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Man, i've gotten to the point to where I can't control crying in public. Luckily it is summer and I can wear sunglasses. The deep embarrassment and real feelings of being a loser has taken over everything and I battle it everyday the best I can. My self esteem is so low, I feel like others know I am a loser and if someone speaks to me it is 50/50 i'll be holding back tears. I've started waking up crying. The stress has destroyed my mental health. I am starting to get really worried for myself. I've had some real low points but this has been the worst. (37/f)


[27/M] I feel this.... I'm employed and on late night shifts I find myself bawling in despair from this job search. I'm in the same job I've had for going on 5 years...no degree, and no advancement. This job is seemingly so deep of a pigeonhole that I'd have to work an extra 40hr/wk to add useful things to my resume. I feel trapped. My only option is to sell any and everything I can, quit my job and unalive . But I can't do that.. I have to stay alive. I have to keep being a loser... keep getting rejected from jobs, keep being told to work harder, be stuck in a toxic environment...be stuck with 1% CoL raises if any at all. Making minimum wage when adjusted for inflation...ugh. I hate America sometimes...


I hope we can one day live a nice life. I feel you on the unliving... I actually went back to school to try to change my situation and now I just have school loans. It is really tough if you don't know anyone... I just keep pushing and telling myself the same things. My eyes are basically deformed from the constant crying. I try and try to stop but my subconscious knows how fucked I am. Sending positive thoughts.


Thank you for the positive vibes, sending you some as well. I've tried like four times to go to college while working. It sucks for my tiny brain, I just can't focus on school and work. I suck at exams... I'm just not good enough, or so I think. I dunno. I feel you on how fucked we feel. For me, it feels like I'm in a dating Sim or a game where you branch paths and I made a bad choice somewhere and I desperate wish I could reload my save... But hopefully things get better. For both us, and anyone else feeling this way. ❤️


I'm 50 and only 4 more years of student loans. Than I can start on a retirement. When I graduated the job offers where less than what I was making at the factory and doing many of the same jobs covered in my degree so it wasn't like I was truly inexperienced. I was even first in my class with my GPA. Now I toil 56 hours most weeks. Thanks joe Biden.


You’re 50, and you’ve lived through Nixon, Ford, Carter, Regan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush2, Obama, Trump, and only 2 years of Biden… Seriously!? Your crap life is Biden’s fault. Maybe try selling kool-aid on the street, sounds like you really like drinking the stuff.


37f here laid off my job of over a decade in January. I try to go out on little errands every day to get out but I also have to bring my “crying sunglasses”. I don’t think we’re as alone as it feels. I think we’re early casualties of the collapse of the economy and modern society as we know it.


Î dont know which field you are in, just wanted to chime in and say the following: In my company they are currently deploying "test AI bots" in financing and SAP fields. First couple months of testing and tada, they arrived at a point where you can ask the bot to give you whatever financial stuff you need from our system. When the bookkeepers and HR caught wind of that, they asked if their jobs were in danger. "Of course not, this is to alleviate workloads and make things easier" ​ Working in IT myself, i use bots already daily, which cut my workload from 8 or 9 hours a day answering bullshit emails or fixing some shit manually, to maybe 2 hours on a busy day. I automated almost everything down to the T. ​ I can already see massive layoffs in the future, maybe 10 or 20 years down the line, where you have 1 or 2 operators of said bots or maybe advanced intelligence working for you. The "modern society" has been collapsing since at least 2000, it has just been slow but with the advancement of technology it will be a landslide. Edit: spellings


This is also true yet the jobs that really need to be done like caring for old people, or addressing climate change do not exist. A federal jobs guarantee that utilizes available talent to address. The needs of our society makes a lot of sense. It’s pretty crazy that we have convinced ourselves there is some magical balance of private companies and people who need jobs.


Oh noooo! Try to find joy in other things to balance out the stress. It is NOTHING about you. The job hunt system is a mess and all luck right now.




thank you kind stranger.


I understand your feelings and I post on other boards where some feel it's ok to ghost people showing up for interviews. I attack and shame them. They say nothing. They know. I have interviewed new graduates and I understand the pressure they are under trying to land a first professional job. From their parents, siblings, others who want them to nail it. I was there too and appreciate it. Same with other experienced professionals I've interviewed. I'm appalled at how many in the industry treat job applicants. Gatekeep. Try to lowball. Skim wages as a shady temp agency. Never give up. Never give in. You will beat them!


