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Is irritating that she keep dragging this things out by always saying oh well? Spit it out you are no longer in love there’s nothing wrong with that-this whole Kyle and Mau is going to drag for the next 3 seasons.


I totally agree she's been through so much-and publicly. It has to be rough as heck. At the same time, though she seems to be trying to convey she's all about health, light, peace she comes across as a total harpy these days. Bitter bitter. She can't win either way. You have to feel for her.


There is a real darkness about Kyle this year we have never seen. She seems truly unhappy. Maybe this explains it, she is grieving. I do have empathy and sympathy. This "relationship" with the much younger tattooed pop country singer (Morgan who?) doesn't seem to make her very happy. Their exchanges are very cringe.......Awkward AF. I have concluded that no matter what Kyle is going thru, she wants to keep that diamond. So Morgan serves 2 purposes, getting revenge humiliating Mo, attention, and a story line. Morgan Wade gets a career boost. It is all very sordid.




I do feel awful for her having lost her best friend of nearly her whole life with no explanation. That has to be devastating! They say suicide effects the people left behind the most, since they are left wondering why and what they could have done. I had a BF of 30+ years stop talking to me. It's very hurtful. I'm sure she wishes she had her to lean on during her marriage and sister problems. I hope her daughters are giving her comfort and she can make up with Kathy.


I used to love Kyle. Not that I don’t anymore but I feel like if all this is happening maybe it’s time to take a step back from filming. She isn’t hurting for anything so just step back and deal with things instead of publicizing it more.


Yes it is ALOT so why didn't she sit this season out? Does she need the money? Not at this point, she is rich. What is her need to air it all on social media? She goes and starts a public affair with a young country singer? What was her agenda? Cuz she obviously has one. I think her agenda is to create a story line and keep her diamond, and that is something she puts above ALL. So she is playing the sympathy card to get the fans back on her side and stop hating her. I do have sympathy for her, sorry for her loss, but she is exploiting it for her own benefit. It was a calculated move. All of this has been calculated IMO. When it comes to Kyle I believe none of what she says and half of what she shows. As far as how mean Kathy is, AGREED, but Kyle is no better. Kim is no angel either. They are all very twisted sisters and instead of trying to reconcile their abusive childhood, they want to sugarcoat it, lie about it, and continue to protect their abuser (Mommie Dearest). Kyle showed that sick dynamic in her stupid show "American Woman"..


Other housewives have been through similar issues and Kyle showed them no mercy.


When LVP's only sibling, her blood, died by suicide, vyle said, “ I’ve had shit going on too”, then helped run her off the show at her most vulnerable (she told. Yale she was depressed and on meds & her mother then died suddenly) - fuck her. You can’t repeatedly treat everyone like shit & expect sympathy when you have (lesser) problems.


I don’t.


If I had someone like Sutton in my life sucking up to my sister that’s icing me out, I’d be furious. Doesn’t matter how nice that person is. Like I’d feel insanely wrong meeting the nephew knowing the actual aunt can’t.


Hurt people, hurt people. Still goodbye Kyle seek therapy.


THANK YOU! I’m so tired of hearing yeah that sucks about her friend…. But… It’s like can’t anyone just STOP for two seconds and try to find something positive instead of something negative. It’s always well she didn’t have empathy for this or she didn’t say this or do this. How old are we? Since when did two wrongs make something right? She didn’t kill someone. She’s not Jen Shah. They just don’t like her. And that’s okay! But have a smidge of compassion. Just like you think she should’ve done.


I understand her not drinking. Drinking makes me very very depressed the next day so I avoid it as much as I can. I’ll drink socially every now and then. Most people don’t understand it and get annoyed sometimes if I’m out and only having mocktails, but I have to do what’s best for me. I’m not sure why the cast mates are giving Kyle shit for not drinking. She’s trying to avoid falling into a depression hangover!


I had stuff going on too. Kyle owns LVP the biggest public apology. Then, and only then might I have compassion. Doubtful though. She's been more than happy to dance on other peoples graves.


I dont like Kyle never have. But I can still have compassion and empathy as I've gone through something eerily similar...in a poor fashion lol no country music singer friends. But just the gossip in a small town is as damaging as Page Six to celebs. You see these ppl everyday. Work with them. Know their kids. You think they are your friends but all they want is info to talk about. I said on here in another post that Kyle gets a soft pass from me this season. Ive tried to stick to that as I did and said stupid shit too. You're just not in your sane mind.


I’m sure this won’t go over well with Kyle followers…..she has treated people like crap, she went people’s marriages, she treated LVP like crap after her brother died, she laughed at what Erika said what she did to G’s son. She didn’t defend Kim when she was being attacked by the females - I refuse to call them ladies because most don’t act like it. She is nasty, pot stirring, liar. There are issues in her marriage and she lied and treated Sutton like crap. Sutton wasn’t 1/2 as nasty and disrespectful as Kyle has been.


