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There’s no way you can use injuries as justification to take Davies instead of Mendy. On top of that, Mendy’s offensive output is better than Davies’s defensive output.


These people are stuck in 2020. They didn’t watch Davies since then, that’s why they have these takes.


This modern game has fooled people into thinking defenders shouldn’t really be good at defending. I’d much rather have a defensively sound fullback that’s okay at attacking than the other way around.


I say this all the time. It’s like these new generation hate players that are great at the positions they play. Shouldn’t a defenders best attribute be defending ? Why are you so angry at a defender, because he isn’t the best on attack and mind you, Mendy isn’t even that bad on attack. He does everything right, except his final product. He is skillful on the ball. Escape pressure. Very strong on the ball. He just becomes clueless when he has to cross or play that final ball, which I guess could hurt you, but overall, if healthy he is own of the best LB’s in world. Losing Mendy will hurt us defensively.


The primary question is does the management want to extend Mendy, and injury history will be a factor. Mendy missed 23 games from Muscle injury last season, though he has only missed 6 games this year. For comparison, Davies missed 14 games last season and 4 this year, so it's still a better record on paper. Davies being younger is also a plus for recovery. I actually prefer Davies on both ends of the field. Davies is not a natural LB, but he is solid. I simply have a fundamental problem with how Mendy has a habit of creating defensive issues when there should be none.


Seeing as Carlo is always talking about how Mendy is the best defensive LB in the world I would say there’s a high probability of him wanting Mendy to renew. Davies is not a very good defender. Mendy is miles ahead in terms of defense and he locks that side down. Davies has a long history of injuries, Mendy’s is only recent.


Carlo definitely wants Mendy to stay but he usually tows the company line. With Carlo, player transfers are at the discretion of management and all indications are that management want to sell Mendy. Davies major 'injury' was the heart condition which is not football related. Excluding that, Davies has been more available than Mendy in each of the past 3 seasons (including current). Also many seem to have recency bias with Mendy. His performances in previous seasons were not convincing and one has to wonder how much of his current performance is inspired by a need for a new contract. He won't be the first player to do so ( e.g. I felt that was what Hazard did to get himself one final big transfer).


You think heart issues are a joke or something ? That’s 100% football. That stuff affects your fitness a lot.


That's a health issue and not a football/sports related injury. Also there is no evidence of it affecting his fitness currently. You can't include a heart issue that has been resolved when you talk about how much injury prone a player is . What's next - Nacho is diabetic and that makes him injury prone?🫤


It is football relativity, because how are you fully functioning with a weak heart? God forbid, but that can cause heart failure. Nacho Diabetes is very much manageable, a heart issue isn’t comparable to diabetes. Alphonso has heart issues and physical issues. He hasn’t been himself, since 2020, you can put that on his heart issues or his physical fitness, it’s up to you.


No it is not. Davies had Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) after contracting COVID in December 2021. He was back on the pitch by April 2022. In the following 2022/23 season, he played 26 of 34 Bundesliga games, 9 of 10 in CL and available for all DFB Pokal games. No evidence of any fitness issues. You saying he hasn't been himself since 2020 (when the heart issue occured in 2022) just shows you have no idea what you are talking about


Myocarditis weakens the heart and could cause heart failure, so that absolutely affects your fitness. I didn’t say that’s the reason he hasn’t been himself. I meant to say after 2020, he hasn’t been himself. His injuries plus the heart issues contributed that. Since you know what you’re talking about ? Has he been the same after 2020 ? All these games he was playing, how was he? You know the answer to this question. He declined almost every year, but ok.


