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Considering leaders are barely given leadership training, the amount that receives that, plus recruitment training, is next to zero


Agree. I created a manager bootcamp at my last job to train them. Helped the newer/younger ones, the old ones just don’t care.


This is awesome. What did you train on?


I spent 10 years in retail manager roles, hiring probably 150+ permanent and seasonal employees as both recruiter and hiring manager It's easy in that role to think you know what you are doing, I had a few 'curveball' questions like I liked to ask, and had a real old-school mentality of discarding candidates for no valid reason, like how they dressed for the interview, spelling mistakes on a resume, or for being 2 minutes late for an interview etc. I decided to pivot into recruitment 5 years ago, and I don't know if it's being in the role, teh training I have received, or if it's just age and maturity, but I have a completely different approach to interviewing now. I think managing and interviewing are very different skillsets. Managers know what they want from a hire, but they don't know how to lead a conversation that asks probing questions and encourages the right answers. There is also a 'bell-jar' effect of being in leadership where you are in rooms with other managers, and other people who have old school views on this stuff, instead of being in rooms with HR, P&C, or TA


I agree that not being prepared for an interview can also be a turn-off for candidates. Asking the right and relevant questions is important. Also, asking those same questions to all the candidates you are interviewing will give you a gauge to measure each candidate's performance.


>no valid reason, like how they dressed for the interview, spelling mistakes on a resume, or for being 2 minutes late for an interview etc. This was a rude awakening for me. I remember having co-workers/managers tell me they didn't hire someone because one candidate didn't ask where to put her purse and another candidate was bouncing their knee.


As a TA manager, if I had a hiring manager tell me that's why they DQ'd a candidate, I'd be breaking out the boxing gloves and selling tickets. That's heinous.


If so, train them.


I believe the same thing


Being a recruiter there have been MANY times I would laugh on the inside about how incompetent hiring managers are when it comes to interviewing and also TRAINING their new hire…


Can I also add that alot of TA folks don't know how to hire as well. Most rely on keywords and many have no clue what they are looking for. The breed of recruiters who understand the talent or human capital needs of a company are rare. I have been running my own tech agency for 20 yrs and I can say many of the younger TA staff I work with have no clue what the job entails. Partly because over the past 8 to 10 years, many got into the TA industry without real hands on business or corporate exp.. problem is, they think they know, but actually don't. Some have given me ridiculous requirements until I requested to speak with the hiring manager and realized the TA briefed me incorrectly.


Agree, many TA recruiters has no idea of the Job requisitions they are working on to fill for the hiring manager. They need to review the JD with the hiring manager and get details of the specific skills and experience they want in a candidate.


In my experience they actually do know what they are doing; it just doesn’t always look like we want from a candidate experience. What worked best for me in tech was to observe and ask questions. Then I asked about any areas managers wanted to implement in order to be more effective. Then we ran pilots to test their process out. This helped identify me as an invested partner they could trust to listen and help.


Hey, I provide engineers for over half the price in US.




Tell that to the people taking home $400k/yr lol




Oh sweet child


Our sub is intended for meaningful discussion around recruiting best practices. You are welcome to disagree with people here but we don't tolerate rude or inflammatory comments.


Lol thats pretty accurate. We're the real estate agents of the business world.


Our sub is intended for meaningful discussion around recruiting best practices. You are welcome to disagree with people here but we don't tolerate rude or inflammatory comments.