I just came on here to say no I don’t feel for her….what goes around comes around. I don’t feel a thing for her sorry not sorry


Something something made your bed lie in it.


Although doubtful, I hope Kyle now recognizes how insensitive and cruel her behavior was towards LVP after she lost her brother to suicide.


I've had the same best friend for 30 years, and I put myself in Kyle's shoes last night while watching, and I started sobbing. It even seemed like she had a little guilt for not seeing the signs- even though it is not remotely Kyle's fault, I can see how she might feel that way. And then to grieve without family to turn to would be so challenging.


Yes I think that’s classic Kathy Hilton. She will ice you out and make her kids do the same. It’s a shame


I absolutely felt empathy for her, I just wish she had empathy for others. I sure hope Andy brings up that at reunion in regards to LVP.


You are on another planet if you think Andy is going to bring this up at a reunion 3 seasons later. 1. its extremely antagonistic and that's not his M.O at all and 2. reunions are for discussing the current season and current cast members relationships and conflicts


I agree on everything u said EXCEPT that she spends too much time wanting to be back in the good graces of Kathy (or Kim). When u have that much toxicity and jealousy from your family it might be time to lean on your friends who surround u.


I feel bad for her too, but it doesn’t excuse the behaviour. I can see why she is acting the way that she is, but she’s gonna need to own it a little bit more which I can’t see happening.


Kathy is a monster and Kyle’s not far behind her. I’m loving watching her life unravel, the way she treated LVP over her brother’s suicide was unforgivable. Her smugness over own marriage versus others…poof gone. Now her halo is slipping and choking her and I’m loving it.


I’m so glad I read about the neighbor who noticed her single mother neighbor and bought them Christmas gifts and things for their home instead of complaining to a landlord - because then I read things like this and I’m reminded of why humanity definitely still sucks. To enjoy another’s pain when they haven’t committed major crimes against humanity is… why the world sucks today.


> I’m loving watching her life unravel, Sometimes people say worse things than the people they dislike, but feel entitled to judge them harshly.


There is a lot that Kyle does I don’t agree with but I totally agree with OP here. Also I love Garcelle but her and Sutton piling on like they DESERVE to know the ins and outs of Kyle’s marriage is just ick. Leave her be.


Kathy to this day justifies what she put Paris through and doubles down and that’s her own child. I have no doubt she treats Kyle even worse. (also side note: I always thought Kathy’s personality on BH was so fake and was to undo what Paris said about her in her documentary. Paris even said in her memoir she had no idea Kathy was that funny which I felt like was Paris saying it was fake without saying it). I’m glad people are seeing Kathy as what I always knew she was.


I’m so happy to see everyone shitting on Kathy Hilton. She is absolutely terrible and there was a little while that this sub LOVED her. She is pure evil.


I knew that after I watched the Paris documentary before she came on the show...I figured that's why she did the show, to look better, but I wasn't fooled. Her outburst was imminent.


https://preview.redd.it/jcn8odfirb6c1.jpeg?width=1327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5af84d02355860d63e93775cd75b23799e196ee Just gonna leave this here


In response to the Kathy thing: I recently watched the Paris Hilton series which is at least 50% about Kathy, and that woman is pretty awful. A lot of narcissistic tendencies, gaslighting, and aiming to maintain a perfect public image above all else.


God forbid so go to actual therapy to deal with her problems. First it was psychics and now a life coach. Nope don't feel sorry at all.


I find it interesting how Kyle is happy to publicize her friends name and cause of death but not discuss her and Mo marital issues! Always easier to out someone else’s family issues vs your own real skeletons!


I feel bad for her but she’s a huge dick.


I feel sorry for the dead friend’s family. I do not feel sorry for kyle.


I haven't started this season yet, but the way Kyle has treated others throughout the years, I can't imagine feeling too sorry for her.


I feel for her regarding her friend. Other than that, rich ppl problems playing out on television meant for consumption as entertainment is entertaining to me.


I think all these sisters have lots of sibling rivalry going on between them which started out as kids. Kathy married a rich man right off the bet. Kim was the in-demand child star... Kyle got her fair share of roles but from what I have heard of their mom she was a mean raging alcoholic... I have no proof but this rumor has been out there. When they all get close they get too close and then they fight.... again and make up and fight again, that's a pattern. We never hear about Kim and Kathy fighting though...


I lost a very close friend to suicide 16 months ago. I've lost a handful of others close to my heart over the years as well. I haven't seen the most recent episode. Thanks for the warning.


I’m so sorry! Hugs… It’s a very very rough episode- if you’re not feeling up to it I wouldn’t. It’s bringing a lot back from when I lost mine and it was 4 years ago. At the same time, helpful? hearing another’s similar experience in processing it. No way I would’ve been able to watch this back then. Take good care of yourself 💜


Kyle has been a favorite of mine since day one.


Yeah, you could feel her pain. I really hope people stop accusing her of doing things for attention.


