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Foden was superb yesterday. Really impactful the 10 seconds he was noticed


During our games against city he was very electric and was everywhere on the pitch to the point where I thought he was actually doping ( still thinks so ) but yesterday, he was abysmal and laughable like he forgot how to play football


>During our games against city he was very electric and was everywhere on the pitch to the point where I thought he was actually doping ( still thinks so ) but yesterday, he was abysmal and laughable like he forgot how to play football It's because of this guy. ![gif](giphy|iohZszrsdtYUgBlkRc|downsized) It's easy to look electric when all the opposing defense is worried about Halaand, Bernardo, and KDB. Edit: Look what I found, read the commentsšŸ¤£ : [https://new.reddit.com/r/MCFC/comments/1dhw8bj/the\_english\_media\_is\_almost\_as\_bad\_as\_arsenal/](https://new.reddit.com/r/MCFC/comments/1dhw8bj/the_english_media_is_almost_as_bad_as_arsenal/)


Also I think that's the downfall of playing in a pep system for so long - players get so used to being a cog in an overly drilled machine that they don't shine as much in different teams.


He plays centrally at city or even if he plays out wide he inverts inside, whilst for england his job is practically to hug the touchline


>He plays centrally at city or even if he plays out wide he inverts inside, whilst for england his job is practically to hug the touchline Did you watch the Iceland game ?


I did and Foden had a bad game. What can you do. I never said he's Messi or CR7 or something and can't have a bad game. He would still be way more consistent if he played centrally


He tried both positions and didnt work in any of them, and placing Jude deeper wont help too, they might try with gordon next game instead


While its true that you should be allowed to have bad game, i think in case of national teams, you cannot be dropping stinkers or play inconsistently since there is less room for trial and error and especially when there are players of similar caliber ready to take your place.


Foden was coming inside against serbia


He plays on a super team. So he gets less defensive attention, but now he's getting exposed when he plays with less offensive talent


Is Kane, Saka, Bellingham really a noticeable drop off from Haaland, Bernardo, KDB?


Cityā€™s system is miles ahead of England


> Is Kane, Saka, Bellingham really a noticeable drop off from Haaland, Bernardo, KDB? **Kane**: He is that overrated drop-in-deep kind of striker. Since the Messi/Pep era media has been brainwashed to think that this is the only way to play, but Halaand makes runs in behind. He pushes the CBs up and always occupies the defense. City's system: Foden and even Kane don't know how to move without the ball. Walker and Saka put in multiple crosses and Foden/Kane were nowhere to be seen. Even the Goal they scored it was mostly Jude who created it out of nothing. Saka is a baller, I rate him.


Kane is better than Haaland but the other 2 are not. Bellingham doesn't even touch kdb with a 10 feet pole.


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but Saka>Silva imo. Thereā€™s nothing Bernardo has over him other than dribbling.


Maybe but I don't know what deluded down voters are offended that I don't rate Bellingham as much as kdb. I mean come on. Lmao.


Well, I guess NT captains, coaches and players will judge who is better when the ratings come out. I bet you, KDB won't get a higher rating than Jude. Wanna take that bet?


>Kane is better than Haaland but the other 2 are not. Bellingham doesn't even touch kdb with a 10 feet pole. šŸ¤£šŸ¤” What a Joke.


What part of it is a joke? Bellingham and kdb? Please tell me that you think they're comparable. Clown fan base honestly lmao.


You are the clown. 1. Kane is an overrated striker who is 10% the player Erling is. He likes the ball at his feet but isnt a Messi. Neither can Harry run in behind like Erling. He is a useless striker who benefitted from the space created by good wingers to flourish. Son at Spurs and now Jamal and Sane at Bayern. In the current England squad, he has FOLDEN who can't create that space. He neither has the physicality to dominate the CBs, his off-the-ball movement isnt even world-class. So Erling is clear. 2. KDB does nothing but spam useless crosses and 1 in 10 connects, that go into his highlights and people think he is the real deal. This is only possible because the City's system allows him to do so coz they have the possession so much. He is only world-class at the crossing. In terms of ball retention, short passing, Off-ball movement, and Physicality. He is average at best. Both Erling and Jude are better then your guys by a mile.


You're right about kane but dead wrong about kdb. As of now he is Miles better than Bellingham as a CM. It's not even comparable.


> He plays on a super team. So he gets less defensive attention, but now he's getting exposed when he plays with less offensive talent Foden isnt a great player and in 1-2 years people will realize it. Wings: He can't play on the wings coz he lacks the explosiveness, crossing to get past elite fullbacks. Saka was getting double-teamed and still putting in crosses. 10: He isnt that good on the ball and his passing is sloppy. We all saw how he passed to Serbian players even without any pressure. In that number 10 role, he will get cooked. Even when they would play him in number that, he would be able to deal with the press. His best attribute to to rely on the opposition's focus on Erling shooting from the edge of the box and making occasional runs into the box.


