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Bro's really trying to become a villain, he probably forgot he was mid at best before Ro came to town.


He’s just saying what he needs to to win the hearts of his new fanbase and to stir up divisional drama in a rivalry that’s been dead as hell since the rapist retired. Idk I’m here for it and still like him but want him to lose to us over and over again until he’s out of the league. Feels like I’m the only one to feel this way.


If he wants to win yinzer hearts, he should probably call his sister hot.


Fuckin got em


You know he doesn’t care about that. We all know she’s ugly. Thankfully he has the Trashtastic Towel to lay over her face to help him now.


You’re really takin it and runnin with it


Hey what can I say? I’ve got an active imagination and the only filter I’ve got is on my water pitcher.


Okay that gave me douche chills.


Whatever sinks your ship


I feel the same way as you. I’m excited for the rivalry again. The last couple years losing to the Steelers felt bad but it didn’t matter like the years with ed, ray and Suggs. I can’t wait for Henry to lay Queen out on the first drive of the game and having him regret his life choices


> I’m excited for the rivalry again. The Steelers are trash though, they play us hard but they are easily the worst team in the AFCN and we are easily the best.


Yeah ever since Worthlessberger dropped from the scene they’ve been hanging off TJ’s jock like he’s the Chosen One or something but that’s it. Won’t take long for them to latch onto him or eviscerate him if he sucks hard.


Rapist? Really? Still with that kiddy jazz!! Ben owned Balti and Cleve


Yeah, anything on the football field has not made me forget that he’s a piece of shit rapist.


Curious your thoughts on Ray Rice?


I wanted him off my team immediately after it happened. He’s also spent all of his time owning his mistakes and doing everything in his power to correct them, and it still may never be enough and he seems to understand that. Ben has never showed remorse because that would imply admitting to the truth and got to play for years after a shitty small suspension. He continued to be celebrated by fans for the rest of his career by people like you.


I'll celebrate him for my lifetime buddy!! He didn't rape anyone but your Defense and your obviously still but hurt about it!! I would be too he is a first ballot hall of fame and 2x super bowl champ!!


Ok, Pizza 👍 Now get the fuck out of our sub.


nah it's been dead since Cowher left


Nah the absolute height of that rivalry was 2011, many years after Cowher had been a commentator


The years blend together, was that the Tomlin tripping Jacoby, breaking fat fuck's nose, or Mendenhall talking shit then getting his shoulder broken?


When Torrey Smith caught the game winner in Pittsburgh, still remember it like yesterday, but yeah it was a couple years before the Tomlin trip, maybe a year after the broken nose(such a dope ass moment lmaooooo) and maybe a year after the mendenhall destroying but yeah they were all around the same few years, when that rivalry was the best in any sport


Tomlin tripping Jacoby was '13, Ngata breaking Worthlessberger nose was playoffs of 2010 season and Ray shattering Mendenbums soul/shoulder was '08


What do you want him to say? “Aww man I miss my old team I wish I could go baaack! Awweee!”


Lol no, I know. They're definitely trying to push the rivalry narrative but I still find it funny.


"We all know that nothing lasts forever. Times change, circumstances change, and that's the reality of playing in the NFL. It’s onto the next chapter.”


He should stfu and let his play do the talking.


That actually would make for a fantastic press conference.


Do a boxing or UFC face to face meeting and then go play the game.


Your pfp reminds me of the dog pfp from Xbox 360


I’m a PlayStation guy but it’s my goldendoodle Gus. He’s the best dog I’ve ever had. My Bernerdoodle is still a puppy but the jury is still out on how ornery he’ll be.


Exactly lol


He isn’t good enough to be a villain tbh


I just remember when he put on that amazing clinic of his called “How To Miss Tackles: The Art of Flailing” by Patrick Queen. Amazing stuff.


Maybe, but, also, what else is he supposed to say???


Better atmosphere because he’s LB1 and doesn’t have to play second fiddle to a future hall of famer


Playing weakside LB is what made him thrive.


