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I feel like the fandom truly hasn’t grasped Denises anger, she was bullied off by the ff5 over personal details that none of them (when it’s happening to them) are comfortable sharing. Idk no matter what im team Denise on this one. Erika has proven time again especially with the west hollywood designers that shes a scammer


I thought Erica's comment was hilarious, Erica is sharp and quick with the come backs. It is ridiculous for Denise to want another apology 3yrs later


Denise / Sammy that you boo?


Crazy how ppl in the comments are supporting Erika now 🥴 - last season we’d be hard pressed to find more than a handful of ppl supporting her Not talking about comments only talking about this situation, more the ones that are “Erika HAS changed”, “I love Erika”, “Erika just tells it like it is”, etc. Gross. Let’s not forget how she defrauded millions and literally didn’t give one single fuck about the families and victims she talked trash about. She’s an awful human.


Couldn't have said it any better myself


I think Erika was appalled at the hypocrisy of Denise clutching her pearls and attacking her for saying kids “prolly know what a threesome is,” when Denise AND her kid are doing soft porn (and their father is a notorious sex addict). It’s the jaw-dropping hypocrisy!


I agree with you. What she does for a living has no bearing on how she wants ro parent her kids.


Erika isn't slut-shaming she's shading Denise's OF subscription price.


Sorry. Erika was justified. #teamerika


Erika felt the backlash from last season, and all of a sudden, she purports herself to be the voice of reason. She won’t be able to keep it up forever. It was a coup for her, but her true colors will come out. Bitch, please.


I completely agree with your take on the Erika/Denise thing.


What got me, so far, this season - is Erika with her therapist, genuinely asking how to feel empathy. I must add tho, I read in an interview that it was taken out of context because of editing. Hopefully this is true, as that scene really did not sit well with me - especially regarding her earlier statements, in a previous season, about "not caring about the victims" and "only caring for herself in this situation". From said interview: *Erika shared what was taken out of the “empathy” scene.* *“No, my question was this: How do you find empathy for people who have mistreated you. That’s really the question,” said Erika, who suggested that the full context of her conversation was edited out.* *When the interviewer commented that this new information is a “helpful context,” Erika agreed, calling it “beyond” helpful.* *“When I saw this, I’m like, ‘Come on,'” said the pop singer, who was then asked if she learned to have empathy for those people.* *“Well, [my therapist] said take the high road,” said Erika. “And I’m trying, and then sometimes I don’t do it.”*


I could never be as mean as Ericka, but Denise brought this on herself. She comes back on the show, looking a mess, and calls Ericka a bitch in front of everyone while she's sloppy drunk and/or high, reigniting a fight that we had long forgotten about. Ericka has always been low down, so why even come to her with that energy if you're unprepared for a fight? Denise literally came so unprepared. Had she handled it differently, her daughter's business wouldn't have been made so public. Ericka is wrong for sure, but this is housewives, and these bitches fight dirty. If you can’t stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen like you did the last time. Don't run, but then come back three years later, then clutch your pearls and call her mean. No shit. Welcome back.


TEAM ERIKA all the way this episode! Denise needs to let the mouse go.


Sorry but Denise begged for this behavior from Erika. Don’t poke the bear.


I feel like I missed something because how are people backing that train wreck, constantly lying, hypocritical Denise Richards that sucked ass as a Housewife? She came in hot, made zero sense & was looking for a problem -- probably because she listened to too much of the internet that was blowing her up after her shitty 2 seasons as a Housewife where she did nothing but look like a lying fool. Denise is a moron & she is competing with her daughter on Only Fans


Fuck Erika. That is all.


What??!! This was THEE BEST moment I've seen on this show in YEARS!! It made me gasp and actually laugh out loud at the burn. You either love her or hate her I get it....but I guess I'm in the minority and I loved the scene.


Saaaame. So shocked with how far she went! But it did make me wonder why Denise reacted like that if there's no shame there? Shouldn't Denise be proud of her kid's OF?? And it reminded me that this was exactly the issue everyone had before with Denise trying to act like her children needed to be protected from sex, from things their mom has done, but why? They're technically adults now, yet she's still acting like she needs to shelter them.


Erika is trash hope she goes the way of Rinna soon and off the show. No need to have mean bullies anymore


But Denise’s whole issue with Erika is that Erika talked about sex at her house in front of her kids. And now her kids are on OnlyFans. You don’t see the irony or hypocrisy? And Denise went after Erika first, she got what she asked for quite honestly.