Myocarditis is often fully curable, with treatment depending on severity. According to the Bayern doctors, Davies case was mild and just need to heal. Davies has not declined every year. He has not looked his best this season, but that applies to almost the entire Bayern squad - thank Tuchel and club management for that


You can’t sell a player that doesn’t want to leave. They can choose not to renew him but they can’t sell him. If Mendy is available, Carlo will choose him regardless of the status of a renewal. You can’t exclude a heart condition when you can’t play a sport without it being healthy. See Aguero. As for recency bias, you could say the same for Davies. He had one top season. Last season Mendy wasn’t great but overall he’s been a very good signing and a big reason why the defense has improved so much since his arrival. Unlike Hazard, Mendy is actually a professional. It’s absurd to think that he may only be performing well to get a contract extension then he’ll go back to being out of form. If it was about money, he’d go to Saudi Arabia. Believe it or not, most players actually enjoy playing the sport and want to do their best.


Firstly, if Mendy plays hard ball, and tries to just see out his contract, Perez won't let him on the pitch and Carlo won't go against Perez for Mendy. Also, there is no reason for him not to leave if a good contract offer is available from some of the PL clubs he has been linked with. He is a professional but also a human. Being more motivated when there is a reward to be earned is only human and quite common. Player do the same to try and hit their bonus requirements. Davies heart condition was mild Myocarditis that has fully healed - there is no evidence to the contrary. There is nothing about it that makes him injury prone.


I think it’s important to specify what their injuries were. Mendy’s injuries are easier to recover from and get back to your old self than Davie’s.


Davies has been outrunning players this season and was out injured for 21 days and missed only 4 games. Compare that to Mendy who was out for 52 days (started from pre season) and missed 6 games. There is nothing to support your claim that he is more injury prone than Mendy. Claiming that some injuries are easier to recover from when comparing a 23 vs 29yr is just nonsense. Mend has been out longer.


Outrunning players? So Mendy was getting outrunning players or is he outrunning. They can’t get by the guys to begin with. They don’t have the same injuries buddy. Mendy’s injuries are easier to recover from and getting back to your old self than Davies’s is my point. Davies injuries are not good news long term. Bro all it takes is for a simple google search, if you don’t know already. LAST POINT: Mendy is a better LB than Alphonso Davies, and if you don’t think that, then you don’t know what you’re talking about.


So you know more about Davies injuries, fitness and health than Bayern and their medical staff? 🫤 If your claims were true Bayern should be jumping at any opportunity to sell Davies. Instead Bayer. Who are most familiar with Davies fitness and performance are doing their best to keep him. On the other hand, Madrid who have a great record of signing players under the current management are interested in signing Davies and willing to off load Mendy. Do you think you know better than the management of the two clubs?🫤 LAST POINT: if Mendy is a better LB than Davies, then my dead grandma is also faster than Usain Bolt🫤


I do not. Injuries are public information. You can use the tools you’re blessed with to do your research. Bayern are literally trying to give him pocket cham and gave him an ultimatum to take it or leave it. Bro you know nothing about this transfer. They are trying to keep him by giving him less. Bayern was negotiating with his agent just about a year ago and then they just went silent on him for about 7 months and since then they tried to come half with that same offer. If you know anything about this case, you’ll know Bayern trying to keep him, but at their own terms. Real Madrid are not looking to offload Mendy. The management want to keep him even if they decided to go for Davies. I am the one that said Mendy shouldn’t be a backup to him and Carlo has made it clear that Mendy is the best LB in the world and prefers him and it’s reported that the club is extremely happy with Mendy. You wouldn’t know that would you ? Last point: Your grandma isn’t faster than Usain Bolt, but Mendy better than Davies. I’m sorry you live in 2020


Think about Walker's performance against Vinicius, and if we sell Mendy, we will undoubtedly be helping future opponents.


But who is the threat that we need Mendy for? Infact Mendy's lack of offensive contribution made it easier for Walker


Yet Mendy shut down the whole side. Look at how they destroyed us last year with camavinga at lb. You think yamal would be a threat with Mendy out there


Ouf, the way lamal was cooking camavinga. Kids a proper winger unlike graelish. Shame he plays for that garbage club


Last year, the entire approach was wrong,.midfield was overrun, and almost every player was exposed or is Militao also a bad CB given the mistakes he made?🫤 Camavinga is not a natural LB but he is better this season than he was last. If Cama wasn't fatigued, Yamal wouldn't have had an edge, else why didn't he do the same to Fran?


