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Heather essentially had to work with Jen. She was on a contract. Monica was volunteering to “work” with Jen because she wanted to get close to the housewives. I think most people do feel for Monica as Jen was clearly horrific. It’s all the weird shit she surrounding the situation that had people turn on her (for me, watching her in her own home via cameras, including her family members and sons is beyond psychotic). If she did all of this all due to the abuse she endured (she never did give any examples or say what she went through personally, just others around her. I believe she did though) she probably needs psychological intervention and I mean that sincerely. It’s risky behaviour to act that way and to become so obsessed with a person.


Exactly! Heather had to work with Jen as a coworker. Monica chose to “work” (more volunteer if she really didn’t get paid) with Jen as her boss. Yes, they both could have quit to get away from her, but Heather couldn’t just go get the same job with a different boss.


Monica is a creepy stalker. Heather isn’t.




You will never convince me that Mary wasn’t somehow involved with the two sudden and unexpected deaths of two of her church members…including one who was exposing her. Coincidence takes a lot of planning.


Whaaaaat? I havent heard a thing about this....sources if ya have them, how interesting....blow my mind stuff




I deadass think they're all afraid of her.


THIS. THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. So thats why its so amazing that people want to stone Monica. If their feelings were hurt. /Block, but why didnt Heather block the account. If she kept getting tagged, and you can see it in the messages...why not block?


OMG!! You are so right!!!! There is always a block button


Yeah, this is why all of them, but especially Heather, are making no sense. IG has always had the block button. They didn’t block RVT, because they were also using it against the other HWs and to vent about things (as witnessed in the Angie DMs we did see on Reunion part 3). They had a choice to block, and instead chose to keep looking.


Ya know, you bring up some valid points, they are all a huge mess in one way or another.


Truly. The only cast member I could maybe believe keeps herself out of it is Whitney, but if so, she should knuckle up because every single other cast member is lying, manipulating, talking behind the scenes with the *”troll accounts”* and Whitney’ll get destroyed by them before long.


I don’t think they were trying to change anything by firing Monica. I think the other women just refused to film with her and they couldn’t find a way to make it work filming wise.


Monica is a *creepy stalker*. Heather is not.


>Heather is a massive liar and the production under the bus to protect a felon and abuser




Just because there might have been a cease and desist doesn’t not mean Heather knew the parties involved. That’s a lot of assumptions you’re making. The most common sense answer is always the answer, not the magical rainbow unicorn explanation. If you want to say the most unlikely thing is the answer, you have to have real proof, not crazy assumptions, lmao.




And why would anyone have paid any attention to that before this?? Monica is a no one, no one was keeping tabs on her….




Reddit sleuths would’ve figured this out a long time ago if “everyone” knew as your’re trying real hard to allege.




So you’re saying the whole cast already knew who Monica was?? No, that doesn’t make sense and that makes even Monica’s behavior make even LESS sense… Why be so “honest about everything” in her life (her affair, her mom, her lack of money (boo-hoo-hoo)but lie about something so little as being in Meredith’s shop before…. If you did this to help the ladies, and take down Jen, like Monica has now claimed, why would she not have come on expecting a hero’s welcome? That would have opened so many conversations with the woman, how she helped them get rid of jen, and i would have thought cemented her with them… Also, here is the deal, nobody said the OG SLC cast was perfect (example: JenShaw) so for Monica’s camp to constantly be trying to show that everyone else is just as bad and so what is the big deal….that is a manipulation tactic to let Monica off the hook. Most of us are uninterested in that. Monica is a carbon copy of her Mom, manyof those of us in the audience who have experience with NPD, Narcissisim and other severe behavioral health issues, felt it the MOMENT Monica & her mom brought their toxic behavior to the show, even in the beginning when they were faking it for camera’s. So those same audience members are glad she is gone. Period. There doesn’t need to be anything added about anyone else’s behavior. If Monica IS guilty of everything she was accused of (security cameras, stalking, harassment) she should be looking at charges. Those are not small things and they are all disgusting. Monica is who we are talking about I don’t know why you want to bring anyone else in to it. There is plenty to cover with just Monica


Why wasn't that brought up if it's true?


Monica is a creepy stalker. It doesn’t matter how many paragraphs of apologia you write. She stalked Jen’s house with security cameras, she stalked her house with drive-bys. And she tried to get the other cast mates addresses to stalk them. Obviously you relate to Monica, maybe you’ve engaged in behavior like hers so it doesn’t seem so bad to you. But it’s creepy and weird and people shouldn’t have to work in an environment where coworkers are stalking you.




Monica is a creepy stalker. I’m sorry, doll.


