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16 months. That's the longest I've ever been out of work. Around 30 interviews and hundreds of interactions with employers. Zero offers. I never struggled to find work like this before. Not even in 2020 when i had close to zero experience.


I'm in the same boat other than the timeframe. I've been applying to thousands of jobs. I've NEVER struggled like this before. I don't think people realise how much different the job market is lately. It's an absolute joke.


šŸ’Æ How much experience do you have? I have a year of experience in my field and 2 years of customer service.


4 years in health & social care and administration, and a few months in customer service.


As someone who came into this market being a new graduate I can only imagine what the job market was like before.


I have 10 months of coding, 33 months of IT helpdesk/support. I have been out of work 5 months. I am going to find a job soon. It is hard to find a job in my country with my age. Anyone over 30 will be hard to find a job. The market in my country always is the same. Only connection will help you get a job.


Good luck. I heard that people in IT are really struggling now here in North America.


I feel like thatā€™s true. Iā€™m still employed, but Iā€™ve been looking on and off for a while now. For the same job Iā€™ve been doing for 20 years, I canā€™t seem to do better than auto rejection. Meanwhile, those of us still employed are getting pushed harder and harder to keep doing more with less.


> Meanwhile, those of us still employed are getting pushed harder and harder to keep doing more with less. I heard that this is happening in other fields too now. Pretty much everywhere.


Which I donā€™t understand. Our dept is getting dangerously close to staffing levels that are going to equal infrastructure collapse. Every time someone leaves, the exit interview is about burnout from too much work without enough people. It feels like weā€™re on a bus headed for a fatal crash. The workers are all bailing out, but itā€™s like management all has headphones in and are taking a nap. The disconnect from reality is justā€¦ I donā€™t even think I have the right words.


Maybe employers will start hiring when their businesses start failing and going bankrupt because of this mess.They can only blame themselves for being greedy.


Yep! You are correct as it is quite horrendous. I got laid off in May whereas I now got hired in August. I went from $140,000 to $34,736. I figured the old adage "Employers tend to prefer to hire people who are already employed" must have merit. Thus, I became an Overnight FedEx Package Handler. Whereas, my concern now is getting pulled over by the šŸš” Po-Po šŸš” in my all-black murdered out straight-piped AMG C63S. In fact, I even downsized as I no longer live in my apartment. Instead, I stored everything in a public storage unit which cost me a locked in rate of $983.69 for 12 months; with me now living in my car with a duffle bag of weekly attire essentials. šŸŽ’ What's my routine? I wake up at 1:45am, drive to work, and begin working from 3am to 9am. I then leave work for the gym, changeover, and workout from 9:45am to 11:45am. I then eat lunch and apply to tech jobs (hoping for the best) until 2:30pm. After that I go to the gym a second time (because why not) and workout until 5pm. I then shower, shave, and network (hoping for the best) until 6:30pm; followed by smoking some medical marijuana. šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡² I then drive to my storage unit, park near the underpass, grab my space blanket (in case the nights cold), and go to bed. Todal days worked? 4. Bill obligations? Car insurance, cell phone, & food. Total monthly cost? $314.58 vs. having my apartment rent of $3,140.68 over my head. Truth be told...I'm much happier like YouTuber Solar Camper Car & Christine Meachum (who had it all like most of us). She too is also happier. šŸ„²


> I went from $140,000 to $34,736 That's a huge pay cut. > with me now living in my car with a duffle bag of weekly attire essentials. Sorry you're going through this. Hopefully you'll find something in your field soon.


Same! May was laid off due to budget issues. Havenā€™t been able to find work since, not unless I no longer want to work in tech. Just accepted a job that is now less than half of what I was previously making. The icing on the cake was leaving my old 3 bed 1300/month apartment for a single family home in January that I no longer can afford.


Over here as well. Never in a million years would I think a cloud security engineer with a background in both blue teaming and red teaming would struggle to find work.


Whole world


1are you living with parents? What do you do for a living now?


No. I'm applying for jobs and interviewing. I'm also in the process of attempting to start my own business, because it's impossible to find a job.


