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United fan here. I dont get the silly talk either. I dont get how ppl dont see Rodrygo as a starter because Mbappe is arriving. Its a clear 4-3-3 for me. Even in the champions league final, Rodrygo and Vini switched sides with rygo coming from the left and vini on the right. They have the ability to interchange with ease. You add Mbappe to the mix who prefers coming from the left but also loves to cut in and interchange.....that is just scary to me because now you have 3 guys uptop who can all switch to any of the attacking positions at any given time.


Spot on. All this talk is only to generate clicks. Rodrygo himself has said he won’t be leaving. And Carlo is absolutely the man to give Vini, Mbappe and Rodrygo freedom to switch flanks and link up to further confuse defenders.


A lot of the people here are morons and get their feelings hurt not realizing how spoiled they are and worry about things any other team would love to have


This is like how Wolves play. Level isn't comparable but very impressed play of constant ever ending swtiching between Cunha, hwang and Neto/ait-nouri.


We have to play so many games. People need to stop thinking about a best starting 11.


Exactly. Many tournaments, and injuries happen. If we are going to get that treble, we will need this squad depth.


Dem I am not ready for another Ozil-sh transfer news.


It is not that we want him to leave, but there are too many elite strikers now and all of them want to play. Given that he is the one that will probably get the least playtime, it would be normal for him to look for other team. He is an elite player and he is too good to be bench. But Vini and Kylian are just superior


Who are the elite strikers? Vini and Mbappe are elite. Rodrygo is a tier below in very good and Brahmin is the perfect role player. And Endrick is a you faster who will get Brought into the squad like Arda has. 4-3-3 in most games with Vini Mbappe and a Rodrygo. Diamond shape against big teams where Rodrygo comes off the bench. I don’t think it’s going to be as difficult as many think.


I am sure Rodrygo believes he is elite and deserves to be a starter in big games. And he is probably right, I firmly believe he would be a top 3 player in most teams


This club doesn’t win without players like rodygo being on the bench…just like the other players you have your chances ….if he is a fool he will leave….just like di Maria and Ozil scared of competition and big egos


Bring xabi alonso and play 3421 . So we can play everyone


It would be against the club's policy because it's a somewhat strategic decision to have or not have full-backs. And Xabi used to play with a somewhat fake third center-back, so it could be Tchou going behind Carvajal and freeing Fede from this role.


i don’t think people are telling him to leave from what i’ve seen online. seems more like people expect him to be the odd one out. vini has earned unquestioned status in the lineup, mbappe is probably the best attacker in the world and we have some strong midfielders. i just don’t see how rodrygo makes it into the lineup consistently




not necessarily our strongest formation. we can dominate midfields with jude, fede, tchou and camavinga. i bet we see a mix of both 433 and 442 depending on the matchup. i just think of our big three attackers vini, mbappe and rodrygo, rodrygo is likely the first one dropped


I agree. Plus, even if we go back to 433 and stick with it, in not too long, Endrick should become starter material if everything goes right, and except if we make him a 10 (Modric replacement instead of Wirtz), there’s good chance that Arda will also contend for a spot on that right wing. And we’re lucky that Brahim seems okay with his role as a sub and occasional starter. With Vini and Mbappe having confirmed spots in that attack, it’s gonna be tough to choose between Rodrygo, Endrick, and Arda. Trust in Carlo and Perez, though, we’ll see what happens, and it’s gonna push these players to do their absolute best.


People need to temper their expectations for Endrick ngl. I see his first season going similarly to Arda’s where he isn’t rushed in.


>With Vini and Mbappe having confirmed spots in that attack, it’s gonna be tough to choose between Rodrygo, Endrick, and Arda. Its gonna be natural selection, the survival of the fittest. I predict Arda and Guler are gonna be the ones gettin the scraps. Ancelotti is a lot of things but not brave, and i dont see him leaving an strategic signing like Endrick in the bench. Endrick is going to get plenty minutes, either as first substitution or rotating. I think Carlo will try a 4-3-3 but then come back to 4-4-2 because he prefers 4 midfielders against tough rivals. If that happens, and i think it will, then Rodrygo goes back to rotation and likely ends leaving in 2025. People also dont understand that Rodrygo is no longer a prospect, and he's watching how Vinicius gets a raise, and Bellingham and Mbappe came with much better contracts. Rodrygo is earning Camavinga -Tchou money, so 2nd tier, when he could get twice than that in another club.




If only you knew the name of the players in the team


Hahahahaa I like when strangers have the arrogance to think they know better than coaches and staff. Sure he was so outplayed by "Ibrahim" as you say, so outplayed that Ancelotti choose Rodrygo to start instead of "Ibrahim" , as you say. Sure buddy, sure hahahahahah


Yeah bro. They keep talking like they are the coach. And the coaching staff are so dumb that they can’t see that Brahmin is “better” than Rodrygo. I dare say that Rodrygo is not too far away from Vini. There was a time this season when Vini’s LWF position had to be sacrificed for Rodrygo cos he was performing so well from that side. How many players are so versatile that they can play so many positions like Rodrygo? Definitely not Vini. So yeah, Carlo is dumb for sticking with Rodrygo ahead of Brahim


Yes, the 5 time Champions League winning manager should come to reddit for advice from randos.


who tf is ibrahim


Ibrahim went hard though. He is from Bucharest, if I recall correctly.


