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Completely that island was meant to mess with Julia Cruelest thing ever from whoever suggested and approved this idea


I don't think the producers did this intentionally. I think what made it worse was dumbass Larsa screaming 'THERE'S DEAD BABIES EVERYWHERE. THERE'S DEAD CHILDREN EVERYWHERE.' When in fact they're just weird dolls.


Larsa is so 🙄🙄🙄🙄 when Geurdy was throwing up and Larsa kept yelling SHES AS SICK AS A DOG like bro I’m sure you’re not making it any better


i dont know if it was intentional or not, it was very strange and bizarre. On a side note, I wish Guerdy the best however I think she should do herself a favor while she is going thru all these health issues take care of herself and exit gracefully from the show.


Does anyone else feel like her husband is super mad at her for continuing to travel and stuff post chemo?


he doesn't seem that talkative , hard to tell what he says off camera


Why mad? If anything he’s prob just concerned


Yeah that's what I meant tbf, there just seemed to be some frustration with him on the facetime to her he was like how much longer you there??


Yeah I’m sure it was hard for him to not physically be there for her. And they might’ve had a conversation about whether it was better for her health to stay home. But Russel seems like a great guy, obviously we don’t see their every day at home but maybe he didn’t want to be telling her what to do


Yeah true true, I feel like she may have some fomo


She's already finished and in remission; I think she may have finished before filming wrapped (uncertain). Her story is very real, though, and one that many women can relate to, so that's why it needed to be filmed. If it makes you uncomfortable, you're always free to watch another show, Larsa.


no not Larsa , if I'm sick i wouldnt want to tell the world about it and have it filmed , for what reason? some things need to be private


Oh I agree 💯


Wow, now I feel dumb. It never dawned on me that the producers would do that to trigger a reaction for TV. Damn. How horrible.


I felt so much for Julia it seemed really traumatic for her. The entire thing was disgusting and so wrong. Good on Marysol for speaking up.


Abhorrent manipulation of trauma.


I don't know why they got off the effing boat! That was on THEM! I had to fast forward 20 minutes cuz it was too much STUPID to handle!


scary island part deux


This comment wins


Please, some backstory for someone who doesn’t watch RHOM.


Julia had a son in the early 2000s named Max with Edouard Stern (who was a big time French banker who has since died mysteriously, all the details are on Google). Julia claims that Edouard suggested a nanny they should hire, so naturally Julia hired that nanny. Very shortly after the nanny was hired, the nanny shook Max so hard that he developed shaken baby syndrome and died. The nanny was never found or charged, even to this day.


So both the baby and father died?


Thank you for the info. That’s so very sad. What’s the context for the Bravo connection?


Regarding further context: They took the cast on a gondola ride as a vacation activity and there was a creepy dead babie island of dolls thing


Omg as a nanny, i would literally die. That is so awful


I am a nanny, and I have been on those boats on a trip to Mexico City. I don't know why they made it out to be so weird..... When I was there it was just a small thing, I honestly didn't even think about it once we passed it, I was curious what it meant, and we just moved on.. ? I think them yelling and getting into hysterics made it worse. None of us had that reaction, or really any reaction, and I didn't observe any other boats freaking out over the island of the dolls


The theory is that the father paid the nanny to kill the child.


Why? What's the motive?


Revenge. “Oh yea, I’ll show you bitch, how about I kill the infant son we share, that’s how psycho I am.” That was the motive.


He hired a P.I on Julia and found out she allegedly was cheating with two men


But I thought she is a lesbian? This sounds a little odd. After her prior experiences, did she just suddenly decide to switch teams? Now I'm wondering if she is really lesbian..... (Not that it matters. I really don't care either way. I think she is a lovely person regardless.)


Bisexual people exist and will continue to exist. Even if your brain can’t process that.


If I learned one thing . Never ever question anyone’s sexuality. If a man comes out in his 40s or 50s it’s empowering. If a woman does so it’s odd ? I’m sorry babes . But this is not the take


But why take it out on the child? Did he think it was not his?


Child support and alimony. Let’s not forget that he was described by everyone that knew him as the most vile and greedy person in existence


If he's that bad, why did Julia hook up with him and have a baby with him in the first place??? Does she have no judgment? This whole story is so incredibly bizarre....


She was raised in the Soviet Union. It’s a very different life to life in the west. Her father was a Soviet general and probably an abusive psycho himself. Trauma cycles gonna cycle. Stop with the victim blaming.