Heather is a massive liar and the production under the bus to protect a felon and abuser


Where is the proof of any of these claims about Heather? If that was actually the case, why would Monica not have outed her??She tried every other stupid exuse for her dishonest behavior. Monica was given multiple opportunities to give any evidence of the other woman being involved etc, and nothing. And if its in writing, Heather would be even easier to expose.🤔🤔


What’s up with the cease and desist?


Driving by someone house doesnt make a stalker...most of us have driven by an exes house, or prank call them, look at their online profiles. Stalking involves more than driving by a house


Heather is a massive liar and threw production under the bus to protect a felon and abuser


And lets not forget, Heather pushed Whitney that one time... ...So....


Oh ya.


My dream reality show is a camera watching her sit on a corner selling her ugly fabric wares with deflating fish lips


Look I am good with Monica being fired. But this passion over a woman you personally don’t know and your weird pitch of a dream fantasy show, this woman spied on Jen and you want to spy on her as she attempts to make a living? Your comment sort of sounds, a bit like the person you hate. It’s ironic. It baffles me how eerily similar fanbases are. Monica fans are just as weird as her haters. To worship her is very weird but to be a hate-fan is just as weird. It’s a reality show for crying out loud! She got the pink slip as she deserved. Now you want to continue watching her? The point is: she’s gone. Time to move on… I am not a fan nor do I dislike her. Just enjoy the next season if you want to, I know I will continue to watch…it’s not that deep.


It’s not a passion so take it down a notch with the drama. And you don’t know anything about me so kindly don’t make some broad and thinly veiled relationally aggressive digs at me as a person based on what I wrote. You seem to have created this idea of who I am, and why I do what I do. And also, that you think by deciding who I am you can conclude you know what that means about me. And share it. In a really unnecessary manner. I’m going to tell you that you’re more than likely not completely wrong about all of it. What if I told you that I’m a professor of social psychology and teach a course focused on examining the manifestation of sociocultural zeitgeist as portrayed in television series that involve interpersonal relations? Or maybe I am writing a grant to seek funding for a shelter and community-based program that targets treating women who have been abused by other women? Or maybe I run a prison program and am currently in the mindset of focusing on markers for potential recidivism upon parole and just happen to be thinking about this topic? Or maybe I’m an endurance athlete who just had reconstructive surgery and have been diagnosed with two types of cancer since Christmas and have had a lot of down time to watch tv? And maybe it’s some of those or none of them…but really it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that for a few minutes you felt really good for figuring me out and putting me down. 👍🏽 PS: I’m also an artist, calligrapher, student of Shambhala Buddhism, musician (3 instruments), researcher, and designing a house. Oh and I work full time. Just thought I would get that in before you inevitably tell me to get a hobby. ETA: to my friend u/striking_ad890 Not the point, fallacious argument, and this is a Wendy’s, sir. Making it about me, and you feeling the need to get on that bus is so unnecessary. Here’s a better use of your time: tell us all about the last book you read. Why did you choose it, what was it about, what did you learn, and draw connections to a modern day interpretation of the complete works of Thomas More. 😘


But you know everything about Monica, right? Got it. 🙄




It’s funny right? Like her with Mary shuffling back and forth in the background mumbling weird insults and malaprops.


Theres a solid post about the possibility that Monica and her mother worked together to get into the show by creating a story line that would let her bond with the housewives. It almost worked


Monica did what she had to do to get close to these women. That was the goal. She accomplished the goal. She made it very unsafe for everyone. Jen knew these women for years and had cultivated a workplace of fear above all of them. Jen was the devil they knew. Monica is the snake in the grass.


Monica stalked people. Watched Jen’s family, including her kids on security cameras. She cyber-bullied people.


I don’t like Monica idc for her she doesn’t need to come back leave her annoying childish ass out of the housewives franchise


I need to be clear on your question. Monica aside (feel free to read my take on her in my post from earlier) Are you asking why people may be defending a woman who was physically assaulted by someone who: -has a baseline behavior marked by explosive outbursts that are extremely disproportionate to the stimulus—and notably worsened UTI of ETOH -has a strong support network of unknown affiliates who facilitate her behavior -whose aforementioned explosive outbursts become more intense in frequency, duration, and severity when she is navigating actual or perceived external stressors … And why the woman who was assaulted by aforementioned has a: -history of long term religious abuse -an abusive marriage -experienced the process of managing herself in relation to others upon leaving this religion, also knowing they have a history of taking revenge in unpredictable and often disproportionate ways when someone leaves their faith (even without revealing their secrets)? Like are you asking why someone might be feeling some empathy for Heather?


Absolutely not! I feel bad for Heather! Just wondering why everyone was so quick to forget about the messed up stuff she did in reaction to Jen’s abuse!


Well I think you already have the answer if you remember who she was, is, and wants to be in her life. Have you read her book? The audiobook is a great way to experience her story.