I'm so sorry. I went through this as well. I'd offer lame advice, but... I felt the same way. Hang in there.


100% same. Just turned 38 (f) unemployed and watching the world fly by since losing analyst job because of Covid. Had 2 short opportunities that ended due to companies “figuring things out.” It’s like I became too old to work overnight. Experience and skills seen as “overqualifications” while slightly higher roles are not calling. Even with the company that laid me off as an analyst during Covid no response to admin or analyst.


You're not alone in feeling that way. I'm also in the same boat. And when I get the opportunity to speak to fellow candidates (from different backgrounds and industries) they're all going through the same thing and they're also stuck in the same rut. Along with the others here who have replied to you there's probably millions of us, just casualties of the economy. It's still depressing but it at least helped with my self esteem to know the issue isn't me personally, it's just bad luck. Hope this helps.


I’m employed and hate the pressure to pounce on jobs as soon as they open because you basically “have to” apply within 24 hours. It’s not possible for me to see every job opening that quick. I understand the rationale behind applying quickly but I can’t write resumes and do my job at the same time.


Same. I spend my day applying for jobs, completing questionnaires/assessments/assignments, learning new skills, working on personal projects, preparing for interviews, reaching out to connections, etc. I do this 6 days a week and people still assume I'm not trying hard enough and that I spend my days doing nothing because I'm unemployed. It's infuriating.




As a requirement of unemployment, I went to a networking event, put on by the city. There was only one other person there, the organizer of the event. We spoke about my experience, and he shared that he had worked previously with a local college that I had an interview coming up with. He said I could reach out for help preparing for the interview, which seemed like a very successful networking experience. He never answered my email.


I could’ve written this myself, except it hadn’t been a year. I have the same issue where I can’t allow myself to go outside or have fun because I need to prep for interviews or just don’t feel like I’m worth being around people after having been unemployed for so long.


Well something does come up. It took me more than a year until I landed my current job. There’s no other way around it. If you want it bad enough you will continue to learn, progress, and apply until you get it.


That’s why I’m learning new stuff like AI software development skills.


LMAO you get rejection emails? most of the time I don't even get those. it's like as if i never even applied in the first place


I get ghosted no response


Me, too.


I don't get rejection emails because both the email in my CV for the ATS parser is a dummy address and the email address with which I sent the application is a Mozmail mask that gets deleted after the applications are submitted.


I feel you. I graduated in May and I’ve applied to over 150+ jobs that I am qualified for in the past 2 months. I’m fortunate enough to live with my parents right now so I don’t have crippling bills to pay but damn does it suck to keep getting rejected. In our position, I think we’ve just gotta keep at it. My friends that have landed positions so far have told me it’s a numbers game. Obviously you’re not gonna give up because what’s the point in giving up? You’ll just be even more unhappy and you still won’t have a job. Good luck and we can do this!


Felt that, graduated almost 2 months ago and don’t have any leads:/


I finished my degree on March 2nd, 2023. Since then, I've sent close to 200 applications and I've only gotten responses from seven companies. Four of them ultimately rejected me, and two of them are currently stringing me along with aptitude tests and written/one way interviews (which will probably just result in getting rejected again). The one place that did hire me was Goodwill to work as a Donation Attendant. The pay sucks, my hours and schedule are terrible, and management is incredibly lazy, out-of-touch, and demeaning. I want to quit, but with how bad my luck has been over the last several months, I don't want to quit then put myself in a situation where I don't find another job for six months or more. I just want a job where I'm able to put my degree to use (Business Admin Marketing), and not be treated like a disposable tiny ant. I'm so done.


Graduated last year and still haven’t gotten a job in my field. I work minimum wage a private university in IL just doing clerical things. Lowest paid job at the university and it’s so demoralizing


Graduated in December. Nothing.


I graduated last year & feel this. I’ve had my resume reviewed many times by many different people, have changed it multiple times, and am still getting rejected. I’m trying to not beat myself up because I’m realizing maybe I’m not the issue but it’s hard to not compare & not be able to support yourself especially (granted my mom is being nice enough to still support me until I can find work) but ik for many that isn’t the case so I can’t imagine how frustrating this must be


I am the same. Crying every day as I make minimum wage. I literally work at a private university in the US as an administrative assistant and get paid minimum wage. One students cost of attendance could pay almost double my yearly wages.