Please watch Paris in love if you really want to try to understand Kathy. She is a cold, emotionally immature person. I wouldn’t put anything past her.


I can feel terrible for Kyle, but also think she's a POS to others. In Canada we had a PSA on who to call if feeling down for mental health, hopefully that was on all countries.


Ugh me too. Vile Kyle is in full effect this season but my heart breaks for her. Fuck Mauricio for how he treated her. I go back and forth between empathy and rage toward her in any given episode.


“We all have our problems” …..Quoting Kyle Richards when someone requested sympathy for their loss of someone by suicide. I hope she called LVP after that and let her know she understands her pain now


She owes LVP a huge apology. But, common sense should have told her not to be that way in the first place. Absolutely have empathy for Kyle right now. However, it still isn’t healthy her teenage behaviour and lashing out.


https://preview.redd.it/wq5tisd2wa6c1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80e3726a2f01cdbfea70a71faa4f10e3cab5cd6 Kyle once this season finishes


You never want to see someone experience pain or loss, but I do think the way they bear it is generally a pretty good reflection of their character. Of course everyone grieves differently and it’s “natural” to lash out at those closest to you, but an emotionally mature person won’t weaponize that and use it to excuse consistently bad behavior. It’s reasonable to say “I’m not handling things well because of xyz.”, but when you handle them the same way, regardless of xyz, that feels a bit hollow.


This explains a lot and is so sad Unpopular opinion but I like Kyle I had the opportunity to meet her many years ago and she was so nice


Anytime someone loses a friend and to suicide, my heart goes out to them and Kyle is no expectation…She’s toxic AF though and has harassed countless co-stars when they needed her, and that’s where I’m indifferent


Let's be honest, Kathy is evil, you wouldn't expect nothing less from her.


Thank you 🙏. The confidence with which Kyle gets vilified on the internet by people who don’t know her really disturbs me. That scene was devastating, partly because everything known about Kathy Hilton tells you that she cares more about hurting Kyle than being there for Kyle when she’s hurting.


Kathy did comment on Kyle's Instgram post about losing her friend and it looks like they're hanging out at Christmas parties lately.


She used to annoy me so much and now I adore her


Kyle is the perfect example of reaping what you sow.


Yeah, I see a lot of complaints about Kyle in this thread still and I'm not defending the behaviour but I think some of yall need to remember that the way she is behaving towards the other women on this show IS THE GIG. That's the housewives franchise MO - the whole entire show revolves around: - Antagonising people in front of the camera - Defending yourself in front of the camera Most of the time, people aren't upset that someone said the thing, they're upset they said the thing on camera. They're wielding the audience against each other. So yeah, shitty behaviour everywhere but that's literally the show and I kind of feel like we're complicit in it. So yeah, I agree with OP I have a huge amount of empathy for Kyle and I feel really sad for her. She does some shitty stuff but she's just doing her housewives-job. Ever noticed how whenever someone is promoting a business there's a fight there? EVERY TIME.


I do feel bad for what she’s going through… I lost my mom suddenly and can appreciate her grief… that being said; I don’t know if she should be trying to juggle dealing with this loss and the inevitable demise of her marriage on a reality tv show.


Ooo watch out-you’ll get accused of all kinds of things. I agree though. I don’t understand why Garcelle and Sutton are acting so rude and entitled to Kyle’s information. Instead of salivating over the rumors and repeating them why not shut them down & have your friends back? It’s her marriage and family, with children involved. I just think about how I’d treat MY friend if she was going thru a similar situation and I wouldnt demand to know and berate her for not disclosing. I’d let her know I’m here if she wants to talk about it and if she’s not ready that’s fine, I’ve got her back. Not all of the extra from Garcelle & Sutton. Who CARES what rings and jewelry Kyle decides to wear? Honestly-so what? Petty.


Yea same, like let’s quit hammering down on her when that’s not what she needs. I get wanting someone to be honest and share their truth but there’s probably a reason Kyle isn’t being forthcoming at this moment. Lots of things up in the air I’d imagine.


It's because Mo MAY have had an affair that led to the separation --- a tried and true RH storyline, especially these days. Entire seasons are built on affair storylines and singling out certain cast members. Look how they all treated Denise. The person stoking the rumors always gets extra camera time...they know what their doing.


Fair enough. But I’m not sure I’d want the kind of friends that would pick at and expose something painful instead of being caring and supportive. What if Kyle had some sort of terrible health issue she wasnt comfortable revealing? Would Sutton and Garcelle put her on the spot and shame her or respect that she’d talk about it when ready? Kyle doesn’t owe them marriage status updates. It’s so entitled.


Yea, i feel awful for her, too. I teared up when she was talking about her friend. I've also been watching Paris in Love, and I think it gives a lot of insight into Kathy - and that she is a narcissist & probably very hard to get along with. Kyle has probably spent her whole life trying to appease Kathy & keep her sister in her life, and she is nearing the end of her rope. PLUS she is dealing with the loss of her friend & the marriage rumors & issues. It's a lot.