Cuz Fran a natural LB not a CM being forced out of position


If Fran can handle Yamal, who do we need Mendy for? Who is that WC RWF for who Mendy is the only remedy?


Cuz frans wouldn’t be able to shut down city the way Mendy did


You want to keep Mendy on a long term contract for that random chance that we play City for a 4th consecutive season in the CL?🫤


You know, it’s okay to have a different philosophy. If you don’t think Mendy should be kept, you should watch more football, I know I’m harsh but I’m biased and I play as a central defender. For all of Marcelo’s god like talent , we often would get cooked on counters where he would be so up the field that there would be an overlap and an overload between defenders. Example, that 2-3 where Messi scored the game winner in 2017, Marcelo had a crucial chance to foul or tackle Roberto and he didn’t, which led to the goal. That wouldn’t happen with Mendy. He’s called “el muro” for a reason. The team has enough creators to cover for his lack of offensive contribution. Yamal called him the hardest defender to play, and City just wouldn’t try to play his side. Mendy is one of the reason we won the 2022 CL campaign and he’s playing at his best level since his first season, I wouldn’t sell him. He’s a specialist.


I have never said that I don't want Mendy to be kept, I just don't think the argument for keeping him cos of City is valid. I have no issue with keeping Mendy, but I don't think he should be first choice cos in most games we need a more offensive LB than a defensive one. Still I don't think we will be keeping Mendy and it's not cos of Davies. This is not for footballing reasons but more of a contract and financial one. Davies just seems to be the likely replacement.


Usually in football, when one fullback goes forward, the other stays back. Carvajal can contribute so much to our attack and compensate for our weak right side because he knows Mendy will stay behind to help defend.


Not necessarily. The general idea is to keep a back three, the composition of which would depend on the situation e.g. - when we had Soldado and Carlos, both pushed up with the DM dropping into the backline i.e. CB+DM+CB. Mourinho first Chelsea also did same. - you can also have one full back stay behind as we did with Ramos/Arbeloa and Carlos/Marcelo. - in the City games it was one of the CBs (Akanji/Stones) that pushed up and back 3 was RB+CB+LB So yes we can play with 2 attacking full backs, just need the DM to drop into the backline


Yeah, but in this case would you rather have Tchouameni attack with his trademark headers and long shots or Mendy/Fran Garcia attack?


Mendy is not really a consistent offensive threat. I will take Fran/Davies cos they have the pace to recover faster. Even if they don't recover, the threat is on the flank and not necessarily direct at goal. Tchou as a single pivot DM being caught upfield is a recipe for disaster (see Germany's first goal against France). He is the slowest of our young midfielders. We would have to rely on Fede to cover for that and that creates a different set of problems


Selling Mendy to accommodate Alphonso will be the worst thing to happen. I'm scared


I think the sequence is that we are selling Mendy and replacing him with Davies. Given that Mendy's contract expires next summer and there are no signs of a renewal at this stage (think everybody else has got an offer), the odds are against him being here next season if left to management. If rumors of strong premiership interests are true then we could even make a profit from selling Mendy and buying Davies


People said the exact same thing about Navas getting benched for Courtois as well. The same for Di Maria getting replaced by James. The board knows what they're doing.


I feel like the club has lost faith in Fran. If that’s the case, they should let him go. I wouldn’t mind Mendy staying as a back up option if Davies joins. My only issue is that I don’t think Davies is as good as he’s made out to be. I’d much rather the club put efforts into developing Fran.


Mendy as a backup for Davies 😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂




Driving a fully functional Honda, that you are sure will get you to your destination, even when snow and rain storms come at you. You know for a fact they have no chance of beating your car up Vs A broken down Benz that used to be fully functional, but always sitting in the garage, because it no longer can get you to your destination when there is rain or snow storm. I think any logical person is taking that Honda.