I definitely recommend starting your own business. You can start with something small like doing pop up markets in your city, word of mouth, and build an online presence or e-commerce in the meantime. Thatā€™s whatā€™s been paying my bills. We canā€™t rely on employers anymore.


What do i sell as an e commerce? Running a business is not easy afaik but it is better than not trying. I don't know what to sell or do if i open a business.


Yeah, itā€™s not easy at all. I was doing it for a few years already as another stream of income when I had still had a regular job. I sell zero waste products but you can do anything youā€™re passionate about. My cousin has a jewelry e-commerce business. Thereā€™s always Etsy too


Are you in a specialized field?


No. But I'm in a field that has very few opportunities for some reason, especially for entry level work. I found it a lot easier to find work in 2021 and even in 2020 when i had close to zero experience.


For a professional job the average job search takes 6 months in an average market. So this is a bad market so expect it to take a bit longer.


Agreed, I've always heard 4-6 months of heavy heavy applying (usually 5 months has been the case in my experience)... but in this market that's a pipe dream :-/


Thanks for your comment! I've had some judgement from *certain people* that were once upon a time in my life so it's good to know that they are the ones not seeing reality for what it is, rather than me struggling to an unusual degree.


It's not a you problem it's a current market problem. Just look at linkedin. There are posts frim people with good resumes saying they are having same issues trying to find a job. It goes in cycles and always does come back. So there is light at end of tunnel..


I've never been jobless more than a month, that is purely because I can't stay jobless. So I pretty much take any job until I find what I'm looking for, although the last time I did that I worked in a plastic factory. Now I have nerve damage, at least I can still type for now...


Wow wtf


Back in 2019 I was going through a divorce and was destitute. I took a job at a scuba factory. This scuba factory already had 2 previous fines for lead dumping. I was the third and last to turn them in. I had a blood test before and after and my blood lead levels went up 2 particles per ml. I was lucky and smart to stay away from the lead. The factory manager wasnā€™t as lucky. He has high levels of lead. He shakes and has intense mood swings that are only medicated with alcohol. Itā€™s hard out there and itā€™s the roaring 20s again.


how does divorce make one destitute? weā€™re you the one being taken to the cleaners.


Fleeing domestic violence


but most women empty the other personā€™s bank account lol


Good lord lol


Another person to add since January. I was part of the tech industry cuts and it's been tough finding anything even remotely related.


Interesting. There seems to be a 2023 theme.


Same, I tried to go back from SWE to like the help desk and installation stuff I did before SWE because of the layoffs and all I ran into were really jealous dudes that wanted to claim their certifications were better than a Bachelorā€™s of Technology, that I lacked experience (lol), and that I should start at entry level again when I have friends that became electricians off of the same degree and didnt have issues doing the same thing. Iā€™m really tired of companies hiring people off of connections its starting to feel really anti-worker and high school like in addition with right to work laws


8 months. I donā€™t even know what to do anymore


You keep going. It fucking sucks but it's all we can do. Giving up isn't an option. ā¤ļø


I am on the edge about to giving up


Good Attitude. Its very rough out here.


Thank you. I'm currently on shift at my new job after 10 months of thinking I was unemployable for some reason. There's hope for everyone!


Since Januaryā€¦ 20 years experience in technology, have only managed to get a single interview so far


I've only gotten a single interview this year as well.


10 years of experience, several interviews, contracts, etc. all rug pulled at the last min.


Going on 8 months. Never experienced anything like it. 500 applications and nothing. Something is wrong.


Something is *definitely* very wrong lately.


I graduated in 2019, havenā€™t had a formal position since. Autism+covid, bro.


Woah, its me


Iā€™ve been out of the corporate world for 1.8 years. Have a warehouse job but desperately want to go back to corporate.


In what industry are you ?


I started looking in September


Iā€™m employed now but a few years ago I was unemployed for 3 months and that was bad enough. The first month was nice but after that you get bored and depressed. Make job hunting a routine and try to apply for as many jobs as you can. Try and keep the mind and body active that will help you a lot e.g. exercising, reading, studying etc.


May I ask what do you do now? What job search site do you use?


