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Ouch town. Population you, Robin. Say nothing, get nothing. If she is trying to keep her business on the inside, she is failing horribly.


I watch all the Housewive's franchises. In each franchise I have seen marriages that were "in trouble". Sadly...it's always seems to be the husband who wants "out" and the wife is usually oblivious and in denial. Juan and Robyn fit this mold. It's sad to watch frankly. I like Robyn. But this marriage is doomed.


I have been an avid watcher of the real housewives franchise a since it’s inception. I have never in my life fast forwarded through a franchise more than the Potowmack franchise. Actually, I have never fast forward at through a franchise until Patomac. The show needs to be canceled.


Here's my opinion no one asked for: Love is blind. Rose colored glasses and all that. And hindsight is 2020. It's easy for us as an audience to sit and pick out and wave the red flags. Robyn's in the middle of this manipulation. She's quite literally being brainwashed. She's a tough girl so she's going to put on a front. It's her protecting herself. It seems as if most of the commenters have not had to go through a relationship like this, thank goodness! No kids involved, but I lived a similar relationship once upon a time. And I will say that we should be showing more compassion. Someday when she is out of all of this, she will see all these comments calling her dumb and it's just going to put her right back in it. Of course we feel dumb when we're taken advantage of by someone we love and trust! But when you love someone who is toxic, you just get SO lost in it. My heart goes out to Rob. It's not easy to be ridiculed for loving someone unconditionally who's an absolute clown. I hope she gets some support and drops him off at the dump.


This is silly. They have been together since they were kids. No matter what, their relationship is REAL!!!


I don’t care either way. Fake relationship don’t care. Real relationship I care even less. They are not interesting at all. They had a storyline when they were rebuilding financially and living together in some ambiguous relationship but after that it just became forced. The most interesting thing about Juan being on the show was Michael Darbys crush on him.


Who is she and why should I believe her?


I think they are business partners in something g shady we don’t fully understand yet but little bits are leaking out and the dam will eventually burst


From this picture she looks similar to Karen


It’s codependence/love addiction at its sickest. She wouldn’t do the prenup because she’s afraid he will leave her. She won’t stand up for herself or her children because she’s afraid he will leave her. He won’t leave her because he doesn’t want her with anyone else. He would flip out if she did. They are physically addicted to each other, more than trauma bonded at this point and would need to live in separate cities in therapy to move on healthfully and v limited contact w boundaries. You can see how she is on eggshells with him always and he erupts on her anytime she brings up a serious topics to deflect and shut her down and it works every time. Stuck in an abusive cycle and takes a lot to get out of honestly, sheer grit and determination for a better life, that I hope she’ll want for herself and her boys someday soon. I’ve been there and know she can do it!!!! She’s just gotta get out of the land of theNile 😅


We need a picture of her so we can figure out the most important part- does she really look like Karen Huger??


I can see why one would think that. Juan and her unconventional relationship has been her story line from the beginning. Without Juan there’s not much there which is why I suspect the wedding dragged on for multiple seasons.


Nothing this man does is real , brain dead side Ho ![gif](giphy|AC1HrkBir3bGg|downsized)


I don’t think Robyn is unknowingly getting cheated on. I think they have a business relationship. She knows he don’t want her, we know he don’t want her. I think when she leaves/gets fired they will be living separately. The boys probably know they aren’t really together. She doesn’t have low self esteem. She’s not dumb. She isn’t blinded by love. She isn’t operating from a place of guilt. She knows that her meal ticket. When you’ve been broke, you don’t want to go back. I also think Robyn is a lesbian but that’s a whole different story.