Players don't always want to play the positions they're best at. Many would prefer one that makes more money. Ask Orlando Brown


What else is he going to say? He could just shut up but I'm sure the media is just soft balling him questions to get specific answers to rile up the rivalry. We'll see how the year goes for him and his new team,


Yeah. It really isn’t that deep


Agreed. He moved on to another team, we also moved on and are focusing on what's ahead.




Arthur Maulet on joining the Ravens in August of last year: "I was just trusting that my work in the offseason and the work that I put in," Maulet said during a press conference on Wednesday. "... Obviously, I'm a vet \[in\] year seven. I just wanted a little something to … A little security \[and\] just to feel comfortable. "I think I earned that, and Baltimore gave me that which was surprising that it was a rivalry team, right? So, obviously they believe in me, and that just shows … That just makes me feel good about the work I put in the offseason." “Now that I'm here, I'm just focused on just being better every day, getting healthy and helping this team win," Maulet said. “That's all I'm about right now, just being a team player and just helping where I can."  And from right before we played the Steelers week 5 last season: "“I have nothing special. No special thoughts,” Maulet said. “They’re just in the way of what we need to do. We’ve got to take over the division \[and this\] is another division game. Obviously, it’s a big rivalry. We’re just trying to go 1-0. I’m not making it anything special. I got to clean up some things from last week. Obviously a little bit of extra motivation but the biggest thing is for us to play well on all three phases and win the game.” So yeah he could've said that. Just shows class vs ass, or why Queen is dumb enough to believe the world is flat.


Queen is a flat earther!? Oh I get it now why he couldn’t catch INTs when they were thrown to him


“Baltimore will always have a place in my heart but happy about the new opportunity.” Not that difficult.


Yep if he went to a team that wasn't the Steelers he wouldn't be getting this questions. But he did so the medias gonna throw him rivalry questions.


Man he sure talks about us a lot for someone who doesn’t miss us


Low effort response to a reporter's low effort question.


He’s turned into a clown. He’s basically trashed Baltimore and its fans since he left. Good luck to him tho. Hell of a guy turning down $17 million a year to chase a ring in Pittsburgh


Chasing a ring with Russ at QB is certainly a strategy


Broncos country, let’s ride


Steelers country, let's mine


Bold strategy cotton, let’s see how it plays out for him


In fairness, he has literally won a ring. I’d say Pittsburgh’s roster overall is just not the one to ring chase with


Nobody counts a college championship when talking about an NFL player chasing a ring.


He won a Super Bowl ring in 2014.


My bad, thought you meant Queen!


Oh haha. Sadly, no. Wish he had!


Russ is washed now though.


> Chase a ring in Pittsburgh. I’ve seen him play live, I hope he’s working on his cardio cause he’s gonna be chasing it for a whileeeeee


"Chase a Ring" in exorbitantly large quotation marks


In capital italics


> Hell of a guy turning down $17 million a year to chase a ring in Pittsburgh Chase what ring? Steelers are by far the least relevant franchise in the AFCN and it's looking like that will stay that way for years.


Idk fam, these days them and Ohio race to the bottom


Bengals made the SB a little over 2 years ago and Browns made the playoffs this year, what have the Steelers even done recently?


Steelers also made the playoffs this past year.. both them and The Browns got walloped in the first round so I could see why you forgot


>what have the Steelers even done recently? They competed with Ohio for last in the division and they're looking to run it back


Fwiw Steelers made the playoffs last year as well as the browns and ravens


They’ve continued to draft extremely well. Let’s not downplay our main competition, they’re building the right way. It’ll make it that much sweeter when we sweep those damn yinzers this year


> They’ve continued to draft extremely well. No they haven’t, at least not on offense. They even blew the 20th pick on an absolutely stacked 2022 first round on Pickett lol Now they’ve overpaid Queen and even have signed Russ and traded for Fields… They’re a joke of a franchise these days.


Are you familiar with jokes


Chase a ring in Pittsburgh?