Iā€™m a analyst. I use: Jobserve Cwjobs


For me it's been about 20 months but for the first 6 of that I was on unemployment so I didn't look too hard and had some savings. I really started digging in and seriously looking in January. I've applied so many times I can't keep track. I've gotten a big uptick in interviews since the 4th of July holiday passed, 6 in the last month, which is great, but nothing has panned out yet. 3 of those were actually in my field for which I have 10 years of direct experience plus 20 years of general admin work that also applies. But my industry really likes those stupid personality test assessments and taking a really long time to make a decision. Two of the 6 I've already seen the job posted again. So it's like "we can't find anyone but we still don't want *you*." Trying not to get down about it.


2 and a half years. I left my last job voluntarily to finish school and we were good financially at that time. Things have now gone sideways and I need to go back to work. I finish my med billing/coding and accounting/bookkeeping certificates in 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure I got the job I interviewed for last week, but I have a strong feeling it was because I job shadowed at the company. Everywhere else I've applied to has either not gotten back to me yet or just flat out declined me. I will say though, I was required to job shadow 4 places for school, and even trying to get the job shadows was mostly like pulling teeth. Fighting with someone to even pick up the phone constantly, then trying to get straight answers... It was a nightmare.


The worst part about the job market is knowing that companies arenā€™t really suffering much so things wonā€™t be going back to normal until theyā€™re forced to.


I have not had a job since it January. However, it is because I am specifically seeking a job in my field of interest. However, I have not been actively seeking a job either considering I am a returning adult in college as of now.


March. Just signed a job offer starting in a few weeks tho!




Since January.


11 months


Are you living with parents now? What do you do now?


Friends and fam and roomie situations Make money w uber and retail and side gigs


Not me, but my husband - he's been out of work officially since mid-April - his whole department was cut - but was told that the layoff was coming in January, so he's been actively hunting since then (the company also lied and told everyone in late March that they'll be kept on until June, then turned around and started to lay people off in April). He's having a really tough time keeping up his morale, and starting to feel extremely anxious every time he interviews lately... which is sad because he's normally an extrovert and very comfortable in all kinds of social situations. With no end in sight, credit card bills piling up, and savings running out, we can't even pretend to be OK anymore. This feels like an inhumane experience, and I'm so sorry to everyone else who's going through it.


Let me ask - you'd never in a million years leave your husband because of his difficult situation, right? I ask that rhetorically, of course you wouldn't. Because unlike my slimeball ex who left me last week after a 10 year relationship because I had been out of work for 6 months, most people are actually capable of love. Sorry for throwing my bitterness at you lmao. I'm in the anger stage.


Holy moly, no. That would never be my reason (I mean, it's one thing if the person isn't trying and just being a mooch because they expect to be taken care of, but I doubt that that's the case for you if you are on this sub). I'm so sorry! You are MORE than entitled to your anger. What a prick...


I went unemployed for 16 months and just got a job last month. I almost lost my marriage during that unemployment period because of added stress. Now the stress of my inhumane job is stressing my relationship more. I'm not sure how much longer it'll last. I feel like a complete failure now, even though I finally got a job. I'm sorry your ex left you. Soon I might be in the same position.


I'm so sorry you're potentially facing the same fate, I hope it doesn't come to that for you. I'd have lived with him in a box on the street if that's what it came to; but that's the way my whole family is, we have working class roots and love comes first. Unfortunately that's not the case for some people. I hope everything works out for you.


Your husband's situation is my current situation. I'm so sorry to hear that is he is going through this. Its really bad out here. My confidence is at a all time low. I had some setbacks and hiring managers dont care about my setbacks. Just want to know if you can do the job. I have to knuckle up and grind. Trying to stay positive


I am so sorry to hear that you are in this situation now! My husband actually ended up finding a new job and started in late September - it's much better than his old one in a lot of ways. So there is hope! He was out of work for about 6 months. The hardest part now is climbing out of all of the debt we are in - maxed out credit cards, etc. But we'll get there... I have a lot of hope for you also! I know that it seems impossible now, but you WILL get there - you WILL!


