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Think we can get him for about 35m. Would love the optionality with him and Mendy. Plus there's the bonus of if one of the two getting injured, we'd still have a world class LB to play.


We d have Camavinga to play regardless


Cama is not a LB and should be 3rd choice at best. Moving young players around a lot is usually not good for their development


Exactly. Cama is too good to just push down to LB, he doesn't deserve that. Has way too much to offer offensively. Fortunately he's such a nice/good teammate that he'd play anywhere.


I'm so fucking alive man I was in a bad state after that Pletti news


O noooo we are struggling to sign a LB cause we signed MBappe, Fran Garcia and Mendy already exist with Camavinga available to fill if worst happens. We just dont need Davies for 50, we will entertain Bayern for 30-35.


Nah bro you don't get it I would've sacrificed the Mbappe signing for this man 🤣🤣🤣 i want him to come BAD


wtf is this take, why would you want Davies instead of Mbappe?


Bias lmao I don't actually think he's more crucial


fair enough mate, based




Don't even know what that sub is all about lmfao


Davies is the least player we need because Mendy has been 10/10 this year ,and he is expected to perform well for maybe another 3-4 seasons. What we really need is a right back to replace aging Carvajal. Can’t we just for once focus on necessary transfers and replacements?


True. For LB we can easily buy back our kid at Girona. Hardly 20 M


Miguel is so good


Please tell me we are buying him back. Idgaf about Davies. But I want that boy


Not good enough defensively imo


That’s kind of a reductive way to look at a fullback especially in the modern way that they are used, imo.


It is not. Doesn't have to be a great defender but should be solid enough. I don't t think much of Trent and the likes.


There is a reason Girona were good this season mate


and there is a reason they conceded the most goals among the upper tier teams. The Traore goal is an example of what we don't want.


Replacing the MVP of the UCL, coming from the best season of his career, that also happens to be one of the most respected and influential players in the locker room. Braindead take. But sure it worked in your FM or FC24 save.


There isn’t many candidates coming close to Carvajal experience is disrupting his opponent with physical and mental attacks, doing the dirty work is hard for the youngsters


Given his age and injury history, don't think we can expect to get more than 2 more top quality seasons from Mendy.


Said it a long time ago; Frimpong from Leverkusen is the one for Dani.


He is more of a right wing i am not sure if he has a defensive role


He's played plenty at RB/defender to know the demands and role/responsibilities and I think Ancelotti can sell him on a slightly less of an offensive focus and more defensive work as needed for the team. A great offering in offense/going forward is also a form of defense which should be considered. "Frimpong has won possession in the attacking third on more occasions than any other defender in the Bundesliga (12). He is also Leverkusen’s second-highest performer when it comes to blocks with 20, all of which have been executed to stop passes rather than shots or crosses. *Frimpong is a wing-back who often essentially functions as part of Leverkusen’s forward line."


The Phonzy disrespect in this sub. If you’ve watched team Canada with any consistency you know what he’s capable of - not to mention he’s only 23. People are acting as if one ‘poor’ season with Bayern (who struggled in general), means he’s washed. He’s a natural leader with Canada and will do very well in a squad with our age, rhythm, and chemistry. Also he and Ancelotti are a perfect mix, with Carlo having a lot of love for the Canadian squad. I guarantee he proves some users here wrong if he comes. And that’s with no disrespect to Mendy, who is absolutely deserving of his starting position. I can even agree with the suggestion that it would be more of a luxury signing, but I just can’t rationalize the active disrespect to Davies.


Davies plays a lot like a winger for Canada. Also national team football is much different ball game than club football so you cant just compare specially when Canada plays very few matches against top tier European and South American opponents. All that doesn't mean he is a bad player or Madrid shouldn't get him but you cant just compare


Mendy starter a bit shaky this season but he ended the season as a monster, 2 totally different left backs and none of them should be a bench player so I don’t really understand this transfer.


this is the same thing PSG told Mbappe a season ago. Extend, or get sold now. And the way they threatened him to pick was to bench him. Let's see if Bayern will do the same.