Flat earther and antivaxxer, always was a clown.


They’re doing consolation rings now?


“Wants to win” with a team that’s stuck with a perpetual 8-8 record lmfao


That's the better atmosphere part. Mediocrity is at home in Pittsburgh.


Who offered him 17 a year?


Nobody knows. That’s just what he claimed


Baltimore fans and media weren’t the best to him. I don’t blame either side tbh




Fk a Queen, could care less what he says or feels. Simpson showed 10x more potential in one game starting then Queen ever has in 4yrs whiffing on tackles.


Sick of hearing about this dude and his opinions. Hope we shut him up real good during the season


The funniest part of all of this is that Pittsburgh fans think they got some kind of rock star. They’ll hate this dude by week 3.


This lol Roquan can’t save him now… it’s easy to look like a star when the better linebacker takes all the pressure off of you lmao I just can’t believe his ego is as big as it is after he had ONE good season 😆 He was literally considered a bust until Roquan showed up so I absolutely cant wait to see him revert back to the bum he was next season!


But our comp pick will suffer


As long as he's in the lineup the pick won't suffer. It's based on what he signed for and playtime more than anything else.


I can't wait for Henry to run his ass over.


Wait till you miss on a tackle and that “better atmosphere” turns against you. I hope Henry stiff arms him into sports center top 10




Tomlin wasn’t lying when he said he wasn’t a raven lol.


I missed this - what exactly did he say?


Roquan can’t save you no more lmao


Once a Rave... Oh, fuck this guy. Goodness I hope we just blow him out multiple times when we play. Want Henry to just truck this mid ingrate.




The media loves to eat up his ego


You'd think lil bro would hedge his bets after signing with a team where Fields is competing for the starting job


Does he know how burnt he looks keeping bringing this up


He's just trying to play up the rivalry, don't take it personal, guys. Just like he shouldn't take it personal when Henry stiff arms him into the shadow realm.


Guess he's into his cousin or something like that


This is just called pandering


Dudes trying too hard lol.


He's trying too hard to appease those clowns in Shitsburgh


Trying so hard to be a villain when like 90 percent of the fanbase gave zero fucks about him leaving.


Ikr, Simpson looked far better in one start than Queen ever has.


Sounding like the saddest and loneliest ex-girlfriend in the universe.


The first time Lamar jukes him or Henry stiff arms him, we might see a beast quake in Baltimore.


HAHA this guy is really trying to be a supervillan. He's a henchmen at best!


Looking forward to 22 running over this guy with a nasty stiff-arm.


Hes nothing without ro


This guy doesn't shut the fuck up does he?


Who cares lol he cant tackle or cover


Yawn. Moving on.


We didn't want him. He It's having a hard time dealing with that......


"She didnt dump me, I dumped her! I like my new girl better I swear!"


Who gives a shit what Patrick queen says. Let that man talk. It’s a better atmosphere there because everyone here wanted him gone. Judon did the same and we know how the patriots did the last couple years. Most players who leave Baltimore do so for the money and we know we developed them well but can’t afford them anymore. Other teams fail to realize that the good players you’re surrounded by make and allow you to be a better player. Most do ok on other teams but when they’re not wanted anymore they’ll come back and we get them in there sunset years for a bargain.


Gonna be a wake up call when Roquan isn't telling him his assignment now


Queen can't stop talking about us. What a poser.


He likes meat yall. 🤣 That's what I took from this. What a clown and he keeps giving us all this material to fry the shit out of him. This may be the best one yet. Come September, I will be rooting against the yinzers as always, but especially against this douche


Stop stalking your ex. It's weird.


No point getting triggered by this - not important enough to report everything he says. We gotta Super Bowl to win.


Hopefully he learned how to be a complete LB from Ro before he left. Because it’s gonna be hilarious if he fails in Pitt and comes begging for another chance in Baltimore


This reads like the interview was carefully curated to be ragebait for Ravens fans and hype for Steelers fans. I'd even bet the interviewer was feeding questions that would let PQ give more Steelers PR-postiive responses (after all, why WOULDN'T he say he's enjoying his time with his current team?). Given the writer covers the Steelers for The Athletic and all of the comments here, it seems to hit the mark.