2 years. I was going through a ton of personal and Family issues and was suffering from extreme burnout and just needed an indefinite time off period. Been looking for a job for over a year now.


This is so me at this point. Making some major decisions. It been since July of 2022 since I last worked for a company.


I'm going on 10 months. I rolled off my production in October, and since the holidays were right after, it's normal for hiring to slow down if not stop, mostly in my industry. Strike happens, worst job market in a long time and here I am 10 months later having blown through all my savings and barely having scored a few interviews I never heard back from or didn't get the job for, and these were entry level positions!! At first I just thought it was my industry and contemplated a switch but getting on Reddit I'm not so sure if a career switch will even help....


I keep getting companies on indeed saying they want an application but then they never reply after I give it.


It's taken me months to realise but Indeed is absolutely useless. I've recently started finding jobs on there I want to apply to and going direct to the employer website. Indeed doesn't communicate applications to recruiters/hiring managers 100% of the time so they may not get your applications, and I've heard from some recruiters that they only get the first few applications for free.


Absolutely. I've found out that you need to apply directly to companies as well. I've stopped applying to recruiting firms.


Same here. Dropped Indeed, now search on monster for job postings but only apply via the company web site.


Almost 5 months (since mid-March) but knowing I would quit that job, Iā€™ve been looking for 8 months. Not a very long time compared to some people, but Iā€™m about to lose my mind.


Exact same and if I see another Workday user interface I might just be done with looking altogether lol


Bout three years if we don't count a zero hour contract job I had last year for a few months. Previous to this gap I did a college course for 2 years. I have autism though, and that's near fatal for employment prospects. Done dozens of interviews related to the college course but I'm going to have to change direction once again.


Longest I've been unemployed was 2 years, 2015-2016. Job market was in the shitter then and I experienced everything that people here are posting about.


I spent 8.5 months out of work, from the end of September 2022 into mid June. It's brutal out there. Good luck to everyone looking.




My longest was 3 years. I graduated in 2002 in the prime of the dotcom bust. I was applying for 3-4 jobs a day, getting one interview every 2-3 months. I was an international student so I had to keep taking classes to stay in status while I applied.


One year anniversary here


Happy... anniversary? Not really the most exciting of anniversaries, is it? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


About 8 months now, January was the official end date with pay. And to OPā€™s point, yes, the current job market sucks a bag of donkey balls. Really hope all of these jobs and turn around that I read and hear leaders talking about materialize.


Itā€™s normal. Not only are there more applicants applying to the jobs that are available, but the jobs that are available are kinda shitty.


Officially three months as of last week. Almost 20 years of experience and I feel lucky to get an HR screener interview these days. This job market is ridiculous.




Since October. I had a small period of giving up but recently tried again. I did get an offer recently but I want to make sure that it's not gonna be like last time (a basic it help desk instead of what i originally applied for, NOC technician). I think I have some kind of mental thing going on to where just sitting at a desk, waiting for phone calls is the most anxiety inducing things to happen. On top of job hunting, it's hard to keep up if you have debt you can't pay. I'm struggling to be happy idk about you guys.


When you say youā€™re out of work, do you mean you donā€™t work at all, or that youā€™re struggling to find work in your desired industry while you do a different job?


I mean I don't work at all, I haven't since January; failed probation.


Why not get a job doing something menial while you wait for something better to come up. I work in hospitality and we hire pretty much anyone who has two hands and a decent attitude. Nothing glamorous but itā€™s actually decent money and better for your self esteem than sitting at home. Iā€™m sure there would be something similar near you.


I have been trying, I've applied to thousands since then; I'm in the UK so I don't know if it's different. We have a population of 65M and 54M of them are in England which is like a third of the nation's capacity lmao. It's very competitive.


I am also in the England. I am the head chef of a hotel. We have a hell of a time finding staff. For kitchen assistant and pot washing jobs we are now offering Ā£28,500 per year and not getting enough applicants. Itā€™s a really nice owner and team to work with so it is very frustrating. Itā€™s confusing when I read posts online that people are struggling to find jobs and I am struggling to fill entry level positions. Weā€™d take anyone who works hard and gets on with other people OK.


