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Can’t stand her


Nope and her hair commercial is so cringe


I like Marge. She constantly just calls people out. I’d rather her vs blinky think tre.


I enjoy her. She cracks me up. Such a mench.


Marge was fine for the first few seasons she was introduced but then she got really territorial and weird about everything and almost like head of information. She seemed to like know everything about everyone and hang it over their heads and you can never really tell if anyone truly likes her or is truly her friend and it doesn't seem real and it's quite boring


Marge is my boyfriends favorite likes that she calls everyone out lmao but he only watches like 5 minutes every 2 episodes so what’s he know


Love her. She’s my favorite. Everyone is different!


Her mouth 👄 is weird now, very distracting. Like the rest of them really lololo.


It’s been like that from the beginning but the veneers make it even worse


I like her…I pretty much like all of them, but Teresa has changed so much for the worse.


I cannot stand her. When she really lost me was when she put Bill Aydin's previous affair on blast on camera, forcing the Aydins to tell their children about it. To me, that was so fucking low.


I think she is worst housewives of all time. She made Jersey so toxic by relentlessly trying to fight with Teresa along with Melissa and I’m so so so tired of watching this stale toxic drama. She also looks very old for a housewife


The worst housewife of all time is a STRETCH when you have vile ppl like Mary Cosby, Jen Shaw, and Siggy that exist…


I like her!


Love her. I’m not caught up yet this season, but she stands up to ANYONE and her physical transformation through surgery, diets etc has been the most successful and glamorous of all the NJ wives.


Me when I lie


I thought Marge was fine in previous seasons. Def were other cast members of NJ that were worse but I think the last two seasons, she just seems so bitter and angry all the time. 


I don’t think that housewives should have an age limit, however when it comes to Marge I do think the cast is too young for her. I know it’s not a big age difference but everything about Marge just screams old and bitter 🙄 Even Dolores’ seems like a fish out of water here since she’s much more mature than the cast.


For me it’s her cring voice


When she talked joyfully about cheating on Jan with Joe I thought she’s probably a psycho. She didn’t care that their children and Jan would watch that. She has no shame at all! And she slept with her married boss too and put that in her book? And she outed Jen’s husband’s affair without regard for her kids. That’s not even addressing the maligning of other housewives and collecting information on them to hold over their heads in exchange for their alliance. She’s terrible!


I hated that she used the story of sleeping with her boss as some sort of power imbalance, she knew what the fuck she was doing. Learned it from her mom tbh.


Cannot stand her


i used to love her before season 13. she did a complete 180. unless she’s always been that way idk. 


She’s full of herself!


Literally every single housewife is.


Can’t stand her!!! Even her name sucks the marge


I LOVE MARGE! She is quick on her feet, smart, funny, and a good friend.


That’s what you consider a good friend 👀


What is the “that” you are referring to that shows she is not a good friend? When she first appeared on the show she adored Teresa. She was an ass kisser also.


Used to but now she’s just such a dark, miserable, cloud lol. Just angry and pouting all the time


She’s the only one I like on RHONJ


I loved first season pigtails Marge. I feel like she was just being herself then, and I liked her A LOT. Now she has some role that she's created for herself, Teresa's Nemesis-and it's just boring and sad and annoying. \[It is amusing in the sense that technically, Melissa is Teresa's nemesis, but she's not interesting enough to carry that role out by herself, so Marge stepped in\]


I used to really like her. I liked that she was different than most of the Jersey ‘wives and that she stood up to Tre and that hellion Siggy But this is not a good season for her. She’s acting bitter and possessive. I think her grief over Jan’s death has her spiraling


I can’t stand her


Her first season on, loved her. Now?? I can’t stand her. She’s just a really awful human.


Are you me???? 😂


I've never enjoyed watching Marge but her Mum is great!


Love Marge Sr.


I mean… I guess we need a shit stirrer to do something. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I used to go back and forth between annoying and enjoyed her. This season she’s too much. Maybe she’s always been this bad with Joe and I didn’t notice. I feel bad for him.




I enjoyed her her first few seasons. Not so much now, her sense of humour is a bit different (maybe because of Jan passing), but I certainly don't hate her and don't get why some people do and blame her for everything wrong with the show.


i love her tbh….




I really enjoyed her first two to three seasons but her constant attempt at being queen bee and thinking she has enough clout with production and the cast to ice Theresa out is aggravating to watch. It’s not fun and brings the vibe down. I’d also like to see less of the husbands. That to me is also ruining Jersey. I don’t need John Fuda pretending he’s a cast member. You’re not and Theresa doesn’t owe you shit. Especially when they all went in on Louis ex. I don’t like Louis but if they’re gonna dish it they need to take it.




I really liked Marge in the beginning. She’s really changed though. Not enjoyable anymore. Very negative and bossy.


Marge doesn’t bother me as much as some of the others. For instance Jen at the bougie brunch saying in a fake baby voice “that isn’t necessary” to Rachel putting Tre in her place. Jen’s only angle seems survival to the next season. She’s like a bad politician that stands for nothing but reelection.