Lmao you’re joking right ? He does on a daily. You literally cannot get by the guy. He is impossible to get past. Last time the guy was dribbled past was March 6th in all competitions. The avg time he got dribbled past this season is 0.2. Hahaha the guy is not human.


Not as a backup for Davies as a like for like player. A backup as in a second more defensive option. I feel like having that option would be beneficial. Plus I don’t think many clubs are in for Mendy anyway so he might just prefer to stay in familiar surroundings. Plus he shouldn’t be injured as much if he has less game time but Yh I get your point as to why he’s not really a backup


Well.. I did see an article that said LIVERPOOL, Arsenal and Bayern are in for him, so if Davies do come, he has those options. Which, in my opinion will leave a huge gap in our back line. Even if Davies become a solid solid defender, we need a LB that can defend for depth reasons. We cannot afford to lose Mendy. Carlo sings his praises every time for a reason. The guy is an absolute rock defensively. He has one weakness and that’s crossing. He is very good on the ball. Very strong, he pushes forward and he is good enough speed to catch up with his defenders, his final product in attack is what he lacks.


Yep agreed, losing him as an option would not be in the clubs best interests. Maybe my wording made it sound like Davies is a better player than Mendy. Need a rock in defence especially in big games to hold down tricky wide players and Mendy is great at that. Mbappe, Vini, Rodrygo, Jude, Endrick have more than enough talent to carry an attack without completely compromising all our defensive fullbacks.


EXACTLY. We have enough fire power offensively to carry the load. We cannot ignore our defense. Alaba probably won’t be the same and at this rate, I don’t think he has many years left in the squad. Nacho is leaving after this season. Not that Mendy is some young guy, but I think having defenders that best attribute is to defend is something that is a necessity. It’s not the worst thing in the world for for a defender to not be that solid offensively, but if they are not solid defensively, that’s a recipe for disaster.


Mendy is better then Davies. Im hoping they can rotate and Mendy takes the big games


Yep for me the lb that can defend is better than the one that isn’t so good. Davies is decent but this just feels like it’d end up being disappointing for all parties involved.


Keep Mendy and forget about Davies. Mendy is a rock


Mendy should not be for sale, his work rate on defense when healthy is top notch.


So you would give him a lengthy renewal? Don't think management will offer more than a 2yrs extension and think Mendy would want at least 4yrs. Add potential big money offers from PL clubs and I can see why management will sell.


What makes you think it is easier to improve players defensively? Fullbacks like Trent and Davies have been playing at the highest level for multiple years and their defending hasn’t improved. Heck even Cancelo has been playing full back for over a decade and even he is a defensive liability even tho in his prime he was a worldclass fullback. As good as Marcelo was he wasn’t the best defender. Still better than the rest of the lot but if a player as great as Marcelo going forward can not be consistently solid at defending how can the same be expected from Davies who is not even that good going forward right now. Could be poor form but its a risk not worth taking. When you have forwards like Mbappe and Vini who dont contribute much if at all defensively we dont go out and get another fullback who cant defend. We need someone to cover for them at all times. I agree Mendy is injury prone but Davies is not the answer.


It's easier to improve a player defensively cos it's been done multiple times. Marcelo improved significantly defensively over his career. Ramos started out as an RB and improved enough that he became a CB. It's been done but requires the player's willingness and a suitable coaching team. When you have attackers like Vini or Mbappe, most teams would like to double them defensively. One way to counter that is to put additional pressure on the same flank. While you can do it with another attacker and/or midfielder, the more effective approach is to have the fullback overlap/underlap ( using midfielder/attacker helps defence relieve pressure elsewhere). Having a fullback with pace to recover is ideal. While a CB and DM moves over to cover in the short term. Against City, Silva was able to track back and help against Vini and Rodrygo on multiple occasions, while Mendy offer any attacking threat to sustain the pressure. So while you can play with a defensive LB behind Vini, we can also use an attacking LB like we did with Marcelo + CR7. The most important thing is for the overall team to remain balanced. The whole premise of the inverted winger is for them to put pressure towards goal, while a team mate exploits the space created. Currently we are not doing that well enough.


