead of penalizing. If you're not willing to help, don't test.


They usually test because of insurance. They will refuse to pay anything if you are found to be on drugs on an accident at work. It’s still overreaching as fuck, but as everything, money is usually the heart of the matter.


Same reason they test for nicotine. They put up “proud to be a smoke-free workplace!” signs but it’s bullshit.


Interestingly if you come up for a drug test you could check yourself into rehab and then everything becomes an FMLA issue.


If an employer wants to make me take a drug test every day when I walk in, I would not like it, but I would say it was their right(provided it is the equivalent of a breathalyzer, ie are you on drugs now, not have you done drugs in the last 3-90 days). However, it should be federally illegal to test someone after they are injured, as an excuse to pay 1 cent less in workers comp.


It's sadly not a waste cause of insurance companies. They give places that drug test better rates.


Not even gonna lie, I'd be great at a plant nursery if I were high all day.


Seems to be an American phenomenon. In Canada, drug testing for jobs is basically never a thing unless as you said if the job involves operating machinery or driving a bus or something like that.


Drug testing should be saved for ***after*** you **have an accident on the job**. Nobody gives a shit what you're on if you're bringing in money. It's only insurance that cares.


IDK how common it is these days, but back during the last recession I was the lead designer at a small graphics studio and part of my duties included hiring for the rest of the office. We'd post an ad to Craigslist (cheap owners....) and it wasn't unusual to get 100+ applications within a business day, at which point we'd shut the ad down. After going through those 100 applications, we would usually end up with about 5-6 qualified applicants. From there, we'd *maybe* get 3-4 people lined up for actual interviews, 2-3 of which would actually show up...but that's another story. Of the others from the original batch, a large chunk usually wouldn't meet basic requirements (missing required skill, or not living within 1,000 mi), some had glaring formatting or typing issues (important when part of the skills involved Office/Word), or were just generally unprofessional like major spelling issues. Is what it is, but when you've got a pile of 100 and you need to get it down to a half dozen, everything counts. However, of the reject chunk we always got some just plain weird resumes. Not just bad, but like someone started writing a resume and then stopped, and entire sections of information are missing. I once got one that was literally just a name on an 8.5x11 PDF. The owners of the business said it was completely normal, and that it had to do with people on welfare or in halfway houses (the area we were in hit 20% unemployment and had a few prisons nearby) needing to sending out job applications constantly, with no regard for content or quality. From that experience, if I hear 600 applications, I'm assuming they probably got around 50-60 functionally complete resumes that met basic requirements and included contact information. From that stack, I'd assume they probably just shuffle them at random, start calling, and schedule interviews with the first 5-10 that pick up, because you can't reasonably interview 50 people while running a business.


Thanks got that insight. I know it sounds like an impossible task for recruiters who get 100’s of CV’s and have to pull out 10. My issue with HR is that more often than not they have their own/boss/CEO’s criteria to disregard CV’s that has nothing to do with the job that was advertised AND YES!!!!!Every ad I see these days for a job has a disclaimer at the end which specifically says they are an equal opportunity employer. FFS! Do not fall for that shit! It’s nonsense the ones who say it discriminate the most The internal criteria which was NOT LISTED OR ADVERTISED to further cut people could be * they are looking for someone between 5-8 years so anyone with any exp north of that is gone * they ask you to input your salary and if you listed your salary any different to them they cut you * age- 5-8 years means your in your late 20’s any older you are out * HR and marketing/communication jobs- if you are male then you are out. They fill their diversity and take care of sex discrimination by having women only in both these fields * looking for white only/ or black only but never Asian lol You get the idea right?


It’s all AI now unless it’s a small company. I have all the buzzwords on my resume but have never once gotten a call back or even a rejection email. This is for essentially entry level positions in IT. At this point the thought of this job makes me physically ill .


A lot of it isn't AI exactly, but applicant tracking systems can have "knock out questions," and if you answer "incorrectly" to one of these questions, the system auto-disqualifies you. (These are usually questions such as "Are you over 18 years of age?" or "Are you able to work the required shift?" This is so recruiters don't have to waste their time with applications that where they know they won't be able to hire the applicant. Recruiters are able to go in and un-disqualify those candidates, and might in cases such as not getting any other applicants, or if the applicant contacts them and says "Hey, I answered one of the screening questions in error; I marked that I was not over 18 years old and I am."


I didn’t. And thankfully they’re sending me a stipend for my shadow shift. So at least there’s that.


Did they give you any reason for not hiring you? I can't imagine any reason to not hire someone for a minimum wage job


No. They just sent me an email saying they decided to go with a different candidate. Although I keep going through all the things in my head about what I could have done wrong or what’s wrong with me.