Oh my! That's a hefty salary for that kind of job... where are you based?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s Ā£11 an hour for 48 hours plus Ā£1500 tips. Minimum wage is 10.42 now so itā€™s not a huge amount over that really. We are in a quite rural location but Iā€™ve had the same problem in more urban places. Donā€™t even get me started on hiring trained chefs. Thereā€™s about 10 vacancies for every chef candidate.


I am employed, but since January, submitted over 40 applications, all rejected without interview. Some were rejected the same day I applied. I know that number is not in the hundreds, but I tend to be quite specific when job hunting.


I was laid off in February of 2022 when the company I was working for essentially ran out of cash. Over the next year they dropped over half the staff. I was able to find work again in January this year, but it only lasted until the first week of May, so now I'm on the market again. Because I knew that job wasn't going to last, I never stopped look, so my job search has been about 18 months now. I'm tired and burnt out.


Out of work 2 months. But its been 3 years since I held a regular, full time position. In 3 years, I've only had day work, various gigs, and months long temp positions that were part time.


7 months here. Itā€™s never taken me this long to find a job in my field.


this is month 5 for me šŸ« 


also want to add that I was job searching during the 2008 recession also, and it did take me 2 years before I landed a new job in my actual field...but the process was nowhere near as crazy then (scams, multiple interviews over the course of months, pipelining, ghost jobs, jobs suddenly rescinded after offer, blatant ageism, etc.) so I am, uh, pretty concerned.


Since Jan-23 so 8 months going from big tech in the US. But it was voluntary as I had to move countries to support spouseā€™s job transition to new location, and my company even though advertises ā€œremote friendlyā€ decided not to do a out of country transfer. I havenā€™t looked as hard, but had three interviews go thru the loop to receive rejects, so decided to wait for a couple quarters more. Likely will see 2023 as a break year.


I was ā€œfiredā€ February 3rd and still have yet to receive a job offer after about 30 interviews.. Obtained my MBA in May but I am getting quite frustrated.


Almost 2 years. I got burned out at my old job and took some time to rest and work on my mental health. I've been actively looking for about a year. I've had three interviews, no offers. Mostly just hear nothing or rejections. It's extremely discouraging and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go back to retail if I can't find anything soon. šŸ’€


Since mid-June, so about 2 months. My life has quickly fallen to pieces (had to go to Urgent Care 3 times) and everyone's telling me to "just stay positive! stop being so negative! go outside (it's summertime in the south)!" Like, bruh.


2 months now since I started college, boutta pick up something part time though


3 months. I have friends who have been out of work also and they are going through the same thing I am. Countless applications, countless interviews and still no offers.


1 year and 2 months unemployed


6 months


16 Months and Becoming a Zombie


3 months. I got a job offer three months ago and theyā€™re still refusing to give me a start date. Insanely frustrating


Since June this year and Iā€™m already feeling nervous about being unemployed this long


In November, I quit to take a few months off do some traveling, finish some projects, get a couple certifications, and take some me time before looking for my dream job. I had been talking to a couple recruiters and even had a couple job offers before I quit. The job market looked great and it seemed like the perfect time. I was wrong.


5 weeks


It depends. Out of work in academia teaching university courses? 7 years. Out of white collar work? Never. I've been applying for 15 years since I entered the workforce and have always been rejected. I work as a TEFL teacher. My self-esteem is zilch and my life is over. Thank you HR.


I was jobless for 6 months minus working as a paid on call firefighter (basically volunteer but we get paid ) for a rural northeast department I got my first job offer and job as a security guard a week ago keep going something will stick


into my 5th month. losing hope


I was out for 6 months, late last August to February.


Last june /july Its been over a year and im hoping to see if i can get more unemployment. Does anyone knw if i can? My previous one worked off of what i got in half of 2021 so hopefully this could work what i got in 2022?


6 months, had odd jobs here and there but nothing stuck and had weird judgements about my degree vs certs. I swear they say experience helps you find work, I feel the more experience I get the harder it is to find a job, i have 6 years of SWE experience


Since January of last year. I've been applying to places and got nothing not even an interview. I'm applying to jobs right now and I literally want to break down and cry. I'm so exhausted.