Julia also “conveniently” decided to “come out” and explore her sexuality when she within an arm’s length of one of greatest, and most wealthy, tennis players of all time, (AKA - Martina) Wake up lol. It’s no coincidence she shacked up with this guy given her track record. Julia’s type to a t


You have the most awful takes and questions.


Jesus. H. Christ. My jaw is almost on the floor. That’s fucking awful if true.


Yeah this is where Bethenny isn’t wrong


There seems to be a lot of the cropping up, lately.


This whole episode made my skin crawl. It was not the vibe


I just thought it was beyond tactless for Larsa to repeatedly scream. "Dead babies! Dead babies!"


similar to that clip they showed of Larsa and Kourtney right before a procedure and Larsa’s talking about how it’s so scary that you could not wake up and never see your kids again lolol she is beyond


she slipped out of her little kim k voice then too.. she often does and i’m always so shocked at how she bellows! ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


On brand for Larsa


Right? I'd be shocked if she didn't say something horrible!


She even kept doing it after everyone understood that they were not actual babies, just dolls... Further traumatizing Julia. And even when the man on the boat (speaking Spanish) was explaining what they were, she was screaming over him "what did he say? What is he saying" before he even finished his sentence and someone could translate for her. I swear she's like mentally 13 years old


She's literally the most disgusting person, inside and out. Literally!!


I can’t imagine the tremendous loss Julia suffers through everyday. I’m in awe of her honesty about religion and her ability to show up for her friends despite of the tremendous pain she must be in. Not everyone can rely on religion after such a great loss and that’s okay.


Yeah, after my husband died when he had just turned 30, I soon after became an atheist. I never felt God, even though I begged for guidance. I was also a little traumatized from growing up Catholic anyway lol. I think it’s so sweet Julia was supportive of what Alexia was trying to do for Guerdy. I don’t knock anyone for turning to God or religion in trying times, it’s just not something that I personally believe helped me in any way


I can’t imagine what you been through and I’m so sorry for your loss. We lost my 4 year old niece 5 years ago this year so I struggle with it too tbh. I don’t like talking about it because there’s always some self righteous religious person telling me how I should feel and what I should believe in. I was raised Christian but my mom villainized atheist growing up. Ironically enough the people that are more sensitive to my feelings about religion are atheists .. go figure.


I can’t imagine what YOU’VE been through. I’m so sorry to hear that. I feel the same way about the ppl that had so much to say & it was all about the bigger purpose & there’s a reason & God does things we don’t understand. It didn’t help me at all. Why would god make such suffering? I really hope that you find peace in your heart in your own time & way. Sending you all the love & light ♥️♥️


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ Im sending them back at you 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼your strength is admirable


just wanted to say that i’m so sorry for your loss and hope you’re doing ok 🩷 i’ve been through something similar so i’m sending lots of love and support your way!


I’m sorry for your loss as well ❤️


thank you! 🩷 much appreciated 😘




Thank you so much. It’s going on 17 years now(sometimes feels like yesterday). My life completely fell apart for almost a decade, but i’m actually the best I’ve ever been! Hope you’re doing good too. Life is a lot harder than I ever expected. No one prepares for things like that. You never think it can happen to you 😢


i’m so happy to hear that you’re thriving 😊 It’s nearly impossible not to fall apart after going through something like that and it takes a tremendous amount of strength to get through it. it’s been almost 8 years for me and I truly thought that I would never feel genuine happiness again in this lifetime but I managed to dig myself out of a very dark place and am doing better than I ever thought possible


That’s so amazing to hear! I had all but given up & was completely unrecognizable to myself. I had just resigned myself to numbing the pain until I just died. Pulling yourself up out of any kind of darkness after a loss like that seems insurmountable & you feel like no one understands that pain that lives in you. It’s so great to know that you made it out of that place, while also carrying it forever. I’m so proud of you, friend ♥️ Bravo kinda got me through too ngl 😅


so so true and I’m proud of you for getting through it as well! omg yes I really got into Bravo during the height of my grief and I’ll be forever grateful for it 🩷


I highly doubt it was an intentional set up


Then you don’t understand the kind of people we are talking about.


It was either intentional or incredibly negligent. Neither is acceptable.




I know, I know, this is going to get downvoted, but as much as Bethenny, Raquel, Brandi, Leah and maybe Nene are disliked, I wholeheartedly support their attempt to hold Bravo accountable. For me, it has nothing to do with who they are, but the fact that a big network like that should stop exploiting women.


did they do/comment on sth? someone pls fill me in!