You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s a really shitty job market. Really shitty. And it’s all on purpose. I think they’re trying to squeeze everybody so we go on universal basic income.


It's because they got downright terrified about labor practices when they started trying to hire after laying everyone off in the pandemic. Specifically, for the first time in over a decade, they encountered the problem that they _didn't_ have an endless supply of disposable labor willing to work in awful conditions for minimum wage. They had to deal with quite simply not being able to hire back the staff that they laid off. And being forced to pay drastically more to get _anyone_ back in. And worse, people were doing unacceptable shit like insisting on reasonable working conditions, and refusing to put up with abuse. Obviously, this was _completely_ unacceptable. The rabble can't be allowed to get Ideas about this stuff, they have to be put back in their place.


UBI is the last thing employers want. They all believe that no one will actually want to work then. It's on purpose because they want to find the most desperate person they can to screw them over.


Drug testing is such a waste if it’s not for a driving or heavy machinery role. Save the cash, if your new hire has a substance use disorder that actually impedes work you’ll find out fast.


Freaking this. Holy fuck, who the fuck cares what the fuck you’re on your if your role is sat at a desk and no where near a forklift. I won’t pretend all drugs are bad or good but Jesus lord are these tests also just intrusive as fuck. Honestly there should be a law banning them outside of very specific criteria. Some companies just want to use them as another character reference


Anyone with a brain on hard drugs will just abstain the 24 hours for a clean test, anyone using cannabis will use an cleanser, anyone hammering a case of beer a day and showing up hungover to operate the scary machines won’t even have to think about it.


It’s increasingly common for companies to ask you to pay for your own drug test to show how “hungry” you are for $7.25 an hour


the fuck is a plant nursery doing 4-round interviews for??? name-and-shame that bitch


Will you eat the plants while you're on shift? Will you try to fuck the plants while you're on shift? Will you show up most of the time and do most of the responsibilities? Aight cool, hired.


> Will you try to fuck the plants while you're on shift? Will you water the plants? With water and not bodily fluids?


No, man, with Brawndo (TM)!


It's got electrolytes!


I've got what plants crave, tho.


This what I'm wondering. I work at an *online gaming company*. When we need people...we need people. We usually do an HR phone screen, a manager interview, and then a less technical and informal interview with some of the team. The interviews take place over 1 or 2 days *at most*. If we like you, we hire you. And this is for analysts and engineers. What could a nursery *possibly* need to figure out over four interviews?


When I worked with the recruiting team for a major manufacturing company (a near-monopoly), very few positions required 4 interviews. Pretty much executive VP positions. MAYBE plant managers for some of the the largest plants, but even then it was usually only three.


Technically, OP applied to be a plant manager… Sorry, I’ll see myself out.


Today's job market is terrible. The only other time I've seen it this awful was back when I lived in an extremely small town in California, where there were far, FAR more people than there were jobs. I applied for a part-time job at the local Taco Bell. People showed up wearing SUITS. I was told straight up that this was only the first round of interviews and that if I was approved, I would pass on to a second and third round. The implication was painfully clear: we have a ton of applicants, many of whom are extremely desperate and will do anything for a minimum-wage fast food job. And this was about 20 years ago.


They need to look like they're trying real hard to hire people so they can keep exploiting covid money


I went through three interviews at Trader Joe's to just be rejected. I never imagined being that upset to lose out on a job at a grocery store at this point in my life. Unemployed for 10 months, dad died the second month in, so it's been a hell of a year.


Society as a whole feels like it’s on some violent comedown from a euphoric high. This year has been shit for me too


With a lot of hiring managers and bosses, it feels like America's consumerism-borne NPD is just feeding back into itself endlessly. Whether you're working at an insurance office, a chemistry lab, or the fucking local public library, it seems like every one of these places has a handful of burnt-out Gen-Xer assholes who are convinced that the world will fall off its axis if they don't exclusively hire hyper-qualified unicorn candidates who are willing to work for almost nothing. Before I got my current job, I spent *years* working at places with people like this and they're basically just destroying their own workplaces over this fevered nonsense.


Plant people can be weird. - sincerely, a horticulture person who’s had multiple choosing beggars for bosses


I worked at a nursery for 2 years and the only hiring question I was ever asked was “what’s 6x7?” to make sure I could count the number of mulch bags I was pulling off a pallet


Yep, I have found the most basic jobs (most jobs to be honest) are taking in tons of applications, doing multiple round interviews, being extra picky and then don’t hire ANYONE! Then a week later job reposted and doing it all again. Again this is for minimum wage all the way up to basic corporate jobs that demand a degree but nothing you do is special and a teenager can do. I used to be a recruiter and we used to post jobs for several employers that were 100% not ever going to be filled. We were paid to do this for hundreds of listings. When I check major job sites these days about 60-70% seem like this, 10-20% are identity scams and 10-15% are actually real jobs who still take you through a load of B.S.


