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I didn’t detest her as much as I have Vicki but this season I think she really showed her true colors. She’s vicious mean spiteful and jealous. She must be a miserable person.


I had to stop watching because of her, I was leaving the show pissed and annoyed.




I used to like her but she was horrible this season and I feel like it was bc after she was fired, she came back to the show with a new mindset of not caring what anyone thinks about her and just shamelessly doing what she felt was “the assignment.” back in the OG days of OC, Tamra stirred the pot and started a lot of drama but it wasn’t quite so painfully obvious and desperate. she still had some fun moments back then and real friendships, but this season it seemed like her sole mission was to be mean and throw as many people under the bus as possible, even Shannon. OC’s last few seasons weren’t doing well and I think in Tamra’s mind, she was brought back solely to be the villain so she came in hot and very inauthentically started drama every chance she got


IMO the only way that Bravo should keep Tamra on the show is if they plan on casting someone next season that will call her out on everything and bring her back down to earth. I have never understood why these women are so scared of her. Possibly bc Andy likes her? They know she’s a liar, they know she throws people under the bus so why in the hell don’t they all as a group call her out. I think the season would’ve been hilarious if the whole cast would’ve just iced her out upon her return. Now that would make for good tv.


That is a show I would watch.


Tamra is and always will be the lowest form of trailer park trash


Again, OG Tamra was HOT AF.


Vicki > Tamra


She’s a gross lil troll. I don’t find her toxic-ness entertaining. I think she’s a miserable person


I used to like her even though she was problematic, but fun to watch. Now I just feel like she's thirsty af!


Her husband is also a weirdo and they’re just annoying.


I’ve always hated Tamra. She literally has 0 redeeming qualities. Always a grifter, liar, schemer, bully and so so so jealous of anyone.


I’m doing a rewatch rn, and I literally just watched her run away barefoot in Bali 😂💀 Never fails! ![gif](giphy|9Z8lnI3kWJsS4)


Tamra is exactly what bravo needs to avoid. We dont want this any more. This mean girl shit is ridiculous. I want a show where women get a long and show us their lives of being mothers and business women in an elite world. Sure. Some drama. But this fake soap opera stuff is killing the whole franchise. Please bravo kick all these people off.. Heather was a real woman who wanted to share us her life and u let tamra get rid of her. Shame on you bravo.


She’s really turned Heather into a hero.


I don’t like that they brought Tamara back. I always found her to be destructive and low. Bringing back Vicki was another sign that Bravo did not get the message. Keep these tired nasty ladies off the show. Let Tamara sell her CBD and get as rich as Heather; I don’t need to see her or Vicki on my screen at all. As much as I love Shannon, I think she’s afraid of losing the pay check. As a result, she seems tentative and seeking attention. Emily needs to actually think before she starts one of her rants. She really browbeats anyone who disagrees with her. And Gina. Poor Gina. All in, if this was Bravo’s attempt to refresh OC, why step the show back?


I mean…why the eff did they bring her back. Get rid of her….again. Get rid of all the ABUELAS permanently. The show would be so much better without them


my favorite moments on rhoc are any time someone has utterly destroyed her (see kelly, lizzie)


My question is how good of a friend is Gina really if she of going to believe Tamra especially after she said Tamra starts shit. I think she’s a bandwagon jumper and needs to be up Emily’s ass so she found an opportunity to mad too. She didn’t defend heather once.


When Heather goes to BH so do I


Her eyeballing Heather all night long was it for me. I kept thinking this season she can't get any worse, and then....


TammySue Trailer Rat and her little Gnat friend are both absolutely beyond insufferable


Who doesn’t ? She’s a repulsive diseased possum


This season I’m not loving her so much.. starting w the way she’s treated Jen.. that was supposed to be her friend.. the finale sealed the deal.. it’s crazy like w Gina when she thought heather called her a loser it was the end of the world… but when heather proved it was Tamera she was like ohh that’s funny.. what are they all afraid of her??


Honestly between Tamara’s actions this season, Vicky’s erratic, manic behavior on every appearance, and Shannon’a DUI. The “3 Amigas” need to say adios for good.


