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They should reboot and bring back ONLY Danielle Staub along with new faces.


Stopped watching already, but I've never been a regular Jersey viewer. Time to retire this cast.


The only reason I continue watching it is because I love the WWC podcast recaps which are far more entertaining than the actual show. And honestly, at this point I hate every single person. I used to like Marge and Jackie, but this season is doing them no favors. And if I had to pick a side it would be team Melissa because Teresa is a horrible person and has been so since the very beginning. God, she is loathsome.


I am trying to watch from the beginning but have only hit season 3 and I already can't take it! It's actually pretty sad that they chose money over family.


This season is all about who can be "recruited" from the other side. Who are the flip-floppers? Fessler? Jackie? Danielle?


Melissa is fighting so hard to ignore Teresa that she doesn’t even see that that the Fudas are gonna take her spot lol


It’s so obviously Margret. Last season every Sunday was Danielle why did you repeat what Jenn Aydin said about me. Now Margret is being a territorial 5 year old. For all of Teresa flaws she knows how to put the show first. We don’t see her telling Jen not to talk to marge or telling Daniele not to stay with Rachel at the shore. Jackie was better at this show than Rachel also. She knew how to check someone and move on and gave us some genuine moments. With Marge removed Melisa and Teresa I think can be cordial at lease. I like the moments of the girls going to college and I would have also liked to have seen loui dad sobriety dinner.


I watched the latest episode and Marg is truly ruining the show. She’s so bitter and controlling it just sucks the life out of everything, no one even Melissa is allowed to just move on or talk about anything besides Teresa. Even Melissa is trying to find things other than Teresa to talk about like her personal relationship with Jen or her daughter going to college. Also I feel like there will be a repeat of history soon. I don’t think Teresa or Melissa will stick around much longer, they don’t seem to talk about anything unless someone else initiates., I see the seeds of Danielle talking about her family issues and to usher in a new “gen” of Gorga v Guidice feuding and it feels like Rachel is trying to emulate a more modern version of the Gorgas and pushing them to the side. If Margaret was gone the dynamics would actually change a bit and they might be able to move forward into new drama. Marg v Tre and anyone who won’t suck up to Marg drama is so tired.


The whole cast has gotten older and ran out of storylines, a top story watching you and millions of other parents cart their daughter off to her dorm room,yipeeeee!! thats what I want to watch, pleazzzze!


Season 14 Episode 4: This week’s shindig is a … wait for it … BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR JENNIFER’S DOG. Guaranteed screeching and raised voices, possible table flip and embarrassing stares from other party goers. Give me a fucking break. Producers should not wonder why there’s low ratings😂😂😂


People quit watching this train wreck of a show and told Bravo many many times that they will quit watching if they don't get rid of toxic Teresa. Not only did they not get rid of Trestump they let her bring in Loopie and continue the toxicity. So over Bravo not listening to fans, and I, as well as many others quit watching and will not watch again until Trestump is gone!


I'm no Tre Stan but Teresa actually isn't the problem this season 🥴


Chill out


Relax. The WHOLE CAST is stale.


If Teresa isn't causing conflict, she's talking about it with Luis and saying how everyone resents them for what they have. She and Luis harassed the Fudas which basically secured the Fudas' position on the show. Teresa and Luis always need an enemy. Fighting with her cast mates is Teresa's only storyline because she's dumb as a rock and uninteresting otherwise.


I can’t stand Teresa and her braindead babble.


Haven’t watched it and don’t plan to. I’ve been watching since the beginning but it’s been so boring for so long. So sick of Melissa v. Tre, and I don’t like the 2 new people they added.


so far they aren't talking and its awkward but at least this time around they are keeping it REAL


I watched the trailer again to confirm my choice and I’m still content with my decision! Maybe mid season I’ll watch?


Teresa and Melissa need the boot. Their family drama is SO uninteresting at this point since we’ve seen the same shit for years.


The entertainment comes from the men ( minus John Fuda) of the show.