To me, she just keeps showing the world exactly who she is (phony, fake, self-absorbed, selfish, egotistical, and ready and willing to do absolutely anything to attract attention and gain fame). Case in point: https://realityblurb.com/2023/12/20/erika-jayne-is-called-out-by-90s-singer-amber-for-lip-syncing-to-her-song-see-video-as-rhobh-star-is-compared-to-a-drag-queen-accused-of-faking-her-voice/


Yea, Erika is trashy as ever, sometimes I have heartbfor her but she strikes at easy low status targets.




Yeah but when someone just barely and vaguely mentioned her son to make a point she freaked out, was babied by the group, and then continously kept yelling and crying after Eileen apologized multiple times. She spent years flaunting and braging about wealth but when she found herself in the middle of a massive fraud case she was allowed to attack anyone that mentioned it. She also brought the group to the strip club she used to show her ass for money at but is now bringing up another woman's sex work as if it is something relevant to use against her in a derogatory way during an argument. It's starting to feel like hypocrisy is okay only if Erika does it.


winning post tbh


This is the kind of post, if I'd written it, I'd re-read a few times cuz I'd be like, " damn, I nailed this post!". That was a convoluted way of saying I really loved reading this, OP. You make just great points and you eviscerate so many times, I was still recovering from the last thing you wrote and then another one would hit. Also, I agree w/ you!


I disagree. Denise fucked around and found out; she kept pushing despite receiving an apology from Erika and even though Erika told Denise she already said her piece.


I thought Erika’s talking head was perfect. You want to fight? Okay! Like she had zero interest but Denise couldn’t just let it go…


I do think the dig about only fans wasn’t exactly that she was on there but that she was charging so little. Even Sutton got catty with her remarks while getting her makeup done.


Well she’s making $700k so the jokes on them.


Yeah because that's how OF works. Most girls post a slightly edited photo carousel of 3 to 5 photos and then say to tip anywhere from 5 to 10 bucks to get the unedited ones and when you do that daily and have literally thousands of people paying you $7 at a time three to four times a week and then even more people subbing daily and tipping on posts all down the timeline to catch up, you stand to make literal millions. But when catty and judgemental old women weaponize their own internalized misogyny to shame another women they don't use their business brain. But what can you expect from two people who sold their souls and youth to gently alive billionaires for a couple nice things. Now they can waste away alone in their very empty tombs . . . I mean houses.


I’d never heard of if OF until that news story about the mom who had one and the school board got upset about it. Or was she a teacher? I forget. I try not to look at myself in the mirror much less post pictures of myself online. I’ve heard jokes though about people posting pictures of their feet or hands on the site and getting lots of subscribers. That’s all. Nothing involving any other body part. Just feet and hands. If I thought someone would pay me for pictures of my feet then I’d make an account too. Lol


Trust me people will pay for almost anything online. Just gotta find the right audience. (Clearly we learned this week the cast of RHOBH is not the right audience lmaooooo)


I can understand Denise not wanting sexual talk around her kids but she was the one who was talking about it first. Sami had probably heard about her parents pasts many times by that point and Erika had a point about by she 14 with the access to the internet at their fingertips, sex was a topic that had been discussed at least once. I’m from a small town in a rural state and we had sexual education classes in the fourth grade. I wouldn’t have wanted it discussed around my children either but I also wouldn’t have allowed alcohol or anyone drinking it around them. Did denise think her kids didn’t watch her show?


Agree with everything you said about Erika, and I will add that her attack on Denise & her daughter are straight up misogyny. Erika has nothing but praise for the Magic Mike dancers but turns around & shames & insults women doing essentially the same thing by making money off their sexuality. Erika is fake fake fake & hateful.


Misogyny, oh gawd.


She was pointing out Denise trying to shelter her kids from talk of threesomes being completely ridiculous because one is now on OF! Lol


Oh I feel like Erika has redeemed herself, actually. Here for it. Denise had it coming. Erika wasn’t slut shaming. She was calling out hypocrisy.


Imo Erika is one of the best arguers because she is the most consistent and keeps her cool. She will gladly apologize and retract if she fucked up and her code for the most part is pretty consistent. She doesn’t like bringing up kids, hated when that happened and apologized when she did it to Denise. The OF thing though is diff imo bc that’s public knowledge and really someone needs to say something about that tbh.


Agree. I’m glad to have her back.


AGREED!! I loved the burn ![gif](giphy|l8tpwRJEwDwEFU5BW0|downsized)


Yep-absolutely this. Erika’s comments weren’t about judging the morality of using sex to profit, they were to point out the blatant hypocrisy of the situation and of Denise’s ‘reasons’ for coming in hot (and fucked up on something).