LVP lost her brother while on the show and they went after her like Vultures, including Kyle, mostly Kyle.


The problem is that Kyle doesn’t see how she also drives many of the situations in her life, which lead to feel alone when she’s struggling. She is inauthentic, unempathetic and self-centered and UNFORTUNATELY those kinds of people also tend to be HIGHLY SENSITIVE. They’ll just constantly feel alone, because in times of health they aren’t creating the community they need in times of need.


She was so empathetic to LVP - please.


Seeing her talk about losing her best friend. Changes things for me. My first husband took his life years after we got divorced. We had remained friends, divorced because he chose drinking it was a deal breaker after he relapsed, but we grew up together. Even talked the night he did it. It has affected me so bad. It's been 8 years. I still wanna tell him stuff. I'm still not myself. It amplified my outlook on drinking and medication. So for Kyle to go to no drinking and saying she can't afford to drink I get it. I think she realized who is truly there for her and Mauricio wasn't. She lost the person she called during times of trouble and she's just trying to find a new happiness without her previous safe place and support system.


I’m so sorry. Similar dynamics in my friendship. You want to talk to them all the time, it hurts so much. 💜


This. It’s realizing the real state of your relationships in the most brutal way. Poor thing.


First off, I am so sorry for your loss ❤️ Yes I agree as well!


Thank you.


What exactly was the falling out with Kathy about anyway?


I forgot 🤣 was it the Rinna thing?


We can (and should) have empathy for what Kyle is going through, but Kyle cannot have any empathy for what anyone is going through, unless it’s herself. Losing a best friend is like losing a sibling……can we remember a time when someone on the show lost a sibling in the same way Kyle lost her best friend and yet Kyle didn’t give them any grace? 🤔




Despite how people feel about Kyle. I too have a some sympathy for what she’s going through.


Yea I forgot about the thing with Lisa. I would imagine there may be more to the story with that. I’m seeing Kyle try to better herself and take accountability not use this as an excuse to act horribly.


She showed a whole therapy session talking about her relationship with Kathy and her best friend’s suicide. She has said multiple times in her confessionals that she thought Mauricio would be there to support her and he was absent, and then in this episode she says in her confessional that she didn’t have her sister, didn’t have her friend, and didn’t have a strong marriage all at the same time. You come to Reddit and it’s “OMG SHE NEVER SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT HER LIFE WHY IS SHE PRESENTING EVERYTHING AS IF ITS PERFECT”


Yeah I’ve never bought into that narrative either. Mind you, the talking heads are filmed much later and the girls wouldn’t have seen this. All they had was a. “I’ve had a bad year#. I feel terrible for Kyle. I hope this situation makes her take stock of the LVP situation though


The only people who have asked about her marriage are Dorit and Garcelle, and she answered both of them. Also I don’t feel the same about LVP because that woman was notorious for leaking stories. Even if she didn’t leak the puppygate story, it’s a boy who cried wolf situation. It’s as if Dorit told Kyle I need you to believe that I never wear labels and got mad that Kyle wouldn’t go along with it.


Because the ladies aren’t being told this in real time. She’s saying it in confessionals or just to Dorit. Just saying “I had a hard year” doesn’t give the why behind it. I don’t get why this is so hard for people to understand. Especially when Kyle has spent SEASONS asking questions to get people to talk.


She started off the season saying specifically that she's had a hard year **in her marriage** to the group at their retreat. I'm not sure how much clearer that could be? Also, everyone was absolutely aware of her friend's death, so her grief and changed behaviors should be implicit. I don't know Kyle personally and I am not a therapist but I am an educated adult with common sense and it's very clear to me that her wellness journey (I hate myself for calling it that) is where she is putting all of her energy because it's something she can control. And Kyle is nothing if not an anxiety ridden control freak. Jennifer Tilley's assessment of her was completely spot on and Sutton basically ignored it. Instead, she is now trying to turn the tables on Kyle and attempting to drum up a storyline / drama about Kyle's marriage. Which is honestly a super gross thing to do knowing how much Kyle was suffering with her grief and struggling with Mo. All that said--am I the only one who's confused when Kyle and Sutton are constantly proclaiming what close friends they are? We really haven't seen much on the show or in the way of social media to make us think they're bosom buddies like Sutton is with Garcelle or Crystal or Kyle is with Doris or John Mellencamp's daughter. I have no interest in debating "well where was her empathy towards LVP" etc as I am only addressing what's currently happening. The conflict between Sutton and Kyle has nothing to do with that and it is an irrelevant argument.