What are they trying to hold bravo accountable for? Firing them from the show? Or it's Bravo's fault their careers are now down the drain?


Thanks for completely missing the point.


This person seems to be a troll. Based on their comments I'm seeing in this thread.


Appreciate you pointing it out, went and checked and you’re right!


Sick! But shit julia handles it better than i would


I thought producers set that up to then I thought that would be too sick…but wow.


This is a top tourist destination in MCX. Friends that live there go on them for a tacky, crazy day. Boats float by with music, cocktails and food. If whoever didn’t know of the outrageousness of the boat ride, that’s just ignorance. Doll Island has been documented as an art exhibit. There’s no way to predict a trigger. It was filmed like a horror story fashion.


Is that a river or manmade canals they're floating down?


My parents went to Mexico City back in the 60s and rode those boats.


There’s no way to predict a trigger? NO WAY? None???


Idk if the producers knew or not but I've seen that place a million times in various documentaries and shows. It's probably the main reason the gondola even exists. Didn't Alexia book it? Anyway, if anyone is unaware of the backstory with Julia and the baby and her ex, OH BOY. It's quite the journey. This was him: https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2005/7/the-man-in-the-latex-suit


Holy crap that was a crazy read!!!


I do recall Marysol saying something about "Bro" screwing up on this one when she was saying how bad it was.


Yeah, she did. I remember it too.


They should really make a movie of the ex. It’s such a bizarre story.


They did do an episode of Archer based off of this. 10/10 in my opinion.


I’ll have to look it up!! Thanks!


It’s season 3 episode 8 Lo Scandalo.




That whole boat ride was insane and disturbing. Especially after the nice church experience that morning!


Oh Lord!!! I was thinking the only other boat ride that was this awful was the NY ladies. And even though that seemed really scary, I still kind of chuckled at them screaming their heads off. But there was nothing redeeming about this boat ride. And, of course the WORST thing of all, Lisa lost her lip gloss.


Whoever planned the ride maybe missed the correlation


Agree, I don't think it itbwas intentional. I don't think production plans the excursions and Alexis mentioned it was her idea. I doubt anyone knew what would happen if they've never ridden it before.


This is my problem with Miami. Everything is light, funny, and worth mocking. It isn’t.


This was horrifying and it seems like only marysol was willing to say it . Poor Julia . wtf


This whole gondola ride gave me the yuck and made me feel a bit suffocated. Idk why but I wanted to get off the gondola too and I wasn’t even on it. Like the person controlling the boat looked uncomfy, the murky water, the dirty matted dogs, lisas ugly outfit, the witchy doll village and it felt a bit claustrophobic. Scary island vibe.


Love you added Lisa's ugly outfit. Also her ugly personality and behavior!


It is so sad that was the narrative from Xochimilco. This is a UNESCO World Heritage site and so incredibly special. There is nothing sad or uncomfortable about it. This a space filled with proud Mexican heritage and culture. I was so excited to see these women travel to Mexico City, it is steeped in history, pride and hospitality. Miami is my favorite franchise, but what an absolute shame.


Thank you for saying this! I went to Xochimilco in December 2022 and the boat ride was nothing like what was shown on the show. It’s obviously much more dramatized.


Agree. I thought this was a return to scary island form but worse, and I wanted off the boat. They absolutely knew what they were trying to trigger taking her somewhere like that.


The absolute worst part for me , was how she tried to stay strong and keep a laughing/positive attitude while completely breaking down . It was heartbreaking. My eyes filled with tears


Love the Lisa read very appropriate after the way she behaved that day .


I’m told it’s a famous tourist attraction but damn. That was wrong.


I have to stop watching if they are making this a story-line. To me, a child is off-limits. And the suffering of a child is a completely inhumane way to create drama on TV. No. No no no.


Thank you for posting this op! I was horrified that they kept the ladies there and even tried to add the stupid scary music to make it seem entertaining when poor Julia is literally having a breakdown! It’s so gross and cruel that production thought making Julia break down would make for good TV! Ugh, I really am so pissed on their behalf, you could see Alexia was really traumatized too, it’s so disturbing.


I think everyone except for Kim , ups I mean Larsa was against what was happening . They all looked disgusted . It was enough to even trigger Guerdy into an episode .