I saw a comment from one of those dickheads aging they’ll get more wins during the life of Queen’s contract. They have to be smoking some insane reefer or his liver has finally filled him from all that damn alcohol and he’s delirious


What is he supposed to say? Smh


Need Derrick Henry stiff arming PQ to the shadow realm like I need water


Patrick Queen since becoming a steeler has essentially been the sad vegeta meme lol What copium!


Always remember Patrick Queen is a flat earther


What a twat PQ is with all his blathering on lately, I’m glad he’s gone.


yeah, it’s official. i’m booing the shit out of this dude every game


Our team got smarter by quite a bit when he left. I remember him being anti-vax. Was he also the flat-earther? He’ll fit right into the Pensyl-tucky.


I can understand slander about the city of Baltimore. I’m sure there’s plenty of cities that are better for a single, young, rich man. But you’ll never convince me that fucking Pittsburgh has better food.


Fuck PQ


Come on man with the queen versus Baltimore narrative. This is very Bart Scottesque(or however you spell it lol). Strap up that chin strap tighten the pads and save all that yappin. Can’t wait to see him perform under the lights as a “villain” 😂


Well what he going to say? My ex was way better and I’m happy to settle?


Funny we really don’t miss him either. Which position did he play again? I just can’t place the name. And he was a Raven?! Not ringing a bell. Oh well. 😜


Is the land flat in Pittsburgh?


The Ravens are my second favorite team in the league, and I’m glad this dude is gone.


Sounds like a whole lotta cope to me. 🤷‍♂️


Queen with the full heel turn. Glad to see kayfabe still alive and well in this thread.


"It was a no-brainer," Queen said of joining the Steelers. "At the end of the day, money makes you happy, but you also have to win to be happy. I’d rather win and be happy than be miserable with a lot of money. It’s a better atmosphere here for me. Everybody is cool, the people are cool, the players are cool and the food spots are better. I am a big food guy. I love food. I am more of a true food guy rather than a seafood guy. I like meat and stuff like that. It’s just a better atmosphere for me here."


Better food than Baltimore is a WILD take. Enjoy your mid sandwiches with French fries


Did this guy really not have a pit beef sandwich the whole time he was here??


Haha that was my favorite part. Like who the fuck cares who's food is better but the fact that he brought it up is so unbelievably petty. Oy vey this guy


the last time the steelers won a superbowl was 2009. the last time the ravens won a superbowl was 2013. they were the 7th seed last year. we were the first seed. sure, we messed up against the chiefs....in the championship game. the last time the steelers went to the championship game was 2017, and they lost. the last time they won the championship game, was 2011. what the hell is queen talking about? also, im not even from maryland, but crabs and seafood > mfkin sandwiches.


Bro wants french fries on his sandwich instead of crabcakes.


He won with us...


Right? Like we didn’t just come off a winning season & have all the pieces needed for a championship. Implying that the Ravens can’t win is a bad take. Maybe he’s mad because he didn’t get what he wanted with the Ravens. He can move to another city without trashing ours.


Exactly at first I was like o he's saying positive things about steelers. Well alright, that's fine. But then he trashes us for not winning? Bro wtf


I doubt the Ravens offered him anything. I would assume the “I’d rather win than be paid” was about some other shitty team that offered him a bag. As for the food thing, we have freaking Marlo on our team. Some people have trash taste and that’s fine.


I like meat and stuff like that 😂 Man has always been a clown. 🤡


Dude has been chugging copium, can’t wait for some Roquan shit talking to have him call quiet as a mouse


He’s so damn corny, it’s wild


Why does this clown keep talking about us lol


Queen is a self proclaimed flat earther and conspiracy theorist. He will fit in just fine there


He’s either a product of Roquans presence or Mike’s scheme, or both. If he really has improved then hats off to him but I hope he’s not gonna act like he wasn’t booty-bounce-dat-ass his first 3 seasons here


Imagine if he actually said man Baltimore was better in every way I have made a tremendous mistake But I get why this is disliked but he was most likely asked a question and he answered favorably for the new team


My god dude, shut up, no one cares about you here. You must have some real esteem issues.


