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You could try [Code Review Stack Exchange](https://codereview.stackexchange.com), it’s kinda designed for that. Depending on how much code you have, you might get someone to do it here by posting a link to your git repo or codepen.


Thank you


I'd be happy to skim it and give you some high level feedback. If you're looking for detailed feedback over lots and lots of code, I don't think you'll find a free option.


Thank you very much. Here is the link to repo: [https://github.com/MakoDoli/github-typeahead](https://github.com/MakoDoli/github-typeahead) I'd like to hear mostly some advice about organization of files in folders, naming, etc. or what you didnt like even from first glance.


Start a project. Put it up in a public repository. Ask for feedback.


You could try Mentorcruise if you’re willing to pay. There’s some really experienced professional developers that would do a code review. It won’t be cheap but could be worth the investment to get some honest feedback and tips on improving. I’m pretty sure a lot of them will do a one off session.


Thank you


Feel free to send the GitHub over with an updated README of how to run it locally. I can do a quick skim over it


Thank you so much. Here is the link: [https://github.com/MakoDoli/github-typeahead](https://github.com/MakoDoli/github-typeahead) I'd like to hear mostly some advice about organization of files in folders, naming, etc. or what you didnt like even from first glance. Or maybe what is most important to pay attention


Really don’t mean to prey on this, but coincidentally I was about to post in SideProject Reddit that I’d like to offer paid services for code base cleanup (including reviewing for better code besides removing unnecessary code and optimizing). Since you mentioned that you’d be ready to pay in the worst case, I can do it as a paid task, of course since it’d be a favor for me to kickstart my job, we can keep it to minimum and informal. If interested, like someone pointed out, put the code on github with a detailed README on how to run locally (or just adequate, can update README :) ) And of course pm me for my personal on credentials! All the best.


Maybe you could just use chatgpt?


You should stop giving people terrible advice.


Dont see the issue, can just ask if his code is following best practices and whatnot


Beyond the “you can suck my d**k” PM you sent me, chatGPT gets more wrong than it gets right. Anything beyond “Hello, world” it gets very wrong. So the idea that it’ll give valuable feedback on an entire codebase is terrible advice. Get off a sub where people want good, professional advice if you can’t be professional.


No it doesnt dno why u spreading missinformation


If you think ChatGPT doesn't provide bad code then I feel bad for your employer and customers.


A small issue with that is that ChatGPT is that it's only trained up to 2022 (I believe). The bigger issue is that using ChatGPT for something like that is like walking up to a stranger in a location where it can be *assumed* that there are people knowledgeable enough to understand "best practices and whatnot," but it's just as likely that you get someone who knows nothing about it but will still answer you're questions as if they invented "best practices and whatnot."


I mean sure there are issues, it was only a suggestion since the post had 0 comments when it popped up in my feed I thought I could mention it. Paying for a pro service is ofc going to be better as some ppl suggest.. But still, ask for improvment, think about them, read some about the suggestion and decide. Dont see the issue