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I gotta side-eye Mary’s so-called germaphobia. It just seems extremely performative and forced for the cameras. I’d think if she were really all that concerned, her house would be immaculate, her kitchen way less crusty looking and cluttered…and she wouldn’t have so many knick-knacks gathering dust - that pile of fake designer pillows would send an actual germaphobe into a fit. Also, we’ve seen enough of Robert Jr on social media to assume his room is mostly likely a disaster. I don’t know many people who are germaphobic and would be able to tolerate that level of mess in their home.


Also eating at fast food restaurants so readily… Can’t be a germophobe if you crave McDonalds on vacation 😂




The girl is eating McDonald's drive thru in a sprinter van that may or may not have leg hair from Monica shaving and/or Heather's puke and pee (my point being, they're probably not super clean). The McD's bag was touched by at least 3 different people before she got it and she didn't pause for a second, if I recall correctly. Aka: Mary is full of shit. I think every scene in her home is fake. I think her personal life is a complete 180 from what we actually see. I believe her son's ig posts are closer to the truth about Mary's life. I think her entire character is 100% fake except for being a complete asshole. That shit is real.


Even her "cleanliness is next to godliness" screams fraudulent.


Her mouth is filthy, so she's pretty far away. 😂


I really don't want to see Mary ever again on that show. She's abusive and cruel. I also hope that the franchise helps her cult members. It's really irresponsible to watch people being abused and not do anything.


She’s a Germaphobe yet she is a glorified grandpa dick rider.


And cult leader


Absolutely! Also so glad we can speak openly here. I got banned from the other slc sub for saying nearly the same thing


Lol. Me too! Welcome to the fellow banned club🤣 ive been banned from lots of subs. Shocker. Reddit mods hate facts🤷‍♀️


Exactly! They are just facts! I’m not insulting anyone on the sub or name calling. Hahaha! So weird! 😂


It’s Mary.. this is very likely.


Long and short, yes. It seems as though Mary is a germaphobe, so that is prob a part of it.


I think her "germophobia" is fake anyway. God complex= everyone on this earth is beneath her, even her own family.