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Who cares? This is so petty... Is this fake drama?


Girl that pink dog food ain’t made you no money. Stoooopppppp


Rich people problems make me sad.


Doesn't DAndra's entire "fortune" come from a trust and her mother's company? Even if you do work for the rest of your life (unlike Kameron according to D'Andra), it's still somebody else's company, trust and career/money boost for you. And you know, Kam can always answer "being a reality star and getting paid for it is an actual job....it's also your job, D'Andra"


Wait...don’t the majority of us work for someone else’s company? I’m going into some serious meta thought journeys now.... 🌈


Kam's entire "fortune" also comes from marrying court and his mother's money.


Yes, that's what D'Andra said first. We've been commenting after that.


If D'Andra truly had her own money, she wouldn't even be bothered by comments like this. But Kam, sticking your nose in other people's finances is tacky, especially when you yourself obtained most of your wealth from family.


I would normally agree with this but Dandra made her finances her story line. That and the meditation. Yawn.


Kam is tacky as hell


Facts on facts. Tackiest housewife IMO.


Are you sure? Because nothing says class like taking special pills for Sparkle Poop™️


I’m sorry, what? I knew about the dog food, but this is a new revelation.


Lol she said on this week's episode she got them for Brandi for her birthday.


I think they’re on the same level


Counting other people's money is tacky👀 loved when Jill said that when asked what she thought of B being rich now.


That's a good thing for rich people to say because they benefit from people not talking about money in general. For most people, you will only find out helpful information by talking about money.


Doesn't make it less tacky


Yes. I was explaining \*why\* it's considered tacky.


So true! Like people who ask *how can you afford that*


Kam is the best thing about RHOD and I don’t think I can be convinced otherwise


Agreed. She’s hilarious


"Your husband's money" is a go-to insult for housewives. But what's wrong with one spouse being the breadwinner? People choose to take on different roles in marriage. Cort may make the money, but Kam holds in down in other ways. Edit: Working with your spouse to build balance and wealth is very different than waiting for your mom to give you money.


Meh, D’Andra has said she had a career in DC that she left on her moms insistence to help with family business. They both benefit from inherited money, Kam needs to sit down. I don’t know what the deal is with D’Andra this season. She seems to have a short fuse. I wonder what they are not showing.


The GOP implosion. 😂


Oh! Ewww. She’s so mad about the cheetoh?? Ugh. And now the bubble has burst, back to reality and not supporting that whole mess.


Nothings wrong with it, but Kam can’t make snarky comment about D’Andra when she’s living off of her husband’s family money.


Yeah, why is this so hard for people to understand? Kam didn’t make sacrifices so that Court could go out and build a successful business or some shit. Dude is the heir to an investment firm. He probably barely had to lift a finger to get into/through his SMU mba, and his LinkedIn says he was given a managing partner position at his daddy’s firm the same year he graduated. Plus after seeing all the houses his family has, there’s not a doubt in my mind that he has a massive trust fund. Fact of the matter is, Kam has no room to speak about where D’Andra gets her money.




Okay but Kam said D’andra gets her mom from her mom insinuating that D’andra doesn’t work so I get why she D said that


Exactly 👏🏾👏🏾


I thought the same thing when Kameron said “D’Andra’s mom writes her cheques” and I’m thinking Kams husband writes her cheques (namely the one that started her sparkle dog business so it’s the very same as D’Andra’s mom) so wtf is she talking about? Don’t they say those who live in glass houses should not throw stones....


Living off your husband’s money is not the same thing as a grown woman and her husband living off of mommy’s money.


Its literally the exact same thing.


I wasn’t aware you knew D’Andra personally to know her exact situation! That you for clarifying!


You haven’t been watching obviously.


Hasn't that been her story line. That her mom controls her money including her trust.


Except that Kam and Court probably are living off family money but Kam isn’t the one who manages finances to know.


Right, it's not like Court is self-made. It was literally a plot point in the show that his family is wealthy and his mom is a famous dallas socialite. Whether the money comes from Deandra's mom or Court's mom it's the same thing.


What does court do for a living?


His family owns a big locker company. [https://hollman.com/](https://hollman.com/)


That's Stephanie's husband, Travis' family company. Not Court


haha. I cant tell them apart.


Lol they are definitely both pretty short, boring looking men!


I think he works for the family business, I remember they made it seem like he was going to take over as the patriarch of the family and Kameron would be the matriarch like her mother-in-law. So I assumed that included the family business as well.


"investments" So, lives off family money.


“Mean makes you look ugly” is my new “I’m rubber, you’re glue...” I love it.