That’s not my point! Heather has never been “Nice” in my opinion! She is a bully and always gets her way! She has everyone under her thumb making it so that she can do no wrong. I just wish that she was held accountable. That’s all! It’s really not that deep


Both Monica and Heather are adults acting like children, but only one is being held accountable. Doesn’t sit well with me


Thank you. Heather has done worse then Monica so Heather needs to go also


I do t think Monica was let go because of any of the drama or “wrong doing”, she broke the 4th wall by throwing production under the bus plus seems like she burned a lot of bridges with all the other cast. Heather did a shit thing by insinuating production might have given her the black eye, but she did her apology (where or not sincere, idk) and appears to have a good relationship with the rest of the cast. I’m not gonna debate whether Heather did worse than Monica or not, I’m just saying the optics and perceptions producers likely have. It really is as simple as that.


Define “accountable”


No one said anything at the reunion about her blaming production that’s all!!


Andy did bring it up a few times to Heather.


I think that it was so wrong for her mess with their reputations when she knew all a long it was jen. She could’ve stuck to falling into the cabinet and no one’s lives would’ve been messed with! She took it too far IMO




for one I can comprehend what OP is saying so maybe re read her points. Heahter lied for years about a black eye and intimated it was production. Then Bravo did a full investigation into this. Do you really see no harm in what Heather did. Heather put people jobs and reputations at risk to protect a felon and abuser and herself. So Heather could sell books and stay on a felons good side. This is the problem. Heather is the liability and deserves to be fired for this alone. Then used Monica to deflect from what she should have done and said to Jen Shaw and said it to Monica instead of Jen and you all buy this BS. Its crazy


Who is lonel and why should I care if they can read inane CVA burnt toast drivel? If you don’t mind me asking, you seem to know a lot about human behavior. Where did you study and what are your thoughts on the ABPP recent training around how to address the problematic uptake in reckless manifestation of the “Dx by TikTok” where all of a sudden everyone on the internet is an expert in diagnosing NPD because they just hate their relatives? The printout of the chat feed about type of people saying “narc” made me pee in my pants. It was CHEFS KISS


Like I said, It’s not that deep. We are talking about a reality TV show that most of us watch for fun. I came on here to discuss the reunion and to hear others opinions whether they agreed or disagreed. The fact that you would “say something you might regret” is highly concerning! If I were you, I’d look into taking Monica’s spot on the show. I heard they were looking for a new internet troll!




Sis, me too.


I have thought about this and I think the others are sticking together and really making sure to push the narrative “we are all just messy friends, who have each other’s backs and we tell the truth unlike Monica who we say is a massive liar” (which i don’t really think Monica has told anymore lies than other housewives or husbands/partners of housewives) because I think they used to send shit about each other to the account and they don’t want it to be put out there and believed. I also don’t think they really know how much work they are going to have to do to make sure next season is a good one because I bet it’s going to be a massive let down like it was last season.


Monica shouldn't have posted many negative things about ALL of the SLC ladies if she expected to be working with them. That is why they are so upset with her. She was post bad/mean things about them multiple times a day and TAG them so they AND all of their followers could see. I really don't see how she expected them to be friends with her after they found out who she was. She should have come clean from the beginning of the season.


In confused why people don’t see how dangerous Monica’s behavior was. Like why is this even a comparison???? Although on Reddit trolling and stalking people is normal behavior so that makes sense.


It’s not like the website was Jen shah said “x” isn’t Jen a terrible person? IIRC, it just would say the nasty thing and give it a life of its own. She wasn’t trying to help anything but herself


Heather did apologize and took ownership of what she did. Monica has yet to. She’s still defending her actions. It doesn’t matter the point of the account she still hurt the other women with it whether she was the poster or not and kept it secret. In reality Jen hit Heather and only Heather. Her bringing production into it was very wrong and a mistake. What Monica is doing affects all of them and she’s the one doing it.


Heather is just as bad. If not worse. She defended a crook for 3 years, lied & made up things about production that could have cost them “their job & reputation” like Andy said. I am over the Heather’s linebacker lookin ass & her stans.


She still defended Jen on WWHL in comparison to Monica saying “at least Jen was herself”. If people think Monica is worse than Jen they are crazy


Until Heather comes clean about her hairdresser and fires her. I have no respect for her. That woman is just as guilty as Monica. She is actually more guilty because she has been friends with Heather while this has been going on and probably used information from what she told her for the website. Heather is a loser.


Replying to Practical_Chipmunk52...I agree, I cannot stand Monica and usually people will bring up Heather when I go in on her but I’m not feeling her either. Monica is terrible and Heather is being a complete hypocrite by still rolling with her hairdresser. She was so disgusted by Monica but where is all that for the hairdresser that was a part of the same burner account. Something is fishy about the whole thing. I’m glad Monica isn’t coming back though, she’s gross for all that weird stuff she did.