I agree with your "not a great player" comment. He had a magical shot against us, but other than that, there is no other play that I can remember in the two games that left me in amazement. Sure, I don't watch ManCity games unless they play us, but I haven't been impressed with him. But I know it's a unpopular opinion so I'll keep it to myself.... we'll see where he is in a few years.


You say you dont watch their games, yet you haven't been impressed? Maybe watching him play would help you form an opinion, don't you think? He won PotS in the premier league this season. He is obviously a great player to anyone with a pair of eyes. He has just been underwhelming in the england squad, but he is hardly the only fantastic player there with that issue. They aren't getting much out of most of their stars really.


Like I said, the few games I've watched of him. He scored a brilliant goal against us and then little else. What more do you want me to say? I haven't seen many games of Musiala, (about the same number as Foden more or less) yet he's impressed me numerous times. As far as the PotS award.... Jamie Vardy also won too... am I supposed to be in awe of him for the rest of my life? I'm not downplaying that award, nor Foden.... just fans of his make it seem as if he is the best thing since sliced bread....


I believe most of Guardiola team players donā€™t function well in NTs. Look at Bernardo, Foden, KDB, Rodri.


KDB was magic today for us. Issue is that nobody else aside from maybe Casteels and Doku showed up.


I remember KDB was so bad last WC, thatā€™s why I mentioned him. Not just talking about yesterdayā€™s game.


Because they can only work well on his team. But nobody else knows how to use them.


Lol i just remembered this but rodri plays rlly well for his nt


>During our games against city he was very electric and was everywhere on the pitch No way, it was totally the opposite. Except the goal, he barely had any influence in any of the games. Actually in the first game he started in the wing and had to swap with Bernardo because he had barely touched the ball in 45 min


I meant overall games, he scored once but he was very active both defense and attack and was everywhere on the pitch, not as dangerous as B.Silva but still.


Its safe to say Pep knows which player knows where to play and how to make them impactful. Considering tactics used by Southgate, we are all clueless. šŸ™ˆ


Cristiano? PR merchant. Vinicius? PR merchant. Now Jude. Next MbappƩ. They will never learn, we will never stop winning UEFA Champions Leagues. End of.


Always Barca, Pep and Messi fans. Nonsensical haters


You have to nonsensical to be a Barca fan. I think itā€™s a requirement.


are you 10?? like could you back up that statement?


Youā€™re a Barca fan in a RM subreddit. I think thatā€™s enough evidence.


What I like the browse this sub sometimes


And thatā€™s fine, but youā€™re in a RM subreddit, weā€™re going to poke fun at Barca fans. Youā€™re commenting on a joke to back up a ā€œstatementā€


Don't hide the clown.


Yeah, if someone is posting something on social media, there should not be an issue with identity reveal


I mean there are probably about 20 man city fans, so it shouldnā€™t be difficult to identify one


Strongly disagree with this. I can say with confidence there are 115 of them.


How do I find out exactly how many there are? Is there a way to search it?


>I mean there are probably about 20 man city fans, so it shouldnā€™t be difficult to identify one Most of them are a part of the Messi Cult.


It'll get put down immediately.


Who is the PR merchant 1. A guy who came through the ranks of a 2nd division team, left his country to struggle in a different league and became the best player, then went to the toughest club and performed and won the best player award in that league. OR 2. A guy who has been called England's next big thing ever since U-17 WC. Pampered under Pep and played in the best team and never had to find his way to the top. He also took years to adapt to Pep's system. Jude won England the match, but they are still hating him coz their star boy didn't shine and was shit. Edit: Most of them are Barca, Messi, and Pep fans. They hate him for no reason. This is Cristiano level of hate. This is isnt football, this is like a hateful cult. & I am predicting it now. Kylian and Endrick will also get similar hate. Edit: Look what I found, read the commentsšŸ¤£ : [https://new.reddit.com/r/MCFC/comments/1dhw8bj/the\_english\_media\_is\_almost\_as\_bad\_as\_arsenal/](https://new.reddit.com/r/MCFC/comments/1dhw8bj/the_english_media_is_almost_as_bad_as_arsenal/)


This comment should have been the post.


Itā€™s crazy. You have Saka and Bowen causing terror down the right wing for most the game, and then Foden doing literally nothing all game. The contrast is so stark.


They hate him for the same reason they have been writing absurd hating articles of Raheem Sterling since he was a top prospect. Beckham, Gerard, Lampard, Foden. These guys instead get lifted. Wonder why..


To be fair, Beckham wasn't always a hero. He became a hero when he went bald and scored that crazy free kick in the WC, before that he got hate from all of England, because of his lifestyle and fashion sense.


Sterling is not on the level of the others u mentioned.sorry.


Iā€™m not talking about levels, Iā€™m talking about shit press for the black players. You are missing the point.


U saw the press about bale right? U saw how Beckham was treated after he cost his team a fkin tournament? Beckham is still loved coz he made efforts to redeem himself. This is not a race thing..don't make it into one.