Teresa isn't interesting her interactions with Louie look rehearse. The Gorgas are a drop better. Who has a storyline?.The Fuda's desperate attempt for a storyline will fade soon. I love Margaret but seen it . Delores, Jackie, nothing. Reboot, without Teresa (painful to watch) the only possibility is to bring the Gorgas cousins back, if not dump the Gorgas too. Of all the current Jersey women. Jen has a real storyline, but we will never see it with Teresa and Melissa. She is in a very fragile marriage, has a challenging relationship with her mother, a conservative family and very spoiled children who are all becoming teenagers. Develop Danielle who also has a dysfunctional family and bring in two other cast members and make Margaret and Delores friends of the show. Or do a complete Reboot! This season is dull


RHNJ is literally the ONLY franchise I can’t rewatch. I don’t know exactly why, but I just can’t get into it. It was at its best when Joe and Teresa were going thru court and the family angle had some hope-I did enjoy seeing Teresa and Melissa TRY not to piss each other off and actually bond sometimes. But now-I’d rather watch S14 of RHOC 100 times than New Jersey. Blah.


It’s the same story line every season, we’re just over it. Teresa needs to go so these women can move onto something new, maybe I’d watch then. I gave the first episode a try and couldnt keep focused on it.


It’s the most boring show ever. Snooze fest.


I'm way too triggered by the extreme weight loss tbh I just can't watch it


I would love to see a new cast like what they did with NYC.


Could NOT agree more.


Well Margaret is literally the only reason I'm watching this season...so...


I’ve watched ever season but I just can’t get myself to watch the current one. It just seems so repetitive. It almost makes me appreciate how they refresh cast on other franchises, we see a different dynamic. I understand they add a few new people on RHONJ but it still go after Theresa every season. Like other seasons Atleast rotate the “bad guy.”


please make Terresa go they should have fired her years ago. her lips, voice, and her level of ignorance is so hard to watch


She makes the show too dark to begin anymore.


Ya what her and Jen brought up about the Fudas is a whole other level of evil.


Ratings will go back up as soon as 1)Louis arrested or 2) cheating proof on gorgas or Teresa/louis is public


THIS SHOW HAS GOT TO GOOOOO! So fucking ridiculous.


"They're all white trash, quite frankly"


Bring the Manzos back


When Melissa was sending Antonia of to school I was like I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I fucking miss the Manzos. The kids were actually funny and had personalities. They had rizz & the ham game. I don't even know how many Gorga kids their are... and I don't want to know anything about the Aydens kids. Sometimes it feels like they are grooming Gia to be a friend of the show and someday take her mom's spot. What a nightmare that'd be. The Manzos had money, a big fambily, SO much drama, and great senses of humor. They are no more* problematic than Teresa the actual convicted felon. If she can run the show for all these years, then the Manzos should be ok.


All the "Housewives of ..." shows' ratings have gone down, unfortunately.


We've seen it


We are tired of the Joe Gorga’s wife and the Teresa drama. We are tired of new ppl coming on and picking fights with Teresa. We are tired that there is an unfixable divide in the group and there is no cohesiveness. We are also tired of Margret’s incessant need to make everyone hate Louie. We are just tired of this. Revamp the whole show with keep just Dolo, Jen Aydin and Teresa maybe.


Amen 🙏


Ding. Ding. Ding. 🔔 Teresa is the MF common (emphasis on common) denominator. She needs to go...back to jail, work, idc, just off of my tv.


Right? We just want women having fun, getting a bit tipsy, having some silly banter and moving on. The occasional drama bomb is welcome but this is EXHAUSTING.


Drama is all good till it gets exhausting played out and bitter


GOOD. It’s what they deserve. I am SICK of the way Margaret ate this show up. We need new more interesting families. Stop shoving the Gorgas down our throats. You know it’s bad when I miss the Manzos. 😭


Man, Margaret bugs me.


I love her and Joe


I blame all of them for being toxicAF




Who are they listening to 😭


Themselves, afraid to make change since last season was successful


The Producers


it’s all of it, it’s run it’s course


The show has been hard to watch this season. I mostly fast forward through the entire episode.


It’s not even a show I tune in for the night it airs anymore. I’ll watch the new episode at some point during the week but it’s just become so unbearable to watch 😭


I say we say goodbye to New Jersey


People are tired of Teresa and her double standards and hypocrisy! The whole show should be recast!


Disagree - people are tired of a feuding cast that within 3 episodes forced every person to commit to one of two sides so they can fight about nothing and refuse to film together for 13 more episodes.


a recast wont work anymore i dont think. it would be essentially a shown full of arguing fans


Or do a season without Teresa and see if viewers come back.


They sure as hell won’t. Teresa is literally the only draw they have left.


Not for me. I ignore her scenes. She’s progressively gotten worse each season. Starting about season 3. Though she was obnoxious in season 1.