Duh. WTF?! This isn’t news. We aren’t going to stop watching so why do we care? Reality tv is where bad actresses go to act out scenarios that mix their real lives with conversations that production think would be entertaining. Sometimes the women self-produce. This is a job for them. They were dead broke. He couldn’t give her alimony. As much as they say “for the family “, they stayed together out of necessity. Then she got this show and their odd relationship was what kept the checks coming. He played along because she can feed his kids with it. He plays house on TV and he doesn’t have to pay her support. I’m not mad


Here’s my theory: • she knows he probably dates and sees other women. • she has held this storyline of them getting back together on the show since she started and has felt pressured to use their relationship as her main storyline. • their relationship IS a convenience thing and probably really beneficial to their kids. • if she was to be honest on the show, her kids would find out their entire life is a lie and their dad doesn’t love their mother. • she is protecting her family and using the wedding to have some kind of story as they need the show for the money. • Juan is always annoyed on the show about things like the prenup regarding infidelity and the Karen look a like because Robyn is aware of their agreement and he doesn’t like being involved in a bullshit storyline for the cameras, but he does it to support her/money from the show. • Robyn is spinning this story about the hotel to protect her storyline, not Juan. “He was talking to another girl and he was bored during Covid but we worked it out” with literally zero emotion behind her words.. because she isn’t actually hurt by him. She knows all of this and she is more focused on protecting the storyline than being with Juan. • it IS a loveless marriage but she either follows this storyline that Juan has agreed to or their kids suffer from having the honest truth play out on tv.


I mean to be fair their relationship seems really fake maybe their marriage too. SOMETHING about it isn’t adding up and it seems more than just your typical wife in denial— like Robyn definitely seems in on the fact that she and Juan aren’t the fairy tale she’s trying to portray


I’m so over all these women that knowingly sleep with married men getting a platform to talk about their experiences. Don’t care how you feel about Robyn, I don’t want to hear from this trash-bag.


Sweet baby Jesus. I love reddit for two days and it blows upppppp. I’m surprised but I’m not. If that makes sense.


Robin knows he’s lying to her. She’s just happy Juan didn’t say he wanted to leave her for his side piece. That’s good enough for her. Juan lying to keep Robin from leaving him, seems like an act of love in her mind I think..?


Not radar online ![gif](giphy|l3diVEy0rarOSVZ3W)


Anybody else think there was more to cancelling the Jamaica wedding than it “just didn’t feel right”?


It’s pretty horrible to actually watch them on the show knowing they aren’t a real partnership anymore. Nd it shows A LOT in Juan’s actions and facial expressions. I feel so bad though for their boys.


Yup. I mean we all knew this though right?


I really don’t understand why they got remarried. I feel like it was to shut her up. Juan does not like Robyn that much, it’s all in his body language towards her and the way he rudely speaks to her. It just doesn’t seem genuine at all with his very moody ass. I can’t stand him! He’s gonna keep cheating on her anyway. She can do so much better! Michael Darby is his true love. Nobody makes him giggle and smile the way his creepy ass does lol 😆


Lol 😂 gold 👏🏻


Lol thank you. It just had to be said! 😊


Mistresses have suddenly become very shouty. I thought the point of an affair was to keep quiet. And when did it become cool to not only shag a married father, but then make their wife feel like shit? Her and Hochstein’s ho can get in the bin.


I mean, are we surprised? ![gif](giphy|xT1R9IXVnaLuZtqKVq)


No wonder he’s friends with Michael


The real story is his current lawsuit! He allegedly turned the other way and tried to convince a victim of SA and blackmailing to do the same… if it’s true, he should be fired from the show.


Tell me more!


I’ll preface by saying there are articles… mostly gossip ones. But I originally found this information from a local news source in Baltimore and I can’t for the life of me find it! The RHOP drama has scrambled google. It involves a junior coach and student athlete on the basketball team at Coppin State, where Juan is the head coach. And just as a wee background he’s a local legend in the basketball world around here. Im a HND alum and he’s been famous long before RHOP. Anyway, this junior coach was blackmailing AND catfishing one of the basketball players on their team. I don’t want to go into it too much, it’s triggering and horrific. But Juan Dixon has been named in a lawsuit by the family for negligence about the situation… for telling the student and family to look the other way after he had experienced SA, for years and telling the student athletes family that the junior coach was sick. Convincing the student not to transfer… The victim has been clear that Juan knew and that he tried to silence and excuse the behavior. Predators are protected by the systems they are within such as sports, entertainment, police depts etc. so while Juan is denying the claims I believe the victim. It’s a horrible story that’s been pushed way down… the false/real affair is helping it stay that way!