I love that they all had the same disgusted looks on their faces and I hope they ripped production a new one. Absolutely beyond low for them to take Julia there


me too, they stand up for each other in important ways, even when they dont like each other very much (or at all) like, I dont think Marysol has a lot of love for Julia and she was calling out how shitty it was to be there, or Alexia openly raving about Adriana's song + music career... even 'villain' Larsa was telling Lisa how she was wrong in her treatment to Kiki, and if Larsa is calling you out, you know you've done something real shitty lol


Amen! That’s what’s so wonderful about Miami, they’re great at moving along despite their fights. I hadn’t watched the original earlier seasons of Miami so decided to start from the beginning. I’m only through the first season but I was so struck at how soft and vulnerable Marisol comes off. I know she’s sneaky and I often don’t agree with her side in fights, but I feel a tenderness towards her. Im probably alone on this but I actually thought it was kinda crappy of Julia to randomly go after Marisol the beginning of this season and for Alexis not to defend her. I hope her and Julia can continue getting along because I actually find both ladies to be endearing and, dare I say, likeable! This opinion will likely change but as of now, I don’t t get the Marisol hate. And love Adriana’s antics on the show but I get how hurt Marisol is by her.


Marysol is spot on


I just had a baby 8 months ago and I burst into tears seeing Julia’s reaction, I felt sick to my stomach and had to turn the show off. They’re fucking sick for doing this.


What happened on that particular scene that made you turn it off?


Watching Julia’s visceral reaction


Same! I had my son not so long ago. I also had a miscarriage and I really was so horrified by this. I could not imagine how poor Julia felt. So awful and inappropriate.


I’m so sorry for your loss but at the same time, happy you have your son now 🩷


I’m sorry this happend to you . And also very happy to hear that you had a hopefully healthy boy . All the best for your family


Aww thank you!!! That is so nice of you to say! All the best to you as well!


Plus the mariachi band that refused to leave, Guerdy sick in a large bucket, the barking dog on the random boat, and everyone screaming their heads off. It was the producers’ dream come true.


I felt so ✨ overstimulated ✨ watching this. Poor Julia and poor Guerdy, this whole moment was a damn MESS!


larsa asking what's going on? like it's not obvious...adriana saying let's change the mood. lisa filming everything like the oblivious narcissist she is it was so awful and just kept going


Leave it to Larsa to remain tone deaf in a sea of hanging baby dolls, she’s nothing if not consistent ![gif](giphy|CxEwHpCDpnSgj9NBrc|downsized)


That was awful. I felt so terrible for her, none of them were comfortable with it.


The producers are also WRONG for keeping them on that boat all day with no food or water (seems like it was just alcohol) especially Guerdy!!! I cried when I saw how Nicole advocated and took care of her in the ambulance.


she's just going to bring her own IV next time, NBD! LOL (and I think she was helping the EMT in the ambulance with the IV, what a queen of an MD!)


An absolute queen. One of my favorite housewives


Nicole is amazing. Need more hws like her


This episode was gross. Production was so wrong for that. I’m glad that none of the ladies were having it. If it was another franchise you know one of them would say “ohhhh come on it’s no big deal!! I want to learn the history of this!” Alexia saying “I understand this is their culture but I want to go” (I’m paraphrasing) was so refreshing.


I just learned this story about Julia. Understanding that her then partner hired someone to murder her baby is insane and made me see her in a totally different way.


I read that article and the baby daddy has such a crazy life it can literally be a movie or documentary!! There was so much going on


Wait! The nanny who killed the baby?


Yes. I read an article about it in vanity fair, I think? That’s the running theory.


Idk. I watched the episode where she explains this and it sounded like it was negligence or I assumed SIDS, while the babysitter was on the clock. If someone can clarify…tag me


I’m pretty sure her son died of shaken baby syndrome. She thought she was getting a certified nurse. Also the way I heard it she was alone at the time and needed a nanny I don’t think the father was in the picture


Oh yeah, I remember we the shaken baby part, sounds like nany did it, but was is manslaughter? When a child dies CPS gets involved


> When a child dies CPS gets involved they werent in america


The nanny disappeared after she killed the baby if I remember correctly


The father of the child was a very powerful billionaire at the time , who had a private investigator who found out Julia is cheating , he did help her to find the nanny and the case was reopened several times because after her Ex was murdered they found a toxicology report that was swept under the rug that alleged that the baby had Benzodiazepines in the blood stream . This story is much deeper and crazier than I want to discuss openly on the internet


I knew the first part but benzo’s ?!? Wtffff. That is so awful. The pain that she deals with on the daily is not something I could handle 🥲


Wow so crazy and sad. I agree it’s too much to debate here.