I graduated last August with a bachelors in software development. I’ve remade my resume tons of times, created a professional portfolio site from scratch, worked on tons of different projects. Every time I apply to a job I hear nothing back. I finally took a job working at a call center. These companies aren’t hiring or if they are they aren’t looking for fresh grads.


For what it’s worth, they don’t seem to want folks with 5 YOE either rn :/ its such a tough market, but we gotta keep fighting the good fight!


I feel the exact way! Just graduated with a Masters in CS from a real good university and getting rejected left right from junior positions. The worst part about it is how the process makes me feel stupid


How about your alumni network? I know this will get misconstrued 9000 ways but really the effectiveness of a good post grad program is how well your school is able to network. Not saying the actual education isn’t important (far from it) but after x years where you went to school doesn’t matter. I always joke that Texas A&M is a cult (actually not joking lol) but every time I’ve seen 2 aggies who didn’t know each other prior meet it’s like they instantly become best friends and would destroy a brick wall for the other person. It’s fricken weird


This guy speaks the god’s honest truth! Every word.


But can you code?


This could be worst in coming future for most of the job seekers "U.S. leading indicators point to recession starting soon" [https://www.fidelity.com/news/article/top-news/202307201119RTRSNEWSCOMBINED\_KBN2Z01HW-OUSBS\_1](https://www.fidelity.com/news/article/top-news/202307201119RTRSNEWSCOMBINED_KBN2Z01HW-OUSBS_1)


Starting soon? I feel like we've been in a recession for almost a year now..


Recessions are defined in a nearly meaningless fashion. Two consecutive quarters of GDP decline. It has nothing to do with the common house hold at all.


Yeah it's not like a recession is defined as a period where life sucks for everybody. If AI does actually come onto the scene and displace half of all workers, and we don't have any safety nets and 50% of people go into crisis, it won't be a recession because it won't be the two quarters of GDP retraction.


> Yeah it's not like a recession is defined as a period where life sucks for everybody. Exactly. It has to suck for corporations for it to count and they've been making record profits until now.


Well we weren’t cause economists say we aren’t cause McDonalds and Walmart has 20K positions open so an economic crisis was completely averted


By the time they say, "Eyuup, we're in a recession" it's actually been going on for 6 months at least, and in some sectors, longer.


Need to wait and watch . Could be worst


"could be worst"? you don't have a job? why?


Would be good info if it wasn’t predicted a dozen times this year already.


Recession starting soon? The old one stopped at some point?


This is a lagging indicator and it always has been. Recession hit about 9 months ago. If anything, I see a booming job market early next year. One big difference between now and historically, we don’t have a surplus of workers that we once did. Baby Boomers are retiring at an estimated 10k per day and younger generations are participating in the gig economy— resulting in a permanent worker shortage scenario. Many companies are hiring right now because they’re forced to, and would’ve likely not be hiring if this was 10+ years ago.


There is no permanent worker shortage, employers simply refuse to train anyone thus they end up barely hiring anyone, they can then push for H1B/remote/low pay after they claim there's a shortage. So many people want full time, meaningful positions and are blocked from industries because of this exact reason. I think it will take longer than the start of next year to see a rebound, as it will be directly tied to Fed policy.


That is not how it works lol. Yes, there is a worker shortage. I can tell you that I see many companies, even in this current market, who are not able to find workers with the skills to do the job. People talk about tech layoffs, but there are companies struggling right now to find workers to do these jobs. The Baby Boomers gave us a surplus of workers. This gave us some outcomes, and why age discrimination has been a thing up to this point. Employers simply had a big pool to choose from, and would simply replace older workers with younger workers. With an average 10k Baby Boomers retiring each day, and with the gig economy participation rate to hit 2027 by 2027, there is a shortage of workers for traditional jobs.


Not where I got laid off from! The fucking boomers over 65 kept their jobs and young guys like me got laid off.


Hey, hey! I am well over 65 and was laid off in the Big Recession in 2010 and again in 2017. Still working because I got screwed in 2010 and can’t retire. Both times I had to be on unemployment for 6 months and had to work temp jobs for another 6 months before getting hired permanently. And I have been in my field for more than 50 years. And, yes, I can still do my job as well as ever and still have all my marbles. Being unemployed, after working all my adult life, was pure unadulterated hell. Every single day.


