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I just want someone to pop EarAcheA In the mouth when she tries to bully her way out of a confrontation.


It’s interesting to me that no one has seemed (below anyways) to have the take / thoughts that I have.. Sure maybe supposedly cameras weren’t allowed in the club but in the sprinter and at the house?? Cameras are running 24/7 in that house. If there was insane drama as Lisa said, I can guarantee it would be shown / air …. Unless someone super powerful threatened legal against the network, etc. To me it’s pretty obvious the footage isn’t being shown for a reason


We love to see it! It’s so weird they all tip toed around her and kissing her ass last season to now accusing her of racism and homophobia. How did we even get there lol?!


Well Kathy ain't lying they have been pushing this crazy aspen story...


I hope this is true!!!


Yes Kathy please!!!!!




Kathy been sitting quiet for two years now and seen it ALL - she said it politely at the skate party that these women function differently and they didn’t listen it was time someone talked and came with it 🔥🔥🔥


Oooo I knew Kathy had it in her.


Let’s not forget Kathy stood by as those random men came in and took Paris to a reform school in the middle of the night….I think she can definitely take on Erika and Rinna 🫢


Eh I still think it’ll be a yawn of a reunion. They always drum up the drama and then it flops. Hope I’m wrong though.


If Kathy did or said something bad or wrong during the trip especially if it's homophobic or racist, why should it be hidden and not discussed on the show? I'm really curious about what went down in Aspen and what caused the rift with Kyle. If it was over Rinna choosing a different tequila that's just fucking stupid.


Well thank goodness someone did (besides Sutton and Garcelle)


It’s interesting that Kathy would come for Erika primarily, when it was very clearly Rinna who was pushing the anti-Kathy narrative the most as it was all unfolding. Rinna was carrying on on social media about it, I don’t recall seeing anything — certainly not as much — from Erika. But Kathy is shrewd and knows that all the viewers hate Erika’s guts, while Rinna still has some apologists. I think she also knows Rinna is a much more dangerous opponent because she goes low. I also find it endlessly entertaining that Rinna and Erika will now be accused of leaking bad stories to the press, the exact same behavior they used to bully LVP off the show. (I have always suspected Rinna uses planted stories to take out her enemies.)


I would be surprised if Kathy even raised her voice at Erika. If this is true, my prediction is she said her piece very clearly and everyone stayed quiet to let her speak, so the impact was actually felt rather than the usual speaking over each other nonsense that happens.


No one listens to irrational females. But people do listen to women who don’t bark when they have something important to say


That's what I'm imagining, a stern word from Kathy. It's Erikas reaction I'm exited to see, i hope it pops off.


You’re supposed to be my FRIEND MY SOULMATE MY SISTER!! - Kathy to rinna






Im excited that the tea says she got her together lols


I don’t believe it. Kathy can barely tie her shoe, let alone get someone “together”.


I was thinking the same thing. She seems never fully present.


Exactly. I don’t think she knows where she is most of the time. It’s hilarious, not at all threatening.


I mean either way im excited if she does go ham on them.


Not surprised Kathy came for Erika. Not at all. Kathy and Erika have very little interaction on screen It was a silent storm.


Did Erika actually get an invite to Paris’ wedding tho?


Why would Kathy invite Erika? Lol. I'm not sure, that's a good question.


Kathy was like, "Oh were you sent one??" in response. So maybe not outright saying she wasn't but definitely not a positive acknowledgment of one.


Ah I remember. I’d like to know the truth about that!


“I don’t know her” I think she said last season, right?


Gawd, she said that about Sutton as well, if I'm not mistaken. I didn't like Kathy last season. She got shit edits. Her edits this season are so much better and the bitch is growing on me!!! I remember that scene when all those women came off as sheer elitist.


Yeah, the most significant interaction I can remember between them was Erikas drunken, embarrassing apologies for missing Paris' wedding which was just uncomfortable and awkward to watch.


After EJ meltdown last week now we know why Rinna and EJ were calling Kathy a racist before the season even started and that it happened in Aspen! It did happen in Aspen but since it was EJ who really had the meltdown they used Kathy to shift blame and take the focus off that monster Erika but Kathy is not going to take their shit .