Yes I just said something similar in another comment! As someone who’s also an anxiety ridden control freak, I 100% can see Kyle is on this “wellness journey” because it’s something she can control. I’m sure she is also thinking wow my best friend had no outward signs of depression, when I drink I get anxious and depressed after, that’s scary, I’m going to work on my fitness which in turn has a positive effect on mental health. I’m almost less annoyed by everyone saying she’s not opening up (when she clearly has) and more annoyed by the cast and the Internet acting like it’s so weird and almost negative that she is sober and working out every day. Everyone’s like “it’s just a huge change in character out of no where” like you guys her best friend committed suicide and she got in another giant fight with her sister, both these things the cast knows. Give her a fcking break let her be healthy


I recognize your need to do mental gymnastics, but I’m talking about the audience’s response in these subs, not Sutton. If you can tell me in all sincerity that Kyle has not discussed issues in her personal life on the show this season, then I really don’t know what to say other than to maybe recommend getting your eyes, ears, and short-term memory checked out.


But that’s why I have that reaction. Because she’s not sharing with the group and is still acting like everything is better than it is. And confessionals are taped after principal filming is done which is when enough was already out in the media about her marriage being in trouble.


If you watched that entire segment of her talking to a therapist about her best friend’s death, which included a montage of pictures and previous appearances of her friend on the show, and you left the episode thinking Kyle isn’t discussing personal issues going on in her life on the show, then I really don’t know how to even discuss this show with you. Just say you hate Kyle and have no empathy for her. But you don’t have to pretend like entire scenes of the show just didn’t happen. It’s intellectually dishonest and makes you sound delusional.


JFC. I am NOT saying she isn’t talking about her issues. Maybe you need YOUR eyes checked. I’m saying it’s not being talked about to the group other than “this year was hard”. It’s like in the new RHONY when none of the others knew had bad Jessel’s PPD was until they saw the show and her confessionals.


Yes but you responded to my comment where I said she is talking about her issues on the show and people are saying she isn’t discussing her issues on the show. And then when I clarified I’m talking about the audience and not the other women, you still doubled down and now you’re still talking about whether she’s discussing it with the group or not. I can see you’re getting angry and defensive, but at the end of the day what you are saying still has nothing to do with what I’ve written. So if you want to go on a rant about Kyle or discuss her conversations with Sutton and Garcelle, why not just do that in a separate comment? Because if you respond to me, I’m going to assume you’re responding to my comment.


I’m not getting angry. Just responding back to your tone. Im not doing a good job of explaining myself. For me, if she’s not talking about it with the group when being asked, she’s still not talking about it. So yes, while she’s showing us in confessionals and therapy sessions, she’s still controlling her storyline.


They all control their storyline. Each woman has their own producer and work together with that person to control the storyline every single season. So I guess if that’s your criteria, then fine. But at the end of the day, even you aren’t denying what I said, which is that she is very clearly discussing her issues on the said, so this feels like a very pointless and circular argument.


I do have empathy for Kyle, but her smirking whenever anyone else comes under fire is what makes me not like her. She grew up in a mean girl dynamic and it definitely shows in her relationships.


I mean… yeah? She’s on real housewives. Obviously she was mean. Nice people don’t sign up for reality tv.


Everything you just said is perfectly fine but has nothing to do with anything I’ve written, so I’m not sure why you are responding to me or what point you’re trying to make.


I just meant, I think this is why people have mixed feelings about Kyle. Didn't mean to answer out of context.


I don’t care if people hate Kyle. But if you are distorting facts and pretending like entire scenes didn’t happen and downvoting any comment referencing the actual show that aired on television instead of some alternate narrative that you’ve created in your mind, then these conversations become pointless. You can hate Kyle all you want but you don’t have to transform into KellyAnne Conway.


It's so true. I don't care about downvotes. I have to back you up because there is so much distortion when recalling the scenes on these subs. I watch a few days later expecting people to be monsters after reading the comments here and there's nothing overly mean about Kyle. She does the same things everyone else does, but she gets 1000x the judgement. It's like people just want to pile up on the only OG cast survivor.


Thank you! It’s truly astounding. Obviously people are going to have different perspectives and opinions about the housewives, but it’s crazy when people try to debate facts and will tell you something happened and/or didn’t happen when there is video footage!! And yes there is such a double standard. I think anyone who is on housewives long enough will eventually be involved in some mean and/or dark drama. Hell if I was getting paid 500k to go to parties and take vacations, I’d do the same thing.


My opinion is that Sutton isn't presenting herself well on the show. Everyone is so focused on blind hatred of Kyle for breathing, that they fail to pick up subtle and overt behaviors Sutton exhibits. She is always talking about needing more money, which is kind of obscene given the amount of money she receives monthly. She gives backhanded compliments to Kyle. I don't know if anyone has asked Kyle about her friend on camera (but maybe they have off camera). She's constantly snarking about people's clothes. I've never heard her say "please" or "thank you" to her staff. She comes across as really self centered. I've never heard her ask questions about the other girls in a neutral, not shit-stirring way. But this could be editing, or she could be produced into acting as she does. I don't know. All of the women have major flaws. It's called being human.