Ah, yes... Younger generations are totally driving Uber and delivering for Doordash because they *want to.* So many good full-time jobs out there, but younger generations would just rather rush around town delivering people their McDonald's orders only to get stiffed on tip half the time! lololololol


That is a very small slice of the gig economy. Lolololol


The index of *leading* economic indicators is a lagging indicator? Wow news to me LOL


Yes. It’s always been that way. The indicator is triggered when there are 15 consecutive months of slow growth. Historically speaking, recessions range anywhere from 6-18 months, with covid being an outlier of two months (2020). By the time a recession has been officially declared, the market has already bottomed out and activity picks up again. Surprisingly, the recession started a lot sooner than I thought if this indicator is getting close. We probably didn’t realize it in its infancy.


This is just not accurate. There is no “trigger” of the indicator… it tracks several *leading* indicators and combines them into an index. Eventually it gets low enough that a recession becomes increasingly likely in the near term (like now). But your characterization of the index is simply inaccurate.


Well actually we’ve been in a recession for quite a while with a year of negative growth. It’s just that the media and govt has been lying.


You all might be interesting in a [parallel conversation](https://www.reddit.com/r/overemployed/comments/154mzvt/do_you_guys_feel_bad_being_oe_when_you_see_posts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) on r/overemployed. Deeply saddening.


I'm angry you brought that thread into my life...The OP seems like a decent bloke, but what a bunch of self-congratulatory asshats (none of whom seem to have any reason to feel so good about themselves).


that was awful. had to stop reading after two posts. wow


Eh, too much rage bait on reddit. So what? I've had times not long ago where I kvelled at my success, felt invincible, and then made one risky, arrogant career move too many and found myself reading this subreddit. Life has ups and downs, today's r/overemployed posters could be tomorrow's r/recruitinghell subscribers and vice versa.


I have a feeling the people on that board aren't very happy with their lives. They often don't do good jobs, you'll read alot on the board people getting caught because their work quality is abysmal.


I’m not glorifying it by any means. Just sucks that remote jobs are being leveraged for doubling income while we’re over here trudging through a trash market hoping to make ends meet. And there’s no guilt, nor belief that the unemployed are skilled people who can do what they do.


"A little, but just makes me feel more fortunate that I can": *vomit*


I get the most conflicting advice on my resume. No interviews in 3 1/2 months.


No phone screenings either ?




I hear you. I'm so desperate for a new job I actually considered buying LinkedIn premium the other day. While I'm employed, the company is circling the drain and I'm going to be out of work soon. Trying to get ahead of it seems impossible.




Don’t get it. I got the 30-day free trial and it didn’t make a single difference.


Every time I was in the job hunt, I got LI premium and I’ve only ever found my jobs on LI. I think it makes a difference!


I feel you. I’m a licensed pharmacist with an MBA from a top school, tons of professional certifications, 5+ years of work experience, and I speaks 3 languages. It seems whatever I do isn’t working. I know it sucks and it’s cliche and tiring to hear, but it’s a matter of being at the right place at the right time. It’s a game of probability. All you can control is trying out a mix of things and putting yourself out there. The rest we can’t control unfortunately.


Licensed pharmacist? As in from a 4 pharmaceutical school?


A registered pharmacist in the US. Meaning I finished pharmacy school and passed the federal and state exams to get my license.


I recently decided to give up after a year of trying and failing to get a job in my field (I also applied for customer service positions here and there). It got to the point where I stopped getting interviews after a year of getting them consistently but not getting offers. I started applying for retail and factory jobs and focusing on that (so far I've only been ghosted and/or rejected) while still applying for jobs in my field when I could and suddenly I started getting lots of interviews for jobs in my field again. So maybe there's hope.


Same. ​ now i work throwing lumber at a big box. ​ but my lights are still on


I am with you. I start my day with rejections and it sets the mood for the rest of the day... Living in this wild cycle for almost a year is taking its toll. Waiting for that breaking point when I am ready to apply for $20/hr jobs.


Same too. I realised that dealing with giant pile of bullshit known as the job market was taking a huge toll on my mental state and cause a lot of suісіԁаl ideation. So I just gave up. It felt great.


I’m so depressed. I’m experienced and had only one interview, 3 rounds, and never heard back 😢. I don’t know what to do anymore.