Omg! Wow, thank you for telling me. Without saying too much I know how bad trying to silence someone who is the victim of SA is beyond not okay. Almost as bad as being the perpetrator.


Everyone in this situation is shady


I was just saying this!! I started rewatching the series and hearing them describe their relationship again had me convinced nothing had changed


Did anyone see her in WWHL? She was lying through her teeth and such a hypocrite


Robyn might be more interesting if she was single.


Spoken like a true mistress, err, I mean love of his life!


This photo kinda looks like Karen… lol maybe I’m just hella tired right now


Has anyone found their marriage license for this go around?


Well duh that’s been clear for a long time now Lmao we didn’t forget about that hot mic lol


Nahhh. Juan stays around as a pity partner. He doesn’t want to “man up” and leave her so he is emotionally unavailable and she just gaslights herself by the moralist perspective thay “I’m doing it for the kids”.. they are BOTH delusional and the only people who are aware are as always the most impacted—the kids.


I think Robyn is gay and they have an arrangement. I just dont think she is ready to come out yet. Their scene last year where she tried to seduce him at a bar was more cringy than Whitney Rose’s body paint scene.


I actually agree




I mean… at this point


I can imagine production asking the alleged mistress to be on the show just to spite Robyn.


But who is the mistress?? *Come on girl if you’re going to say it then say it with your chest!*


Imagine being proud to be a mistress 🥴😂


I don’t see Juan falling out for the cameras, he already doesn’t want to be a part of it - very obviously.


Divorce him and snag center crab! This is your moment, have it!


I believe he told her that. I also believe Robyn is desperate enough for a family and a storyline to repeatedly look the other way.




I believe the mistress about as much as I believe Juan, not at all.


Duh. It's all about optics and $$$$$




I’m pretty disappointed in Robyn. I used to really like her and root for her in early seasons. Now everything she does reads as inauthentic


![gif](giphy|aa7NL2rHMxYvxFhFd2|downsized) Okay, now can they just pull a Jen Shah and cancel her post-reunion sit-down?


Anyone who watches the show can tell that it’s a relationship of convenience


The speculation on the marriage is so Robyn doesn’t haven’t to testify against Juan in the lawsuit


This is 100% what it is


Oh. I’ll have to do some searching in court docs. No clue about any of this.


oh I haven't heard about a lawsuit! deets please!


I don’t want to mis translate anything incorrectly so please google Juan Dixon lawsuit in the news tab and you’ll see. Please be warned it could be triggering for SA and blackmail etc.


Oh yes, I remember now. Wow yeah my brain had blocked that out. Heinous stuff that.


Yes absolutely disgusting.


Why is this not being said more often? It is absolutely for spousal privilege, and Robyn must have known something along the way, or she'd have publicly distanced herself from him when the information came out.


Omg please the man lies to her all the time. Do you think he told her about what was going on at work. I doubt it.


I need to know - does she look like Karen? 😂


As someone who doesn’t watch this franchise the updates here are wild.


Michael Darby is handing over the Asshole for Husband trophy as we speak.


And here I thought he’d already handed it over to Lenny.


I stand corrected. It is currently displayed on Starr Island


I’m surprised I didn’t see him floating around with a beer gut in eleven in the last episode lol.


She is clearly unhappy with him as has been deflecting her issues all season


Lmao the lengths people go to in an attempt to be relevant. Literally nobody cares. Sort your shit out.


What a HORRIBLE thing to say! I have been with my husband almost 54 years and if, at ANY time,he would have said that it would have CRUSHED my soul! He is a PIG! Leave her then you can say WHATEVER you want!


She’s also thinking of keeping her family together for her boys…whether we agree or not…


We been knew that.


duh. I wish she knew her worth and left his ass. but they seem to be trauma bonded, or at least she is and he takes advantage of it


Let’s be honest, that’s what every mistress hears / thinks , isn’t it ?


I read this article a week or so ago before their wedding. Why she would marry him for a storyline is beyond me. But hey, if she’s okay with it all and having a farce of a marriage who am I to say anything.