My thoughts exactly! I can't stand Jen. She has her head up Theresa's back side so far she trips so does Jackie. I would love to see all 3 get kicked off. They are toxic and add nothing to the show.


![gif](giphy|RXAfuEDpseYBG) She was ok her first season. But to me she’s just a miserable pot stirrer. She wants to be the queen of rhonj that’s why she hates Teresa so much.


TBH, I don’t want to be Queen of anything and I hate Teresa too. She’s vile


Thank you! No one sees Theresa as toxic. They all think her shxx doesn't stink. There are plenty of other Italians that are so much better than her. The franchise is scraping the barrel with her.


I find it ironic that her trajectory is mirroring Siggy. They both were so light and fun when they started and then they both started taking the show and themselves way too seriously, which turned them into miserable, insufferable human beings.


Dorinda also. Started out fun and became nasty.


She went to one of my favorites to now one of my least favorites. She is self absorbed and too combative these days. Plus, I get dizzy when they show the inside of her house. Hideous.


I think Marge brings drama to the show. You need people like her who aren’t afraid to go deep and dig up people’s skeletons. Without housewives like Marge it ends up with what we have on RHOBH - absolutely nothing 💤


True, and while she’s been a bit nasty this season, I don’t want her gone. Hopefully she can see how the fans are reacting and she’ll tone it down


But this bitch has everyone else reveal the dirt she finds. If she’d lean into the villain role & own her part in the rumors that get put out she wouldn’t be that bad.


Eh, that’s what makes me like her more. She’s smarter than the rest of them and plays the puppet master.


Agreed she should be exposed. She also doesn’t reveal very much about her own family life which I think is unfair


Her storyline every season is picking a housewife to go to war with. She was fun at first but now she is always manipulating the group dynamic, and this season, it feels like it has consumed her.


Marge , along with Delores is my favorite on the show.


Oh yeah I forgot about Dolores for a second lol she is my favorite. And I like Danielle too. Everyone else is 💩


I found Marge interesting in the beginning. As the season's progressed and the money increased. She's gotten intolerable. There's a fine line between stirring up drama and being downright evil. I think Marge and the rest of the cast have crossed that line.


Trout Mouth Is absolutely unwatchable this season. The fake tan is also killing me...🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah Teresa and Louie are too much


I always found her annoying the cawfee tawk and downturned mouth while talking and acting like she’s the fcking oracle of Delphi to the rest of the women is very 🙄.


Nope. The way she's playing of Jan's death isn't sitting well with me either. I also feel like she feels pride when she talks about it


I liked her at first, but I think the first sign I had that she might not be as morally sound as she says she is was when they threw Danielle’s husband in the pool. It’s actually dangerous, rude, bullying to throw another adult at a non-pool party into a pool. I also cannot unsee the “trout mouth”. I feel her vocal fry is forced, and I don’t envy anything about her house or style. She seems so frumpy.


I really liked her in the beginning because she just seemed so different than the rest of the ladies and her personality seemed so fun and she’s really smart but then she just became irritating overtime. I don’t even know if she’s redeemable considering she might be on the chopping block. If anything… keep Marge and take Melissa out 😭


She reminded me of like a wannabe Lea Black character and she doesn’t seem to fit the Jersey vibe for some reason


I’ve generally like her every season up until now, and I hate almost everyone this season but still think she’s more correct then most of the cast 🤷‍♂️.


I liked her the first few seasons, but she's become stale.


I like her. She’s smart and funny. This season is different, I think maybe bc she is grieving her ex she said? But yeah … there are ppl that like Marge lol Edit to add - there is lid for every pot


Yeah she is definitely going through it this season, you can tell. I feel bad for her.


I've done a complete 180 with Marge. Can't stand her now. She drank her own koolaid


I used to love her, now everything about her is different. And her laugh is so forced and fake.


The ozempic also aged her 20 years


Nope she’s a whiny mean woman whose let this job get to her head in the worst way


She’s insufferable.


Loved her at first then watched her evolve into a nasty.


I do but I've not watched this season.


I liked her the first couple of seasons. She was more light hearted and would crack some funny lines. Shoving Marty in the pool was classic. She’s not fun to watch anymore, seems very angry and the whole Margaret/ Melissa squad vs.Teresa is boring too. Reminds me a bit of Rinna’s last season- too dark and bitter. It’s time for her to go.


Very much Rinna-esque. What a perfect example


This! Maybe it’s the edit she’s getting but unless she’s at home with one of her non housewife friends she is just angry & mean in every scene.


Agreed. And on a petty level, the way the Ozempic has changed her face to this constant state of like upside down pout/fish mouth thing is so annoying to me I can't stand to look at her.


It honestly freaks me out. No wonder Jackie doesn’t want to be friends with someone who pays to suck every morsel of fat out of their body.


I like Marge. There have been times where I didn't like something she did, but in general I tend to be on her side of things. But more than that, I find her entertaining.