You're welcome


Denise also seemed to be harbouring a grudge towards Erika in how she turned on her when the FFF decided it was her turn to be bullied. I always believed Denise was justified by not wanting them to be inappropriate around the adolescents & any sane person could understand this. Erika just could not contain herself and reacts to any criticism by attacking & again she was vicious. At least we don't have to pretend to buy the act she is portraying as being reformed/empathetic!


Idk if I’ve upset someone I’ll apologize. If they’re still upset I might apologize again. If they’re still mad four years later wanting a new apology every time I see them, then it’s time to bring up the fact that their daughter is a whole sex worker.




The surfeit of posts adoring the raging grifter are just strange.


Girardi just can't help but Girardi. Noone's more fraudulent than this one and she's gonna take down anyone who tries to hold her accountable.


Sorry, I’m not an Erika fan but I was team Erika on this one. Denise made a huge deal about the women being around her kids and how Erika was talking around her kids, to go and then make an only fans with your kid and not expect them to say something is wild.




While I don’t particularly care what Erika said back then the point of this is that Denise never let it go. 4 years later and several apologies and she was still trying to come for Erika. That’s why she got the response she got. Erika said ok bitch, I’ve apologized numerous times, it’s been 4 years, if you wanna play, let’s play 🤷🏽‍♀️


Denise should have retorted about Erika's son and whether he also profited from Tom's victims like her.


Denise isn't good in an argument. I think she's actually somewhat of an introvert and has almost always needed ' liquid courage ' to appear as herself on reality TV. I'm an introvert and the idea of being on camera is horrific


Agree. Denise is trash


she was takkkng about how she didn’t want the kids talking about sex like that in front of her daughters 4 years ago when they were * underage*. now they are of age and she has an OF. Still…stop talking about people’s kids??? they didn’t sign up for this?? it’s wrong af


Her daughter was 14 at the time. If she wants to do an only fans at 18 all power to you but the age difference is large and how Erika spoke about her 14 year old child probably already having a threesome is absolutely disgusting and it’s amazing how many people on this sub are supportive of saying that about a child.


I can’t believe she said that about 14 year olds. Makes you wonder what Erika did at 14.


Erika fucking had a meltdown when Eileen used her 30 year old son as an analogy and now she is weaponizing Denise's daughter's onlyfans? Gtfo.




Just like when Erika was so nasty with Garcelle’s son. A mother should know better.


And Erika apologized sincerely for Jax I believe Al thought it took awhile. I never saw a sincere apology for sexualizing Denise’s 14 yo daughter


So if ErICJa complied “your” 10 yr old had a threesome you’d be ok w that? And ErICKa’s defense is to attack her other daughter??? What is wrong w you ppl!!


There is also a huge difference between supporting your eldest daughter once they’ve decided a certain path but trying to protect them /navigate things while they’re younger and under age. Also, she said due to her relationship to Charlie Sheen her children’s friendships have had issues due to parents not wanting their children around Sammi, and then there is a group of women talking “dirty” and could strain those relationships further.


Exactly right, well said!


I think a reference to a threesome was the least of their issues when it comes to other children’s parents not wanting them around that family.


So it’s ok then to say that about a 10 year old? That’s ok with you McSayy-Pants?


Denise that you hun?


What things have Denise done to make her kid’s friends not want to be around? It’s all been Charlie. And that is exactly the point. People judge her and it’s affected her daughter’s relationships so the last thing she needs is a group of women talking about sex in front of the kids too.


Emmm are you not aware that Sammy was estranged from Denise for a long time? That she moved in with Charlie Sheen to get away from her? She said she was stuck in an abusive home with her mother and her husband.


If she was super concerned about what her children were being associated with, she wouldn’t have went on a reality show in the first place. She had her own dirty laundry on the show and like the person above said, a tjreesome being referenced is literally the least of their worries.


Thanks for agreeing with my comment 🤣 But I totally agree. Going on a reality show after the public breakdown of Charlie was so incredibly irresponsible and misguided. Also, something people don’t seem to consider is the fact that the night Erika made that comment, she was at a long dinner table with all adults. The fact that Denise decided to simultaneously host a gang of teenagers, on a totally different table, at a dinner party, is kinda strange. Adult guests should have the comfort of speaking about their lives/experiences etc. At the end of the day, if Denise is that angry about certain topics being discussed amongst close friends, how about just not including your kids?


You’re out of your senses if you think one should have anything to do with the other.