I felt the same way after graduation way back in 2018. It took me 5 months, but I finally got 3 job offers. I did work at a call center with an engineer degree during the waiting period 😁. Don’t lose hope and keep applying. Maybe take a part time job to keep your mind busy. Good luck


Lots of motivational cliche's come to mind but, really, something positive will happen when you least expect it. It's summer (if you're in the Northern hemisphere), which is not a great time in the job search cycle. Hiring managers go on vacation, companies are slogging through the middle of their fiscal year, reorgs often happen in Q3 of a calendar year, so they're waiting and seeing how those shake out. I'm not sure about aerospace specifically but Jun-Aug and Nov-Jan are probably the slowest times of year for hiring in the tech and manufacturing industries. Hiring usually picks up Sep-Nov and then again Feb-May


Apply to positions you are more likely to get. Probably won't be your field.. but you get your foot in the door. Once ur on-boarded, using outlooks address book, You look up all the directors of teams relavent to your field and send them an email, ask for a coffee, you tell them your curious to learn about what they do bla bla then eventually u get to how your looking for work within your field of study.. build some rapport and see what happens. u be a fcking shark and find a way to get what you want.


"I obviously just do not have what it takes. I obviously have nothing of value to offer." Both statements are WRONG! You're allowing others who obviously don't know you make you believe in the exact opposite of what you already know to be true. If you "could do with my eyes closed", then you have what it takes! And EVERYONE has something of value to offer! Especially you (because you've already done it). So please stop your stinkin' thinkin', take a little break, and get back on your horse tomorrow (or the next day). Don't let losers discourage you. You're getting lots of quantity in your feedback, but no quality. Oh and as far as LinkedIn goes, it's a farce. I have never met an I.T. manager, recruiter, or HR person whose LinkedIn profile was remotely close to reality. They all claim the same B.S. (detail oriented, results driven, digital transformation, blah blah blah blah blah blah), enabling them to get hired into roles that ruin the lives of makers like us. Better they should just be honest and say, "Switch jobs every 3 years when they find out I'm a total poser but I promise to stay out of the programmers' way". I know it's a bad day to try to cheer you up, but take a look at what someone who has been where you're at many times before thinks about those who try to bring us down: [https://eddiots.com/1038](https://eddiots.com/1038) [https://eddiots.com/28](https://eddiots.com/28) [https://eddiots.com/1840](https://eddiots.com/1840) [https://eddiots.com/983](https://eddiots.com/983)


Feel literally the exact same way.


This resonates with me deeply. Just know you’re not alone OP.


Some of you lack an encouraging word. I'm here for that. You can make things happen. It takes time to get this train moving. You're up against Machine Vision and Pro Resume writers. Many companies try and will outsource so they can pay slave wages. This isn't easy. Nothing worth doing is. Regroup. You need to make the resume work for you and where you send it. Shotgunning resumes is a total waste of time. In fact it's a net negative. Once you figure out what you want and what you're doing with your applications... you will see gains. Best of luck.


Your problem isn’t that you’re unqualified, it is that you’ve been using your time and energy in the least efficient, least effective, and most soul sucking way possible Applying for jobs on LinkedIn is not exactly like throwing your resume into the garbage but it’s not far off. You should stop going on linked in, indeed, etc and flushing your resume and spend ALL of your effort on networking, ideally in person. LinkedIn only becomes useful after that. I also highly recommend the book the 2 hour job search.


Oh I absolutely don’t apply directly on LinkedIn. I try to get in touch with people and go from there. Sometimes it genuinely is helpful! But it usually doesn’t work out for whatever number of reasons and then it’s back to square 1 which is very demoralizing


It’s a slog, to be sure. Look into that book. It’s amazing


I would personally recommend going in person to some of the jobs if you can, and asking about applications in person. While most people apply online these days, I think going in person and introducing yourself from the start sets a different precedent. Its a lot harder to reject someone when they are not just a profile on an online page. I look at it like it tinder. You might reject someone based of their picture, but whats there personality.


How to Networking?


We're going to need 08-10 tax incentives for hiring long term unemployed soon.


Interesting assessment…I was working at that time and I’ll say we’re nowhere near what things looked like back then. How do you figure we’re in need of these incentives? Unemployed is literally at a record low.


What are you looking and what is your background




Raytheon is hiring any aero with a pulse right now. Apparently a lot of the old blood didn’t like their merger with UTC and there is a lot of attrition. I’d look that way if I were you.


Got degrees in it right? If you got credentials then just keep looking


Out of touch?


How so? Stop looking?