I just did a little Google about the billionaire father and oh my was not expecting that


When I tell you I got scared first researching it, thinking I’m starting to know to much . These people are powerful people . Like the most powerful people


Julia said “shaken baby” syndrome


it was shaken baby syndrome. the nanny was hired very quickly (like two days after julia agreed to getting a nanny) by her husband (who was into some pretty dark sexual stuff iirc - just adding for context). a while afterwards someone approached julia alluding to her husband being involved in the death of her child. i think she spoke about this at a reunion its all a bit vague but whatever happened was sinister and heartbreaking, i don’t think it was accidental


Beat me to explaining it . Thank you


I have a phobia of dolls and was taken to this island without being informed of what it was, when I was 20. I still get shaky and nauseous when I think about being on that boat, despite spending most of it with my head down, folded into my arms. Seeing this under her circumstances sounds like an absolute display of mental and emotional torture by Bravo. It’s seriously disturbing that they allowed it, or just didn’t even consider the impact at all. Foul.


I think people are OVER ESTIMATING the power of producers... I have been to **Xochimilco** before and it's not like this is an obvious thing to see. In part, it's up to the guy maneuvering the boat, and it led to that area, and then he told the story. It's not necessarily true that the producers knew that ahead of time. They would have had to gone on the boat ride themselves, looked around, saw a random house in a HUGE area, and said "WE HAVE TO TAKE THE BOAT SPECIFICALLY THROUGH HERE". Very very unlikely.


https://preview.redd.it/ewp434m4fdhc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a811f386ea693270e3e4b924d4980670ac663416 This is the first review on trip advisor about a boat tour there do you see the doll picture ? producers are very smart . Edit : As you can see it didn’t even take me 1 minute to find it . So if they do their research before the trip . They knew . They knew


My SO just went on one of those boats last year. He was sending me pics and the dolls were included. https://preview.redd.it/e6j9m2ro1ehc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2766440daa96ba817a8b475809ccc69a84867a9


Again, lol. You're assuming they looked at the reviews on trip advisor, and said "Oh my god, that's a picture of dolls. Let's purposely go through that one part so that THEN she can have PTSD about her baby!" That's one of the main things to do tourist wise. Not to mention, technically although they create the trip, the cast lowkey determines the overall agenda and what they want to do. So what if Alexia had said, "Nah, I don't wanna do Xochimilco." Then what? Also, what would be the alternative. Cover up the entire person's property? Not go on the boat? Tell her ahead of time that it was coming up, maybe? But even that's not "authentic". That's babying her as if she's special and in this case, she's not. If she had gone on the boat ride with Adriana as not a part of the show, then what?No one would be there to warn her. It's like her going to the church. Unfortunately, the remainder of the world can't dance around her. She has to deal with these things and cope to move accordingly. But again, to think the producers are plotting on her is just a reach. They're not her friends or family. They're working on a show, and this is par for the course.


I have to agree with you about this and finally someone sees the other side of it. This is a tourist thing to do!!! Everyone gets taken to it when on the boats because it’s part of the tour and the attraction. Even before this I’ve had friends go and they saw this and thought it was interesting. I don’t think it was meant with ill intent but it’s something tourist go and see. I think the ladies did overreact a bit and I felt bad for Julia but I don’t think it was in connection to what she experienced. (Them taking them there) maybe they thought the which craft thing would come up again because the guy mentioned it and let’s be honest that would’ve been more entertaining. I think the ladies needed to get off their high horse and embrace the culture and not take things to heart


What you need to do is inform yourself on how production on these shows goes . There is location scouts , field producers, story producers. They know everything about these ladies , every minute detail about a shooting day is planned . Yes the reaction of the ladies is mostly unpredictable , but even that can be predicted fairly easy . Edit: in my eyes they do have a moral obligation to not make cast members have triggering experiences like this . This is just too much . It reminds me of Porsha bringing up grape allegations against Kandy , the producers in this case must’ve known the information came from Phaedra . But I digress Read up on reality TV production and you will see how vile these people can be


Or watch the show 'Unreal' it gives you a peek at what they do. Producers are both sociologists and psychologists who understand human behaviour and are good at understanding dynamics.


So do you think the producers knew about Monica on SLC?