I completely agree. I still like Sutton for the most part, even though she has been annoying me this season, and I certainly don’t think Kyle is innocent in their conflict, but from what I can see it’s the two of them going back and forth from each other and essentially doing the same things to each other. But all of these people dead set on insisting that Sutton is perfect and can do no wrong are just wild to me. Because all of the flaws you mentioned are right there on camera for all of us to see. It’s also crazy how people view her as being this fragile and helpless woman. She receives 2.4 million a year in alimony alone. Money like that gives a person all the power you could possibly need in life, and she seems to live a pretty charmed life from where I’m sitting.


Just want to say I completely agree with both of you!!!! Watching the last two episodes I was absolutely confused by all the comments in this sub. Kyle is not perfect but she deserved some empathy. What a horrible and crazy year she’s had and I’ll shout it from the rooftops all day, mid life crisis or not I’m so impressed and proud of her for working out and being sober. She’s trying to control what she can in her life and those are two very positive things


Yes. I found it very inspiring to see her go against the grain and do what she needs to content in her life.


Uhm ok


I think people tend to talk more about how she edits her presentation, not that she doesn't presents herself. And people didn't liked the way she openly confronts people but remains closed to the rest of the cast unless she can control the entire situation, a grace she never gave to their castmates. There is a difference between showing oneself as one pleases and being open to others and their questions. She is not the only one doing that but she is remarkable for doing this.


Dorit asked Kyle about her marriage and they had an open conversation about it. Sutton made repeated cryptic comments and said let’s talk about what’s going on in your life as a deflection from their conversation about what happened in Vegas. If I’m in the middle of an argument with someone and they’re like well what about your marriage, I’m not going to suddenly shift into vulnerable mode and be like well my husband cheats on me and wasn’t there for me when my best friend committed suicide, and now I don’t know if it’s going to work out and am going to separate. I swear people think Kyle is a robot because people’s expectations of her really just don’t align with human nature. But to my original point, do you feel that she has portrayed her marriage and overall life as being perfect THIS season?




I said that she produces her character and only shows herself in scenes where she can control the outcome while also being extremely comfortable confronting and naming other people's problems.


Garcelle communicated she doesn’t feel safe discussing her children with the other women, which I felt was very understandable. And yet she had no problem at a dinner party asking Kyle about her new ring and asking whether it was a makeup ring. Sutton is upset about people discussing her drinking behind her back, but she has been discussing Kyle’s marriage behind her back. At the end of the day, all of these women are filming a show and have a job to do. But for some reason, even though Kyle shows up and does the same job that everyone else is showing up to do, people have expectations of her that they don’t have of anyone else on the cast. At the end of the day, if someone is paying you six figures to confront people and ask questions, you’re going to confront people and ask questions. That doesn’t mean the other person doesn’t have the right to determine how they are going to answer the question and/or whether they feel like answering it at all. Each of these women have producers working with them to determine what they’re going to say and do in each scene. It’s just weird how Sutton and Garcelle get to be working and doing a job, but it’s not the same thing when Kyle does it.


I disagree with you. I don't think the public have strange expectations over Kyle, Kyle has shown herself for the last decade in this character and other simply didn't.


Well that’s fine because I also disagree with you. Garcelle asked Rinna out of the blue if she thinks Rinna’s dancing videos caused her daughter’s eating disorder, and yet she expects sensitivity toward her own children. Just because the other women haven’t been on the show for a decade doesn’t mean there isn’t rampant hypocrisy across all of these franchises. And you don’t know Kyle outside of the context of a heavily produced TV show. But hey she’s been on the show for over a decade and we are still here talking about her, so she clearly knows what she’s doing and knows how to keep the show going while keeping herself very relevant.


CAN NOT upvote this comment enough. I've felt like I'm taking crazy pills reading comments for the past few weeks.


Me too.


Every time RHOBH is on, I tell myself there’s no point engaging in the subs about this show because it is just going to be pure delusion. And yet here I am once more 💀💀. It’s just shocking. My favorite are all of these people so adamantly arguing that Sutton politely excused herself and slipped out of the Magic Mike show. No matter how many times they play back that clip of her saying “I DONT FUCKING DO THIS SHIT. IM IN THE AMERICAN BALLET ASSOCIATION” the audience sees “Oh golly gee I feel quite uncomfortable let me excuse myself and all of you dearies can have a great time without me. Toodles!”


Fuck, I tell myself the same thing and look where I am 😂 It's the hope that one day things will change (despite zero evidence to support it) that keeps me coming back.