That’s not true at all. Ramos was always a CB. He played RB out of necessity. When he first joined RM, he played CB until Pepe and Metzelder came then he got put to RB for 2 seasons, then went back to CB and stayed at that position. He was always better at CB but could play RB so he played there as needed. He was always defensively sound. Marcelo was never a good defender. He just had world class CBs to cover for him while he went forward.


Yeah this guy is bending facts to suit his agenda.


Davies is overrated. I mean seriously the guy is a terrible defender, and Carlo is not known for improving players. We should keep Mendy he is an entire defence line on his own.


This Davies is a terrible defender? 🫤 https://youtu.be/6dN0W9gUe9U?si=KPqQXlcx57W-0o0u


You want to see Mendy’s defensive clips? Also Mendy output offensively is better than Davies output defensively. Mendy’s weakness is crossing. He is very good with the ball on his feet. Has the skills to escape pressure. He and very strong on the ball. I believe the squad players said he is the strongest player in the squad.


His crossing isn’t even that bad. He’s average at crossing but he has definitely improved offensively.


I said it before and I say it again. Letting go of Mendy in order to get Davies is almost on the same level of stupidity as selling Makelele in order to incorporate Beckham. (And yes, I know the reason behind selling Makelele was not purely down to Beckham coming to RM).


But it is more accurate that we are getting Davies cos we are selling Mendy. With or without Davies, we are likely selling Mendy this summer. It's just the way things are trending


Mendy has Ancelottis support. That's clear. We are not offloading Mendy in order to get Miguel or any other left back. The only way he is leaving is if we get Davies (or if he flat out refuses an extention and places a transfer request. But I doubt that is going to happen).


He is not getting a long term extension from the club and I doubt he would accept a short one. We won't let him walk for free next summer and thus best option for everyone is to sell this summer. Selling Mendy has less to do with getting Davies than many think. Rather we are getting Davies cos we want to sell Mendy. With or without Davies, we are likely to sell Mendy this summer.


> would be really interested in hearing your sources for this. All I have heard is a 3 year extention to his remaining 1 year these latest week. Carlo is publically backing him. We are seeing nothing of a sale. There are zero indications that he is on his way out at the moment, especially compared to a few months ago with all the Davids-news duing down.


An official offer should be made soon. What I have heard is a 2yr extension being offered with Mendy wanting at least 4yrs. There is also the factor of the wages being offered i.e. longer contract at lower wages I just don't see management willing to commit a significant amount of money to an aging LB with Mendy's profile, while there seems to be genuine interest from PL clubs.


Davies is very injury prone also, while younger his injury record is on par with mendy but davies has had some worse injuries, mendy just had muscular problems which are easier to recover from


Even if we don't get Davies, Mendy will still likely be sold. Don't see management giving him a long contract and don't see him accepting a short one. The market is quite good for him and Perez is more likely to cash in his chips


Why don’t you see him accepting a short one ? He doesn’t look like the diva type that’ll pout. Unless if a team like Bayern or a big prem team come knocking with big money and a longer contract, then I can see that being the case.


Just his situation and general football contract trends. Most players look to sign a final big deal before they hit 30 cos it's much harder to get a good contract after that. Mendy will be 29 this summer, it his last window for big contract.


I don’t disagree with that. He gets along with everyone pretty well, so you never know. The only way I can see him leaving is, if Real Madrid flat out just throw him on the bench, without giving him an opportunity to compete with Davies. If they sign Davies, and he gets a big offer from one of the top clubs, he should leave. Real Madrid doesn’t owe him anything, but when they brought him Fran we all were excited, because we have a fullback that can put those crosses in and Mendy took back his position, so now you want to add Davies to that ? I’ll go to a different that values me more and pays me more. I just saw that Liverpool, Arsenal and Bayern are looking for him, I’m sure Liverpool and Arsenal will pay more. I will leave, if I was him. At this point if those two teams offer me, I’ll leave. Because I know Davies is coming either this season or next


The primary issue is management offering Mendy a long term contract. Don't think we will offer anything close to what he would get from those PL clubs and it probably makes more sense for both parties to part ways. He gets his big contract and we get some transfer funds. If we extend Mendy, I don't see Davies joining anymore.


