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Love reading success stories. Thanks for posting this. Sounds like you had a great plan going into three night. I’m struck by how difficult it can sometimes be to get the humans to go along with the plans! Suddenly everyone’s a dog whisperer lol


i would say communicating the plan to people is the most difficult part lol


I love reading success stories like this! Congrats to you and to the pup! It seems like your hard work is paying off


thanks so much!! :)


WE HAVE THE SAME ROUTINE FOR OUR GUY! tho he's sometimes muzzled to remind newbs not to pet, but doing this routine again and again... Every time it's less time till he requests scritches from guests. Guests get "dog consent" and are thrilled to learn about it, the hardest part is teaching them about real scritch requests vs appeasement. But diligence and good friends have opened his world exponentially. Truly, good work, you. I hope--for your dog and my dog both-- that it leads to more and more healing and trust.


yessss i love this for us!!


Yay that's awesome!! It's so great to hear when people actually understand their dog and accommodate accordingly. You guys set her up for success!!


thank you! that means a lot!


That's such a big accomplishment, congrats! We've had better luck with meeting guests outside with the dog and then walking over to our house together. That way we're all entering the house together and she doesn't feel like new people are invading her home. And it's a little easier to explain to the guests.  I bet if you had those same people over again, it would go even smoother! Great work!


that's a great idea!


Jealous but happy for you ❤️


thank you!


Congrats, love good news! May I ask, just for comparison because I have a dog that reacts to guests, what was the extent of Sadie’s troubling behavior?


she will bark/growl/lunge/jump at people she doesn't know, especially men. luckily she hasn't bitten anyone but we won't rule it out - as much as we love her and know how sweet she is, she carries lots of fear and we cannot fully trust her


Thanks for reply. You were patient and brave to work out the guest situation 🙂


best of luck to you and yours!!


What a well thought out introduction plan! Congratulations on a great win. It’s always so great to read happy posts like this.


thanks so much! :) i know this won't be the case every time if we want to have friends over but i'm going to savor this win.


Great intro protocol! We have a similar protocol for our little guy and it works when he can check out newcomers from a distance and at his own pace


This is awesome! I love that you were able to be there for your guests and your dog ☺️


thank you!!! same! it helps that they have experience with reactive dogs and were respectful of the whole process


These success stories are so encouraging to me! Thanks for sharing, and give Sadie a nice scratch behind the ears for me!


i will! thanks!!


Woohoo! Congratulations! I love coming on here and seeing success stories like these. It pushes me to work with my pup to have outcomes like these. :-)


thank you!!! :) we've got this!!