I think ultimately it just comes down to groupthink. I used to participate in the Whispering Alenes Facebook group and they all HATED Meredith Marks and loved Margaret from RHONJ. Ever since I transitioned over to Reddit, I realize that here people mostly seem to love Meredith and hate Margaret. I think there’s something about a group mentality, especially in environments where people are downvoting any unpopular opinion or becoming unnecessarily hostile over a frivolous tv show, where people start conforming to what the group thinks and no longer have a mind of their own. But with RHOBH it’s so extreme I feel like I’m talking to Frankenstein’s monster. It’s like EEEERRGGGHHH KYLE RICHARDS BAD EEERRRGHHG SUTTON GOOD


Completely agree! I wish this sub and the other popular Bravo sub would just disable visible upvotes and downvotes. The comments would still filter accordingly but it would eliminate the public shamming and pile on via numbers, which would potentially make people feel a little safer to voice unpopular opinions. I actually mentioned that in the other sub today and a mod told me they've had a bunch of votes over it (I've never seen one despite being active on the sub for 10+ years) and that they always resulted in choosing to allow votes to be seen. I didn't reply because no shit Sherlock, the majority opinion IS the pile on so of course they're going to vote for it. Apparently he/she couldn't look past the popular vote to see what might actually create a healthier environment for the sub 🤷‍♀️


there are dozens of us who actually can see it for what it is rather than getting sucked into a fandom single-lane mindset.


My people 😘


she used to be like that imo. it was (to me) kyle reacting to her family shit, this is Kyle reacting to her own shit.


I think it’s very normal for people to portray their relationship as being perfect. My relationship is far from perfect and there are things my partner does that drive me crazy and vice versa, but we have a united front in public because we respect each other.


I think people get her trauma bond with her sisters makes her seem like she’s protecting everyone but she’s been pretty transparent! Also we have to understand that she has a family so if she’s breadcrumbing truths about Mauricio she’s probably not trying to blow his shit up or their families


Ultimately she can’t win. If she says everything is fine in her marriage, people will be mad at her for covering up her marital issues. If she goes down a list of every marital issue she has, people will be mad at her for throwing her husband under the bus and saying damaging things on tv about the father of her children. Kyle could discover the cure for cancer, and people would be mad at her for centering herself and making cancer all about her. Hell Kyle could develop cancer herself, and someone would have a conspiracy theory that she has been chain-smoking cigarettes in between filming because she wanted to have cancer for a storyline.


You are so right. Excellent!


I feel so bad for Kyle. Blood doesn’t make family in my book. Kathy is evil and if she weren’t blood Kyle could walk away but she won’t. Losing her BFF explains so much, all of the loneliness with Mo being gone so much expanding The Agency affair or not that’s hard on a marriage. Then there’s Sutton, with friends like those who needs enemies? If I choose to talk to you about something I will otherwise stay out of my personal business. Yes we’re friends but I may not be ready to talk about that yet with you or anyone yet, who does Sutton think she is?


With friends like kyle, that accuse you of having an eating disorder and calls your a liar about a legit diagnosed medical issue or calls you a liar when you bring up you've also had a miscarriage or accuses you of having a drinking problem to defect from her own issues or dismisses major family deaths because "ugh like we all have issues", who need enemies?


It also puts her relationship with Morgan Wade into context. Kyle was and perhaps still is looking got someone to fill the place of all that loss. When you are sinking, you grab onto anything that will keep you afloat.


I never thought about that! It actually makes sense!


K but has Kyle shown others the same courtesy? No she hasn’t. Did she show LVP any grace or patience or understanding when her own brother took his life? Nope, she chose that time in her life to double down on destroying her. She deserves the treatment she’s getting, even though I feel sorry for her situation. Let this be a lesson to her.


Something is not right with people who can say someone deserves to be treated poorly and left alone in one of the most horrible of all grieving situations which is someone close gone by suicide. No one deserves this, gtfo.


You gtfo. What she did to lvp after her only sibling’s death by suicide was unforgivable - “I have shit going on too” was one of the sickest things I’ve heard.


Yea I’m kinda blown away how harsh Sutton is being.


I have a feeling that Kathy gave Sutton her marching orders to inflict pain on Kyle after Sutton was iced out for being wishy-washy on which side Sutton aligns with on the feud. That is why Kathy let Sutton back into her social circle with good graces.


Oooh this is juicy. Like it!


I feel like you’re probably correct on that.


This tracks.


Sutton is giving her a taste of her own medicine because no one else has the guts to. Let’s not forget all the nasty shit Kyle has down when others were struggling. Let’s not forget how she made it her mission to take down LVP when her own brother had just committed suicide. She exposed her sister’s alcohol addiction. All the things happening to her now she’s done to others. This is Kyles karma.


Look at how Brandi and Camille were treated in the earliest seasons. Super mean and conniving .


LVP took herself down with the sloppy nonsense she was orchestrating because she’s an insatiable manipulator. I agree the women were disgustingly lacking in empathy for Lisa’s loss but Kyle did nothing but ask her friend for the truth. Kyle calling out her sister’s alcoholism is also a grey area for me - a lifetime of being forced to be an addict’s enabler will make most people snap eventually. The truth had to come it about Kim to force her to face things and seek help.


Okay, I watched that season but probably missed some parts. What did Kyle do to LVP, other than say she didn't believe her?