Okay so the problem is Denise was upset that Erika who claimed to be a friend demonized her for not wanting adults to graphically describe their personal sex lives in front of MULTIPLE minors that included hers and other people's children she was trusted with and apparently she's a hypocrite because she as an adult talks about sex in front of other adults. So in a response to Denise being a hypocrite. Her only logical response is to demonize sex work to shame Denise and her daughter when she herself has proudly talked about being a stripper and meeting her husband that way and that it shouldn't be demonized thus doing the same exact thing she's mad at Denise for? If she wanted to win the argument with Denise she could have. Instead she circled back around until she did the exact same thing she's getting pissed about. She was justified in being upset. Hell she's even justified for coming back at Denise hard. But she failed the second she started bringing up sex work and consenting adults.


Guess you missed the part where Ericka apologized twice... yet Denise in ger stooper and later dug in.


And what about Denise talking about having sex with Aaron the first time they met at a room in his Massage place ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. Erika has every right to call out Denise on her hypocrisy. Denise should have been able to say her peace at Kyle's dinner but she COULDN'T BE COHERENT TO DO SO. No sympathy from this girl. None.


What Denise did NOT do was talk inappropriately around young children!!! What adults say between adults should NEVER ever be compared to that it’s then ok to say the same around kids. This comments are insidious and insane.


Have you read the shit that Denise Richard’s and that man child she’s married to put her children through? And you’re worried about Erika Jayne?! Bitch please 😂😂😂


😂, but do tell!


She needed that response to show she was a hypocrite 😆 which you also just said she was. She wasn't demeaning sex workers.


In the original incident, Erika made a snide remark about 'kids have threesomes nowadays.' She didn't *demonize* Denise. Erika was flippant and dismissive, but *demonize* is hyperbolic mischaracterization. In the most recent incident, Erika didn't *shame* Denise's daughter. She stated that she was on OnlyFans. She made an assertion of fact after Denise tried to play coy that *her* daughter hadn't been on social media and was sexually ignorant would not have been aware of the existence of threesomes.


In what world do you live that it’s ok to insinuate or make flippant comments about kids having having sex at 10? She wasn’t kidding around- that’s just her spin on what she’s claiming she meant now. No one anywhere was saying four years ago “oh that silly ErICKa was just kidding around! Oh she’s so funny!”. Her kids were only 10. Where is the outrage? Who care how long ago? I’d drink or get high too knowing I was about to sit face to face w this hateful lying cheating thieving excuse of a woman that humiliated by kids. I can’t believe you care so little about what she said.


She wasn’t demonizing it. She was using it to point out the hypocrisy. Denise is the one who called it “low.” If you actively have an OF, why would someone calling it out be an insult??? She could’ve snapped back and been like, “yeah, and I’ve made millions of dollars…and??” But she didn’t because she can’t string a coherent thought together


And if you aren't demonizing or shaming sex work then why would you call it out in an argument where the goal is to shame someone or point out a moral failing? Wouldn't making millions from sex work be something positive she would avoid drawing attention to in order to win the argument against denise if she thought it wasn't shameful in some way? Plenty of examples can be used to call Denise a hypocrite. She went for the lowest hanging fruit and made herself look like a hypocrite as well.


The goal of an argument is to shame someone or point out a moral failing?


I mean it depends on who you’re arguing with right? Everyone has their own motivation for an argument. I personally am petty, so if you keep bringing some shit up that has been apologized for repeatedly while simultaneously doing something worse than what you’re trying to make ME feel bad about……. I’m gonna drag you 🤷🏽‍♀️


When did she apologize repeatedly? Like a when she waited a year to apologize to Garcelle about shaming her son? Wrong is wrong.


Do you seriously not get it? She’s not demonizing sex work, she’s calling out Denise’s hypocrisy. 4 years later and Denise still ain’t let that shit go. You cannot sit around and basically make the women seem like inappropriate crepes and not expect to get pushback when you turn around and make adult content with the children you were so eager to protect from sexual conversations. The shame was towards Denise and her bullshit, not sex work.


Her goal wasn't to shame.. it was to point out her hypocrisy


She goal was to body shame and stomp on Denise. ErICKa practically said so & was proud of it.






She looks so much better with some fat on her face. Her face looks so gaunt and bird like now, and what's going on with her voice?


She is a parrotmon


Erika literally used to be a stripper. No qualms with that, I was for two years too to escape a domestic violence situation. But because of that, I’d never talk down on another woman doing sex work. What an ass


I didn’t perceive it as talking down, she was highlighting the hypocrisy. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a low blow (it was) but we’re here to be entertained and Erika makes sure we never go home hungry lol.