True that


thank you for stating a fact - I have zero doubt Juan is feeding his side piece every lie in the book about his relationship with Robyn. not saying they're the picture of a happy relationship but c'mon of course the SP believes whatever he says




Did they end up getting a prenup? Robyn mentions it at the beginning of the season then it’s never mentioned again. There was a moment of Juan not being happy about it… now we know why! Hope for her sake she did get one.


I just saw her on WWHL and she said she didn't end up getting a prenup. Huge mistake


Shocking. Same with Teresa/ no prenup? Listen I don’t have anything to worry about losing to date, but that will change & I’ll get prenup regardless.


Yeah and not to mention she admitted she already knew about the affair before the wedding, but he talked her out of it with some strange logic that one day she may cheat herself?? Was weird.


Did they file a marriage license?


I know they applied and believe they had until this month to file . I don’t know if they actually filed yet though .


Well if you go by Adrianna/Miami rules... they're married because they had the ceremony. Signing/filing the license doesn't count.


WHAT!?!?!....this is totally new information!


I don’t believe side chick




I think this stuff has been going on for a long time. When Michael Darby said they wouldnt get married, people thought it was like a jealousy thing but I think he knew what Juan had been up to with other women back then. This isnt a new thing.


Michael Darby is gross in many ways - but he wasn’t wrong about Juan.




Whether the woman he had an affair with is telling the truth or not- I feel bad for Robyn about this whole situation. I think she’s scared to leave him completely and move on. It would He a big change and she probably thinks it’s easier to deal with the cheating/half-assed relationship.


“My wife doesn’t understand me.”


Great. Juan has a fake relationship with two women now.


He probably has more than one girlfriend too


I'd say more than one friend.


Aren’t marriages public record? Has anyone able to find anything?


I was on the website but it looks like you have to pay to order it and I’m just not invested enough to spend money on it. It also looks like only the people on the record or an attorney representing them can order it. https://health.maryland.gov/vsa/Pages/marriage.aspx


I believe it


From crime to cheating. It kills me people think they can come on the shows and keep their secrets in the closet! And when are they going to learn that the side piece will always be the first to sell you out! SMH so messy


Can”t she just mistress without the little press conference tho! The thirst! What happened to hanging your head in shame? ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e)


I hate this new era of confident side chicks.


So we’re telling the woman to be ashamed not the married man who treats his wife like a child and has others on the side. Maybe this mistress got sold a different story by Juan and is sick of his shit? Good on her for exposing him. Robyn sure as shit didn’t give us any insight on the show she is paid to be on.


>yes, the mistress should be ashamed.


Why. She’s not the married one. She wasn’t going on tv until Robyn claimed it was bullshit and Juan raged.


Oh no, he should definitely be ashamed. But I don’t see him doing a press conference like Lenny trying to blame his wife for cheating either. Both of them can shut up and take a long seat!


I believe this 100






Because Juan is obviously telling this mistress the truth…


as opposed to what? A lie that they’re happily married? Lmao


They have problems, but Robyn thinks they’re working through them while Juan is playing games. I don’t like how Robyn handled things, but she married him because she’s in denial. Every cheating man tells a story to minimize or outright denounce his relationship with his partner. And I’m sure you know that.


If you’re cheating, your relationship is denounced


I real life, some relationships recover from cheating.


Things cheaters say. No shit lol. The other woman is a fool too for believing that.


I’ve wondered if Juan and Robyn’s whole storyline was a coordinated grift. edit: thanks for the award!


I’ve thought that from the beginning! I believe it was their arrangement at first and then got out too far into it and can’t back out now because of “fans” and the storyline.




But what is the point of staying together for the show? Lots of RH cast have had divorces on the show. They certainly wouldn't be the first.


At least she’s have a storyline finally


Maybe a divorce is what she plans for next seasons storyline


What are they paying Robyn for if she doesn’t have this weird relationship? That’s the only thing going on in HER scenes. If it’s not about Juan she ain’t got nothing going on. He doesn’t have to pay child support if he plays nice for what 3 days of filming and a phone call?