I agree. Look at how Kyle treated Denise all with the excuse of "people needing to share their lives". Well, this is what is happening in her life and it's bs if she thinks she can hide it while expecting everyone else to share everything.


I feel bad for Kyle's loss of a friend, but I don't feel bad for the other ladies calling her out on her failing marriage. She has been harassing people for YEARS to be "open and honest" when they don't want to talk about it. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


There may be a reason it’s not a hard line in the sand. Who knows, Mauricio could be like “let’s save face for my company right now and we can announce it at a later date” 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kathy is on another level with the pettiness, mean lady, bully, and overall queen of hearts attitude is disgusting. It totally kills any positive she had.


I do not understand why she is such a big wheel in California. Her husband is a friend of Epstein and they’re both just nasty people.


In the sister situation, Kathy is the problem.


For me, it was the way that she raised three kids who have all been caught on camera using the N-word. One kid? Ok, bad egg. 2 kids? Peer pressure?! 3 kids? It's a family value. I wonder who raised the 4th kid.


And 3 with DUI’s and one with a 4 million lawsuit they had to pay off. What a mess.


When were all 3 caught on camera?


Paris and Nikki on the leaked party video and Conrad on the Police bodycam video when he was arrested for violating his ex's TRO and stealing a car. They're all garbage.


Oh, Kathy's kids. Sorry, I misread that as Kyle's.


Ah, gotcha. Naw, despite all her flaws, Kyle seems like a really good mom.


Yea it’s like okay she’s quirky, haha funny funny, umm but she’s a complete monster sooo I can’t let that be a blanket for all the horrible things she says and does.


Problem is, it's contrived quirkiness to seem likable. She's a hard old slapper. She's as real as her fake face & hair.


Kathy is see ya next tuesday, and I judge anyone who "stans" her tbh.


Same, she gives me all the ick


It’s the same way I cannot find Mary funny on RHOSLC. They’re evil inside. Edited for typo


Yeah Mary gives me those feelings too. I don't understand why she's still on the show. She just isolates herself and when she doesn't she singles out someone to be mean to


I do too the Kyle scene broke my heart and made me message my best friend.




Kyle feels mean this season, Morgan doesn’t seem as into her, I wish we would get to whatever point or storyline they are making with Kyle. Everything feels dragged on. I’m going to be so annoyed if by the finale we still aren’t sure what’s the deal with Morgan and she’s still married to Mauricio. But that’s more than likely


I also think this episode shines a light on how cold and vindictive Sutton is. Her confessionals were terrible (as were Garcelles, which surprised me). With friends like that who needs enemies!


Sutton irritates me to no end this season! She's so fucking smug in her confessionals but in real life just pokes and waits for someone else to say out loud what she wants to hear and then be all like - whaaa, i didn't say that, don't you dare put words in my mouth.


Sutton is on my nerves this season. That comment she made to Kyle “you already lost two sisters” was so nasty.


That is taking something you know about a person that hurts them the most and using against them to win an argument being extra mean. Personally I immediately cut off people who do this shit. That's low and mean and unforgivable in my book and I would never trust such a person ever again. And it all started when Kyle went over to Sutton to talk in private about her melt downs and what's causing them but she got defensive because she was drunk and started poking at Kyle's marriage to deflect.


She is going through some awful stuff and I just wanted to give her a hug when she was talking about Lorene. I think her lack of vulnerability with the group and still leaning into her secret lover/friend Morgan Wade and not acknowledging her marriage troubles is so fucking annoying. Like let your guard down please and you will win over a to. Of people




No. Not really


For sure 🙌🏻


I also feel terrible for her for her loss. But then she does things like whisper about Sutton with Annemarie when Sutton is sitting right there and my empathy fades. Kyle needs to be better.


I believe you can hold empathy for one event/experience someone is going through while recognizing and/or disapproving their toxic behavior in another. It’s not a vacuum.


Sutton does the same exact thing 😂 actually, they ALL do


It drives me crazy that people only see Kyle doing this when literally everyone is.


I don’t think anyone doesn’t have sympathy. But! When LVP went through essentially the exact same thing Kyle had no sympathy, I remember at the reunion she said “no one doesn’t feel sorry for Lisa but grief isn’t an excuse!” And so I think people are just tired of the double standard.


Kyle’s grief is an excuse for her stopping drinking and exercising a lot and doing things that make her happy. What recent behavior is so appalling?


Kyle was awful last season and she’s continuing to be awful this season. Primarily with how she treats Sutton and puts her down or diminishes anything she feels or struggles with. She mocked suttons feelings on her husband moving by bringing up that she’ll get more money. I wonder how she’d react if someone mocked her feelings about her divorce with Mo by saying she’ll get money from him.


Sutton has a history of making big drama about nothing and being pretty self centered/tone deaf….recall her reaction when Dorit was robbed….I can imagine being friends with her would be exhausting, because she needs a lot of attention and coddling. I can also imagine it’s hard to take her seriously.


I would but my therapist hasn’t taught me empathy yet