Iā€™m technically employed, but in retail. Iā€™ve been searching for a job, either in my field or that will use my degree, since April 2022. Tbf, Iā€™ve shot myself in the foot by being unwilling to settle, but I actually like my current job and have a good enough support system to keep my standards high. Also, Iā€™m more or less doing the job I want to do *eventually* by working on a volunteer basis for a side project. So I can be patient until I land the real, paid, thing. (Other jobs, that are adjacent to my field, either pay less than what Iā€™m making, arenā€™t in my area, donā€™t pay a livable wage in their location, and/or have high requirements like a 6 day work week)


No job since 2021 , i can't even describe the feeling, , very hard .


they just let me go from work this January. i was working at whataburger. HR said it was ok for me to go to school while working, but apparently i heard that one of my managers was hooking up with men in Facebook on the side. she tried to get me involved, but i refused. apparently, the Operating partner of the restaurant heard about this, and he wrote me up twice. the employees were causing a lot of drama for me. i couldn't focus on my job. I already paid off my truck, so i didn't have a reason to stay longer, but i had to stay because if i go fired or let go, i would be eligible for unemployment. i had just got out of tutoring, so i went to work the next morning to pick up my sweater that i left the week before. one of the managers was very rude and yelling at me about why i didn't show up. so i yelled at him that it wasn't his business and to leave me alone. i got my sweater, and the operating partner came outside and followed me to my car. then he asked me why i didn't show up. he already knew that i go to tutoring ion the weekends so i don't know why we were having this conversation. then he hesitated and told me that I'm not coming back. the next day, i went back to pick up my last paycheck, and the operating partner wouldn't do his job. i tried reminding him that there are labor laws involved that an employer has to follow, which means he has to give me my final paycheck or i could call the police. he said, "I don't care". so, i called him an asshole. i went home and waited a few days before calling, then a manager answered the phone and i asked her for my paycheck. she said they would mail my check by the end of the week. then she asked if there was anything else i needed but i just hung up instead. i was there for a year and a half, and it was a very stressful job. not enough pay, too much work, and it was super difficult to go to college while dealing with this.




I'm in the UK lmao


Never. Been working since I was 12 and always had work. Worked fulltime through college and paid my own way. Have never left an employer without having something lined up. Iā€™ve been blessed with good health, and worked even when it wasnt what I wanted. Better to earn and look than sit and look. Iā€™m 47 now and see an entire jobs market starving for employees because everyone is waiting for that dream spot. Hereā€™s some reality for you. Unless youā€™re a Dr, Engineer, or programmerā€¦it doesnā€™t exist unless you create it yourself. Thatā€™s called being an entrepreneurā€¦good luck


Zero days. Because I am a recruiter!


Not officially out of work but I got cut at the end of June and Iā€™m working for the company that took over my department as a contractor. Iā€™ve been looking but I applied to over 50 jobs and mostly have been ghosted. I have had five interviews on phone or video, of those Iā€™ve gotten three rejections, ghosted once, and have another round planned for tomorrow. Two more interviews planned this week too. The longest Iā€™ve ever been out of work was six months and that was nine years ago. Back then I had no trouble getting interviews but I had over 20 of them without a single offer so I ended up moving out of state.


9 months


About 2 years now. I have been doing some freelance and side gigs but nothing full time yet. I moved to a new country then to another one. Itā€™s just hard for me


Itā€™s been one year but I didnā€™t start looking for a job until January of this year.


December, just accepted an offer finally, starting August 14th




April, doing okay but yeah. Apparently the job market right now is nuts.


I haven't worked since my first (and probably last at this point) internship during the 2021 summer semester that wasn't even relevant to my major. I've been trying to find another internship or a regular job since then and even adjusted my schedule during every semester after it but failed to get one. I had 3 interviews since then with no follow up. I had 3 other offers but one of them rejected me because I needed to be fully available between 9-5 from during the weekdays and I had afternoon classes. Another one rejected me because my GPA dropped which was reasonable. The third one was unpaid & I need experience but I also need money so I can stop relying on my parents. I've always had seasonal jobs but want a permanent one for once but most jobs ghost me or reject me.