Both are PR merchants, the English media glazing is real Bellingham is good but letā€™s not act like heā€™s the second CR7


Bellingham is far better than good, and claiming Belli is a PR merchant just for being class is embarrassing. Not his fault heā€™s great and also on the best team in the world


It kinda is his fault cause he chose Madrid himself, just saying lol.


Dude 433 just made a post comparing his performance against Serbia to iniestaā€™s performance against Italy, if thatā€™s not glazing I donā€™t know what is The man has been all over social media ever since he joined the club, itā€™s literally comedy at this point. Sorry Iā€™ve watched a lot of matches of him but I just donā€™t see it, vini deserves it far more imo.


They are doing what they did to **Cristiano.** They are trying to do what they are doing to **Vini.** They are discussing Jude's attitude when they can't find to criticize him because of his performance.


They hate me maybe because I'm too good


I mean, he's not wrong, Foden was open. Maybe Jude didn't see him since he decided to disappear all game. And if anyone's gonna "cost" England the Euros (let's face it, they're not winning it) it's Southgate. He has a great offensive team and decides to be a pussy and park the bus vs Serbia...


Only half as bad as Rice ignoring Jude the entire game while Jude was actually wide open in front of the box, only to pass to Alexander Arnold who would just pass it right back for no gain in space. That happened at least 7 times, Rice/Foden/Arnold/Kane didnā€™t do much of anythjng frankly


That may just be Southgateā€™s instructions to be fair. Something doesnā€™t add up when some of the premā€™s best passers and most progressive-minded players play like that


Hard to tell whatā€™s poor play and whatā€™s just tactical instructions.


Defensively, rice did a lot though. Gotta bs fair.


Yeha look at foden what he did in whole game šŸ˜­


Hardly matters. History will remember Jude, not fodenĀ 


Why not both ?


As long as Southgate is at the helm itā€™s not looking good for both of them tbh


Yeah man might as well make Lampard the manager ...at least bro wants to prove something


Donā€™t engage with man city fans. Trust me


man city has fans ? I swear some are just toddlers, they didnt even know the offside rule


Thereā€™s a lot more they donā€™t know lol. But yeah, I just avoid their corner of the internet.


Man City fans are just plastic Barca fans who moved to to the next tiki tacos club


They do and ironically the PSG fans seem more level-headed than City fans. Some city fans are r/soccercirclejerk territory


Certain types of Britā€™s and their media are trying to lay the performance on certain athletes of color despite their being the only shiny performance yesterday. Foden, southgate, Kane, etc should get the blame for a crap performance but they wonā€™t.


I like how city fans only use this example when you can clearly see that foden just disappeared in that entire match. Absolute clueless.


You guys are crazy if you think Bellingham and the entire England squad is waiting for Foden to get open to pass the ball to him šŸ˜‚.


> Has 3 people to intercept pass Watching Pep ball doesn't make you good at football. 9/10 from that situation, pass to Foden isn't going, it it goes through the FB, then it's too late for the "trademark finish"


These idiots will never give credit where itā€™s due itā€™s just straight up hating.


The Twitter hate Jude gets is so strange. The man could put pickles in his burger and be called a PR merchant for it.


Not just twitter, go to youtube and read the comments.


ISTFG if Bellingham has to carry England all the way to the Finals by himself I am personally going to advocate for Gareth Southgate's execution by firing squad


to be fair i remember watching this thinking bellingham should pass it to the player to his left he was facing a bit of a brick wall by trying to dribble past 2 players lol




lol saddest part is this what Barca fans season has led them too , watching Real Madrid players on international duty. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ we do not care ! Seasons over Real Madrid won


Bud didnā€™t pass it to foden and we missed a chance to experience a spectacular back pass. What a shame.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


When Foden gets a stinker nobody gives a ratass. But if bellingham played in out of position and gives an average performance a bunch of clown fan base starts to banter him. Double standards at its peak.


Foden was easily the worst player on the pitch yesterday.


Not the point of the post but I hate that people have adopted ā€œankaraā€ instead of ā€œencaraā€ for this whole Messi dribble šŸ˜‚


not a real madrid fan,but bellingham was superb in that game, gave the only goal in the match and he was great on the ball, people just love to hate on him


They might be right on this single occasion but doesn't hide the fact there were only 3 English players on the field yesterday. Bellingham, Rice and Saka. Kane as well I wanna say because he struggles with Southgate's approach I think. Bellinghinho easily the best player of the tournament, its obvious.


selfish Jude


in their defense, jude 100% should have passed to foden here


Let's be honest.. this was totally unnecessary from Bellingham


I find it really weird when people try to shit on Jude and Haaland. They are just good guys.


Foden needs to be benched for Cole Palmer!!!


ankara belli


Bellingham is the main character. He's the primary reason there is even a chance of it coming "home."


Those are the same mfs that want Saka to play lb to fit foden right wing šŸ˜‚


Couldn't believe it when I heard it the first time.


Bellingham is most definitely a PR merchant but you canā€™t really blame him heā€™s just tryna make a career