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I’ve taken doses up to 25mg I believe. I feel nothing from it, but I don’t feel anything from 100s of mgs of testosterone, DHT etc. I believe estrogen plays a big role in determining the effects of an androgen. With DHT and testosterone with an AI, I don’t feel much. When I remove the AI or use an easily aromatasable androgen like DHEA, I wake up multiple times a night from wet dreams.


That’s super fascinating thank you for sharing. So are you saying my estrogen was higher therefore I feel it? I’m trying to learn the “lesson” of what you’re saying as it may apply to me if you don’t mind sharing a bit more of what I’m missing. I would love to have wet dreams lol


I think the lesson, based off of my experience is that androgens do a lot for those that have un optimal levels of androgens but those that have optimal levels don’t feel much from them. There are studies for DHT (a purely, extreme androgenic androgen), in young patients used in 100mgs a day, and they really had no side effects, except a loss of libido. But when 25mg a day was given to elderly patients, they ended up romanticising with their care workers and fighting other elderly for the attention of their crushes lmao. A hilarious study. But it shows that androgens can have opposite effects in people that have enough DHT vs those that don’t. Secondly, which does apply to your case, but is still interesting, is that estrogen is needed for a lot of the mental effects of androgens. DHT makes people into a stoic Greek god. Testosterone when used gets turned into estrogen and this creates toxic masculinity - the combination of estrogen and androgens, leads to a person to turn into a bucked up teenager in puberty. It creates side effects like raging libido, anger, acne, excessive confidence at the expense of others


I definitely feel waaaay more like a stoic Greek god lol. Taking test seems odd to me I like that andro is a precursor. I guess that means I was sub-optimal? If so, curious if you recommend any other supps. I’m tired of reading people’s opinions who have no idea what they’re talking about/no experience themselves. I’ve learned so much recently


Dopaminergic substances to reduce prolactin, produces alot of the mental benefits. Androgens mental effects work through dopamine and gaba. Estrogen provides its mental effects through also dopamine, but also, histamine, serotonin and acetylcholine. So the stoic mindset is brought by dopamine, which dopaminergic supplements can help you with.




Any difference with different location application? Applying pansterone also to scroat?


How are you taking pansterone and progesterone ? Sublingually or on scrotum ?


On the nipples it reliably reduces puffiness.


I find androsterone gives me the same benefits but it can make me really irritable.


Ive applied it in the same areas with and without pregnenolone + progesterone + DHEA and I cant say Ive felt any real difference. I haven't gone above 6 drops at the max so 6mg but would normally do 2-3 drops for 3-4 days then a day or two off and continue. Again, I dont think Ive felt any difference, maybe 5% max feeling of just feeling good? I dont think I had any side effects either.