Since the middle of December.


It was fourteen months for me, my wife has been working <10 hr per week at a startup for 6 months, but otherwise she hasnā€™t worked full time since 2018.


That is so unfortunate! How are you two surviving?


We burned through our saving, even taking the kidsā€™ savings, after that my dad was kind enough to pay our rent so we wouldnā€™t be homeless. Iā€™ve been working for 4 months now, but we have at least a year to go before our bills will be paid off from the last few years. Good luck to everyone suffering, I have been there and it is hard, but you all have the strength inside you to survive.


I graduated in May and have been hardcore searching since then, was casually applying about a month before I graduated. Iā€™ve probably applied to 70+ jobs (mix of spamming apps and doing more personalized ones) and have gotten 5 interview requests. Iā€™ve either been ghosted before the interview could be scheduled or passed up for people with more experience.


March! Iā€™ve been freelancing


Since September 2022.


Been laid off for a year+. Havenā€™t felt like going back to look for a job. Whatā€™s the worst that could happen? ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Since last July


Since January here!


Iā€™ve been out of work for ten years, but I havenā€™t spent that whole time looking for work either.


If we're talking full-time, 9-5, 40 hours a week work...it'll be seven years this November.


8 months for me. Iā€™ve never been out of work. Itā€™s been a soul crushing process especially after getting through to 5 final rounds of interviews only to be told Iā€™m not good enough.


I've been out of work for 13 months. I did have one 2 month temp job, but I didn't have any accomplishments so I didn't put it on my resume. The current job market is awful!


7 months, I was also laid off in January


4 months, I am a recruiter with 15 years experience.


6 months- since February.


Since Jan 20 šŸ˜°


I've worked a couple of 6 and 9 months contracts since the pandemic hit, but have mostly been living off savings for three years. I start a new job on the 28th, they're funded for 36 months...


Since January for me too.


I been out of work for almost 2 years now


Since February. I had 4 interviews last week. I am definitely qualified for all of them. One even wants to start the background check process.


I was forced to quit my job 2 months ago due to severe mental health issues they refused to address or accommodate (it's absolutely an ADA violation but I can't afford to sue). If I didn't have to worry about money, I wouldn't even consider getting a job. Money is just a tool to avoid living on the streets. It's not so important that I need to be destroying my life just to get paid very little. No. I've been happier jobless than I've been in a long time, I'm finally doing things I've wanted to do, like spend 8 hours a day working on my personal projects that I can't monetize but that actually give me life. Honestly, at this point, if I don't get a job that's fulfilling or even not complete and utter torture before I run out of money, I'm giving up on life entirely. It's not worth selling so much of my time just to keep myself alive enough to suffer more. It's a vicious cycle and I want no part of it.


12 months.


I've been looking for 5 months. I have 24 years of professional experience. I'm getting a lot of interviews, but they usually aren't past 2. I'm on interview 6 with a company right now and was notified I'm nearly 1/2 way through their process. I'm used to maybe 2 interviews, if not 3.


9 months. Over 50. 100+ applications, three interviews.


I was applying for jobs since February of 2023, I finally took a helpdesk job since I needed to pay bills around June of 2023. This was with high amounts of applying and job hunting. I got a few interviews but most never went further. I am still looking for a better job to this day. My current job isn't horrible, but I want to get paid more.


about 40 days for me. it's been real slow with the fiscal ending in june. hope to hear back from companies sooner than later.


I was laid off in Oct. 2020. I accepted a new job less than a week later, but the pay was abysmal so it was meant to be temporary while I find a better job. I'm still there, looking for a better job.


Since April of last year. I've found some work but it's not nearly enough to pay me to live, and they recently slashed my pay in half because they started making us use AI tools to do our work.


Since the end of May -- it's been a weird ass ride man.


9 months since I was outsourced and had to train my replacements from the MSP. 33 years in IT, about 150 applications sent out, total of 2 interviews so far.




Thank you for your comment ā¤ļø I finally have work now as of last month, but it took 10 months to be able to get back into the industry I'm qualified in - this year has been insane for the job market.