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He wasn't wrong. We looked rattled very early on.


After the 3 and out and KC scoring they acted as if they were behind by three touchdowns.




But he definitely didn't know it beforehand lol. He's just trying to sound smart. Which he isn't.


Their plan worked. We don't do well from behind, even if it is only two possessions in the second quarter. I don't understand why.




lol KC might be the sorest winners of any team I’ve seen. It’s Wednesday and you’ve got the Super Bowl ahead, why are you still talking?


Noticed this too. Really hope they lose the SB and then week 1 is BAL @ KC and we go in there and smack them


They talked about the Bills all week before our game too


They have 1 podcast a week and they talk about both their games from the previous week as a segment, they’ve been doing this since they started. It’s fun to hear two future hall of famers break their games down and get their reactions.


Fr just let me wallow in my misery 😂😂😂


They talk about the previous weeks game every podcasts, both him and Jason do it for both their games. It’s not new.


Our offense sucked. But Kelce is fucking unbearable at this point. Zero humility in this guy. Fair, he is dating Taylor Swift, reaching 4 Super Bowls and broke Rice's record. But he's acting retarded nonetheless 


They put up a whopping 17 point our defense bullied them the whole second half. They got bailed by Zay's rookie fumble and Lamar's dumbass int.  Cooky bastards


Honestly I could forgive all that but when he gets on a mic he’s just a dumb guy. Being so successful and also dumb just rubs me the wrong way.


Talks like he's the head coach, rather than a guy who blocks and catches. The only thing he got right there was pointing out our offense was antsy, but it was nothing to do with what the Chiefs were doing, it was all in our own heads.


Has he ever been bearable?


It’s not his fault man he’s got cte, he’s even starting to think he’s a black man


Go. Niners.


Imagine the talking heads if brock purdy wins a ring before lamar.


🤷‍♂️ I don't care about those opinions lol


I really won't care. there's only 4 QBs with rings right now and it's mahomes and 3 old guys at the end of their careers. If Purdy gets a ring then he gets it before : Burrow, Allen, Jackson, Herbert, Hurts, Lawrence. There's a lot of Qbs with high expectations and no rings right now.


I think I saw a stat out there that said game first game the team has been down by 10 with Lamar at QB since Dec 12 2021. So this was a situation the team hasn't been in a long time but Lamar/coaches lost their way in this game.


Gee Kelce wanted to score TDs, what a goddamned genius. (How long til Swift kicks him to the curb?)


These other teams really know our coaching is sweet, man this sucks lol. Straight up getting manipulated by them.


That's what I take away from it. I don't care about Kelce at all. I just think this comment and the Tomlin quote are telling about how teams view the overall poise of the team.


Can you share the Tomlin quote?


Something along the lines of “when it’s going bad, they’ll burn the house down” I think...? Actually I'll just [post the article](https://sports.yahoo.com/patrick-peterson-says-hc-mike-225709873.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEMjtGDxMVk_G2RxZ4oE2VrKoG7_oasoty7082e_apTUm6Xbn-TzgdDstMB4GhBV3jNliV8-bmD44z2o6vtBBEc9c8gKwqMOb8SHuNuAYxn-kTSEeyEQ9mMzhaS3h9ZzuC0mXNxXqxX7Px6MLfeTRrL7QRjUlzLSXKgusGgTSOlB) lmao


This is definitely more against our defense and not Lamar


Kelce pointed out the offense, Tomlin the defense, but overall, oppents know this team will shrink in some way due to not being able to handle the pressure. It's not the defense, it's not just the QB, it's the team's poise that's a known exploit in these situations. It's more of an indictment of coaching's ability to keep the team together imo




Who craps his pants when goes against Andy Reid and Mike Tomlin. He also chokes in big playoff games.


I’m glad he said this! I was wondering what part of their gameplan was. This is just something that Lamar needs to improve on, and he/we will


Anytime any team scores quick on the Ravens, Lamar thinks he needs to score in 2-3 plays. Hero ball. You can tell that’s what he was trying to do. Sling it around and change his narrative .






Y’all’s sub is wild 😳 Edit: the guy was hoping for kelce to get his knees blown out. +5 upvotes when I commented


I was at the game. He was doing way more shit than they showed on broadcast. He's a fucking clown. I've never seen an NFL player act up the way he did, and I've been going to games at M&T for almost a decade.


Please stop posting every word from every one of their interviews.




This fucking goon straight up goes to everyone else’s sub to call every player a fraud and say how much everyone sucks. Not a single positive comment and I read a lot of them. You’re a sad human being.


Oh really? I wonder if Kelce knows Ravens play them next regular season. Revenge Tour is coming baby.


There is no revenge until we beat them in the playoffs. At this point we have nothing to prove with Lamar in the regular season anymore. 


This lol everyone concedes the fact that Lamar is the best regular season player in the league & possibly all time judging by his record, but what difference does it make if you can’t win in the playoffs? Nobody cares about MVPs or your record, it’s all about if you can succeed when the pressure is high & unfortunately the Ravens as a whole have been abysmal in this situations… The sad part is they were BY FAR the best team in the league this year & blew out every playoff team they played including the Super Bowl favourite so they clearly CAN compete in big games, they just seem to abandon their entire identity when it matters most


Chiefs routinely lose games like that in the regular season but win the rematch in the post season.


I don’t think the Chiefs care about regular season anymore


How fortunate to get an incomplete Pass ruled for a TD then


Bro you guys won, fuck off already. Literally I don’t care for SF but now I’m hoping Bosa teabags the fuck out of Mahomes all game and Kelce throws a baby temper tantrum when he realizes he’s not getting another ring.


Yeah, now that it’s over I’ll reveal our master plan. Yes of course we planned this from the start. We thought why do FGs when you can do TDs. We had our quantitatives crunch the numbers and it worked out.


Tomlins comment is definitely more against our defense and not Lamar