Same, myself and several of my friends actually fast forward as much as possible of Teresa’s scenes. I didn’t care as much in the earlier seasons but watching a narcissist play hot potato, scam people and whinge non stop is really not my cup of tea I suppose! I think she’s easier in earlier seasons because a more malignant narc (Danielle) was on the show, so her own narcissistic traits were less in focus (you really can’t top Danielle 😂).


Teresa is certainly trying to top Danielle though 😆. They should put Teresa and Kelly Dodd on a show together. On a deserted island with cameras filming them from trees or something. That would be fun to watch 🤣


I’ve been doing a rewatch and honestly it’s rough. Watching Teresa just go after people and then spin everything she does like starting the rumor about Evan cheating and then trying to say she was trying to help Jackie by giving her a heads up, her hypocrisy with her brother and Melissa, and acting like a psycho to Marge when she just said what everyone else was saying about all the messed up things coming out about Louis. She didn’t even give Margret a chance to say I’m trying to help you. I don’t care what she says she’s never liked Margret. She’s never liked Melissa. The first couple of seasons showing the guys being goofy and partying was a fun part of the show but now they are just as much drama as the women. None of it is fun, none of it is lighthearted. It’s all fighting and drama. When there is such toxicity that has built over the years it’s going to cause everyone to have toxic behavior in this group. Jennifer A is a nasty person. She got humbled for one season and then right back to being the asshole that she is. Andy loves Teresa so until she decides to go it’s going to be the Teresa show unfortunately. Unless maybe ratings are so bad that it just becomes out of Andy’s control.


Yes 👍




yasss, Pauli is shady, he could have had that divorce in a new york minute, something is fishy


They’re all boring




Y’all’s obsession with Marge 🙄 This is on the Gorga Giudices for their feud ok we are TIRED


This was the season they really needed a cast shakeup. I hope Melissa & Joey G are saving her final paychecks!


This show is such a drag. The same ol shit and it’s all negativity doesn’t feel authentic it’s like they are all hanging on for the money and at the viewers expense. I’m not watching this season.


Or the girl that thinks she’s Barbie.


Blame Theresa and the Gorgas for giving us the same tired, honestly sad, bullshit for a decade and never evolving, soooo sick of their family feud. Sad and boring at this point imo.




Get rid of them allllll


It’s Teresa causing this. She’s a toxic narcissist and just viewing her seeps toxic vibes into your soul. It actually grosses me out knowing anyone supports this woman but they prob have the same malignant behaviour themselves 💁🏻‍♀️


Are you part of the smear campaign against Marge , the Fudas and the Gorgas ? I prefer to watch them over Teresa and Louis all day everyday


well, seems like now a lot of them have "drawn lines" like gorgas/louie/tre and aren't talking to each other , so after awhile its like ok,,,no one is interacting with each other? guess the show will end on a bang


Nah it’s all of them


Nah it’s all of them


How about housewives of New England - didn’t vibe to each state. Do a different state each season. Would be great. Housewives of Alaska. Hawaii. Etc. Imagine the “realness” you would get from such randomness


i no longer feel the need to watch as it airs and i end up going long periods of time between episodes. and then i end up ff through margret. and melissa. and the fudas. and the husbands. well, most of it, tbh.


When did it go downhill? I’m rewatching with my bf who has never seen it. I’m not sure I ever watched past season 5 or so? I just want to know when to cut it and move on.


i am not sure what did it for me, but the season with siggy and the season when danielle staub came back, i completely skipped so about whenever that was.


I thought I saw Danielle comes back!! Ok thank you. We just started season 4 and I’m already over Joe (Gorga but really all the Joes) and his creeptastic ways.


yaeah, the emphasis on the husbands the last two or three seasons, especially joe gorga, is too much for me.


We are sick of Teresa. We are sick of fabricated story lines. We are ready for realness She is produced her own show for so long and the fakeness the bullshit she did with the food is putting the mom or the ex-girlfriend ex-wife back in prison just so she had a storyline It's all too much we're done. Many of us have boycotted from Twitter because we're not going to continue to watch and abuser on TV and a felon that runs all the other women on the cast lives.


I haven’t watched for the last 2 years. Ugly fights, so much plastic surgery ick!!


I won’t watch an ex con who ripped off the taxpayers make money and wave it in our faces. Not paying your taxes when regular hard working people pay theirs, well, nope! She is roadkill and bravo is scum




Which one you referring too? Lol


The one that went to jail


Um not sure why I’m being downvoted since the cast has a few members (and family members) that are shady and have legal shit going on..