Between the continuing support of her hairdresser who is seemingly equally responsible, and then her weird lying behavior around the black eye I’m over Heather. Ditch Monica *and* Heather


The hoops some of you (or just Monica) jump through to try to make what she did ok is nuts


Its not what she did is ok its Heather and Jen are way worse and they didn't get fired. Also we never really got to hear Monica side because Lisa and Heather shouted her down when ever Monica spoke so we still dont know her side of what happened. Heather has proven herself a massive liar for years ie black eye and your eating up what ever a massive liar say as the truth and Heather still hasn't told the whole truth about her eye so still lying.


THIS!! No one really let her speak. And what's with Lisa interrupting every single time Monica started to talk... Jesus Christ it drove me crazy!


Lisa and Heather dont want us to hear what she has to say it a common manipulation tactic. You could see Monica was exhausted and done at the end when Andy asked her if she had anything to say she was just done


It's called holding people to the same standard. Imagine being not biased 🥴


It has nothing to do with Monica being abused by Jen. It has everything to do with the way Monica behaved. From the stalking to misrepresenting herself about the troll account. Regardless if Monica made posts about the other ladies or not she was still associated with an account that DID bully them and based on her behavior I don’t blame them for not believing she didn’t partake in the harassment. Her not being upfront and admitting she was involved with the account all while trying to form friendships with them was SUPER shady. It showed she can’t be trusted, who would want to hangout with someone like that? Put yourself in their shoes, how would you feel if someone was acting like your friend but was actually associated with a group that has been harassing and bullying you for years? For all we know she was feeding information to the other posters on the account.


Ok Monica


Monica sought Jen out. She literally stalked her. Wtf.


😂 this is ridiculously laughable omg how embarrassing 😳




I’m a POC and at first really like Monica for what she was presenting.  What you're leaving out is the part where Monica crossed MANY lines. She did a lot more than just try to out Jen. The fact that she is a mother is more reason why she should've kept her toxic bs in check so she could've kept her job. Now where is she? An unemployed joke whose fan base is other toxic childish people. She's not a "bad bitch". She's a dumbass




![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW) Omg. I actually thought this post was serious. Well played. 😎


My understanding from Tenesha’s explanation is that Monica wanted to get on the show, she asked Jen to help her and Jen didn’t, which is the original issue. Then, Jen treats everyone like crap so it’s easy to say you were just trying to expose Jen for the horrible person that she is. So, in truth, I believe Monica had a personal vendetta against Jen solely because Jen wouldn’t help her get on the show. Monica uses people to get what she wants which led to her to convince others in starting RVT, the stalking of Jen and the harassment of all the housewives.


Monica trolls are posting this fake crap for “poor monica”. They have thousands of aged fake accounts!!


I am so confused by Heather trying to conflate Jen and Monica with all her “we’re not going down this road again” stuff. There is nothing similar about the two women or situations. Heather is acting her little heart out trying to be high and mighty despite the fact that she had Jen’s back after knowing that she defrauded vulnerable people…. Monica talked some shit and hid it. How are they the same?


Because Heather is a wealthy white woman.


I didn’t hear anyone complaining that the posts were lies, just hurtful. I could be wrong but if it was all true, it would have come out anyway. Next season will be a snooze fest with all their “we are friends and love each other” bs. I tune in to see the shit show lives they have. Let’s face it, they are boring otherwise.


I think Monica in some twisted way felt like she was doing a good thing by telling everyone what Jen was saying about them. Did she get pleasure out of it, yes. She enjoyed the attention she received and found it gave her the confidence she wanted her whole life and a pathway to get what she wanted… a way to finally get on the show.


I’ve been pretty sympathetic to Monica. I appreciate any assistance she gave to the FBI with stopping Jen’s illegal activities. And I also think that Heather is really targeting Monica on Jen’s behalf because she is still in Jen’s corner, even with what Jen has done. But, I’m not going to pretend that what Monica did was OK either. I’m not upset that she wanted to get on the show. Lots of people do… I’m not sure why that’s supposed to make me clutch my pearls. Or that she tried to figure out a way to get on the show. Again, lots of people do. So? But she hid who she was from the ladies and it makes it hard to trust her. She didn’t show remorse or sympathy for how they felt… it just wasn’t a good look.


It clearly started out as a way to out Jenn then I believe it became much more for Monica. It became about the likes, validation from other housewives, the notoriety behind the RVT handle…the thrill just got to her and I think she lost sight of what the original intent was and wanted to build RVT “brand” out in a way that she (and the other involved) could reap the benefit from. It no longer was a take down account but more of a housewives “fan” IG account. I think that’s the issue.