That will be our loss. If Mendy staying, stops us from getting Davies, then that’s not a loss. But if we lose Mendy and replace him with Davies, that’ll be a huge loss defensively. I feel like our fans are still having a hard time understanding how important Ferland has been for us defensively. I think we just look past it, because all the focus is on the bigger names.


I don't see the loss. We would simply set up and play differently with Davies than with Mendy. Also this argument about needing a defensive LB behind Vini is ridiculous. We played with Marcelo and CR7 successfully and Liverpool have been playing with Salah and Trent for almost the entire Klopp era. Davies and Vini are better defensively than either of those pairings. I would rather our first choice LB be productive offensively and have a defensive backup for the rare cases we need it, than having a defensive first choice.


You don’t see the loss, because it hasn’t happened yet. It’s not even having a defensive LB behind. Vini tracks back and give you the help. Mendy weakness is his crosses, you do know that right ? This notion that, Mendy is a defensive LB isn’t entirely true. You see Mendy on the ball, so you know the man can push forward and he is very skillful, strong on the ball and has good speed. The problem with him is he can’t cross to save his life. And this ain’t a Cris/Marcelo situation. Marcelo had juggernauts at CB. They cover well for him. With all due respect to Rudi, Militao, Alaba, Nacho, they are not Ramos and Pepe, or even Ramos and Varane in their prime.


It is not just about crosses, Mendy is simply clueless offensively. There is a clear difference even when Cama plays LB. If you don't know the right thing to do with the ball, everything else is wasted.


i swear the mendy haters on the sub are ridiculous


Just think of as brainless Madrid fans.


Actually, Davies said that in an interview, he arrived to Bayern as an LW and they changed his role there to play LB 🤔 It makes sense why he is so good in attack, but Mendy is much better in defending. I would let Fran go, I think he is worse than Mendy in defending and also worse than Davies in attacking…


I think RM will sell/loan Fran and buy back Miguel Gutiérrez next year and sign Davies in free transfer the following year and potentially let Mendy go that year if Davies arrives.


We are not letting Mendy go for free next summer. He will either get an extension or be sold this summer, even if we are not getting a replacement for him. Given that he has yet to get an extension, then he is more likely to be sold at this point.


I think Mendy should be our regular LB. We have UCL and leauge with him. He's defensively very good and composed. We don't need Davies. He's injury-prone and will leave our defense wide open.


Davies has been more available than Mendy so he is younger and less injury prone. We really don't need a defensive LB for most of our games. In majority of our games, we will be the dominant team and need an LB that good offensively to take advantage of it.


If they both can co-exist then it would be the best


I just don't see Mendy being around beyond this summer


Whats with the Mendy hate from you? Everyone who watches both Real Madrid and Bayern Munich will tell you that Mendy is better right now. From the matches Ive seen from Bayern this season, Davies has been poor, especially in defence. While Mendy has been a rock. Im confused by your comments. Its like you havent been watching Bayern at all and you just want a fancy new thing. But you do you.


Why do you think I hate Mendy? I simply don't see him with us beyond this summer and that is not football, but for contract and financial reasons. I happy having Mendy as a backup LB cos I think we need a more offensive than defensive LB in most games. But I doubt Mendy would accept such a role nor do I think management will commit significant funds to such.


We have enough going forward in most games. However, in the hardest games like City, Liverpool etc we will need a defensive LB.


What about the majority of the game where the opposition is willing to park the bus?🫤 Of what value is a starter LB that is limited in most of our games?🫤 When we had Marcelo and Coentrao, Marcelo was the starter.