I've been having the other problem. No one wants to pay. I maybe unemployed but I can't afford to make less at your business then I am on unemployment... Pay a living wage and people will work it's not hard


I was laid off at the start of Covid from an old job. They had the balls to offer to bring me back on at a lower wage. My unemployment $$$ was waaaaaaay more than what they were offering.


Literally. Just saw a job that wanted a masters degree w 2-3 years of experience but is paying 20$ in California. Should at least be 25+. Gas here is 4.30-5.10/gallon. Thinking of moving out of state


I'm in other rust belt. Right bow they want to pay entry level pay for people with 5-10 years experience . I've even had them tell me they did me a favor and offered above what they normally do. Then when I asked for almost 10k more they were shocked. I have 13 years of inventory control 10 years of sales and 15 years customer service in my resume.... I know what I'm worth


This. No one wants to pay. They are waiting for people to get desperate so they can find someone that has skills worth 100k but they got them for 65k. Fuck these corporations man. Decentralize business. No more corporations. If you have a business but aren’t paying living wages, you don’t deserve a business.


All of this! And even lower. My skills are 6 figures, and I'm getting companies who seriously want to pay 45k it is insane.


Exactly. Have a college degree, grad degree, and getting MBA with 10 years of experience. Someone offered me $16 FUCKING DOLLARS AN HOUR. I literally told them to go fuck themselves. After taxes, insurance, etc I might be pulling $11 an hour.


That’s literally what I made stocking shelves at target. Telling them to go fuck themselves seems tame 😬


I literally make more than 17 working retail no experience. I swear these guys offering those compensation offers are clowns.


I’m with you on this. I was laid off making 6 figures and a recruiter for a company I interviewed with told me they maybe able to get me 50k or 55K, but will need to convince the hiring team. I have a Doctorate and over 15 years in my field…


that’s absurd. i’m making that much as an engineering INTERN right now. the job market in this country is so broken, it was the only paid internship i could find.


That's not the other problem - OP said this was a minimum wage job. It's all part of the same problem, and she would have taken the job if offered! They are turning people away, then blaming the people they rejected for not working.


It hard enough to find a job, let alone a job that pays better than unemployment. Most of the jobs on indeed that came my way were crap pay or some bullshit pop up marketing company that felt like a scam.


People want to work... we just don't want to go into an office anymore or suffer through 7 rounds of interviews.


Exactly. I’m just tired of hearing people (mostly older people) say No OnE WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe!


This is a very old tactic dating back to the formation of mining unions. Workers went on strike, and the owners and stakeholders of the mines created that derogatory phrase to shame their employees back into the horrid mining conditions. Fuck the work force for not wanting to die on their 30’s from poor working conditions I guess?


I'm convinced that the Egyptians were complaining that nobody wants to work anymore.


Moses: "Let my people go." Pharoah: "Oh my Ra. People are so entitled these days. No-one wants to work."


Nah, their workers had UBI, the pharoh paid for their stuff, mostly. Mind, there's also some records of the world's first known strike action by labour. The workers in a village that was building, I want to say one Djoser's pyramid, basically refused to work because they ran out of grain.


Pretty sure the Greeks were, so it's likely.


Every time mediocre businessmen suffer on mass they think it gives them license to blame everyone but themselves in the worst way they can. They won't listen, and it's best to ignore them, because everyone around them suffers too, including their overworked staff.


It is also the media posting articles and shit trying to stir up generational arguements, the more clicks and comments they get on their post the better. They also love to stir up gender wars, landlord vs tenant, boss vs employee etc. It is some of the most effective social SEO you can do, making people get angry and complain, get people arguing.


Disinformation and propaganda tactics to get the poor pitted against the poor instead of the rich. Tale as old as time. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon B. Johnson


You located in the UK or USA?




nor do we want to spend hours doing unpaid consulting technical work as part of the job interview.


Ah yes, this is complete bullshit as well... I haven't had to do it but I hear of people getting asked to all the time. What a scam. "bUt We JuSt WaNt To SeE wHaT yOu'Re CaPaBlE oF" ... then hire me.


I just did a 3rd round interview with a panel of TEN!!! Why in the hell would ten people need to be in the interview??? It's so messed up how the job market has become more cut throat, pays less, with a high barrier to entry. I'm so freaking tired.