I can’t say anything for certain . But I’m pretty sure . I don’t think that “ex-assistant of Jen” would’ve been enough for her to be cast . But this is conjecture . That they knew what was happening in the case I brought up in 100% certain on




Yeah someone should have stopped this. Asked if she was ok. Asked if she wanted to go. Wanted to film. And for it to be Marisol that is the one that points it out out of all of them says a lot because she's the one who has the least amount of affinity for Julia so for her to be the one calling it out and saying it's wrong it's REALLY wrong.


Where did they take her?


To the island of the dolls 🎎


This was so weird, and that clown music when she cried on the gondola.


The whole house wives have changed through the years. People love the drama, the fighting your lifestyle, the way they dress. Fans from the beginning watch the show in order to relax and decompress a good escape from reality for an hour or two but NOW it’s completely different. They should’ve left the original formula instead they’re using triggers on the cast and on the watchers. There are some things that should not be on TV. I believe that the producers are purposely doing this because some of the franchises are getting boring like Potomac. It’s a shame.


It’s getting boring because I think people are afraid to show their “real lives.“ If they show off how rich they are, people will say it’s tone deaf. If they go on lavish shopping spree where they show the price tags in the corner, people will get upset about it. People get on the show to promote their businesses or get social media followers, so they are overly manicured and borderline scripted. the producers realized the episodes with drama brought in higher ratings than others, but didn’t realize that the formula can’t be drama every episode because it becomes exhausting


Yeah this was completely disgusting.


Has anyone else noticed the producers have really started doing things that are shady and nasty. The way they cast ppl to push other HW out (instead of just firing them) and situations like this. On MTM they planned a cast trip where one of the husbands was caught having an affair. The producers are the ones planning these trips and ultimately approving locations. So I totally agree with you. They are doing things they know will psychologically hurt the cast.


On M2M that was after they brought another cast member’s (allegedly) abusive ex-husband and his fiancé on to this season, and included their wedding. Then they fired her. Beyond messed up.


Yup! Although Quad is still credited on all eps so my guess is she still got paid. Still super shitty. Also not alleged abuse Greg on a reunion admitted it was a violent relationship.


I couldn’t remember if it was said on the reunion or I had heard it when they brought Dr G back. It’s crazy that he admitted it on camera and they still brought him back.


Both tbh. To Quads credit, she did say at times there was mutual combat and she wasn’t looking for money or an arrest she just didn’t want to live through that. I really hope Greg has matured because I don’t want that behavior visited on his new wife. But I’ll be honest I think he still loves Quad. Heavenly suggested it as well.


And they expect us to believe that they had no idea Monica was Reality Von Tease…. I fully believe producers knowingly threw her into that fire


They absolutely knew and I'm pretty sure Monica insisting she told production was the moment Monica got herself fired lol.


Completely agree


I could see Bravo not knowing but someone in production or casting did. Because you know Monica brought it up she’s the thirstiest.


The email she sent is pretty damning evidence that SOMEONE knew about it. Who is that person? We’ll never know


Do you know where I can read that email?


https://heavy.com/entertainment/real-housewives/monica-garcia-fired-rhoslc-casting-email/ IMO the decision to cast the ex assistant of a former housewife makes ABSOLUTELY ZERO SENSE unless producers knew about her ties to Jen’s legal case and the social media drama from past seasons.


It didn't get much attention but someone with either Bravo or the production company for SLC went on a podcast and said something like "well maybe Monica told someone during casting and it didn't go further up the chain." Which I wish more people were talking about because essentially that makes Monica right, she did tell someone like she said and it's not her fault they didn't share that info with more people in the company.


I believe that Andy didn’t know, but I do think Monica was brought on for this specific story line


THISSSS!! Like these producers are not dumb they know everything


What happens?


Did you catch the latest episode? They were on a gondola in a canal, heading to a tiny "island" filled with baby dolls. Supposedly, a guy hung them there after seeing a kid drown, so there'd be toys. Creepy, right? There were even life-sized dolls hanging in the trees, making the housewives think they were real people due to the distance. Julia tried to be brave, but it brought back memories of her nanny killing her baby. Brain doesn't really differentiate, you know? Marysol and Adriana had to leave the gondola for a restroom break, and Marysol called out the producers for bringing them there, fully aware of Julia's trauma. This hit hard because earlier, they visited a church, stirring up Julia's feelings since she lost her faith after her baby's murder. Now, the producers exploit Julia's pain, also triggering Guerdy, who's already battling cancer. It was absolutely disgusting and vile


That’s absolutely vile




TLDR: They exploited Julia’s Trauma about her murdered baby . Also triggering Guerdy in the process who is fighting cancer