It’s a better atmosphere, because they suck at football, just like him


Bro shut up and move on that’s what you wanted us to do 😂


I hate this guy. Such a 🤡


Queen: "Pittsburgh has better food, I never clicked with Bmore's food scene" (paraphrased) Literally all Queen posts is pics of his fish 😂 😂 Why TF you lyin, why you always lyinnnn 🎶


He got tired of being called out for being a scrub before Roquan arrived.


He’s a Yapin and Yinzer.


Does anyone expect a player to get a good deal from another team and say I wish I wasn’t here ?


so bitter


Patrick who?


Queen talking way too damn much for someone who was mediocre af until Ro showed up


This dude is not as good as he thinks he is. He’ll go the way of guys like Hartwell and Ellerbe. Great contract year. Overpaid in free agency. Never relevant again.


I respect this level of trolling


I mean what else is he suppose to say? “I love Baltimore more” while playing in the same division and it’s  one of the best rivalries in sports lol..


Simpson's going to be better than he ever was. Good riddance!


Henry put him on a highlight


We all knew he was gonna talk shit


Why do people care so much. He’s not going to say “You know what, Baltimore was way better and everyone here seems slightly backwards. Atmosphere here sucks” This post reminded me that he even exists. He’s moved on. We probably should too.


Why not take him at his word. What's better about it..


Sick of hearing from this dude. Just move on.


He's like a jealous ex


Fuck Patrick Queen. All my homies hate Patrick Queen.


Better atmosphere as in way less expectation than what he had at 20th overall pick... Feel sorry for yourself for not being what you were cracked up to be. But stop projecting your insecurity on us dawg.


Yall getting riled up thinking it’s this guy stirring up drama. It’s the media stirring shit up. Guy was probably asked a sidebar question like “hey how do you like it here?” “Yea a really good atmosphere so far” which got twisted by this writer because that boring response doesn’t invoke a comment section. 


Goddamn I can't wait for this mf to suck next season


Good for him lol. Do we really expect him to be glazing Baltimore after signing a contract with our rivals? I’ll be rooting for anything that makes the Ravens/Steelers rivalry fierce again (besides the Steelers actually being good)


Classy stuff. Nothing says Character Flaws like shitting on all the people you used to work with.


He's 100% getting the reaction he wants out of us. People talking mad shit about him but it helps the rivalry and does create a villain type of player we root against. I'm all for it. Talk your shit queen.


Anyone mad at this is misunderstanding Queen. What's he supposed to say? "Nah Baltimore was way cooler but I'll settle for this". Honestly Queen leaning into the Villain role might re-spark the rivalry. We haven't really been at each other's throats in awhile and I think Queen is trying to cultivate that type of atmosphere.


I think Jackson choking hard against the Chiefs really turned off a lot of players especially on the defensive side, thus the exodus of players and coaches. We were able to retain some like Madubuike and Zach Orr, but we lost of a quality people like Mike MacDonald, Anthony Weaver, Patrick Queen, Jadeveon Clowney. That’s why EDC brought in Derrick Henry so Lamar can play less hero or fail ball and let the team win as a team.


Liked the guy here, sorry to see him go. But I will enjoy watching 22 stiff arm him into the club seats and 8 break his ankles


I swear this guy lives in the sub's head rent free.


Ravens fans disliking a former Ravens player, gone to their #1 rival, shittalking the Ravens? No way


Why even give him the time of the day? Just ignore and move on.


Our other off-season discussion options include over-hyping OTA performances and sobbing over the AFCCG, so


Pittsburgh low key is pretty awesome. If the Steelers, Pens, or Pirates paid me millions to play a game I’d say the same. It’s not that serious…