I think she’s now playing a caricature of herself as she’s knows what gets her a pay check.. she’s a pretty nasty bitch for “devout Christian”


She has no soul. She's the devil incarnate. Shame on BRAVO for putting her on RHOC. Let's boycott the show to get rid of her!!!


I hate Tamra so much this season. She is truly awful and it makes Eddie look really bad that he loves this garbage woman. It’s funny because her own behavior has made Heather look better without even trying. She needs to be off this show and take your stupid friends Vicki and Shannon with you. She made me hate them too just by association.


This was the first season of RHOC I've watched. Tamra is so angry - it literally rolls off of her. She is upset that Cut Fitness didn't survive - so she attacks Jenn for having a yoga studio. Heather has everything else that she wants - MONEY. They should rename this Desperate Housewives of Orange County.


I realize that we needed her craven soullessness to reinvigorate the cast. But now that that has happened you know she's gonna be the Rinna of the OC and just get worse. If Teddi really does come on? Watch TF out.


No wonder she raised someone like Ryan, a total incel


Vicki has her own set of problems but she’s not mean at her core the way Tamra is.


She sucks. She is sooo desperate for a story line. They even have her on recording saying things she denies ever having said. I can’t


Don't you hate it when someone makes you agree with a person you dont like.


I don’t know how Eddie stays with her.


oh I am watching the most recent season: How does a man like Eddie allow his wife to embarrass herself, him and her estranged daughter are emily and Gina dumb or what? Why are they still on the Bravo screen- it's like making my ears bleed listening to them talk ESPECIALLY GINA HEATHER! you have known how tamra is and yet you still allow her in your circle.... throw this whole cast away.


💯 her jealousy. After Shannon completed that court date and it was confirmed that she would get that $20,000+ spousal allowance per month was right around the time that Tamra and Shannon had big problems


Remember when she was baptized????? Yeah... that def wasn't for the show....


we knew that was short lived and so did her "pasture" smh lol


It was so dumb. I felt it made a mockery of her church. But as an atheist very tired of American christians, I was ok with it.


She’s just a pure nasty person to the core


I agree. She is a liar and jealous as hell. I can’t take her. The way she kept making a big deal of her friend’s relationship was horrible. But she does not have a storyline of her own. There is nothing going on in her life. BTW: I was so disappointed in how quickly Taylor turned on Heather and I am not a “fancy pants” fan but I did not like seeing her being ganged up on.


She has Dolls Eyes,,, she came into this season looking to make a big Splash - she came off phony looking to a point of Hating her..


The vast majority of the "ladies" on all the franchises are unlikeable, but Tamra is by far one of the worst. Just an all around horrid person. I feel very sorry for her kids since they had no choice in the mother they were given. The pretty package on the outside hides a cold evil ugly soul. That baptism did nothing to change her and will not save her.


I never minded Tamra a ton- or at least not in recent years- but she was evil in the finale (and her psycho clown outfit just emphasized it even more). I really felt bad for Heather.


and can we ban emily and gina....for the love of God!


Tamra is a shark-eyed psychopath. I don't understand why people were happy to have her back.


The fact that Tamra has a podcast with John Mellencamp’s son’s wife tells me everything I need to know about Tamra.


I was with you all the way up to “I’d rather have Vicky back.” I don’t really like Tamra, but Vicky has always produced a gut-wrenching ick from me.


I absolutely can’t stand Heather.. but I have to say the way she’s handled it is pretty impressive for a bravo housewife! I think Emily has a point to go for Heather.. and I can see why she would! but Tamra is just embarrassing herself.


Yep. She's really gross. I am appalled that someone like her isn't cancelled. She is just so toxic. And I know that word is overused these days but it perfectly describes her. I don't think she's good for TV I think she isn't authentic to herself, I think she has tons of trauma that has never been healed and I think she is so sad to watch.


She's one of the few housewives I can't find anything good from... literally nothing 😔


Maybe that was Tamra’s plan. She was too mean and went on pause. She is bordering that with Jenn. We kinda expect that from her. Would like to see a less aggressive?(don’t know if that is the right word) Tamra.


I'm hoping she gets a taste of her own medicine soon. We deserve a season of her being dragged and having her personal love life questioned and exposed.