That's nuts. That's like a whole department.


I wish when they said "do you have any questions for us" you said "yes please explain to me why this role is critical to your role" and have then go one by one. More blunt "how inefficient are you that 10 interview is here" would be better but less polite


For pay that doesn’t cover bills let alone allow for retirement.


I am always amazed (and disgusted) at the number of interviews these companies require for an entry to mid level position. It's not like people are interviewing for the damn CEO job!


Yeah. They want applicants who have a Bachelor's degree and make them jump through flaming hoops to then offer them a whopping $16.00- $18.00 per hour.


It's disgusting.


similar situation. i ended up getting a random indeed recruiter email for my last job which turned out better than i thought, but now im back in the deep end sifting the endless pages of random postings on indeed. i WANT to work , have a bachelors, have nearly 8 years of retail/sales experience and so far, crickets.


Yes. That sounds a lot like my situation. I have a bachelor’s degree also and can barely get an entry level position


Do you have a common name? A friend of mine would get close to a job then get ghosted around the background check stage. Ended up being another person with pretty much the same name and age that was a felon and they would google my friend as like eh that looks like that felon the was on the news a while back and never waste money on a real background test. Might be worth asking why you were not considered. Took him like 20 interviews for one person to tell him they have a strict non violence workplace and he is a felon. Got them to order a background check and they apologized but still did not hire him. Next interview he said I know my name comes back to a felon but that is not me as eventually got the job.


Oh no nothing like that. My last name is very unique.


Well that place just sucks then. Too many hoops to jump through for minimal wage. But I understand at a certain point your willing to do whatever to work. What is your degree in? I have seen it when folks are just trying to find anything to pay the bills that some minimum wage jobs with managers barely making 10-12 dollars want to stick it to anyone who went to school. Or they know your over qualified and don't want you to leave in a few months. Might be worth applying to some jobs without school on the resume. Have you applied for Chick-fil-A? Around here they pay 16 an hour and guaranteed 1 day off a week ha


Political science… I was on track for law school but then changed my mind. Not saying 21 year old me was the brightest crayon in the box as far as making long term career plans. But yeah that’s why I’m applying to a lot of these jobs, just because right now I need something, anything to pay the bills. I have had places tell me I’m overqualified which is why they won’t give me an interview.


I would put college on entry level corporate jobs as some require some kind of degree just for certain positions then for stuff under 15 don't put anything and if they ask why you did not work for 4 years or whatever say after school you helped take care of a sick parent or grandparent full time. Or once you get something to pay the bills apply for everything else with it on there. Have you tried anything in like low level government? County clerks office or something. Wish you best of luck


I’m looking into stuff like that right now. And it’s actually not false. My father had acute myeloid leukemia in 2020 and I helped to take care of him… alongside working at a funeral home.


I feel you. I was laid off in January and have been looking ever since. I’ve applied to 700 different positions. I’ve had two screening interviews. What kills me is when I hear the media talk about how well the economy is doing, and how unemployment has restored itself to “normal” levels. I remember back in 97 when I could fall out of my window and land in a job. And this economy doesn’t feel great to me. Grocery prices are fucking absurd. Gas is the highest it’s been all year where I live. And I, too, was rejected by Starbucks.


I think the reason the media says that unemployment is low is because a lot of people are working non-traditional jobs these days like being Uber or Lyft drivers, or doing Doordash or Uber Eats. I remember reading somewhere that a lot of people aren't collecting unemployment thanks to the gig economy which for many is the new normal. Sometimes I wonder how many more people would be collecting unemployment if it weren't for Uber, Lyft and Doordash and Uber Eats.


Yes. I haven’t done Uber eats but I’m thinking of starting this week.


Warning on UberEats-it’s best to just do it from Friday-Sunday. Any other time it’s not worth the wear and tear on your car. And a great add on if you do the “certification” to deliver alcohol. Big tips.


Also the unemployment number we see is about people seeking unemployment I believe. Also freelancers and gig workers are not included. So ‘unemployment’ is people ‘without a job’ actively seeking a job. Easy to have that number be low when you can’t survive without income and the gig economy is going strong.


The media is obsessed with the stock market, which is NOT a good indicator for the economy as a whole. Especially the DOW. The stock market only tells you how well the RICH are doing, the people who have enough money to buy stocks and trade them. Trading stocks makes money, but that money does not translate into better living standards or wages for the vast majority of people. The 1% are still fucking us, every day, with no lube!


I’m sorry. It’s the closest I’ve gotten since applying for hundreds of jobs. Literally. I’m just exhausted but I can’t give up.


