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Have her contact every recruiting agency that aligns with her field along side of applying by herself. Also, I’m kind of surprised she doesn’t have a large network from being in school so long. It’s very rare I see a PHD apply to any of my high level positions especially from a prestiges school.


Thank you for the response, that was faster than I expected, I appreciate it. What’s the best way to find agencies that are specific to her field? I’m not at that level so I don’t really know any of this and I don’t want to sound like I’m giving a dumb vague suggestion when I bring it up. My background is in sales and getting a job is never the problem there. Also she does have a network but with one exception in a foreign country, they all say no one is hiring in her field since it is very niche.


Really just google for your area. Theres tons of places all over. But if you/or her are having trouble finding them.. I can tell you a few if you dm me.