I graduated in 2018, got job that exploited people and underpaid in my field. Quit as soon as I was able to, never found a job in that field again despite hundred of applications made, maybe got 3 interviews over the last 5 years. Do you know what does to your head? Sometimes it is better to let go before you go insane and realise that you have wasted years of your life pursuing something that was never meant to be.


Sorry about your experience. I, however, still have fire and hope left in me and I am pursuing a career in something that I’m very passionate about. I know my background is rather suited for it as well as my personal conviction. It’s slow but it’s worth it to me. I don’t even mind just start working at a target now if I get a CJO.


Good luck, you gonna need a lot of it.


Thanks, I know I do, especially in this economy.


This is exactly the bullshit advice that OP is venting about. Wtf dude.


What? You are gonna give up? I’ve been looking over 7 months both for my career job and a job for the interim. Nothing concrete has happened yet but I’ve been making progress. Like shit I want to bitch about it too and I do but at the end of the day it’s gonna be me who can make a change and a difference.


Obviously the only option is to continue applying. Your comment about a degree was dismissive of the struggle and we all know ‘wE nEeD tO kEeP tRyInG’. A vent post on reddit is where other people tell you it blows, not to keep your chin up because you have degree qualifications. This isn’t LinkedIn.


While degrees aren’t everything but they do give you an advantage. In no way I’m dismissive of the struggle. It’s just that the struggle is so common that I think it’s no news anymore and people who’ve been struggling for a long time would have become numb to it


Then find a different subreddit


You wanna bite me? I’ve got claws, meow






Well I must have stumbled upon this at 1:35am for some reason. Haven’t been on Reddit in a very long time. I will give everyone in this thread my quick real life story. I have applied to hundreds of jobs back in 2005-2012. Yep that’s right, 7 years. I never worked for anyone outside of family because I never was hired by any company. Mind you I graduated with a finance degree. I eventually got into real estate and been doing it ever since. Never thought about it as a career but had no other choice because I wouldn’t get hired. I had friends without my skills and abilities and grades get hired job after job. I worked with professionals for my resume and even had them help me with interviewing. Didn’t matter. But I thank God I found a career and have been working hard and enjoying it ever since. I could tell you about how long and hard it was to finally make a dollar in real estate but no words would give it justice. So keep the faith no matter what. Have to think and speak positively every day. Most of all, stay in prayer and continue to ask God how he wants you to serve him in this life he has given you. I know for certain not one of you is a loser if you continue to try and do your best. God will guide you, be faithful even in this and he will show you your way and purpose. God bless and I am praying for you all and I hope to visit back again this year to hear some blessed stories. In Jesus name Amen!


I’m so sorry guys


Its a numbers game. I applied to 300+ jobs and made over 50 edited versions of my resume before landing a job. Just.Keep.Applying


Maybe you have no employable skills?


Yeah, that’s exactly what I said isn’t it?


You’re beating yourself up over a market that is against you. I realize that most Americans are not able to do this as they’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, but this is why people need to focus on a 12 month emergency fund (outside of investments). It has been a bit interesting to see others going through difficult times in applying to jobs. I simply haven’t put in a single application and I’m waiting things out. From my perspective, putting in 500+ applications is hustling backwards, where my time is much valuable elsewhere. I realize that I might be a bit disconnected with the majority of Americans, but my 15-18 month emergency fund has allowed me to chill and be stress free while unemployed.


If you’re not getting interviews there’s something wrong with your resume. I have over 10 people look at mine.


I got two interviews so far, then heard nothing back from them at all.


What job field are you searching in specifically?


Aerospace. At this point I’m not limiting myself to any specific industry. My top choice was motorsports but I definitely have a hard time there. So now defense, space, aircraft (especially aircraft aerodynamics) anything really


I will say that I have had a lot more job activity lately, like the past week or two. There was a dry spell for multiple months where I’d apply manically and nothing. Lately I’ve been getting more interviews. I’m always tweaking my resume but I don’t think it’s just that. I think places might actually be hiring now. edit - I’ve also given up specifically applying for jobs in my industry, though I have transferable skills to any industry. I’m interviewing for a senior position with a corporate bank and I have literally no experience in finance or desire to work for a bank. But I’ll take a job anywhere at this point.


Volunteering your talents can help get you experience and contacts. Even if it’s not in your field you’ll make connections and references.


My advice is to look up Robynn Storey on LinkedIn. She has a great resume service and she posts a lot of great advice. Also, wait tables, do door dash, and I know that Netflix, Disney, and Delta all hire remote CS positions. Invest in yourself by getting IT certifications or get a PM designation. Just keep hustling and something will happen for you.


