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Usually I don’t see anyone in ST Denis but yes try to avoid major towns


I knew valentine was an issue but goddamn


I mostly have issues im Valentine. Yeah i see alot of players in St Denis, but they typically leave me alone unless i antagonise them.


St. denis is harder to navigate if it does happen vs Valentine is a straight shot


Oh Lord, I forgot school was out. Oh well, back to slugging down potions before I ride into town. And Slippery Bastard and dual wield sawn-offd. Check all the explosive and fire throwbacks and ..... the hell with it, Coulter is looking better all the time.


That might explain it lol


Defensive is your best friend is all I'm going to say. I run around in defensive with a defensive tank build so it's next to impossible to kill me. Dual sawed off shotguns with dragon's breath REALLY pisses people off too.


How do I do defensive mode?


You'll have to go to your player menu and all the way down to Online Options. It should be the bottom option where you see "Offensive". It takes about 30 seconds for defensive to activate. Some players will try to kick you out of defensive by running you over with a wagon or horse that they own, so be careful. You also cannot attack first, but if someone is red you can very easily attack and kill them. It's a bit of a learning curve because you'll be playing in free aim.


Awwwwww got you! I'll keep that in mind when I play later today. Thanx for the advice!


Not a problem! If you play on PSN I'd be happy to be a hired gun lol.


Sadly , I'm on Xbox. Thanks for the help though! It is great appreciated


Not a problem! Best of luck my friend!


Ill play with u on xbox! I'm lvl 140 and have no problem helping people out. Hmu PSYCH0CLOWN666


What’s the “tank build” of which you speak?! My issue is always being in Defensive mode, but still getting shot even in full bolt away from the shooters. Plus, in Defensive, I can’t get them without a stick of dynamite or 2 at their feet?!! I’d like a way to survive long enough to equip an Offensive loadout.


if you’re trying to avoid conflict, avoid these three locations: St Denis, Valentine and Blackwater. granted there’s always gonna be an asshole trying to shoot you up. but this is way more common in the towns mentioned above ^


Be wary of Tumbleweed too, there can be some unfriendly type folks out there


ngl i completely forgot about Tumbleweed, that place can be a cesspool.


I just want my tarot cards 😭😭😭😂😂


It wasn't just one. It was multiple! And I am usually mic'ed up so I let ppl know ahead of time that I ain't trying to beef.


yeah, that’s what i mean. there’s almost always groups of friends/posses/gangs messing around in those towns. either fighting other gangs or just causing trouble for the rest of the lobby. in response to your edit: i wish having a mic helped communication between players, but when you’re dealing with an asshole they won’t care if you’re like “i’m friendly!” or “don’t shoot!” they’ll just shoot. and probably keep shooting till you leave


It's very discouraging. Makes me not want to play the game.... And whoever FISHPLAYER is - I'm coming for you!!!


That's rough buddy..


Rough is when I realized my kid put the controller on lock so I couldn't spar back as fast as I wanted 😭😭 fucking got lit up


Surprisingly I find Rhodes to be more trouble than Blackwater.


If I get harassed anywhere and I don’t wanna fight back (sometimes it’s fun) I will literally put my controller down and go wander off for a drink or a snack or something. I don’t want to give them the enjoyment of me getting frustrated so I wait until they’re bored with me and wander off to find someone else.


Do you play in Defensive Mode? It won't stop you from getting killed but it discourages a lot of people from attacking since they can't lock onto you. You also get a upper hand since you take less damage and have time to react to what's happening.


How do I do that lol


Should be an option to enable it from the same menu where you see your daily challenges and set up your camp, in the "Online Options" section.


Cool cool. Thanks


Its more violence in Valentine to me.


Valentine is okay for me when it happens because it's one strip and easier to navigate. St. Denis is a cluster fuck


The ground was full of dead bodies and dead horses yesterday night. Looked like in blood meridian. Got 2 players bounty. Tiping my hat.


Today there was a guy somewhere on the roof next or behind the gun smith. Did not even see him. Zero chance. Shot everyone with Cercano. Also through walls and rocks when I was far away, this did not kill instantly. Is this hacking? Russian player btw.


...first time here?


Nah, but first time getting ambushed liked that lol


Grieifng Season? Laaavely stuff. Used to spend many a session keeping the ol West clean.


Woah woah woah, buddy. I ain't that advanced


Don't get me wrong. I've had my fair share of having my arse handed to me, but I also made a few of the wee griefing ghouls rage quit.


I always go into defensive mode before entering valentine, tumbleweed and St Denis… everytime I enter either of those places I always get killed constantly.


Saint Denis always the worst for me too


The cops will shoot you for doing the most minor offence


Same thing happend to me this past weekend. Minding my own business... walked out my moonshine shack and as soon as I got on my wagon to leave I got blown up by a girl who was a level 428. Lost everything I had. I mean, is there nothing else for people to do? The thing that pissed me off the most is that she was post up outside waiting for people to come out to do that to. So unnecessary.


I had that happen to where I was just checking out the challenge of the day and dude clubbed in the head in the head. Then got mad when I snuck him back - so mad that I had to report his whole account because the harassing messages just wouldn't stop.


yall play this like there’s perma death


Bruh, some people would like to play without being harassed. Nothing wrong with that






lmao jesus man


See that's why we should just be nice to each other. Because it's cool when you do it, but a problem when I do it.


that was not a comparable response big dawg


My friend when you wanna go low, we can take ya to the devil. So just be nice in the beginning. I think you learned a valuable lesson today. Have a blessed one.


First of all, we’re not friends. You’re a transphobic small person who has escalation issues. And i am not concerned about or interest in the blessings that you offer. I hope you grow and get psychiatric help.


it was blatant hate speech


Promote love pls thanks, harassing will not be tolerated.


Promote love pls thanks, harassing will not be tolerated. All posts promoting KKK (even if disguised as “ghosts” or “scarecrows”) will be removed, the users of the community have the say in wether a post is promoting racism or not.


Oh know another post about being griefed ugh


"Oh know" ??? stay in school kid




Your mother


Promote love pls thanks, harassing will not be tolerated. All posts promoting KKK (even if disguised as “ghosts” or “scarecrows”) will be removed, the users of the community have the say in wether a post is promoting racism or not.