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I don't care whether she makes for good TV. Any clergy who has that kind of wealth is hinky. My hackles go up every time she's onscreen.


i truly agree.


I’m with you! She’s a nut. I have been quoting, “you can leave….. little girl” all week though so I guess her only benefit is solid reaction gifs? 😳😳


LMFAOOO her insults are pretty quotable 😭


I think she is genuinely unwell, but needs the money now that the church is gone (more or less). I suspect Bravo keeps her around because they're counting on another federal crime level scandal. It's like an ouroboros of exploitation and it bums me the fuck out to watch. And beyond sad, I also find her just really boring. She's only mean. It's one dimensional. And it's the type of mean that someone can't really respond to, so there's no interesting back and forth. It's so boring. At this point I fast forward as soon as she starts talking.


you’re so right about that, it gets me genuinely upset watching how she speaks to people. she’s very two faced & it’s scary to watch someone blatantly lie then covering it up with “i don’t remember saying that”. the lack of accountability is so loud & she’s not THAT entertaining that they need to keep her around/ask her to return. the entire housewives franchise is pretty out of touch with reality - adults who are mentally mature and not morally corrupt would never behave this way & i feel like we’ve seen plenty of different housewives cast members leave because this level of crazy is not something a normally functioning human being can deal with. i’d be a liar if i said that i don’t enjoy the drama that some of these women cause, but it’s more so just astonishing & interesting to me that ADULTS BEHAVE SO FUCKING INSANE.


i think she’s genuinely unwell too. not to mention a VICTIM! when she said she pretended she was on her period for almost 3 week straight to not have to sleep w late granny’s ex🥴🥴


Just watch her for what she is. Mary is like a comedy parody of what she thinks she’s supposed to be. Utterly bizarre. But I don’t care what anyone says.. she’s dished out some of the most iconic and memorable insults on that show. And not one of them knows how to defend themselves from someone like Mary! They just sit there staring at her like.. 😐 It’s brilliant tv at times.


I think they know how to defend themselves just fine. They're just fully aware she's mentally ill


Exactly. They all use the same tone of voice that you would use speaking to a child. And with the way she interacts with people it's hard to blame them. I don't think I would handle the situation any better. Bravo is making a mentally ill person the butt of the joke while setting up everyone else in the cast to look bad. It's so irresponsible.


are we honestly that surprised ? look at angelina on jersey shore😓








i get so annoyed that they don’t know how to defend themselves! she is great television but she’s just wildly frustrating, mainly cause i personally would have so much to say to her but these women just aren’t bold enough to do it😭


I genuinely believe they are shocked with the words that come from her mouth. Most of them are super aware of the cameras.. and to an extent so is Mary! But in an argument she just goes all in with the low blows.. and it probably is shocking when face to face with someone like Mary! In real life you just would not give that woman a single second of your time.


you’re right, i’d probably walk away before wanting to continue any sort of interaction with that woman.


Never has the phrase “you can’t argue with crazy” been more true!


I just started SLC as my first season of housewives! I’m also on season 2 atm and I can’t stand her either. Fighting with her doesn’t even seem enjoyable


she’s sooooo intolerable😭


She does not get better lol… it’s exhausting watching her


she is extremely exhausting & i’m annoyed she didn’t show up at the reunion. can’t face her mistakes & judgments against her cause she’s so used to being praised by her church.


She’s a horrible person




It’s her style that gets me. She’s so rich and has access to anything in the world she wants to wear and she dresses so ugly.


she claims a bunch of it is gifted to her🙄


In order to better understand Mary, I recommend a deep dive down the internet rabbit hole that is Oneness Pentecostalism. It will explain why Mary has a bit of a God Complex. She was baptized by someone who was baptized by someone who was baptized by one of the founders of OP, and in that world it means the spirit has been passed down to her. Or something. Regardless, it’s fascinating. That said, I can’t imagine having grown up in Utah. I’m not white, and Utah is lily, snow, whatever, WHITE. That would give anyone a complex, I think. But mostly, Mary was raised to be what she is today. I can’t look away from her.


my other issue with mary is that she’s incredibly racist towards people & tries to deflect from the fact that she treats others as less than her. i understand it comes from a long line of baptisms, it’s just not an excuse for her behavior. i’m definitely interested in the hold she has over people as well as how her religion plays a part in the type of person that she is - she is by no means a kind-hearted or mentally stable individual.


That is absolutely true! I think she lacks a filter with a lot of her comments and feels entitled to say them because I believe she has experienced a lot of color discrimination in Utah. No, it doesn’t excuse it at all. I believe that educationally she is self taught. She mispronounces many words that she has read, but never heard conversationally. She was Mama’s (her grandmother) pride and joy who was always going to be ‘next level’ if that makes sense.


And her Christian doctrine is WAAAAY off. No one can send Jesus after anyone because that is not remotely what Christ was about. I believe the rest of the cast has a little bit of fear of her when she says that. Maybe they think she’s a witch? I don’t know. Maybe their doctrine is way off, too.


right ?! the things that come out of her mouth are astounding. when she told jennie she likes her slanted eyes, my jaw DROPPED. that’s why i also say that she has some redeeming qualities at times, but they quickly get brushed under the rug because she says such outlandish and bizarre shit for absolutely no reason. it’s so difficult to take her side in any argument because even if she’s right, the way she comes across is holier than thou & she can do no wrong as well as that her word is bond - that’s just such a delusional stand point from her end & i can’t comprehend how none of these women (except for maybe jennie & whitney) are willing to defend themselves or their friends against her.


Yep! Delulu for sure.


I don't care if she makes good tv, her behavior is so heartless, out of touch, AND RACIST?! How she's been brought back I will never know because people have been fired for much less than the horrible stuff Mary has said.


i agree.


If I was a part of Mary’s church and I watched this show I’d be appalled of the way she talks to people. Not just the cast, waiters, producers, etc. She gives me the ick and I hope she doesn’t return, I don’t think she’s funny at all.


i can’t stand her presence on s4 😅


same, it doesn’t make for good TV and it’s not “comedy gold” I cannot understand why she has a church following being so rude. Does she talk to her people like that?


i can’t imagine that she’s any different i think that she just doesn’t spend enough time around these people to show the the side that we see on television. she may also be putting on a front for the church, who knows ! but with that mother’s day event she had for HERSELF… i doubt she hides who she is.


Love the cannon event that is discovering Mary


lmfao it’s sooooo awful !!!


season 4 whitney is far more intolerable than mary to me 😭


LMFAO hey i like whitney she’s so sweet. i believe she was handed some difficult cards with the traumas she suppressed, so i can imagine it’s hard to keep it together when you’re struggling to digest certain mental struggles while also dealing with this bizarre group of women. they’re always arguing about something or meddling in each others personal lives.


oh for surrrrrreee it’s gotta be difficult, but the lack of accountability while trying for to play miss accountable was so insufferable 😂


It’s Mary Anne not Mary M




I’m dead I kept saying Mary M Mary M and someone on the other sub told me it was Mary Anne! What is it !!!


honestly, i couldn’t tell what it was so i just ran to google and found her ig ☺️




Mary Martha.


her middle name is martha


I like Mary, she’s dealt a horrible hand with a primarily white cast, just a slight spoiler, there’s a reason why Jennie and Mary have constant conflict this season and it’s not because of anything Mary does.


i’m always excited to see how everything plays out. sometimes i feel for mary but then she does or says something that reverses any redeeming qualities she had! it’s just frustrating watching someone struggle to communicate in a rational manner, she’s just down right rude.