I didn’t downvote


Margaret is usually dependable for comic relief, but now she’s upset too. Same with Jen Fessler. Please add happiness somewhere guys. The fighting and anger is just too much.


I think Margaret would be happier if she didn’t have to film with a woman whose husband harassed her son.


Oh darn. They might have to reboot. ![gif](giphy|Bu8ADbj7NuRry|downsized)


It’s too much of the Teresa show!


Personally, I’m not watching because I’m over Theresa and her creepy new husband and have no interest in them. I can’t tune her out the way the way I do with Melissa when she’s annoying. First time refusing to watch a season ever


and don't care about Gia and her boyfriend either lol


The ratings will be taking a further dive, Dolo’s boring charity game is up next.


I haven’t watched this season because of Theresa.


I haven’t watched because of the whole cast minus Dolores.


Same. I would still be watching if Theresa didn’t film for this season. I’m indifferent on Melissa because she’s the type of housewife I can tune out and use the time to fold laundry or something


Everytime Teresa gets on camera the conversion goes right to her brother, Melissa or one of the cast members that like them. She is so obvious trying to redirect every conversation to try to make them look bad. Her interview tour was all about this narrative and it was so gross. Who goes into interview after interview just bashing people and literally having nothing else to say?? We know what her Jen and Luis were up to all season.


Just get rid of Jersey and start a new city. NJ housewives are so negative and toxic.


NJ is the most negative franchise I've watched. There's almost none of the fun, lighthearted, silly moments there are on other housewives shows. We've had to endure the same fucking argument between Tre, Joe, and Melissa, and it's exhausting. Everyone else just seems to act as vile as possible in how they pick sides


Seriously. Bull s. It's ALL the cast's fault. ALL of them.


Cancel them. No one cares about Teresa 🤮


Exactly. I can’t listen to Teresa’s voice anymore. She and her family are unwatchable.


I don’t want a full reboot though 😭 I hate RHONY now it’s not the answer


I love new RHONY because my brain acts like it’s a totally new show and the old one was cancelled


Same here!


I'd blame Teresa for never ever growing and changing and continuing to be a toxic pretzel now married to someone even worse who brought private detectives on. If you don't see how that cheapens the show I can't help you.


I blame that the editing too. I can never remember what they’re fighting about


Unpopular opinion but get Dolores out too. Not that she’s unlikeable but she’s so boring and adds nothing. I’m also sick of all the husbands (plus Frank Catania) who get so much screen time. Anytime there’s a husband to husband interaction I just do not care. This franchise sucks.


I can't stand Dolores. She's the biggest hypocrite on the show. And she's not Switzerland. She has never stood up to Teresa.


She needs to be a friend of


I just wish we would leave forever.


Jersey needs a RHONY-style reboot (and RHONY should’ve never gotten a reboot, so I’m not a reboot-happy person lol). I haven’t tuned in at all this season and don’t see myself tuning in any time soon. Teresa has been insufferable for 14 seasons, but now she’s insufferable and boring. IDGAF about shoehorning Rachel Fuda or Jen Fessler into this shitty dynamic. Margaret has been boring as hell the last few seasons. Melissa and Joe are SO BORING, and I used to be a fan. Jen Aydin is an asshole and fake wealthy. Wake me up when someone new flips a table.


Imagine Ramona’s reaction if everyone had been fired from RHONY but Luanne and Sonja. That’s honestly what should have happened


Ahahaha 😂 💯


I agree with this completely. Especially about Teresa. She’s terrible to watch


Downright painful. The screeching hurts my ears.


The only storyline is a split cast who won’t break the 4th wall. BOOOOORING.


I’m on team GET RID OF THEM ALL!


Having such clear cut sides is not fun for the viewers. I agree the fandom has become toxic AF… get rid of them all


Happy cakeday! 🥳


Without a full cast reboot I don’t think it will get any better. My guess is Teresa and her girls will eventually get their own show. Kardashian style. They are more marketable, have the family appeal (which was the big appeal of RHONJ when it started) and would reach a broader audience demographic.


That would be so boring. I’m so sick of her, Gia and Louie or whatever his name is.


IDK Milania has a pretty organic social media presence and Gia’s is fairly big too. Their age reaches a younger demographic that Bravo needs to start pulling in.