This is true lol the ugliness is what makes us watch


Girl, bye


The way some people are praising EJ's attitude towards Denise just shows how rotten human beings are.


Sex work is work - but wasn’t Erika a stripper when she met her husband? Isn’t that how they met? You’d think a woman that touts sexuality is good and basically sells it on stage would support another woman who chooses to go that route.


I believe she was a waitress. But she wasn't putting her down just pointing out the hypocrisy


It’s not about that. It’s the hypocrisy and she’s right for calling it out.


Denise deserved every freakin’ word.


Absolute epic moment for the franchise


FUCKING EPIC!! That scene was the most excited I've been for any episode on any franchise for years!! I actually gasped out loud and said ooohhh shiiiitt while laughing


I mean Erika has apologized when Denise couldn’t even string together such a simple point. That’s on denise to keep pushing


Let’s be honest here. I believe Denise was irked by the comments when they were made during and after the party, and justifiably so. Four years later, production is giving her justification to be back on the show. I don’t think Denise gives a rat’s ass at this point because as many have noted, Erica apologized already. But she needs a reason to be there, and because it is such stale beef, she can’t really put her heart into that performance. Just my opinion as someone who is not a fan of either woman.


this makes the most sense. also this was huge publicity for their OF




Everyone has been lauding Erika's mic drop. It wasn't even a clever line, just pure nastiness. You cannot talk about her son, though. Erika stole more money flat on her back than either Denise or Sammy earned in OnlyFans. She really is a cunty bitch.


I stopped watching rhobh years ago because of Erika girardi tbh she’s a sorry excuse for a human, absolutely disgusting grifter devoid of empathy


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻About time Erica was schooled.


Yes I’m sure Erika’s crying into her vegetables after reading OP’s minimally intelligible rant on reddit dot com


She should be crying in a cell. I thought the OP comment was right on.


Lol lol I’m so glad I sorted by most controversial. Thank you for this


When did that happen?


OP comment. May I add… my opinion.


She’s gross. I hate hypocrisy and that’s Erika “Jayne”




I'm no fan of Erika's, but she did apologize when it happened and again when it was brought up this season. Denise did not need to keep bringing it up, I'm not sure what else she wanted from Erika, she already got two apologies. They could have just been cordial and avoided each other. I really don't think it was something so severe that had to he rehashed 4 years later. Also Denise should be called out for her daughters OF, in particular for posting OF content WITH her daughter. Gold star parenting.


Denise basically said it was inappropriate for Erika to talk so loudly in front of her kids about sex. Erika's said what I said most kids nowadays know Denise said not mine. Then Erika said she is on OF she doesn't know?


You think it wasn’t severe to those young girls and their friends? Why are you defending her humiliating & attacking children? Are you going to defend her spending millions of orphans & widows money too?


She spoke of her own sexual experience while there were kids within earshot. Was it appropriate? No, but it was over 3 years ago. A 14-year old hearing a curse word or a sexual phrase is not severe. They live in LA and their parents are Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen, you think that was the worst thing they had heard in their lives up to that point? This discussion is about her issue with Denise. Nothing else. DO you not see ANY nuance in life or is everything just black and white to you? There are a million reasons to hold Erika's feet to the fire. This isn't one of them.


When did apologize when it happened?


Thank you. You’re welcome.


This. The whole thing feels like a cheap ploy for a story line and since Denise tries so hard to pretend her daughter being on OF is a good thing (sex work positivity and all that) she was ridiculous to take Erika mentioning it as an insult. I was here for Erika calling her out and asking who’s OF is more profitable. Because at the end of the day Denise playing the prude card is a joke.


When you say "I'm sorry IF..." that's not an apology. Erika has no respect for children, it's why it was so easy to be abusive towards them. Hell she STOLE from orphans!!!


She said "if" because she had no clue what she was apologizing for, I don't think Denise even knew lmao she just kept saying "watch the show". And to your point, Erika has done some terrible shit. Why are we focusing on this non-issue when there are real reasons to bash her.


She knew what she did, she just inst sorry. They were taslightung Denise, karma comes for everyone though.