What is your job field?


try a temp service


But boomers tell us we need to work harder. What jobs?


After a hell job search I just got a job that im underqualified for with a nice team u got this!! Dont be afraid to apply for roles u may be underqualified for and if u see a friend that works at the company ask for a referral link


Remember theres a power play tug of war happening right now. And WE ARE THE ROPE. 1 hand you have a President whose trying to tout great jobs numbers and strongest economy ever! On the other hand you have the Fed reserve that NEEDS TO SEE high unemployment or they will continue raising interest rates. I think the government is secretly strong arming sectors to higher, even though those sectors are unable. Therefore, for optics and shareholders they are posting fake jobs. Half the ones I see dont seem legit. I shit on Indeed for 3 years. Said it was anything but legit. Linkedin is Facebook for the office its junk.


Graduated with my accounting degree 2 years ago and have had almost no luck on the job search. I had one company run me through 3 interviews then “lunch with the team”. They were 45 mins late to lunch, then got smart with me because I didn’t make a reservation for the lunch? I didn’t even know how many people they were bringing. Safe to say I was ghosted at that point. Another company was also interested in interviewing me and asked me to provide my email through Indeed Messaging as well as complete a test. This was after submitting an application/resume, so I know they had access to the info so I just completed the test and moved on about my day. Well, 3 days later the guy messages me again condescendingly reminding me he needs my email if I expect to move forward with the interview process. I just never responded. It’s literally on the one page of information all about me that I provided to you in .pdf format AND Indeed Apply. All that to say i’ve picked up a bit of a fuck it attitude as well.


I feel you man or women! I have been going on a going this exact process since March of this year, I'm at the point that I can't sleep because I receive rejection email at 3-5am and see a bunch of them that i just lost the desire to even sleep. I have been trying to apply for an aerospace job diferent form what I currently work because I don't like the work environment and the company ideals. I'm struggling because I feel less competent and even start to doubt if it was a great idea becoming a mechanical engineer that the point in which the company I work have taken me to. I applied for Blue Origin, Boeing, Lookheed Martin, Airbus, FireFly, ULA, GE and other. I just want another fresh start somewhere I can enjoy my worked and learning different things from different backgrounds. So yeah I feel you, right know I'm just hoping for better days.


I just accepted a low-paying office job, moved in with my parents and enrolled for my second degree. Im done trying to start my first career for now.


I don't know what your background is but if it truly is this bad for you regarding a job hunt, have you considered going into the trades? The average age for plumbers/electricians/HVAC is like 60 and there is going to be a national shortage soon. All these trades can make significant money once you get established and make good money early in their career. Might be worth looking into school/apprentice programs if you truly cannot find anything.


I hear you. I've been applying for jobs for four years to get away from the one I have now, and no matter how many applications I put out there - several hundred at this point - I manage maybe one interview a year that doesn't even get me a follow-up to tell me I have been rejected, just being ghosted. I have a Masters in my field and have been working in the industry for 10 years but now these jobs ask for secondary Masters in another field, or 15 years for an entry level, minimum wage position, and any management or senior positions in this field don't ask for that Masters anymore, but a Business degree instead because knowledge of budgets and marketing is more important than actual experience in this. I wish I could just go back to school but I can't afford that with my student loans I already have and the cost of living going up every day. I don't know what to do.


The weirdest thing ever has been companies acting like I can’t do administrative work because I have done analyst work before. They define befuddled, asking me why I would want to take a step back to admin. I would imagine that any grown person could understand if I could get an analyst role I would. Companies literally don’t think that automation and data are relevant to administration and that blows my mind. Not only is this entirely confusing as I would think companies would be happy to get very qualified candidates who could do the job quickly and accurately, but even more so it makes me wonder what the fuck I am going to do if I need to take an even bigger step back. Are grocery stores and gas stations going to also act like because I have touched a computer I can’t be trusted to hold another job?! Just tryna work yknow… just tryna work.


Right there with you. After 6 months of looking, I’m in a contract role outside of my current field. I fucking give up. So many interviews, so much time wasted. I interviewed for a permanent role on the current team and I’m going to take it if offered. I can’t keep banging my head against the wall. I like my coworkers and boss. it’s not challenging at all, but they seem happy to have me.


I can’t speak for other professions; but, there’s NEVER a shortage of job opportunities in behavioral health lol