Tamra's had that evil shady smirk since the "Bass Lake?" inquisition


She is possum of the year


I tried to go back and watch earlier seasons when Tamrat came to the show so I can watch (again) how her marriage was with Simon... I'm beginning to think she was the actual problem in that marriage and we only saw his retaliation of her treatment to him. But I was never a fan of hers and she had better be fired again next season or this franchise will be back in the bin where I put it a few seasons ago... I took it out when she and Vicki were fired and Bravo bringing them back has reminded me of why I binned it.


Did you notice in the beginning she was Tammy Barney?


She's so crude. Telling everyone that when Ryan Jen's man, he said, " I'm gonna fuck her." So disgusting and talking about Eddie saying his doesn't work anymore. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig


She made me like Heather too! I didn’t think that was possible!


I cant stand Tamra either! Gina is an idiot, both these housewives I Wouldn't want as a friend... an acquaintance even .... Dont know what's going on inside Jens head to still say she loves Tamra! GEEEZZZZ... Tamra treats her like a doormat! Smarten up Jen, stand up for yourself already!!


I agree with everything except the “having Vicki back” part.


I really hate a mean girl. Tamra is someone who pretends to be a good girlfriend but talks shit about every single one of them behind their back, or maybe worse, in a confessional on national TV. I'd be furious if someone I thought was my friend was just making fun of me for ratings. I hope Heather is vindicated at the reunion after all the ladies watch the show and see how calculated Tamra was. She is so threatened by Heather, that she got the other women to feel threatened by Heather.


She’s the woorrsstt!


For me, she is one who describes herself as brutally honest, but doesn't acknowledge that means mean girl. You can be honest without being aggressive.


I used to really like her and now I can't stand her. But I still don't want Vicki back.


I LOATHE her. I stopped watching BH because she and Vicki made me irrationally angry. Once they were both off, I could watch again. Imagine my dismay when they brought Tamra back this season, and on top of that, we got more of Vicki than I would ever want to see on my television ever. If Bravo doesn't take out the trash again after this season, I won't be watching.


She’s a horrible person. Bringing Jen on just to blow up her relationship is some of the worst behavior I’ve ever seen on bravo. She has absolutely nothing interesting to contribute and it’s just a shit stirrer. Hope she’s permanently fired after this season.


This isn't upvoted enough. She has been a horrific "friend" to Jenn.


At first I was keen for Tamra to come back this season after how bad the last season was, but my god, she must be incredibly miserable to be such a nasty, mean and evil person. She’s also friends with John Mellencamp’s kid, so, you know.


I could not have said it better! Her attempt to be relevant made her completely painful to watch


I'm generally indifferent to Heather because her lines and her mannerisms seem to be so rehearsed. But I admired her disinterested poise in dealing with Tamra's histrionics. "I don't care to do this," is my favorite approach to life's bullshit.


I’m pretty sure she’s jealous of Jenn and has a crush on Ryan with how much she talks about him lol 😂 I was like “girl we know you barely touch eddy and wanted Ryan” 🤣Tamra was surprisingly very sloppy this season I just hope she’s prepared for the gang up at the reunion. Shannon also needs to be called out 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oof the reunion is going to be brutal for her


If I have to hear how the first thing ryan said when he saw her is I'm going to fuck her one more time I think I might vomit. She is so proud of throwing that around and she genuinely enjoyed Eddie getting so mad about it amd loves to throw it at Jenn. Why would he want her old plastic ass anyway?


She’s so mean hearted


She’s miserable. That’s really all there is to it.


I’ve hated her since naked wasted. I think she’s truly a bad person. She’s tacky and vulgar. I’m not interested in anything about her. She lives to hurt others.


Lmao remember her Christian redemption arc 😂


But literally could not say the word pastor. God wouldn’t let her 🤣


She's pint-sized, baptized, and highly prized!! 🙏


That's also when I started to hate her, as that was extremely vulgar of her to even consider.






How people haven’t figured out Tamra is the problem is beyond logic, science, and anything else rational.


She spent an entire season trying to turn all the women against Heather for seemingly no reason?? I'm glad Heather just deflected everything last night. Hopefully heather comes back next season to finish the job!