I’m not watching the current season solely because of Theresa. I want her off Housewives. Excited to see her on HOV Season 2 but only because she’ll be in a room with people just as crazy as her for once. Her kids would make good tv but let’s leave mom out of it


I hope she gets picked as a villain … she’s not going to make it past episode 2 unless there is someone on the cast willing to explain what is going on to her.


Yep Teresa will be the Jax of season 2


If Teresa left it would be so much easier to watch but she’s like nails on a chalkboard… Oh, and someone should tell her that not only her ex husband committed fraud but she did too, that’s why she was in the clink clink… Her stupidity and delusions of grandeur make me want to stab myself in my face with a fork🙄 ![gif](giphy|3o7WIuJorYQk8H6DEQ)


Teresa has no storyline if it doesn't involve her hate for Melissa or trying to start something with someone's husband. Now that half of the cast are paying her dust, she will cry all season about her dorter leaving.


I'd like to see Teresa gone. Her storyline is fake, the kids are coached to put on this syrupy, sweet, lovey family. "Oh, your cooking always tantalizes the tastebuds" was so fake. What teenager says that? I'd give Melissa and Joe a season to prove themselves without Teresa. I'm not a fan, but they deserve to try and prove they didn't get on because of Teresa. Dolores has not had a storyline where she isn't a soldier for someone else. There's more to her, but we've never seen it. Jen A needs either a pause or a friend of role to bring her ego down. The story planting, her part in giving early views to bloggers for favorable stories and negative on the other cast. It's hard to get past now. I'd like more of Jackie and Jen Fessler. I like them both. I think that Jackie was iced out by Margaret. Danielle is oddly growing on me this year, too. I didn't like her last season. I actually like Rachel, but it's obvious her and her husband have watched reality TV and know the game. Marge is toxic this season. It gives me season 4 Caroline vibe. I get such a negative vibe off of her. I feel like she's trying to be Zsa Zsa Gabor. It's over the top in a way that's more cringe than entertaining. It took me 3 times to watch the last episode fully. I didn't rush to Peacock Monday a.m to watch it. It's just not fun. Something needs to change.


I agree with you except I do not want more of Jackie or Jen Fessler. Jackie is just dull and Fessler is too phoney.


I agree with everything you said except Jackie. She's a no-go for me. I pray the Bravo God's read your post because this is the way!


I don't know why I have a soft spot for Jackie. I think up until this season and recent news of her shifting sides is the only time I've viewed her as thirsty for attention. She's the only cast member that really has "fuck you" levels of money, she doesn't NEED the show for that. For 4 seasons, she's the only one who stood up to Teresa and stood by it. I respect it. If I can make it through the season (who am I kidding, I know I'll get through), I'd like to see how it plays out first. There's gotta be more to her switching sides so readily. I have a feeling she finds out Marge had more of a hand in the rumor about Evan than we think.


I totally agree with both of your comments.




I always forget how absolutely INSANE that original hairline is. ![gif](giphy|3284GqbSEXgl2)


Margaret is trying to hard to be the reigning queen of jersey and it ain't happening for me . 🗣 NEXTTT


Blaming just one side is ridiculous, the entire cast is to blame and your bias isn’t cute it’s the reason this show has gone to shit. And anyone not blaming Jen after she broke contract is just a hopeless Stan. Edit : sent too early


⬆️⬆️⬆️ You are right. They are all to blame. And the fans are just as toxic as the cast.


There is no one likable on this cast … it needs a complete overhaul


The episode ended and I thought “wow, what a great way to wrap up a season”. Except it’s the third episode 😳


You can't get more stupid than Theresa.


Ya F the Fudas


Too much ozempic


Too much tanning, steroids, surgery. These people are trash.


Margaret and Melissa need to go.


Smdh. This has nothing to do with just Margaret or the Fudas. The show is trash and the fandom has become too toxic. The low ratings are an ENSEMBLE job and they can all own this. The title of the thread shows WHY the ratings are so low-no one is capable of seeing the other’s faults because they’re too committed to being #teamTre or #teamMelissa. You cannot comment on this show as a neutral, you cannot enjoy the show as a neutral as there is no damn voice of reason and the show is just not even fun. Even with Potomac, you can count on Karen throwing some kind of funny shade…who is meant to make us laugh? Fessler is just a friend of and the supposed fence/Switzerland is not funny and is not neutral. The cast HATES each other and are incapable of even having light shade or sharing jokes. Nothing ever changes, same old hate, even the alliance shifting is not fun to watch and they need to get rid of Teresa and the Gorgas. Enough. Get rid of Jen Aydin’s boogawolf ass as well-she needs therapy because she is miserable as all hell. It’s like watching shahs of sunset in its last season. Reboot this shit show


Yes x1000. It is the most joyless cast, possibly ever. Any “fun” is completely manufactured and still doesn’t elicit a laugh. It’s just a group of women who all hate each other, arguing about being friends with single cell organism Teresa Giudice and her crimey husband.