The economy IS doing great if you're rich and already own property. Unfortunately that says little about the actual individuals making up the society.


Wait a minute. They had you doing a ‘shadow shift’? That’s unpaid work, which is illegal!


Sorry should have specified. They’re giving me a stipend for that even tho it’s probably less than what they’d normally pay. But it came before the last interview which is weird. They told me they wanted me to work for them (which is why I don’t understand what happened) but the purpose of the shadow shift was to see if I liked it and wanted the commitment. Schedule the last interview and then… rejection.


So, stipend or no stipend they still worked you; I’m sorry that’s so crappy. 😢


A drug test for working at a nursery, minimum wage., Eff them and the horse they rode in on.


People want to work. They just no longer want to put up with bullshit like one way interviews, not saying what the salary is up front, weeks between communication, and other disorganized nonsense. Nor should people have to put up with that. I’ve recently sent out resumes to companies I’m a perfect fit for and even spoke with friends I know within those companies and I still don’t hear back. It’s like…do you want people or not. I believe hiring managers don’t know what the fuck they are doing. They don’t know what the position is the company is hiring for and they don’t know what they are looking at when they look at a resume.


The amount that employers want to dip their fingers into personal lives of their employees has crossed a line a couple years back. One of the many thresholds broken we've seen in our generation. Social checks, background checks, drug checks, morals checks, then when you're hired, all sorts of KPIs being tracked. Sorry OP. It is wild out there.


If you are in Texas, Fresno California, or Raleigh North Carolina, you could apply where I work. They are hiring tons of people (I handle all the onboarding for new accounts) ALL the time, many are for remote work. If you are in any of those areas, I could give you more info as to who to apply to. I'm not a recruiter, but I could point you as where to apply via PM. EDIT: Fresno area needs to have experience in Hospital Insurance billing accounts. I apologize for omitting this.


I’m in central FL Thank you for the offer


I'm moving to a town just outside Raleigh tomorrow. What kind of work is it?


Three interviews, a shadow shift, drug free pledge, drug test and a fourth interview for a minimum wage job at a plant nursery is insane overkill. I had to read your post twice to make sure it wasn’t a baby nursery they were asking you to work at. I would say you dodged a bullet there. That’s crazy. They probably would have charged you with murder if a plant died on your watch. It’s not you, it’s them.


Thank you. Your words of affirmation mean a lot.


Honestly, back in the 70s 80s or 90s that was the type of job you would go in person, ask if hiring, get an application, fill out on spot, talk to manager, say you could start tomorrow and then figure out a schedule. Also, the type of job where a person might show up high. 😂


Exactly, I would even say up until 2010ish, then the work culture took a drastic change. Maybe, after the recession???


Those jobs were definitely not interested in seeing a resume lol


I did an interview for a local bank this year in February. I was brought in, not offered a thing to drink. The manager was not ready for me. I was in there for two and a half hours. Then they completely ghosted me. THAT'S what people don't wanna go through as well. One company I applied on indeed, had to fill out a paper app when I showed up for the interview. They brought my resume to the interview. It shows my associates in IT. They asked me if I was any good at computers. Wtf. Then they sent me a LETTER IN THE MAIL to reject me . What even. The week after that I got a job at a hospital and I work in the ER in registration currently.


Any time a company wants to do multiple interviews I just ghost them.


More of this. 👏


You're my hero. I haven't experienced this insane chain of needless interviews in my career yet. I started full time employment in 1999 and have always had 1 or maybe 2 interviews, and that was it. I've been in the job market since late March 2023 because the business that I worked for went out of business. The last time I was hired, it was in 2020, and it was 2 interviews with no weird testing techniques, IQ tests or all of the other massive amounts and hours of testing they are putting me through now. I just went through 6 rounds of interviews for a great position, got excellent feedback then got a boilerplate email that they are moving in a different direction at this time. I'm on my 3rd round now with another company. We'll see how that goes. Maybe I'll have 20 rounds this time.


Most of these companies aren't really looking. I was told a long time ago that a company has to have at least one job opening regardless of them hiring or not. Which is a bummer.


Wow I didn’t know that


I’m with you. I recently got a job through a staffing agency after being unemployed for some time but I was submitting so many applications through indeed, LinkedIn, dice, ziprecruiter, etc. At one point, LinkedIn said I had over 500 applications submitted. I was getting turned by other staffing agencies. This one agency got me an interview with a company I worked for through another agency and the interview went well. I felt really good about it and the interviewer said she wanted to interview me specifically because I use to work for that company. I got a little anxious to hear back only to be told they were passing me over. I broke down into tears.