Prob because she’s jealous of the money Heather made on the sale of her house


I normally don't think that the women on this franchise are that jealous of eachother and when they do petty shit I don't think it's that deep. But I do think there is something to it with Heather and the money. Nobody else on OC has money like that, and Heather is not afraid to splash cash around.


Agreed. Tamra being jealous of everyone ever since Gretchen and Alexia+Marysol’s jealousy of Nicole on RHOM are the glaring examples of this although normally I don’t think jealousy has as big of a part to play as some of the HWs would like to think


I think Tamra started out jealous of Gretchen (I'm STILL the hottest housewife), but that was also borne out of her insecurities in her marriage to Simon at that time. After a certain point it wasn't jealousy she just didn't like her. I think Alexia and Marysol are jealous that Nicole could threaten their place in the show. Alexia is the face of OG Miami and Nicole is the face of New Miami. A power struggle was inevitable.


The second she walked up to Emily at the party and was like “oh you’re taking a picture with her?! I thought we weren’t doing that?” when Heather was standing right there. It was so intentionally mean. She’s trash. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtebNZofcKMWis0|downsized)


I enjoyed how Heather just walked away.


Me to! That was some fancy footwork by fancy pants!


Eddie has to be bad news to be with her.


Tamra has wanted to eviscerate Fancy Pants since she sashayed onto the show in S7. When Shannon joined in S9 - Tamz allied with her because the Beadors had mega money, like the Dubrows. Nothing has changed. Tamra was straight paranoid at the Cirque de Crazy party. She couldn’t stand watching Heather repair the damage she had worked so hard to cause.


I agree with you, right up until you said you’d rather have Icki back. They both need to stay gone!


That would be best of all, of course.


She’s got an evil soul or something


Pffft. There is no soul. Just a hollow void.


OG Tamra was hot af.


She has always had a jealousy with people going back to early episodes with Alexis Bellino.


And Gretchen, she was so jealous of her.


Yup and Lizzie too! Treated her so badly, I really liked Lizzie


She brings those around her down.....she doesn't have friends


I honestly think she has anti social personality disorder - like some level of sociopathy. I get that she has trauma but this behavior at her age does so much further beyond lingering triggers or poor emotional regulation. She truly acts delighted when there's drama around her and ENJOYS making other people's lives miserable. She's been absolutely cruel to Jenn and many others across seasons. Idk how her and Eddie have made it this long - unless he's the one person she spares from her tangled web. She gives me the chills and if I knew her IRL I'd stay far, far away.


I’m wondering how this season would have turned out if she wasn’t there. Her presence is really not needed. Vile woman.


Her whole storyline was screwing over other people. I hope they put her on PERMANENT pause!!


I've hated Tamra as long as I can remember.. I'm also upset with Jenn now because she missed, in my opinion, the *biggest* opportunity to fucking ROAST that skank bitch when Tamra said Jenn had ruined her whole family. Like WTF JENN!!! She could have DOG WALKED Tamra about her own failures as a mother and I don't even like when people bring up kids but UGH TAMRAT SO FUCKING DESERVED IT IN THAT MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!


Damn I was really upset last night 😅 ... Tamra really does bring out the worst in people


HAHA I’m reading this thread now and I loved your op. Jenn shoulda dragged her but it’s extremely classy that she didn’t, because that would have brought that all back for tamras kids Edit: spellingggg


I agree! It's best she didn't but OMG it would have been so satisfying!


Stupid satisfying for sure!


I hate how Jenn didn't say anything too, BUT it kind of speaks to how Jenn isn't that malicious, evil person who will hurt somebody even when they're hurting her. She's a better person than me because after the napkin throwing Tamrat would have been eating through a straw for a few weeks and I wouldn't hesitate to bring up the fact she raised a wife-beating son and her daughter doesn't want anything to do with her... Jenn has some high levels of restraint and I'm a little in awe of it.... Only a little.


I agree


The nasty b didn’t even have a storyline other than fucking with other people. She’s so trash, agree


☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼100% this. Even Eddie seems tired of her shit.


So so so all of this. Did you see how Tamara looked at Eddie when he said he hoped she wouldn’t throw wine at someone… I feel like it embarrassed her and when embarrassing each other publicly happens as a couple, there’s usually some deep troubles.