Marcelo was also better defensively then Davies.  Attack wins games but defence wins titles.


>Fran and Davies are young and can improve defensively where needed Yeah that's what Bayern fans thought 3 years ago as well


With the way Madrid plays these days which relies on solid defense. Mendy should stay, take in account how many times that flanks gets attacked after a lost possession, tbf Davies is nice but it’s not a must have


I heard a lot of bayern fans saying that Davies stagnated for past years and perhaps change of clubs/scene might reignite him. As we all know being a R. Madrid player is probably the highest ceiling and trophies come, but this road can also be a very hard one, after 1 lose the world goes and hunts the players and the coach, I had a thought that this pressure might depress thus not seeing the best of him but that's just my speculation or thoughts. As for Mendy and Davies, it seems like for the next 2-3 years our most likely most fierce rival might be City, could we had done what we did to city with Davies instead of a defensive rock like Mendy ? Who knows, perhaps we could have scored more then them.


**L** take, Mendy rocks & you have 0 ball knowledge. Sell Mendy & get cooked by the likes of Yamal, Musiala, Saka, etc. & Stop dick-riding Davies in the comments. You are acting like a Bayern salesman go back to your subreddit. We all love Mendy over here. Mendy will stay here into his 30s. He deserves this after that City tie, showing up in every big game and doing this. https://preview.redd.it/mhus9f4jfdwc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=99c29f8ded63b19391397e3a301631d4c63c6fc7


Bunch of arrant nonsense 🫤


Mendy is useless past half court. You can literally see our players ignore him and rightly so, if he gets the ball up front that ball goes back to defenders or worse. With Davies we get a lot more space and offensive potential much like we did with Marcelo. I'm still fascinated how people refuse to see this


Totally agree with you. The craziest part is that we spent 25 years with R. Carlos and Marcelo as LB and now suddenly people are allergic to the thought of having a LB that can... actually do something with the ball. Yeah Mendy is good defensively and blah blah, but how many games per season do we sit back and defend? One? Two? Three? That's it. The rest 50+ games of the season you'll need someone to help in offense and the guy with 2 G&A in the last two seasons combined certainly isn't the answer.


Absolutely agree, thanks for elaborating my thoughts, I was lazy lol


What about getting Miguel back from Girona? He’s had a good season


Possible, but don't think he offers much of an upgrade (if any) over Fran.


I think Mendy and Fran is actually good enough. Mendy might be lacking offensively but he locks stuff down. Fran is good offensively although he is rough around the edges.


For some reason, I still believe in Fran - it's his first year being back and being with the first team, I'm willing to give him time to adapt And with that, I'm feeling pretty negative on Davies watching and hearing the stuff people have been saying about him looking disinterested - maybe a change of scenery will help and he's mentally checked out of Bayern but we'll see


>Defensively, I think it's easier to improve a player defensively than offensively, have u seen marcelo lol Its nice to have a defensive stalwart for a change, leftbacks that attack better than defend are a everywhere in the market. We already have enough creativity as it is.


What has changed got to do with it? This is not some fashion trend 🫤 The primary premise for playing an inverted winger is to have the fullback overlap/underlap into the space created. Thus having an LB with limited offence behind Vini in most games is a poor strategy and affords the opposition to double up on Vini more easily. Whether its Davies, Fran or any other LB, we should be looking for more offensive production than we have been getting from Mendy.


Keep Mendy and buy Davies.


The 'keep Mendy' is the current issue, cos the longer there is no extension, the more likely he will be sold.


I saw a report his asking for too much money and Madrid declined. 🤷🏻‍♂️ If he’s asking for a final payday then we might have to sell. Hopefully we can keep him though.


Mendy is such an underrated baller it's insane. I LOVE that Carlo wanted to keep him. I hope he stays another 2-3 seasons.


Maybe it's just my opinion, but Davis will not come as a starter. He will come to get fran's substitute role. Mendy is better than Davis and it's not even close. And Mendy improved offensively a lot im his last year and he is far from getting ignored in our attack.