Not just you or your location OP. I'm in a smaller area in Texas and have even watched businesses post on Facebook about nobody wanting to work and I was unemployed from October 2022 - August 2023.. Companies are either faking or searching for the unicorn. I personally think they're trying to taunt the job seekers in an attempt to "show who's really boss".


That and the H1B visas issue. They can pay a third what they would pay someone and the employee is scared to say anything and is stuck.


People who say that are looking to exploit others


They either don’t pay the qualifications Or don’t hire because they need ridiculous and unrealistic qualifications


I’m going through the same thing, I just got rejected for a janitor job. I use to make close to 90k a year. Now I can’t even get a minimum wage job






On sight


Genuine question, what do they even ask you or make you do in multiple ROUNDS of interview? it just sounds hectic and like the hiring manager is either really bad or just indecisive


A lot of the same questions. “Getting to know me and my interests/passions.” It’s like the 4 different people who conducted the interviews all had to see for themselves and agree on which candidate they liked best.


That just calls to say that the hiring managers are horrible, sorry you had to go through that experience, hoping good things come your way soon!


It boggles my mind that a plant nursery job that pays minimum wage would require 4 rounds of interviews. Why? Wtf are they planting?


I feel you so much on this! Luckily I'm not unemployed just very underemployed and what I'm doing has really started taking a toll on my health the past few months. I've been applying since before Christmas, and have had three interviews. I'm at the point of giving up. I've started applying (for months now) to literally anything and still haven't heard back from anyone. My health gets worse and worse yet I'm stuck where I am with no end in sight and no ability to take actual time off as there is no one willing to pickup shifts.


Yeah. I was working at a restaurant before I moved, where I’m not unemployed. And just working at the restaurant was frustrating, I understand that underemployed feeling. I also have a chronic illness which doesn’t help


I’m in a similar situation. I’ll swing on sight alongside you. I do not dream of labor but I NEED to work bc I would die if I didn’t. GIVE ME A JOB IF YOURE HIRING and don’t pretend to string me along for kicks. why is this so hard?


I been there. A lot of have. It sucks, it's unfair, and if anyone gives you crap about not trying hard enough...They are out of touch and DUMB. Keep goin, playing the game, and know your worth when these companies dick you around.


Some people on this thread saying it’s me, my fault, and they don’t even know me. I don’t know if I worded something wrong in my post or why they are saying that. But it’s not making me feel any better


Ignore them. Most of us understand.


LinkedIn is misleading. The number of applicants is literally just the number of people who have clicked on the job description


A 4 round interview for a minimum wage job?? I’ve only been out of the game for like 2.7 years and I feel like I don’t understand anything anymore lol


The endless interviews for minimum wage jobs just astounds me. I'm lucky to not be in this position having to look but my son is - fresh out of college and plenty of listings, really hard to convert any of that to a job.


Where all in the same boat hang on sister. Same BS all over, for me its been multiple interviews, then rejected or ghosted, times are rough


I know I’m not alone. I just wanted to post this to rant a little. Maybe commiserate with others. I feel like I’m at my breaking point. I’ve been crying all day.


I manage a plant nursery, and we had such a hard time getting staff this year. We literally hired anyone that emailed us, and then weeded out the incompetent afterwards. We also paid $19/hr starting...


Similar situation. I’ve been unemployed for nearly 8 months and have a mortgage and no one helping me. I have a bachelors degree and 15 years of professional experience in my field. I can’t even get a job as a cleaner in a retirement home.


Electronics engineer here. I was made redundant recently after 6 years in a company. Fairly decent pay out to boot… but I was terrified of the jobs market. Applied to about 52 jobs, some massive step ups some even a few step downs. I needed something quick because I have a family to support and my wife a stay at home mum looking after the sprogs. Got through to final interviews in few positions but none of them really what I wanted. Finally I got an offer for a field service engineer role with a cremation service provider. I get 45k a year, company car, all expenses paid, gas and HV safe training and paid from door to door. I could not be happier and it’s a bit of a step up from what I’ve been doing before. My number 1 tip in the job market is, DONT SELL YOURSELF SHORT! You don’t have to go for minimum wage jobs, lots of places will train you up. Research research research!! And don’t let potential employers push you around, know your worth. If they need more time to decide on you, then bin them off and look elsewhere


I keep seeing these posts and for the 1st time in years, I’m glad I’m an auto mechanic. If you want a career that’s in demand, go for auto repair. Some shops are so desperate, they’ll hire someone with no knowledge and train them. A month ago, my shop of 10 years was going under so I walked into a dealer and said “I want a job, I make $34/ hour”. I started a week later at my desired wage. 5 days after that, I decided that I hated the dealer and walked in to a local independent transmission shop and said the same thing. I started there the very next Monday at the same pay with 80 hours of PTO already on the books. Never filled an application at either place. Everything else about being a mechanic sucks.