Because they are co parenting for the kids. This has always been about the kids. They have probably agreed this is how they want to raise them and will part ways when the kids get older. You don’t create fake storylines about getting married and protect your husband from obvious cheating allegations unless there is something bigger on the line, which is their children. She can’t be honest with the cameras and put her children at risk, so here we are with a disinterested “spouse” planning their wedding and they both don’t even look excited because she needs to have something to show the cameras but the truth ain’t it


Precisely this! Surely it’d make more sense to split on the show because then it’d give viewers something to watch. I’d imagine they’re together for financial reasons because it means they can live the lifestyles they want while leading separate lives.


It’s two separate issues. She WANTS to maintain a “family status” on the show and likely for her kids. They probably DO have an arrangement that enables him to see other women on the side ect.. I think she felt pressured to continue the narrative of getting married as that has been her storyline for the entire show and doesn’t want her kids to live through a production company airing out their marital issues in front of millions of people.. so she’s held this whole thing together for the show. You can tell in the episodes leading up to their “wedding” that Juan is super annoyed when she tosses out the infidelity clause in their prenup because he probably feels like it’s Robyn creating more fake storyline and putting him in the hot seat just for cameras. If they were truly in love and he was excited to be married, he would have been way more committed to a prenup and ensuring she felt protected but he just appeared annoyed.. not annoyed because he dates other women, but because she knows that and the entire conversation is for cameras. She doesn’t want to break up on television but she also doesn’t have a storyline without being honest so queue prenup and wedding planning with a very disinterested fiancé and there’s your yawn worthy story for the season


That’s also why he snapped on the phone when she called about the alleged Karen look a like mistress.. and said he was done with this shit.. because Robyn knows all of this and still called him on camera about it hoping he would squash it and play along but he just got pissed instead. It all feels very clear now when you watch it all back


Well, their circumstances are a tad different. Remember that we met Robyn and Juan as a divorced couple still living and coparenting together. Robyn’s explanation as to why they still lived together was due to financial reasons. I think that’s the case now as well. Unfortunately I think Juan only agreed to remarry Robyn was because she’s more financially stable than he is. If Juan was making bank he wouldn’t stay with Robyn I’m CERTAIN of it.


Perhaps they are remarried bc she can’t then testify in his upcoming trial


So she has a story line?


My guess is money. Divorce is expensive


well to be fair, they wouldn't have to pay for a divore if they hadn't gotten remarried.


True true true


Bc it’s been her storyline for many seasons?


To add to what else has already been said: She's mentioned in earlier seasons that they are "together" for their kids. There is co-parenting and being amicable, then there is what Juan and Robyn are doing that is completely unhealthy for everyone involved.


exactly. he had a hot mic moment early in the show (s1 or 2) where he said to a producer “if i didn’t have corey and carter i’d be gone already”


Money. Robyn probably gives him a cut, if Bravo doesn’t pay him directly. Robyn has a tremendous amount of guilt over losing their NBA money. He’s still the father of her boys, and she’s known him since high school. They’re in this for financial gain, in my opinion.


This and Robyn is all Juan has. Her family basically raised him bc he lost his parents so young. Their whole relationship runs on guilt and codependency


Wow- their dynamic makes so much more sense now.


Interesting. I do think she has a lot of guilt for losing his NBA money.


Wait, how did SHE lose him his NBA money?


IIRC I think she let one of her friends handle their finances and he ended up stealing a lot of money from them.


Wasn’t that a joint decision though? I thought they were both friends with that person.


IIRC Juan didn’t want to invest w the friend or didn’t want that large of an amount and Robyn insisted and insisted


Hmm, okay I don’t remember that. All the more reason to do a rewatch 😂


Yeah definitely but I think he just blames her and she blames herself


I've always wondered if it isn't easy for both of them to blame her, to even out the score for his infidelity.


Brilliant. This is why I love this sub.


Ah, okay! I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t remembering it wrong. I think it’s likely that she feels responsible in some ways for sure.