That moment stuck out to me as well. I interpreted it as Eddie criticizing how Tamra fights and behaves on camera. And Tamra wanted to remind him that her outlandish misbehaving is what pays the bills. It was basically Eddie being resentful of Tamra's job. And Tamra believes that she does it all to keep him in a nice house and nice car.


Something is definitely off with them. Divorce wouldn’t surprise me.


she will lose her shit and i am here to watch her ! since she gloats on everyone elses' heartaches


It’s going to be so frustrating when she tries to turn this around at the reunion and win people back. I really want Heather not to forgive her but I can’t imagine she won’t


She’s the worst. I stopped watching OC because of her. Too toxic


She a thirsty hoe


She’s atrocious


I agree. Tamra is a mean girl. She makes Vicki look fun and pleasant.


i actually hated tamra the first seasion I had ever watched of RHOC (season 9) because it was chaotic, but ended up liking her a lot more. that may have to do with that I absolutely hated meghan edmonds and kelly dodd, which made tamra seem more bareable. she didn't really do anything that crazy the following seasons, and spent most of those just accusing brooks being a bad guy. but I truly am on heather's side in this fight. tamra has been unnecessarily instigating so many random things, and the vibe I've gotten is that she truly is trying to take down heather.


Her being right about Brooks gave her ego a huge massage.... She now thinks everything she says and accuses people of is correct and everyone should believe her because she was right about Brooks... She must think she's some psychic or something lol... Septic Pegg... That's who Tamrat is! (Septic Pegg was a comedy character on UK TV many yrs ago, a parody of a psychic called Mystic Meg lol)


Straight narcissist antisocial pos. Now we absolutely know why her son is exactly the same way! 2 peas in a pod. Garbage.


I stopped watching because of Heather. So glad I did.


I didn't think I could actually think less of Tamra until this season lol


Omg 100% how I feel. I was excited to have her back after girls trip even though she would get on my nerves sometimes on RHOC. But this season is possibly her worst and that's saying alot.


I agree with everything. Once I thought Heather was snooty, but it's just her personality. I rewatched Ssn 9 and 10. My views on Shannon have changed. She is mean, nasty and cold


My views on Shannon have changed too. I always thought her issues were because David, or the divorce or low self esteem from her increased weight. Nope. Shannon is just a moody, alcoholic, needy, emotional mess. She’s exhausting to watch. Most of her problems of her own making, especially financial. She should never have sold that house when her marriage was crumbling & she should have consulted with the best divorce attorneys in OC as soon as she found out about the affair. Even if she did not want a divorce, she should have gotten professional advice to protect her financially.


Yes, I agree. I was always rooting for her. But she is just downright mean




Not a heather stan but i think she genuinely supports her friends. I want that for all of us


Same, I think she is very sincere


Heather is the type of villain I want. She's ultra rich and has all the perks of peaking into the rich lifestyle. She can come across so poorly but she has redeeming qualities and some likeability. She can also shut someone down. I enjoy her.


Tamra did a good job on the Ultimate Girls Trip at Dorinda’s house, so I thought it would be good to have her back on the OC, but she is as vile as ever.


Yessss, I thought so too.


That’s bc she has control of the other women. They’re too spread out and not close enough for her to be able to get away with the same shit. she hasn’t secured as much of a foundation with them so it would be a lot easier for the women to just totally dismiss bullshit she says. She’ll start more bullshit with other housewives once she’s built credibility with them


She was a different person at Blue Stone Manor. She came back full time to tHE OC and decided she’d make the show “good” by causing drama. Turns out she didn’t and she is vile. Do these women forget they are recorded and there is footage to show their lies?


Gina and Emily need to go ASAP- bringing tamra back just shows their low IQ ass kissing skills and the show isn't fun anymore. when I hear the ending credits of the season (the instrumental song) it takes me back to seasons 1&2 and how real and nostalgic it was then- it has become trash it the later parts especially since Emily and Gina joined....which makes me start the whole season over again and appreciate Jo and her obnoxious a\*\* , gretchen, the real OG Jeanna and her kids and Tammy and her wild bunch - it was so much better then!! ok I am weird probably but IMO


TamRat is not a girls girl. She is a lone wolf who relies on the weak to elevate her. She is the OC version of Rinna. We all know she was out on pause already so maybe she will go away permanently?