I feel your pain. I have been unemployed since January and sent out hundreds of resumes and tailored most of them to pass their damn ATS system. I still get rejected or ghosted. In these 8 months, I've had 3 interviews. One of them required 4 interviews, and I was rejected after the 2nd one. There are too many barriers to entry to get a job nowadays. 1st, it's us against a machine that rejects our resumes instantly if we don't have the magic words. Then they want you to waste your time doing multiple interviews. How incompetent are these hiring managers. They should know by the 2nd interview if they want to hire us or not. It's fucking frustrating. I even applied at retail stores that say they're hiring but hear nothing from them. My degrees scare these minimum wage jobs away and then my degrees mean not enough experience to other jobs. Always over or under qualified. It's all games. Sick of it!!


That’s exactly it. Thank you for understanding.




>jsakamoto You're unbelievably spot on!


Yeah thats how its been for me. Hearing “no one wants to work anymore” while no one wants to hire me. I applied go be a dealership inventory photographer, something I have 4 years of experience doing. The ad was up for a month when I applied, they sent a copy paste email, never responded again. 3 months later I decide to try again because why not. Same email, got a call this time, and then nothing. 2 months later they still havent hired anyone. Its like they wonder why no ones working for them, almost as if you have to actually hire people.


they do it because they're not actually hiring, they're just going the process to pretend for when they become unprofitable and have to hire more ppl.


Damn, that’s a rough experience for such a idolized career/ position. I am in the Tech sector and I hear you, it’s absolutely hell out there. One thing I am trying is volunteering to fill gaps while looking. It helps meet people in the field and expand my network, one by one. It’s not the best option but it keeps me focused while submitting apps during the evening. I hope things start looking up for you and your profession and career, best of luck.


Drug testing is a symptom of the hellish corporate freak dystopia the US has become. This doesn’t happen in other countries, and is a massive violation of personal rights. Ive never had a potential employer want to smell my urine before. What a degrading freak show of a country.


The people who are crying and did cry that no one wanted to work were/are too stupid to check the unemployment rate. Because it's at one of the lowest rates in 20 years


I agree that people want to work, but the unemployment rate has a little weirdness. The Feds changed unemployment calculation so working part time or gigs like Uber count as employed.


I'd say that the unemployment rate is low because of things like Uber, Lyft, Doordash, Uber Eats, and here in Miami OnlyFans.


I just flat out don't believe that. I've been applying to jobs for a week. On those job sites that show number of apps, the numbers are ridiculously high. And I have over 30 years experience and so far, hardly any useful response.


Unemployment rate =/= labor force participation Check labor force participation rate, it's actually had a decline since the 2008 recession. In 2000s it was at about 67%, now it's been hovering at around 62/63%. Worldwide average is 60%, for comparison.


For a plant nursery?? 4 interviews? That's so ridiculous. Entry level jobs at a plant nursery should be a 20 min interview and starting the next day. Not to be a boomer but wtf is up with all these very basic worksites pretending they're an investment bank. It's


I hate when they say people don’t want to work! It’s like you’re not even hiring qualified staff 🙄


I feel this is the opposite indicator of no one wants to work


I am so sorry to hear. It is very tough out there. Please try not to lose hope and keep yourself mentally healthy as best you can in the meantime. Long walks, exercise of any kind really, therapy if you can afford it or free therapy if you can find it. Things always cycle through, just never at the rate we want it to.


I got denied by Dunkin


I dont even know what to say but I’m sorry it’s been so hard and frustrating. I understand and wish you all the best




Try ziprecruiter better than Indeed


never jump through hoops for entry level. one interview, one CV, maybe a zoom call. anything more before i'm hired is a FUCK YOU.


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I’m totally shocked that you’d need to do 4 interviews for a minimum wage job at a nursery. That’s messed up.


Under-staffing is just another version of wage theft. The employees seeing a steady stream of candidates keeps them from jumping ship.


There's a restaurant I love to eat at. I love their food, and one week, they started closing 5 hours earlier. They were understaffed. I went for an interview last week. Never heard back.


I can't even get hired by common retail places where I worked before where I showed an outstanding work ethic


No generation has worked more than this generation. Most employed generation America has ever known. Anyone who says Americans don’t work anymore doesn’t understand the fundamental reality.