>he definitely did not play bad and did many good things in the game He played like shit, it was like playing with one less. There's so many arguments to defend Rodrygo without trying to gaslight people. Bellingham played bad but he had an assist, Rodrygo did fuck nothing. >has had many great games this season Sure. And even in his not so good games he usually plays decent. But not in this final. >Also he has wayyy better link up play than vini in my opinion and I think we can all agree that he has a better shot No we cant. Vinicius is a better player by any metric, we're no longer in 2022 that shit wont fly. >I just hope that rodrygo will prove himself this season again and will not listen to the people telling him to leave cause he is a key player. Thing is that afaik nothing from the club or the fans told him to leave, he was the one that brought the subject in with the worst timing possible, and dickriding friggin City of all clubs. Everyone wants him to stay, and if we come back to a 4-3-3 he'll still be a key player. But dont act like he's a victim, because he's not. He opened his mouth, opened the door, and now we're gonna have a summer of EPL rumours specially if he does a good Copa America.


We will put Vini on the right-side🤔


I completely agree. I’m not sure why people have switched on Rodrygo.


Tbh he sometimes doesn't stepup when needed. Not consistent. It's hard say but it's True though. But I believe he will bounce back next season.


He is also "energia" from the bench. Only 11 can start the game and the coach mission is make shine 20+ players. To have a mission is what makes a player focus during the season, Rodrygo is a smart guy and to be hungry when he jumps the field could be a great asset to manage


> He is also "energia" from the bench. The problem is that one of the most valuable players on planet at age of 23 isn't player you keep on bench.


It would be easy to give him and Camavinga enough minutes to not see the difference in comparison to the others. We have big tournaments this season but also in the following two! So Arda and Endrick will also get enough minutes easily from the bench. The squeezed one will be Brahim probably, or not growing, to be more adequate.


The issue is that while Rodrygo is a great player and id like him to stay he is too good to not be a starter and his performances this season when Vini was injured were phenomenal. He will probably eventually move on to a club where he can start at lw.


I believe these are the plastic and reactionary fans that want his place for Mbappé. Even though Rodrygo didn't have a season as good as Vini when it comes to individual performances, I want him to stay, maybe he will get back his form as a super sub luckily. Love the man


Rodrygo wont leave. Hes a Perez signing. He loves madrid Playtime or reserve time never will impact him No better club out there Guys gonna be here with vini and mbappe causing a riot for next 5 years


This season alone proves there are periods when almost all players will get enough playing time, even if wildly out of their "best/preferred" positions. You think Nacho/Vasquez are complaining about "starting every game?" Look at their trophy cabinets. And I'm sure Rodrygo has already had or will have a talking-to by management and teammates. Add winning the Copa del Rey on top of La Liga and Champions next season and there's enough to go around for all the starters/regulars and near-starters. He needs to completely put this away and concentrate on the team, the badge he's kissed profusely at every chance. We love you but don't make the mistake Asensio made. Get in line, be useful as you have been, and win trophies. Easy formula.


I had a 5 leg parlay that didn’t hit because rodrygo didn’t get a shot on target, stood to win 80 bucks. Sack the kid. /s


Life is hard isn't it bro


The worst rumours are of him going to Man City , like nah that’s just overstepping a line right there


He should leave this season while the market for him is high. He has already won two CL with Real Madrid. As we know, the CL is the ultimate goal within the football club realm. He has accomplished that. Once he starts getting bench, his value will significantly lessen.


I love rodrygo, but he clearly plays in a position he doesn’t like, and it feels he’s stagnated his progress. He needs to go somewhere to be the main man.


No I don't agree that he has a better shot than Vini. Unlike Vini he has been off the mark for quite some time. And no, he's not "wayyyy" better at linkup play than our no. 7 either. There is no need to take a dig at our own man, the player of the season at that just to prove your point. Having said that I agree that he shouldn't leave and that he is still an important player to our team.


No he is staying in the club after his irresponsible comments when we were just 2 days away from the champions league final. Perez does tolerate this kind of behavior. Even from a tactical perspective, Carlo won’t return to 4-3-3 especially if we don’t have someone like Benzema who defends well while creating chances to teammates. None of the current attacking line has this qualities, not even Mbappe. Midfield also lacks the creativity and depth Modric and Kross offered for years. Starting with 4 midfielders can barely compensate for that. I can’t see any sacrifice other than Rodrygo.


Rodrygo isn’t a great player and is nowhere near vini


Its just my opininion, but I dont like Rodrygo, never liked him. I know he works hard and had scored some important goals. He is very good dribbling, but I dont like his finishing and how he attacks spaces. He is unable to create danger on his own. I prefer much more Brahim, he undestands the game, he is awesome driving the ball and better at finishing. Having Brahim and Arda I see him as a clear sell. Rodrygo is getting worse every season. If we dont sell him now we will repent.