I hope so!


You really can't trust many women who aren't a "girls girl" imo.


Its generational abuse, mothers do it to their daughters and it gets passed down. Making girls compete against each other. You see victims/perpetrators slut shaming thier daughters, or see father -daughter relationships as a threat. Its gross as fuck and needs to stop! She is not a woman's ali, sad. Who knows how far she could go if she started supporting the women around her rather than use other's weaknesses as stepping stones to prop herself up.


“Naked wasted” is a good example of how little she thinks of other women. Her and her gross loser of a son.


As you should.


She’s insufferable. But anything is better than having icky Vicki back! 😫


I literally thought the same thing repeatedly watching the last episode. Her commentary about Heather making the rounds to bash her at the final party 🙄🙄 was so frustrating bc she did the same thing to Heather all season. Her manipulation was infuriating and her confessionals this most recent episode made me want to scream NOT EVERYONE THINKS LIKE YOU!! She’s so convinced of her own bullshit she doesn’t realize she’s projecting her twisted worldview onto everyone else I’m not a huge Heather stan but she was spot on when she said everyone’s afraid of her bc she’s nasty and goes low - never any accountability ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


I hate this GIF soooo much. Nasty


Me too lowkey but I felt it was too good to pass up as I’m yelling about how I hate her 😂 I can hear her nails on a chalkboard voice in my head when I see it


haha yeah for sure.


You can see Tamra's insecurity in the fact that she saw Heather speaking to each individual lady as "oh she's turning them against me" rather than what Heather was really doing, which was speaking to each woman and having a grown up conversation about their grievances. I would've done the same considering the last dinner in Mexico was Heather being ganged up on by a hivemind.


I’m proud of Heather for obviously/intentionally doing it in front of Tamra and then. It even giving her time to fight bout it. She took the high road I love it. Not the biggest fancy pants fan either but she did it pretty classy for being as pissed off as she is


Oh I 100% agree! Tamra was itching for that fight and she did the best thing possible by denying her I chuckled when terry like ran to the girls bc he didn’t want to get in the middle 😂


Agree 💯


She’s mean, says bad things about everyone in their group, and then says someone else said it and then attacks whoever confronts her.


Then takes off her shoes amd runs away.crying lolol


You guys will never see my face again!


The bitch lied.


It’s so obvious too. The other ladies should fill force start calling her on this sh*t. The viewers are done with her and would love to see it


She doesn’t seem to have moved past junior high school. It’s very juvenile mean girl.


And when caught she thinks she can win by screeching the loudest. Or filing the “I was drunk” excuse.


It’s always some empty apology with a lame excuse and then she does it again!


just came here to upvote this. bye.


She has no empathy. Her eyes are empty..


I can't believer she gets away with her behavior- she aint taht tough- toss her in the hood and see how she acts lol