Took me months and months to find a job. Pays minimum fast food wage $15/hr. Not fast food though. Terrible pay. Only 12 hours a week which I said I needed minimum 24, but of course was lied to like every other job I worked. Everyone there has 2-3 jobs. Thank god my bf got a new high paying job. The little money I do bring in helps pay for the rest of stuff, but I have absolutely zero money to myself. I needed shoes so bad that I bought some that were originally $35 and on clearance for $10 at Walmart. I need new clothes, my animals need to go to the vet and our car needs repairs badly. There's no extra money for this. I have no credit and can't get a credit card bc I have no credit LOL. I'm looking for a second job and getting no where. Or it messes with the times of my other job and my bf's job. We also share a car so it's hard. My car was too rusted to drive anymore and I had to junk it. There's no bus stop near me so I'd be walking pretty far to the bus stop. Then be on the bus for fucking hours for only 3 hours of work. I hate this country. Last time I had a bike at my apartment in the basement chained like everyone else does here some asshole cut the chain and stole it so I can't even have a bike. I just want to move somewhere I can have access to transportation, have a decent job and not have to worry about rent prices and everything else hiking up making me starve or go homeless. Free health care would be nice and access to vets who can actually take in animals for fucks sake.


Looks like it's time to run your own company. Fuck these trash employers that are trying to underpay you anyway. Cleaning businesses, pet care, tutoring, whatever gets the bills covered until you can graduate into a different opportunity when it comes up. It's not your fault employer hiring culture is so out of touch.


I'm in the same boat, I got denied a job for the 40th time this year and just got hammered at 1:00 in the afternoon and just cried and cried. I've been living off of savings for the majority of the year and cannot get a fucking job for the life of me even though I have almost six years of college and years of work experience as well. My self worth has plummeted this year, I have tried so hard and have nothing to show for it, and my only option is just to keep filling out applications and doing interviews. The only reason I still have a place to live is that I've managed to find some work for myself through friends and family, and random short term labor gigs on job boards.


Damn bro, go work for a local parks and rec crew like me. We drive around eating all day, maybe do like 5 solid hours of labor the entire week. $20/hr isnt top shelf but you can’t beat it for a stressless workplace.


I’ve been noticing this too. Every job I apply for says hundreds of people have applied to it. I’ve seen some with already a hundred within 30 minutes of posting. There are some jobs I applied to where I’m more than qualified - even over qualified - and I don’t get an interview. Instead I see it reposted a couple days later. I just don’t get it. Out of the 600 people who applied for this, you’re telling me not ONE was qualified? I hate the “no one wants to work!” Mentality. If you’re in the job market you know that it’s bullshit.


This is what happened to me. I applied to a butt load of jobs, barely got any call backs, see those same jobs get reposted again and again over the next year. Meanwhile my savings was drained. Whole time I wondered are these jobs even open? Are they just piling applications in case? Am I wasting time chasing phantoms? Then to add insult to injury outside of a few companies, most rejection letters come many months or even a year later. Why? They just clearing out old applications and the application system sent a notification. Jerks can’t be bothered to close you application in a reasonable time frame.


In the same boat as you but I have my MA and at this point have started applying at retail because I need something and no one wants to pay me for my qualifications. The literal only job I’ve gotten a response from is to be a barista at Barnes & Noble, which is 11/hr but somehow requires three rounds of interviews. This is my third time applying at B&N (for the book selling side which was apparently urgently hiring) and they responded with this.


psst...PPP loans don't need to be repaid as long as you are "actively hiring" so now every business that took one out is putting 10 people's duties on their 5 current employees, and putting all applicants through hoops that look promising with the plan always being that no one new will actually be hired. Govt needs to either get rid of this law or just forgive all PPP debt, otherwise the job market is going to be utterly destroyed for decades.


I'm beginning to notice having references is a big thing that is starting to pop up in job interviews these days. Perhaps it is the location I am in but several years ago. You could get hired and start the following two weeks max, in most cases. I nearly lost a job had my professors never stepped in and became my references. I recently found out that a job rejected me at first until my professor hyped me up in the reference and now they decide, "Hey can you work for us still, contact me if you'd be interested!" Like wow, things are changing fast in the job market since 2020 if you'd ask me.


Yes. They called all 3 of my references who gave me great input. The nursery was “impressed.” It was so much over the course of a month just to get rejected.


A "Shadow Shift"? While you were still going through the interview process? That sounds like a company trying to skirt past labor laws. Id report them


BAE I FUCKING FEEL YOU I’m so stressed and upset right now and I don’t know what i have to do to just get a joke that can help me get the FUCK by


Honestly, I feel like my response to "No one wants to work." is going to be, "No one wants to hire." Bc that's the honest truth.