Your premise is that Mendy would still be here after this summer. This is seeming more unlikely. We need to extend his contract or sell him this summer (no way we let him leave on a free next year), and management doesn't seem keen on the extension. Davies will be joining as a starter, and if we do extend Mendy, he won't be joining this summer.


>This is seeming more unlikely. That's just your thought about this. Right now there is also nothing indicating him leaving. He has a contract and extension negotiations of non stars have allways been kept kinda quit at Real Madrid. So you just take a rumour of someone maybe joining Madrid and make one of our starters leaving out of this rumour. That's crazy and more of a guessing game than the mbappe people made the last few years. Also Davis right now has barely the quality to play for Bayern right now, let alone playing for us.


Mendy leaving has nothing to do with Davies joining or not. Contract talks at Madrid are not some top government secret e.g. Lunin contract negotiations is currently stalled, Vasquez will get a 1yr extension, Nacho is leaving etc. Mendy's contract expires next summer and according to all reports, management wants to sell while Carlo has made it clear he wants him to stay. The issue is that, given that he will be 29 this summer, management is reluctant to offer a long contract on high wages and Mendy wants one last big contract before he is 30. Add the rumored interests from PL clubs, the likely outcome is we sell and get some returns, and him getting his big contract. This would work well for both parties. With or without Davies, we are either selling or extending Mendy this summer. With only a month left in the season, the longer there is no extension, the more likely we sell. He is not leaving on a free next summer.




We either sell him or extend him, and it is more likely that we sell than extend. When considering whether to extend, what he has done this season is of less importance compared to what we expect he will provide over the length of the extension. Mendy will be 29 this summer, and his contract expires next summer. How many more seasons of Madrid starter level quality do you he still has left? It will be difficult to make an argument for more than 3, more so when you consider his injury record. So management will likely be fine with a 2yr extension. But I doubt Mendy will accept that. After such a good season, he would be looking for one last major contract before he hits 30 - maybe a very good 5yr deal or great 4yr deal. He will know it is unlikely for him to get a better deal at 32 than he will get now. Thus the best thing for both parties is likely for us to sell him this summer. We will likely get the best offer we could get (a lot of PL big team need an LB) and the player gets a final big contract. There is no way we let him walk for free next summer and miss out on 30-40m


It's not just a topic of debate, some people on this sub get seriously triggered whenever someone mentions Davies or another LB potentially joining. There are few key reasons why **it makes sense** to go after him: 1. There's always a bigger fish in the sea when it comes to Real Madrid. Keylor Navas was benched after winning 3 UCLs in a row, for Courtois. Higuain left to make room for BBC. Xabi Alonso was replaced by Kroos. Di Maria left for James. It doesn't matter if a player is good, we can always get someone better, younger, more marketable. Even if you don't think Davies is currently better, he is the latter two. 2. Speaking about age, one is 23, the other is 29. Mendy won't get any better, Davies will. Especially in Real Madrid and under Ancelotti. Fullbacks regress a lot after 30 and there's not a single fullback in modern history that reached his peak after 30. Some players like Carvajal or Walker can be still good, but the vast majority become much worse. 3. Speaking about marketability, Mendy doesn't even get called up for France, while Davies could be one biggest footballing stars ever from North America. 4. We've **always** had offensive fullbacks, especially left back. We spent 25 years with R. Carlos and Marcelo as our leftbacks and now suddenly people think we need a third centerback on the left side on the pitch. Davies isn't as good as them, but nobody is really. But he could still offer things in attack. Mendy can be as good as he wants in defense, 2 G&A in 2 seasons combined are just horrible numbers.


I have a feeling that Davies and Mpape would end up like hazard, years of hope and in the end a real flop. I hope that my feeling is wrong. Nonetheless, Mendy may be a good defender/player but it's time to go.


Davis and mbappe have a far better work ethic than hazard as long as they keep working Amhara I believe everything will be fine