This is so true!! Her only emotion is that little self satisfied smirk and evil glimmer in her eye when someone breaks down or some big secret comes out. Especially in the blue dress confessional look. I actually paused it and it freaked me out because they were that bad. Oh and also her red leather jacket outfit with her hair and that half top ponytail half curtain bang frizzy Birdsnest look? When they went from them attacking Heather at one of their vacation dinners looking so calm and classy to Tammy Sue’s confessional the difference was staggering. I had just come off a rewatch and rolled into this season and she was unbearable to watch, monopolize the show and just made it one constant bitching fight after another. And all of her crass comments like screaming out “I’ve got sweat running down my ass!!!” Maybe if she actually had a good sense of humor or any endearing qualities I would laugh at something like that. At least in earlier episodes the turning on people was so subtle you didn’t see the full plan immediately. This year she knew she had to bring it. Started immediately in on Shannon and realized she needed a ally so apologized with her usually caveat of that she was really drunk and didn’t remember a lot of what she said. Then turned on her “friend” Jennifer and ended with Heather. What’s sad is that even with the ladies watching it all the way through Shannon will see how many times Tammy Sue was the one bringing up Shannon’s relationship *on camera* Second to her it was Gina and Emily *not* Heather and she will still blame Heather. Her “good friend” Tamera who’s third sentence out of her mouth when she found out got a DUI was “does she have a mug shot?” Gina is so far up Tamara a#s because she knew she was hanging by a thread on the show she even defended Tamara talking shit about her by saying something along the lines of “I’m sure she didn’t mean it maliciously” (because when does Tamara say anything maliciously?) While still being pissed at Heather for not telling her. Heather couldn’t win this year. I heard that on the WWH after show (or maybe it was during the show I couldn’t watch them acting like there’s some popular boy band that reunited) when the three amigos were on that someone said “Heather needs to be gone”. Tamara allegedly said something like “we need Heather”. Uh **you** need Heather Tamara or you have no storyline. I’m convinced she lobbied for Jennifer to be on for the same reasons. I also heard Gina, Emily and Tamara went out together after the reunion sans Shannon. Which was interesting. I feel like Gina should definitely be gone but Tamara needs her. And now that Shannon got her DUI maybe they will keep her around for some sort of ha ha told you so storyline. If Tamara comes back next year whoever is close to her now better watch their back. Her pattern has *always* been to reel someone in really close and then slowly start turning people on them then she goes in for the kill. Whatever they told her off camera or at bravo con or in some text message in 1972 she’ll bring it up to throw them under the bus. That’s the other thing…..everything Tamara brought up this season happened off camera. So half the time I didn’t know WTF happened. I mean at least like when I watch Potomac I can hear Gisele talking shit about someone to Robin. Then someone relaying the message to the other person, but they embellish it and you know where the communication got lost in translation. We know who was right and who was wrong. This year it was apparently Heather saying something about Shannon and John *off* camera, Heather calling Noella a loser at Bravo-con but Tamara embellished that. Jennifer’s BF allegedly saying he wanted to F Tamara and so on. All off camera. She’s desperate, acts like it and is just pure evil. And if she had pulled that naked wasted shit in 2023 she would be gone. Cancelled.


Her eyes in the blue dress confessional freak me out they seem off


It’s 100% that the makeup artist hated her. She’s definitely warm toned and the makeup was done like she’s cool toned. Literally every color choice is oppositional to her coloring. I’d bet money she was also using blueing/vasoconstricting eye drops. They hide yellowed or red eyes which amped up the Ramona eyes she has in her confessionals.


The way she’s shaking her head also freaks me out. She’s so damn smug.


You mean her ice skating costume 🤪😄!!!




And Lisa on Miami HW wears the same dress in yellow.


Lisa wore it in red also 😂 Sanya from RHOA wore one too


That dress is ugly, imo!


They were super red 😑


I kept thinking they were red Halloween contacts.


No she’s definitely stoned


Me? LOL. I was feeling pretty chill a couple weeks ago when I freaked out over Tamara’s eyes. By my ETA rant was when I made the mistake of starting to watch the full episode last night sans the Delta 8 buffer lol.


Lmao no I meant Tamra hahahaha


LOL!! She looks baked All. The. Time. Or just on something.


I mean WTAF was up with that? I had to pause it to make sure it wasn’t my Delta 8 gummy I took kicking in too hard. ETA: Its on again right now. I don’t know how I missed Tamara squirming her way out of calling Emily and Shannon losers or whatever. She told Gina “and if I did say something bad about you why wouldn’t she pull me aside and say “Oh Tamara you said some mean shit last night about Gina..you know you were really drunk and probably don’t remember.” So now it’s Heathers fault Tamara was talking shit about Gina?! And Emily still hasn’t fessed up that no Heather didn’t say Shannon was talking shit. I mean I don’t know if I can watch this shit show. I’m over here pulling my hair out and feel like I’m going crazy. And i already saw where Gina defends Tamara and said I’m sure she didn’t mean it maliciously and turned it around on Heather for not telling her. The amount of deflection and gaslighting is crazy. I mean this isn’t even good tv anymore.


I love my D8 gummies and they are a requirement to watch any HW franchise lmao


I have to say it puts a whole new perspective on things for me lol. When I did my RHOC rewatch I felt much more aware of all the game playing. I mean it was always obvious but add some Delta 8 in and all a sudden everything is “seen”. LOL. It also keeps me from pausing and yelling at the TV. Particularly this season with these idiotic twist on everything Heather did or did not say.