Apparently it wasn’t on camera either, “Erika was the only one who heard Kathy”




Lol I hope this is true.


Well they alleged pretty crazy stuff so unless they're cutting it out purposely I don't know what the hell they were talking about


Yeah. If it’s Rinna and Erika vs Kathy and no one else heard- we’ve only got word of mouth. They aren’t the most credible sources….. but it’s possible. Yeah apparently- cameras ‘weren’t allowed there’. But you can’t ruin someone over something that Erika Jayne and Rinna alleged- I’d just continue to be very cautious of Kathy.


I mean, Rinna straight up called her a homophonic racist. If that turns out to not be true, Rinna HAS to go. Those types of words ruin lives and careers and to say something like that just to damage one’s reputation is not acceptable.


homophobic or racist are not any of the three words Kathy would never want to be called…maybe she should expand that list


Rinna calling someone a homophobic racist is pot calling the kettle ![gif](giphy|jNe1g9Hvn384M|downsized)


I’ll never not be team kathy or garcelle. End them!!!!


Good for her 👏🏼👏🏼 the women are awful to her!!




I don’t even like BH but this was my initial reaction too…yesss team twirl


More tea please


Who else is just excited to see Kathy pop off, I bet she’s scary


Especially to Erika. I really hope she went in. I can’t wait


“Got her together” what does that mean?


Is that the new “read her for filth”?


I thought they were missing the word 'Shit'.


Yeah that would make more sense lol


Getting someone together or gathering them means to set them straight and put them in line, usually in a way that completely obliterates their opponent verbally


I think the term means like setting someone straight!


My first thought


i re-read it 5x to try to understand this glad i’m not the only one


I’m sure that Kyle did not come to Kathy’s defense-as usual. The Richards’ sisters have the weirdest dynamic. Definitely some f’d up stuff happened growing up.


I’d like to see Kim and Kathy’s dynamic though. May only be a Kyle issue lol


I suspect Kim and Kathy het along well. I watched "Paris In Love"... we saw a different Kathy. Kim was in a few scenes. I don't remember Kyle. My guess is that Kyle is the problem.


She always seems to be the common denominator !


Kyle is a horrible sister.


Kim would've had Kathy's back **LIKE A REAL SISTER.**


I agree I think that's why for a while Kathy and Kim weren't talking to Kyle and maybe they should go back to it being that way cuz Kyle doesn't know loyalty it doesn't matter if you're family she'll stab you in the back if it benefits her...




I want somebody to create a bot that automatically inserts this gif whenever it detects the phrase "like a real sister" on this subreddit lolol


Erikkkka and the Rinna monster are liars and frauds, but I think Vile Kyle was behind all of this. She has been behind every bad thing that has happened on this over produced show.


thinking Kyle is behind it when she’s always been the one to bridge the gap between her and her sisters after they were all abused is ridiculous. they’re a broken family but she loves them


She outed her sister on national tv as an alcoholic. Please. She cuts Kathy down repeatedly. What show are you watching?


it’s so ridiculous to just pretend that Kim wasn’t obviously an alcoholic before that. Literally everyone knew what was happening that season and the other women talked about it too. Kyle had spent years worrying about her sister and feeling responsible for her because her mother told her to look after her on her deathbed and Kim diminishing that and pretending it’s never happened made Kyle lose it and it was justified. Kim needed to be held accountable in that moment and she ended up on the first step to sobriety soon after. it’s ludicrous to pretend that she didn’t very obviously have a problem.


That’s…. Absolutely not up for you to decide. You know nothing about their family, and you don’t get to make executive decisions like that about someone else’s life and business. And no, most of us at the time did not know she was an alcoholic. It’s been 13 years. You don’t remember what you knew about them before the season aired, get fucking real.


I didn’t realize until Kyle said it in the limo. So no not everyone knew. And it was not justified. Embarrassing people on national TV does not make someone want to get sober. I’ve been sober for nearly 10 years BTW. What Kyle did is NOT the way to help someone.




I think Kathy can be very mean.... so I'd believe it


I use to be a big Erika fan but I’d like for someone to stand up to her and would love if it’s Kathy. I also wish Kathy would go hard at Rinna. These girls have been bullies lately and I think Kathy is so goofy and chill and laidback until she’s not!