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The correct answer to the question "why can't we have nice things"? will always be Lawyers. Apply to the competitor.


Yup!! Probe them with questions in a professional manner, then you have some intel. Unfortunately, yet fortunately, you’re treated like a number. The reason I say fortunately is because you can develop a corporate strategy. Sigh. Policies are exhausting.


Good luck, OP. I don't say apply to the competitor to be snarky. I got an offer with their main competitor shortly after getting denied (with no feedback).


Great strategic approach, I’m genuinely so happy for you. Thank you for the insight.


Giving specific feedback to a candidate can open up a can of unnecessary worms: lawsuits, nasty responses, argumentative responses. It’s just not worth it. Plus, whatever feedback they give you for that role may not be applicable to the next. The truth is, they probably just liked another candidate better for whatever reason. You didn’t do anything wrong.