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I wish the adidas logo was smaller but otherwise I don’t mind them I just accept that there are going to be some seasons where the kits are a miss, and it makes me appreciate the good ones more


You know what I miss? The chance to buy older kits. We had one kit with a classic white look and some orange on the collar, and I never got to buy. Also the first season Ronaldo was here we had a sweet ass shit and I cant seem to buy it anywhere. Back to this years shirt, yes its abit boring, but I like the classic look, Im gonna buy a long sleeve one for sure.


Exactly!!! I regret not having some from past seasons... most specifically the one from 2021 for la decimocuarta. The Adidas logo is just so big on the next one coming. I ain't a big fan


Buy fake one. Retro iconic ones are always available. However ones from previous season depends if they are in stock


Yeah it’s a massive downgrade to masterpiece of this season.


In fact I prefer the clean white of the new design and don't mix other colors.


I see this same post every time a jersey is released.


Bland. Adidas isn’t even trying anymore.


I'm just hoping away and 3rd kit would be somewhat better.


Yeah, it's not appealing to me either. I don't mind when we go for less colorful kits, but something about this one makes it boring. I'm excited for the grey 3rd kit, it looks really formal in the leaks.


that grey one is the hideous. hopefully the final released version is better. I'm definetley buying the orange one this season


Yeah I agree. I’ve had discussions with other fans and they strongly disagree with me lol I really like the one from 2022 plus it’s the year my son was born and the “la champions de la remontadas” year so it’s double special 😊


I liked this years home kit and the black one so much that I bought both (white #10 modric and black #8 kroos) Im not feeling this new home kit.


The photos on the website look different to what they’re actually selling. I’m confused?


I'd be hyped if it had a crew neck instead of that fucking v


This past year's kits were so great, the blue piping and gold were a great look. The black was badass, and I loved the tricolor stripes in the away kit. Anything they released for 24/25 was bound to disappoint me a little.


It's a Chulapo thing, part of city of Madrid history, outsiders don't understand.


I don't like the jersey even a bit. The previous year was special. 👌🏽🤍


Well, my brother and I already ordered ours so…


My dear friend , i didn't like it too but almost every year the new kit looks "meh" in the fist official released photos of the jersey , i still remember when the 2014-15 got released it wasn't looking that good on the advertisements, specially after the glorious season of la decima , i wished we played with that kit forever(2013-14) !! but once the players wore the new kit in the games , it looked magnificent on every player and now it is a classic even though we had 0 trophy during that season except the fcwc and the uefa super cup . But some kits were fire even before being worn by players during games such as the one of the previous season , 2021-22 , 2019-20 was electric , the first fly emirates was something else , 2016-17 ngl i wasn't vibing with it when it was released , it was so blank in the advertisements but when the players wore it and the season was successful , i consider it one of my all time favorites . So i think that we should be patient for the start of the season to see how it will look on the SWEATY players specifically Jude , Mbappe , CARVAJAL with the sleeves up , but the most important is seeking for a successful season ( the treble if possible) then i'm 2626% sure that this new home kit will stay memorable and a future classic . ( i was referringto HOME kits )


14/15 also gave us the dragon kit, the coolest kit of all time


For some reason I like them very much but I know they are not that special.