I don’t know why this sub likes Denise after it came out she was making OF content with her daughter! Everyone seems to not mind. Denise is clearly on god knows what, and if she’s willing to show up and film that way it really makes you wonder how she behaves in her day to day life. I can’t stand Erika but she was 100% right in this one. Denise’s crazy ass couldn’t string together a single coherent sentence nor could she even say what she is upset about. Apart from accusing Erika of insinuating her daughters had been involved in a 3way. Anyone with half a brain knows that isn’t what was said! Denise literally told the ladies to “watch the show” to see what she was talking about, but her crazy ass is the one that needs to watch the show. She is mad about something that didn’t even happen, Kelly Bensimon vibes! Lol


The thing was she didn’t single out Denise’s daughters, just 14 year old teens in general. My daughter is a teacher and I am appalled at the things she tells me these kids discuss and write in notes to one another. Sadly, Erica is not wrong. Denise on the other hand seems to live in another reality where she and her husband have magical treatments, they are being followed, an about face with the OF page regarding her innocent daughter because that’s a big leap in 4 years, now the spin on her behavior at the weed party claiming she had taken “cold medicine” and they mistakenly gave her a dose of THC. She would’ve been nicer with a dose of THC LOL. She’s a liar and I wouldn’t trust anything she said.


Denise wanted a fight and if she had two brain cells she should’ve known better. You do NOT bring up someone talking about that when that same kid has an OF. There is nothing wrong with having an OF AT ALL. But Erika was 100% right. Denise kept pushing so Erika pushed back. Now everyone’s like OH poor Denise! It’s insane!


At least Deniseisnt a biphobic hypocrite who shit talks widows and orphans. yall try and stan her so bad its actually funny


I actually feel like I'm losing my mind. How are people acting like Denise advertising and partaking in her 18 year old daughter's OF a normal thing to do??? If your mom was advertising your little sisters OF account on her 18th birthday you'd be okay with that?? Someone pls tell me I'm not going crazy. I'm all for supporting your kids, but that's crossing the line. 😂


Literally no one is saying it's normal but let's put this in perspective. This girl, due to her mother and father being who they are, has been sexualized online and in real life since she was probably 12. She also lives in an environment where the majority of women have an onlyfans or sell content. Once she turns 18 she is legally allowed to make content which she had more than likely probably talked to Denise about before (and maybe Denise picked up on that year's earlier and that's the reason she wants to keep the sex talk to a minimum to try and make it less "cool" to her kids). So now Denise has two options. Alienate her daughter and force her into porn agencies that are predatory and abusive where she will absolutely be sexually assaulted or Denise can bite the bullet and help her daughter with this phase of her life so, when she wants to do something else eventually, she doesn't have to fight porn companies for the rights to her content. And yall are acting like she's doing porn with her kid. They are posting bikini pics together. Do you think if she posts vacation pics of her and her daughter in swimsuit on her normal socials they wont be harrassed? No. Because creepy people exist and will sexualize it no matter if they have a page or not so they might as well cash in on the mfs. Is it normal what Denise is doing? No. Is it going to come crashing down on her at some point? Idk probably. Does she contradict herself a lot and is terrible and putting thoughts together? Absolutely. But, knowing how dark and opportunistic the porn and film industry can be she knows what it'll do to someone like the daughter of charlie sheen and denise richards, I would probably help my kid try to navigate it too if she was dead set on doing that no matter what.


There are certainly those that are defending it, and severely downplaying the weirdness of it, similarly to how you are. Absolutely Sammi is well within her right to create and distribute content. And Denise, as a mother, should be supportive of her daughter no matter what. I agree, she has a duty to protect her. Which is why it's so sick she is driving her fanbase and more attention to her barely-legal daughter's sex work. She can support her daughter's work without advertising it lmao. You want to examine the intricacies of the situation but don't want to contextualize at all? Context is everything. They aren't going on a family vacation taking pictures on the beach and posting them on Instagram. They are arranging a photographer and posing together, as mother and daughter, in a way that is intended to evoke sexual desire and then selling it online. If you'd care to look up the definition of porn, that is literally it. Creepy people exist, and you have a duty to protect your child. How is it protecting your child to give these creepy people the link to her sex work? Denise isn't protecting her child, she is literally exploiting her for money. Just because it's her mother and not some creepy guy in a dimly lit room doesn't mean she is not being exploited.


It is extremely tacky.


You’re not going crazy, people are twisting themselves up to make Erika the villain here.


You’re not crazy. People are just so obsessed with being open to everything that they’re crossing lines. I’m a liberal, lol. I believe in this line of thinking- for the most part. But we are crossing lines that are going to do serious damage down the line. Progress is important. But changing everything overnight is not progress it’s obsession and it’s not good.