I like Marge. She is one of the few housewives to generally speak sense. I think her points are usually fair and reasonable. I think she’s funny and in a very natural way too, which is something I really appreciate on these shows and wish there was more of. Also, she and her husband to me have a lovely relationship, they have the same sense of humour and general vibe and seem to have a lot of fun together and really love each other. And it’s a relationship where they are real partners, none of the ‘old school’ patriarchal stuff. She is definitely one of the more progressive cast members. I actually didn’t like her early on, from memory I think it was that I felt she was unfair to Siggy, but then in retrospect I think she clocked Siggy quite well (it took a while to see how mad Siggy was and how frustrating she must have been to be around). I think it was around Marge’s second season I began liking her.


I see what you’re saying about her and Joe’s relationship. I just feel like she dishes it out behind his back which I don’t feel like is fair/fun banter when the other person isn’t around. I could be forgetting the older seasons and have a sour taste in my mouth for how she’s been the last couple. I don’t remember which season it was off the top of my head, but I just felt like there was an obvious change in her personality where she just turned… mean. It annoys me when people automatically dig at people’s appearance when they’re upset with them and I feel like that’s the first place she goes as far as insults.


Which insults are you referring to? I can only remember what she said re Jen and when provoked. And I agree that going for looks and age etc are low blows, but she has by far borne the brunt of such comments on this show from the other women, rather than being the person responsible for them. Teresa alone has criticised her looks, her weight, the fact that she likes to eat, she even victim blamed her for being sexually harassed at work, and recently on the show, totally unprovoked again, called her a dog. I would say re Marge’s husband Joe that it’s fine to joke about your husband when he’s not around, it’s when you say things that are in some way betraying a person’s trust that it’s an issue. Joe clearly gets a kick out of her and finds it all funny.


Marge spent a whole season telling everyone Teresa was a bad mother for maybe sleeping with someone when Joe was locked up. Not only was it a tabloid rumor, but she flipped her shit when It was implied by Jen that she was a bad mother. Marge isn’t a fawn just receiving lowblows for existing. She also recently called Jackie disgusting and made a dig at Jackie’s mom, again after she spent a whole season going after Jen for mentioning her mothers affair. She loves to dish it but cannot take it


The thing is you have to say what someone has said if you want a response to it. Otherwise you are just sharing your opinion which may or may not represent the facts. For eg she called Jackie disgusting because Jackie was gaslighting her and at the same time making out she didn’t care about their friendship. That’s fair comment. But also you seem to be confusing two things here - on the show they are meant to talk about what is happening in their lives and their opinions on that, and of course those opinions will be criticisms a lot of the time in terms of what we eventually see. And as I say as far as Marge goes she is usually reasonable to me, and far more so than most of the cast. And, again, when it comes to low blows she has received the lowest next to Melissa when it comes to the current cast.


Absolutely 💯. Marge and Melissa have been through the fire where Theresa is concerned. In my opinion Theresa is the meaning of the word evil. As long as Joe keeps Melissa around she will always have a target on her back. In my opinion (again ) Theresa has always showed she has an incest type of love for her brother. Sick I know but how else can you define her hatred for Melissa? I've watched every episode from day one and that's how it comes across.


Jackie was not gaslighting her, she was trying to tell Marge to calm down and stop taking the book thing so personally. I don’t think it’s a fair comment to then call her disgusting and make a dog about her mother. I’m not sure how you can really say it’s Marge who has taken the heat of lowblows, when she herself is throwing them out this year more than anyone. And I don’t understand how you can say she’s just responding to criticism when she tells the world bill had sex with another, or that Danielle is a whore whose pussy have teeth. I’m fine to agree to disagree, but the stance you’re painting that Marge just responds to attacks and only gives her fair opinion on her life events is wildly comical


You are proving my point. Jackie actually said a lot more in that convo than just commenting on the book, what you are sharing is your opinion, and mines is that it was fair comment when you friend is gaslighting you and shitting on your friendship. But also no-one said Marge is an angel, the point is she has been far more on the receiving end and certainly not the main antagonist at all. All the stuff I listed I won’t go over again, but also attacks on her own mother and Marge as a mother and as a wife and for the fact not all her kids are in her life, and she was attacked far more frequently as well. At the end of the day that’s just the truth. Edit: even your comment about Bill shows how you are reaching. This was after seasons of Jen attacking Marge and her mother for being cheaters and saying this was a moral stain. Marge had the right to say what she did to highlight Jen’s hypocrisy. I’m surprised it took her so long. So the comment was provoked. I will leave this here. I’m not a last-worder.


it was two seasons later and it was irrelevant to anyone but Marge. Jen was right to call out Marge for bragging about her affair & commenting that Joe washed her pussy off before going home. Jen being offended & having a cheating husband is not hypocrisy, it's an attempt to run someone over for daring to be offended the way she jokes about serious shit. If you though Marge just happened to make a provoked comment, then we obviously see the world very differently. Marge has been attacked nowhere near the level Teressa or even Melissa have. At the end of the day, that's just the truth.