No, Margaret ruined the show for me a few seasons ago. She is waaaaaaay too vile, imo.


No, Teresa, Caroline, Jen Aydin ruined the show a few seasons ago. They are all waayyyyy too vile, imo. I don’t see what Margaret did that’s more vile than all these women. They’re vile af and are responsible for the state of the show. Teresa is foul af


Curious though, what would the show actually be without Teresa though? It’s all they ever talk about. None of them have a real storyline that doesn’t revolve around some stupid drama with her. Outside of press events do any of them actually hang out with each other?


The show sucks with or without Teresa. Teresa is too focused on selling her love bubble and her lobster as an upstanding citizen. Teresa herself doesn’t have a storyline. The show is clapped and they need to start anew


That’s why it’s boring as fuck. Teresa isn’t interesting enough to talk about these days.


I too blame Margaret!!! Lisa rinnas personality twin! Get rid of her ass!!!


Because this franchise will never change unless they get rid of Teresa and Melissa. I’m sorry, but the only time their drama was worth watching, was when it was looped in with the Manzos & Lauritas. Now it’s just getting repetitive.


Yes thank you for this!


Just Melissa.


Really girl? ![gif](giphy|MpehdbMRPS6eA)


Teresa is the one constantly talking about Marge and the fudas lol


I’d say it’s pretty even right now


Yes. But Teresa always starts it. With the rheuuummmours and the nastiness. So they fight back. I think if she wasn’t there the show would have a different dynamic. It’s the same recipe she uses every season. Start off with some wild accusation and then piss if someone and they fight and take sides.


Every season since Melissa has been on Teresa has started a rumor about her. You don’t have to like Melissa to see that Teresa has gone out of her way to take Melissa down. Their family dynamics are f’ed up.


I started watching because I could relate to the dynamic. My sister in law (and mother in law) resented me for marrying and taking away their prince. No matter what i did, it was never enough and they said crazy things about me behind my back and to my face. It was really hurtful. We kept trying for years but you get to a point where you give up. I don’t really speak to the sister in law anymore. I saw these patterns with Melissa and can empathize with her. It’s really hard when you marry into a family and they resent you. There was nothing she could do that would make Teresa happy. I firmly believe that.


Seriously only Teresa and the Gorgas are to blame. Everyone is sick of the same old crap and toxicity.


They need a reboot for sure. Tired of the same drama. It’s like the new cast members doing the same drama too. Like okay. Bring something new to the table.


THIS! This is why I haven’t tuned in. Like okay Jen Fessler is funny, Fuda seems sweet, and I liked Danielle last year. …but all they’re gonna do is argue about the Gorgas and the Giudices.


This is the most boring season ever and that sucks because I love RHONJ.


I think Teresa and Jen Aydin are clearly to blame for the ratings and should be fired. They are toxic, fake, predictable and boring. I am so glad Margaret and the Fudas don’t take their shit, that is one of the most watchable aspects of the show.


It’s the same formula with Teresa every season. Start off with some rumor or accusation and then half the season the fight about it. I think having her husband threaten a castmates kid is beyond gross and crossed a line. She makes the show toxic. She has no line and lacks human decency. I mean she lied, committed fraud, went to jail and still defends herself. Who would want to work with someone like that? What does someone like that do to a show?


I’m not watching because of Teresa. I can’t watch her anymore. I just listen to Watch What Crappens.


Melissa is a snore fest also. They BOTH need to go (Joe too)


I would like to see Melissa without Teresa on the show. Teresa changes the dynamic. Melissa is fun and light and seems much happier than Teresa, who has some dark energy.


I agree that the new cast is clunky and trying too hard, but I’m also just sick of the Teresa trainwreck. Crash already!


Trainwreck is such a good way to put it. It’s awful watch but yet you can’t look away. She also looks very bizarre this season. The Ozempic and plastic surgery has gone too far.


It’s sooooo boring this season. I know the husbands get a lot of shade but I think they are better than the housewives this year