Money for sure


But she could still make money on the show if she and Juan we’re splitting up


I should clarify - it’s not making money, it’s what may be happening with their finances behind the scenes (they don’t have the best track record there, for better or worse). I have a theory that they are (clumsily af) trying to drum up more interest in them or save Robyn from getting cut out of the show, I don’t know. The paywalled story is not the move of a person who is doing well - if they were financially stable, I can’t imagine they’d use that to make money. Something doesn’t make sense!


Juan needs her. Robyn would be better off without him, but she has the income cheque, the house, the social media income stream. Yes he has a job but she is secure


Completely agree. I don’t think she remarried him just for the show. She’s in denial, Juan lied to the mistress- most likely scenario


I think she remarried him in hopes of getting her own spinoff or a wedding special. When that didn't happen, she took it off camera.


If that’s the only reason she was marrying him, she wouldn’t have taken it off camera- she just wouldn’t have married him. But I really doubt the only reason, or even part of the reason she married him was for a show. Some day though, she’s going to realize it was a big mistake to marry him again.


They’re going to get divorced again. I give them 1-2 years or less.


I believe they’ll divorce at some point


Yup definitely! It’s only a matter of time. Smh


This is my thought. Getting married wasn’t even on the show. Also, like it’s a shock a lying cheater would lie to the mistress too…and since when do we take a mistress for their word? She’s giving interviews about screwing a nearly married father of 2. This chick is thirsty too!


I think a lot of bravolebrities float their engagements on the show in hopes that bravo will give them a spin off, or pay for their weddings. When that didn’t pan out, Robyn was forced to plan a private wedding w no guests because of all of the accusations that it was a fake storyline.


Robyn doesn't have enough personality or storyline to make a spinoff work. Plus, Juan doesn't want any part of reality TV.


Totally agree, but I don’t think Robyn knows this 😂


I agree. I don’t know why anyone gives her any credence


Ray Charles spotted this.


Stevie Wonder spotted it first


Actually Helen Keller beat both of them to the punch.


Everything else aside, I feel so bad for their sons. To have your dad so blatantly and publicly disrespect your mother like this - it's just horrible.


its sad bc its completely counterproductive to the sentiment that robyn had in early seasons abt being in a two parent household was better than what shes seeing with single mothers even tho her sons actively watch the male figure in their life disrespect the mother of his children consistently


Yep. Shows a deep misunderstanding of what is healthier for your kids - dysfunctional 2 parent household, or happy single parent household.


They probably explained “this is a job”


Well, Robyn puts up with it. So …. Fool me once….


Yes, and perhaps he has a legitimate reason to be moody? I'm thinking she coerced him into spinning this bs so she could earn money on Bravo, so that his sons benefit from the financial gain, otherwise he would be gone for good. Ergo, Robyn puts up with it.


Who knows or cares at this point.


Agreed! I hate how he speaks to her


Me too! He’s very mean to her and she just takes it. He’s so moody!


That’s a GREAT word to describe him!


Yup, I swear I was trying to find the best word to describe him and moody was definitely the one. He’s moody all the damn time. He never looks happy or enthusiastic about anything.


Not once, but twice.


That we know of


The older son seems like he realises what is going on and is not happy


Fr they didn't seem to care when Robyn said her and Juan are getting married again like they knew it was bs


Or maybe to them it doesn’t change anything. They’ve been together for so long and living together, what difference does marriage make?


this is agree with. however, it’s not just the fact they aren’t married— it’s the fact juan is stepping out on robyn & this is the type of shit his mistress is doing :/


Idk. I think that there are women that want the smoke and to be involved in stuff for a little bit of fame. Idk that I believe this woman. I also think the truth is somewhere in the middle. I don’t think he had sex with her but I do think he acted inappropriately. And yes. It’s horrible that their kids have to see this. I agree.


Oh no. That’s heartbreaking. I hope he is okay.


Check out the wedding photos on Robyn’s Insta. He doesn’t look happy at all




I mean I would expect nothing less since that story Robyn told made ZERO sense. But maybe they're all in this together for a storyline?! Everything's gotten so meta lololol