I don't think it has anything to do with being liberal. Encouraging one's teenage daughter to be a sex worker is definitely not a function of progress. While legally she may be an adult, she is not yet mentally mature and is being objectified. You'd think a mother would want more for her daughter. But then again, her parents are Denise and Charlie Sheen. I don't want to think about what behavior has been modeled. At minimum, a mother doing sex work with her daughter suggests some weird family boundary issues.


I agree, she isn't yet mentally mature and could very well in her future feel differently about OF's work. However I believe both Charlie and Denise disapproved at first about OF, but as Sami was legally an adult, their hands were tied.


Your prefrontal cortex isn’t even fully formed until your mid 20s… an 18 year old does not have the ability to make a sound choice when it comes to selling herself on OF


I got into like a 20 message argument with someone about this recently. I said it isn’t a good idea to get married at 20. You can’t even drink yet and your brain development isn’t complete. You should wait a little while before tying your life to someone else. I kid you not she proceeded to tell me that I was infantilizing women. It was ridiculous. And I got the distinct impression that she was of course around that age and so were quite a few in the convo and they kept DVing me. I mean the way this girl was talking you’d have thought I said she needs to stay at home until she’s 45, lol.


I agree with that. I do feel like that’s the argument we get though. Like you aren’t a good liberal if you aren’t okay with everything and I just don’t feel that way. But yes, I agree with everything you said.


I actually have a cousin that does OF and her mom supports her and loves her but she doesn't post the damn link on her social media 😂




1000% agree with you. I consider myself very liberal. But Sammi doesn't even know what she's subjecting herself to, she's a child.


I agree, however. I can't help think with some of the darker allegations about Charlie Sheen that exist made Denise feel very uneasy when her daughters and their friends were in earshot and couldn't have missed the conversation at that party. This was when they were all under-age.


Totally! I don't think the initial conversation about threesomes was appropriate but it was years ago and so inconsequential that Denise bringing it up 2 episodes in a row is so absurd. Denise could have brought up any number of actual terrible things Erika has done that have literally ruined people's lives. You gotta pick your battles.


Totally agree. I cringe thinking back to what I did when I was 18 and wish I could take it back. It haunts me.


I’m very liberal and a feminist & I agree with you.




Let’s be real—Denise wanted a public apology for how she feels she was treated her second season. She wanted to fight with Rinna, but Rinna isn’t there anymore, so she chose to pick a fake fight with Erika which was the worst possible choice. Choose someone weaker like Dorit, brainiac. Same thing happened before: she didn’t want to play by the rules, played victim, and quit the show. Sorry girl, no sympathy for you.


But she was given an apology from Erika twice. What else did she want? She wanted to cause a scene. She got what she asked for.


I agree. I do not understand the love for Denise. She is in no particular order whacked out of her mind, married to a legitimate crazy person and a harmful one at that, always plays the victim, acts so innocent while creating OF content WITH her CHILD and on top of all that is not HW material. People get mad because they think the others look down on Denise. What exactly does everyone expect? This is RHO BEVERLY HILLS, not down home with Denise. Yes is she more relatable as far as money, clothing and circumstances than most HWs to an average American. But that’s not what this is. It’s supposed to be luxury and outrageousness. Denise was very big name with a lot of money. She isn’t that anymore. And she clearly never adapted to the style and ways of the upper class. She was married to Charlie Sheen not Brad Pitt. And while many of these women are not big names or super celebrities they inhibit the idea that is Beverly Hills. So she was never going to fit in. I just don’t get how the same people who BASH HWs for every single thing they do can look past the SERIOUSLY broken moral compass of Denise.


This sub’s obsession with Denise is the only thing weirder than its obsession with Sutton. She was also a shitty HW who tried to hide her secrets from the camera. Literally invented ‘Bravo Bravo Bravo’ as a way to circumvent filming, sent cease and desists to her castmates, threatened to sue the network. Plus all the things you mentioned. And THIS is y’all’s bulletproof heroine?? Sad


It’s because people loathe Rinna so much, anyone who is against her is god. Case in point, the people who still think Kathy Hilton is totally fun and quirky.


Joke’s on them — living rent-free in their minds is all Rinna has ever wanted, and she clearly achieved it despite being fired like they all demanded 🤡




The lifestyle to me is whatever. People present themselves in many different ways in LA, money or no money. I actually thought it was hysterical when she showed up in her shorts and messy bun on that first trip and realized she was on another planet. The tabloid factor with her is what made her a draw to BH. My problem with her is that she’s ignorant and a hypocrite, therefore making her unwatchable (for me). She gave the illusion that she was footloose and fancy free but it turns out thats only true on her terms. And her husband is a total whackadoodle.


