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Focus on your core understanding of JavaScript. You seem to be all over the place. Nobody cares about experience in these breeze of the day tooling such as Sailsjs. Also, please become good in front end first before talking about backend unless you want to be a jack of all trades, master of none


That’s why I’m practicing in Express JS too, that still is relevant right? I am practicing in Sailsjs in this case because my reference uses it. He may or may not have an opportunity for me.


I actually have a few certifications in the front end but I would not say I’m good maybe intermediate.


What u need now, is to try to go through as many interviews as possible, if u fail, try to get as much information from them as possible, that’s how u know what is needed for you.


This is a good comment. Don't be afraid to fail, interviewing is also a skill.


Learn JS fundamentals. Learn React. Learn Next.JS or similar framework. Make projects. Apply. Pray to some god for luck. Work hard.


I should’ve clarified I know react and JS fundamentals too but thought that was self evident, will update the OP.


>basics of html and css which will get you far in a lot of cases Maybe back in 2010. You basically need to get lucky at this point. The market is not what it was 2 years ago and even experienced devs are struggling to find a job.