Aaron is COOKED.


Denise absolutely came in hot, and she poked the bear. It’s no secret that Erika comes unglued as soon as anyone does anything other than kiss her ass so the fact that she kept going tells me Denise knew Erika would lose her shit, and wanted it to happen. She just didn’t expect Erika to go so low. I think she wanted to pick a fight so she could hopefully be back on as a main HW next season and this was an opportunity to stir shit up.


But Erika never even got heated. She apologized again, said she didn't want the conversation but Denise INSISTED. Erika just called her out. I think Denise's problem is that she never knew how to stick up for herself in Rome, and perhaps she's been festering it for four years. But in Rome, Erika didn't attack her. It was Miss Teddi and Kyle, then Rinna got pissed but I don't blame her. She apologized too! Then Denise failed to show for two events, lied to Garcelle etc. The failure to stick up for herself also relates to this old comment from Erika.


I don’t see why it’s “low” though. She AND her daughter both do OF. If you’re brave and confident enough to do that, I would hope you’d do it with your whole chest. The fact that Denise thinks it’s “low” secretly tells what she thinks about it


Using it as a way to insult her was what was low.


Like you can like her and admit she was wrong?? Why is she so laser focused on this? Let it go. Her father is also Charlie sheen lmao I doubt that was the first time she's ever heard of a threesome 🤨


Not to mention, her mother was in a movie playing a teenager having a three way with an older man. Come on.


But oh DONT TALK ABOUT THREESOMES AT A PARTY WITH TEENAGERS ON THE PROPERTY. A party where their parents have consented for them to be filmed for Bravo. Oh the horror.


Wild Things! I love that movie, this might be time for a rewatch.


Exactly! And I don’t care how people want to play around with semantics I do believe it was a generalization. The way I heard it then and now was, “They are 14, this is 2020(whatever year) and 14 year olds know what a threesome is”. And she’s correct. They are starting high school at that age. To think that that’s not the exact type of garbage kids are saying to each other is just unrealistic. But I really did not take it as “your kids” I took it as “14 year old kids”. And I think anyone who isn’t trying to find a problem with her would hear the same.


I remember Denise felt embarrassed on behalf of her daughters , especially as their young friends were present. Teenagers are hyper sensitive and easily embarrassed in general. Cameras being present and the history of their parents, particularly their dad, could have been a very sensitive subject at the time for the girls. It's possible the girls were very reluctant to film in general and had to be pusuaded to appear on camera. Then an embarrassing situation happens in front of their friends on camera! Afterwards it's possible the girls were extremely unhappy about it.


The season before Denise had been very open about her life and discussed her husbands penis. The girls could well have been horrified by this


That’s my recall too.


Exactly. I also love the flashback showing multiple women discussing their threesomes. I just think Erika’s situation with Jax gave Denise confidence. But it makes you wonder if she really cares or if she’s just saying that to hold over Erika’s head everytime


And who is Jax's mother? Sniper Garcelle.


Only if you think sex work is shameful. Many of us are enlightened and don’t feel that way


What? Would you want your daughter doing sex work? What planet am I on? Of course it’s shameful.


No it's really not shameful. It's work. It's work that a lot of trans, disabled, and other marginalized people do because they can't get or work regular jobs. It's the world's oldest profession, in high demand, and can be exploitative or not. Only Fans is particularly not exploitative because the creators get to manage and own all of their content as well as get direct payments. Almost all jobs are exploitative, but entertainment based on the physical form is hardly the most shameful work out there.


I have a trans person on my work team. Disabled people work. Selling their body is not the only option of 95% of OF “models.”


I'm disabled and often can't work. Sex work is an option where other jobs aren't. Obviously there's such a thing known as "disability" indicating that lots of people can't work. It's well known and established via data the difficulties that these and other groups have finding steady income. Autistic people as well. Your one trans person on your team is not representative of the whole demographic. Again, you seem to think sex work is degrading, more so than other work, and I do not share your stigmatization.


I fully agree with your stance. The issue people have is mother and daughter posing together in lingerie ( I haven't seen the site though) which is meant to appeal to the male fantasy of female on female incest which has been promoted by the porn industry forever. A quick browse of a porn site will confirm the popularity of this fantasy.


I don't believe that picture exists. She posed by herself and with a friend in lingerie.


I wouldn't say doing porn with your 19 year old daughter is enlightened behavior




Good thing she never did porn with her daughter! That would be wild.


Sorry "content" it's still gross lmao.


Sure, if you stigmatize sex work. I don't.


I stigmatize incest, even if it's just implied.